pred_test.extend(np.array(net(X).cpu().argmax(axis=1))) toc2 = time.time() collections.Counter(pred_test) gt_test = gt[test_indices] - 1 overall_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) confusion_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) each_acc, average_acc = record.aa_and_each_accuracy(confusion_matrix) kappa = metrics.cohen_kappa_score(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]), "./models/" + 'SSRN' + str(round(overall_acc, 3)) + '.pt') KAPPA.append(kappa) OA.append(overall_acc) AA.append(average_acc) TRAINING_TIME.append(toc1 - tic1) TESTING_TIME.append(toc2 - tic2) ELEMENT_ACC[index_iter, :] = each_acc # # Map, Records print("--------" + " Training Finished-----------") record.record_output( OA, AA, KAPPA, ELEMENT_ACC, TRAINING_TIME, TESTING_TIME, './report/' + 'SSRNpatch:' + str(img_rows) + '_' + Dataset + 'split' + str(VALIDATION_SPLIT) + 'lr' + str(lr) + PARAM_OPTIM + '.txt') Utils.generate_png( all_iter, net, gt_hsi, Dataset, device, total_indices, './classification_maps/' + 'SSRNpatch:' + str(img_rows) + '_' + Dataset + 'split' + str(VALIDATION_SPLIT) + 'lr' + str(lr) + PARAM_OPTIM)
overall_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) confusion_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) each_acc, average_acc = record.aa_and_each_accuracy(confusion_matrix) kappa = metrics.cohen_kappa_score(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) net.state_dict(), "./models/S3KAIResNetpatch_" + str(img_rows) + '_' + Dataset + '_split_' + str(VALIDATION_SPLIT) + '_lr_' + str(lr) + PARAM_OPTIM + '_kernel_' + str(PARAM_KERNEL_SIZE) + str( round(overall_acc, 3)) + '.pt') KAPPA.append(kappa) OA.append(overall_acc) AA.append(average_acc) TRAINING_TIME.append(toc1 - tic1) TESTING_TIME.append(toc2 - tic2) ELEMENT_ACC[index_iter, :] = each_acc # # Map, Records print("--------" + " Training Finished-----------") record.record_output( OA, AA, KAPPA, ELEMENT_ACC, TRAINING_TIME, TESTING_TIME, './report/' + 'S3KAIResNetpatch:' + str(img_rows) + '_' + Dataset + 'split' + str(VALIDATION_SPLIT) + 'lr' + str(lr) + PARAM_OPTIM + '_kernel_' + str(PARAM_KERNEL_SIZE) + '.txt') Utils.generate_png( all_iter, net, gt_hsi, Dataset, device, total_indices, './classification_maps/' + 'S3KAIResNetpatch:' + str(img_rows) + '_' + Dataset + 'split' + str(VALIDATION_SPLIT) + 'lr' + str(lr) + PARAM_OPTIM + '_kernel_' + str(PARAM_KERNEL_SIZE))
for X, y in test_iter: X = net.eval() y_hat = net(X) pred_test.extend(np.array(net(X).cpu().argmax(axis=1))) toc2 = time.clock() collections.Counter(pred_test) gt_test = gt[test_indices] - 1 overall_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) confusion_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) each_acc, average_acc = aa_and_each_accuracy(confusion_matrix) kappa = metrics.cohen_kappa_score(pred_test, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]), "./models/" + str(round(overall_acc, 3)) + '.pt') KAPPA.append(kappa) OA.append(overall_acc) AA.append(average_acc) TRAINING_TIME.append(toc1 - tic1) TESTING_TIME.append(toc2 - tic2) ELEMENT_ACC[index_iter, :] = each_acc print("--------" + + " Training Finished-----------") record.record_output( OA, AA, KAPPA, ELEMENT_ACC, TRAINING_TIME, TESTING_TIME, 'records/' + + 'Patch' + str(2 * PATCH_LENGTH + 1) + 'Time' + day_str + '_' + Dataset + 'TrainingSamples' + str(SAMPLES_NUM) + 'lr:' + str(lr) + '.txt') generate_png(all_iter, net, gt_hsi, Dataset, device, total_indices)
def startDetection(self): #self.printStart() self.datanum = self.comboBox.currentIndex() self.learningrate = self.lineEdit.text() self.trainRate = self.lineEdit_2.text() lr = float(self.learningrate) print("lr = ", lr) if self.datanum == 0: dataset = 'IN' elif self.datanum == 1: dataset = 'SA' elif self.datanum == 2: dataset = 'UP' print("dataset = ", dataset) split = 1 - float(self.trainRate) print("split = ", split) #self.printf('-----Importing Dataset-----') print('-----Importing Dataset-----') Dataset = dataset.upper() data_hsi, gt_hsi, TOTAL_SIZE, TRAIN_SIZE, VALIDATION_SPLIT = load_dataset(Dataset, split) print(data_hsi.shape) image_x, image_y, BAND = data_hsi.shape data = data_hsi.reshape([:2]),[2:])) # prod():连乘函数 gt = gt_hsi.reshape([:2]), ) CLASSES_NUM = max(gt) CLASSTYPE = 13 self.printf('The target to be detected is: wood') print('The class numbers of the HSI data is:', CLASSES_NUM) #self.printf('-----Importing Setting Parameters-----') print('-----Importing Setting Parameters-----') INPUT_DIMENSION = data_hsi.shape[2] data = preprocessing.scale(data) # sklearn里面的--Standardize a dataset along any axis data_ = data.reshape(data_hsi.shape[0], data_hsi.shape[1], data_hsi.shape[2]) whole_data = data_ padded_data = np.lib.pad(whole_data, ((PATCH_LENGTH, PATCH_LENGTH), (PATCH_LENGTH, PATCH_LENGTH), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) for index_iter in range(ITER): #self.printf('iter:'+ str(index_iter)) print('iter:', index_iter) #net = network.network_mish(BAND, CLASSES_NUM, INPUT_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, NUM_LAYERS, device) # net = network.DBDA_network_MISH(BAND, CLASSES_NUM) #net.load_state_dict(torch.load('net/', map_location=device)) net = torch.load('net/IN-WOOD_DETECTIONclasstype=13.pth', map_location='cpu') optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr, amsgrad=False) # , weight_decay=0.0001) time_1 = int(time.time()) np.random.seed(seeds[index_iter]) train_indices, test_indices = sampling(VALIDATION_SPLIT, gt) _, total_indices = sampling(1, gt) TRAIN_SIZE = len(train_indices) self.printf('Train size: ' + str(TRAIN_SIZE)) print('Train size: ', TRAIN_SIZE) TEST_SIZE = TOTAL_SIZE - TRAIN_SIZE self.printf('Test size: ' + str(TEST_SIZE)) print('Test size: ', TEST_SIZE) VAL_SIZE = int(TRAIN_SIZE) self.printf('Validation size: ' + str(VAL_SIZE)) print('Validation size: ', VAL_SIZE) #self.printf('-----Selecting Small Pieces from the Original Cube Data-----') print('-----Selecting Small Pieces from the Original Cube Data-----') train_iter, valida_iter, test_iter, all_iter = generate_iter(TRAIN_SIZE, train_indices, TEST_SIZE, test_indices, TOTAL_SIZE, total_indices, VAL_SIZE, whole_data, PATCH_LENGTH, padded_data, INPUT_DIMENSION, batch_size, gt) # train tic1 = time.perf_counter() # print("tic1 = ", tic1) #train.train(net, train_iter, valida_iter, loss, optimizer, device, epochs=num_epochs) toc1 = time.perf_counter() # print("toc1 = ", toc1) pred_test_fdssc = [] pred_test_possb = [] tic2 = time.perf_counter() # print("tic2 = ", tic2) with torch.no_grad(): for X, y in test_iter: X = net.eval() # 评估模式 y_hat = sigmoid(net(X).cpu()) # print(net(X)) pred_test_possb.extend(y_hat.cpu().numpy().tolist()) pred_test_fdssc.extend(np.array(net(X).cpu().argmax(axis=1))) toc2 = time.perf_counter() # print("toc2 = ", toc2) collections.Counter(pred_test_fdssc) gt_test = gt[test_indices] - 1 pred_test_possbofclass = [i[CLASSTYPE] for i in pred_test_possb] gt_re4roc = np.where(gt == CLASSTYPE, 1, 0) #评估 fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE], pred_test_possbofclass, pos_label=CLASSTYPE) # print("fpr = ", fpr) # print("tpr = ", tpr) roc_auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) self.AUC.append(roc_auc) #plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color='darkorange', label='ROC curve (area = %0.4f)' % roc_auc) #plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') #plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') #plt.grid() overall_acc_fdssc = metrics.accuracy_score(pred_test_fdssc, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) confusion_matrix_fdssc = metrics.confusion_matrix(pred_test_fdssc, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) each_acc_fdssc, average_acc_fdssc = aa_and_each_accuracy(confusion_matrix_fdssc) # from kappa = metrics.cohen_kappa_score(pred_test_fdssc, gt_test[:-VAL_SIZE]) #, "./net/" + str(round(overall_acc_fdssc, 3)) + '.pt') self.KAPPA.append(kappa) self.OA.append(overall_acc_fdssc) # OA.append('test') self.AA.append(average_acc_fdssc) self.TRAINING_TIME.append(toc1 - tic1) self.TESTING_TIME.append(toc2 - tic2) # ELEMENT_ACC[index_iter, :] = each_acc_fdssc self.printf("--------" + + " Training Finished-----------") print("--------Network Training Finished-----------") #print(self.OA) record.record_output(self.OA, self.AA, self.KAPPA, self.AUC, self.TRAINING_TIME, self.TESTING_TIME, 'records/' + + day_str + '_' + Dataset + 'split:' + str(VALIDATION_SPLIT) + 'lr:' + str(lr) + '.txt') generate_png(all_iter, net, gt_hsi, Dataset, device, total_indices, CLASSTYPE) self.picpath_res = + '/detection_maps/' + Dataset + '_' + + '.png' self.picpath_gt = + '/detection_maps/' + Dataset + '_gt.png'