def db_connect(self): if self.db_type == "mysql": database_url = "mysql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}".format( self.username, self.password,, self.port, self.db_name) db = records.Database(database_url, connect_args={"charset": "utf8"}) if self.db_type == "oracle": try: database_url = "oracle+cx_oracle://{}:{}@{}:{}/?service_name={}".format( self.username, self.password,, self.port, self.db_name) db = records.Database(database_url) except: database_url = "oracle+cx_oracle://{}:{}@{}:{}/?sid={}".format( self.username, self.password,, self.port, self.db_name) db = records.Database(database_url) if self.db_type == "mssql": database_url = "mssql+pymssql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}".format( self.username, self.password,, self.port, self.db_name) db = records.Database(database_url, connect_args={"charset": "utf8"}) return db
def get_db(self): if self.db is None: if 'sqlite' == self.dbtype: db = records.Database('sqlite:///%s' % self.dbname) elif 'mysql' == self.dbtype: db = records.Database('mysql+pymysql://%s:%s@%s/%s?charset=utf8' % (self.dbuser, self.dbpass, self.dbaddr, self.dbname)) self.db = db return self.db
def initialize(self): if not os.path.exists("shell.db"): self.db = records.Database('sqlite:///shell.db', connect_args={'check_same_thread': False}) self.db.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS shell') self.db.query( 'CREATE TABLE shell (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY autoincrement,types text,shell text, passwd text, config text ,remark text, typeid text,coding text,createdtime text,updatetime,text)') else: self.db = records.Database('sqlite:///shell.db', connect_args={'check_same_thread': False})
def __init__(self, collection, configfile='./config/config.json') -> None: with open(configfile) as config_file: config = json.load(config_file) if (collection in [*config["collections_info_backend"]]): self.db = records.Database( config["collections_info_backend"][collection]) else: self.db = records.Database( config["collections_info_backend"]['default'])
def __init__(self, dbname=None, server=None, username=None, pwd=None, port=None): server = server or MYSQL_SERVER[ENV].value username = username or MYSQL_USER pwd = pwd or MYSQL_PASSWORD port = port or DEF_MYSQL_PORT if dbname: self.db = records.Database( 'mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(username, pwd, server, port, dbname)) else: self.db = records.Database( 'mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}:{}'.format(username, pwd, server, port))
def test_christmas(self, info): url = self.hosts + "/api/activity/christmas/join" for i in info: headers = {'Authorization': i["token"]} a = 10 a = a + 10 available_before = self.account.query( "SELECT available from account_balance WHERE user_id =%s and currency_id = 64" % i["uid"]) available_before = available_before.dataset._data[0][0] print("该用户持仓数量:" + str(available_before)) account = records.Database( 'mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]:3306/btb_account?charset=utf8' ) reward_pool = account.query( "SELECT available from account_balance WHERE account_no = 'ACN00527601385577701445323' and currency_id = 64" ) reward_pool = reward_pool.dataset._data[0][0] print("奖池余额:" + str(reward_pool)) result =, headers=headers) result = json.loads(result.text) if result["code"] == 0 and result["data"] != "": account = records.Database( 'mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]:3306/btb_account?charset=utf8' ) available_after = account.query( "SELECT available from account_balance WHERE user_id =%s and currency_id = 64" % i["uid"]) available_after = available_after.dataset._data[0][0] print("用户id:" + str(i["uid"])) print("用户助力后余额:" + str(available_after)) if available_after - available_before != 3: print("测试失败") else: print("测试成功") elif result["code"] == 502: if available_before < 10000: print("测试通过,用户持仓不足10000") elif reward_pool < 3: print("测试成功,帐户余额不足") elif reward_pool > 3: print("测试失败") elif result["code"] == 0 and result["data"] == "": print("测试通过, 再次点击") else: print("请求失败")
def create_user(can, name, display_name, phone_number, active=True): """ Create a new user. :param can: CAN (compulsory) :param name: Username (not compulsory) :param display_name: Friendly name for display on UI (compulsory) :param phone_number: Phone number for push notifs (not compulsory) :param active: Is active (defaults to True) :return: Id of new user or False if couldn't create """ # prepare the params in one nice block here before passing it into the query params = { 'can': transform_can_to_canonical(can), 'name': str(name), 'display_name': str(display_name), 'phone_number': str(phone_number), 'active': bool(active) } with records.Database(DATABASE_URL) as db: try: return db.query( ''' INSERT INTO users ( can, name, display_name, phone_number, active ) VALUES (:can,:name,:display_name,:phone_number,:active) RETURNING id; ''', **params).first()['id'] except IntegrityError as e: print('IntegrityError! {}'.format(repr(e))) return False
def __init__(self, database_url): self.logger = api_logger() try: self.db = records.Database(database_url) except Exception, e: self.logger.error(e.message) raise e
def start_callback(payload, event): sender_id = event.sender_id.decode('utf-8') pg.typing_on(sender_id) db = records.Database('mysql://<user>:<password>@<url>:3306/db') rec = db.query("select * from user where fbid = %s" % sender_id) if len(rec.as_dict()) == 0: user = pg.get_user_profile(sender_id)[u'first_name'] pg.send(sender_id, "Hey %s, please send me your MAC ID" % user) else: pg.typing_on(sender_id) quick_replies = [ { 'title': 'Charging status', 'payload': 'charge_stat' }, { 'title': 'Last saved', 'payload': 'l_saved' }, { 'title': 'Total saving', 'payload': 'c_saved' }, ] pg.send(sender_id, "What do you want to know?", quick_replies=quick_replies)
def reloadMySql(dbname): mysql_dict = db_config.config.get(dbname) if mysql_dict: database_url = "mysql+pymysql://{user}:{passwd}@{host}:{port}/{db}".format( **mysql_dict) # 设置连接池的失效时间,解决"MySQL server has gone away" DBMySql.db_mysql[dbname] = records.Database(database_url, pool_recycle=60*50)
def __init__(self): """Initiate username , password , name of the database and connect.""" self.db_name = DB_NAME self.db_username = DB_USER self.db_password = DB_PASS self.db = records.Database('mysql+mysqlconnector://{}:{}@localhost/?charset=utf8mb4' .format(self.db_username, self.db_password))
def psqlGetRecord(uuid, table_name): '''Returns an individual record from database table given using "uuid" to query for it. ''' #Connect to database db = records.Database("postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/testdb") #Create database query string db_query_string = "SELECT * FROM " + table_name + " WHERE uuid='" + uuid + "'" try: #Query the database row = db.query(db_query_string) #Convert result to JSON format and return row_json = row.dataset.json except Exception: err_msg = "Query not successful." err_json = {"Error": err_msg} return err_json #Convert to Python dictionary, row_json is array of length 1 with all data at index 0 result = json.loads(row_json)[0] #Convert indexData field from json string to python dict result["indexData"] = json.loads(result["indexData"]) return result
def __init__(self, storage: dict): db_url = storage.get("DB_URL") self.db = records.Database(db_url) self.db.query("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ToApi`(`url` VARCHAR(100), `html` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY ( `url` ))ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;""" )
def dump(): table_names = ['project_project'] db = records.Database(setting.DATABASE_URL) for table_name in table_names: dump_detail(db, table_name)
def ew_MQTT_m2m(as_topic, as_code): is_decode_str = 'ERR: 没有找到那个消息' i_topic = as_topic is_in = as_code is_t = i_topic.split('/', 2)[2] is_vendor, is_model, is_ver, is_client = is_t.split('/', 4) db = records.Database(mqtt_sql_s) if is_vendor == 'ewide': if is_model == 'smartpipe': if is_ver == 'JV1': list_ins = json.loads(is_in) # json读取 df_run = json_normalize(list_ins) # json 转 dataframe # 通过编号得到ID sql_pipe_id = "SELECT id FROM smartpipe_smartpipe where sn = '{}'".format(is_client) rows = db.query(sql_pipe_id) i_pipe_id = rows[0]['id'] # 设备ID # 整理插入df df_run["pipe_id_id"] = i_pipe_id df_run1 = df_run[["pipe_id_id", "collection_time", "pressure", "ins_flow", "tem", "power"]] \ .to_json(orient="records", force_ascii=False) # 转换list list_run1 = json.loads(df_run1) # 执行插入 t_sql = "insert smartpipe_pipedetail(pipe_id_id, collection_time,pressure, ins_flow, tem, power ) \ values (:pipe_id_id, :collection_time, :pressure, :ins_flow, :tem, :power) " db.bulk_query(t_sql, list_run1) return 'OK ewide smartpipe run' return is_decode_str
def db_insert(): host = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'host') # port = config.get_config_int('DATABASE', 'port') port = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'port') #这里端口号因为是跟其他参数一个整体,都是str型 user = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'user') password = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'password') dbname = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'dbname') charset = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'charset') table = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'table') # # 获取数据库 # db = records.Database('mysql+pymysql://root:@localhost:3306/dev01_git') # db_url = 'mysql+pymysql://' + user + ':' + passwd + '@' + str(host) + ':' + str(port) + '/' + db db_url = 'mysql+pymysql://' + user + ':' + password + '@' + host + ':' + port + '/' + dbname + '?' + 'charset' + '=' + charset print(db_url) # connect = records.Database('mysql+pymysql://用户名:密码@sqlURl:sql端号/库名') # db = records.Database(db_url,connect_args={'charset' : 'utf8'}) db = records.Database(db_url) # 查询 data = {'name': '李德涛', 'income': 6000} # rows = db.query('select * from test_data where name = "李德涛";') # sql = 'select * from '+ table + ' where name =: name and incom =: income',**data # print(sql) rows = db.query( 'select * from ' + table + ' where name =: name and incom =: income', **data) # print(rows.all().encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')) print(rows.all()) #导出为excel xlsx_rows = rows.export('xlsx') # xlsx = xlsx_rows.encode() with open('test.xlsx', 'wb') as f: f.write(xlsx_rows)
def db_read(): host = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'host') # port = config.get_config_int('DATABASE', 'port') port = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'port') #这里端口号因为是跟其他参数一个整体,都是str型 user = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'user') password = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'password') dbname = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'dbname') charset = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'charset') table = config.get_config_str('DATABASE', 'table') # # 获取数据库 # db = records.Database('mysql+pymysql://root:@localhost:3306/dev01_git') # db_url = 'mysql+pymysql://' + user + ':' + passwd + '@' + str(host) + ':' + str(port) + '/' + db db_url = 'mysql+pymysql://' + user + ':' + password + '@' + host + ':' + port + '/' + dbname + '?' + 'charset' + '=' + charset print(db_url) # connect = records.Database('mysql+pymysql://用户名:密码@sqlURl:sql端号/库名') # db = records.Database(db_url,connect_args={'charset' : 'utf8'}) db = records.Database(db_url) # 查询 # rows = db.query('select * from test_data where name = "李德涛";') sql1 = 'select * from ' + table + ';' # sql = 'select * from '+ table + ' where name = "李德涛";' print(sql1) rows = db.query(sql1) prin
def write_to_db(name, algotext, perf, parameters, start, end): digest = hashlib.md5(algotext.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() db = records.Database(config['database']['url']) db.query(""" insert into strategies (name, body, md5sum) values (:name, :body, :checksum) on conflict do nothing """, name=name, body=algotext, checksum=digest) result = db.query( """ insert into test_runs (strategy_id, securities, parameters, results, pickle, created_at, starts_at, ends_at) values ( (select id from strategies where md5sum = :strategy_checksum), :securities, :parameters, :results, :pickle_data, now(), :starts_at, :ends_at ) returning id """, strategy_checksum=digest, securities=parameters['securities'], parameters=json.dumps(parameters), results=json.dumps({}), pickle_data=pickle.dumps(perf), starts_at=start, ends_at=end, ) run_id = result.all()[0].id print("Test run saved as {run_id}".format(run_id=run_id))
def __init__(self): tornado_settings = dict( debug=False, static_path=get_path('static'), ) tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, url_handlers, **tornado_settings) # Mac 环境下 records.Database 创建数据库连接这一步会卡住,不知道什么原因 if sys.platform != 'darwin': self.database = records.Database('sqlite:///' + get_path('data/database.db')) sql = "select name from sqlite_master where type='table' order by name" with self.database.get_connection() as conn: rows = conn.query(sql).as_dict() name_set = set([t['name'] for t in rows]) if 'interceptor' not in name_set: with self.database.get_connection() as conn: conn.query(SQL_CREATE_TABLE_INTERCEPTOR) if 'http_history' not in name_set: with self.database.get_connection() as conn: conn.query(SQL_CREATE_TABLE_HTTP_HISTORY) for t in SQL_CREATE_INDEX_HTTP_HISTORY: conn.query(t) else: self.database = None
def __init__(self): # Config file where the informations are stocked config_file = 'config.ini' parser = ConfigParser() section = 'mysql' if section in parser: # create the url to connect to the database user = parser.get(section, 'user') + ':' passwd = parser.get(section, 'passwd') + '@' host = parser.get(section, 'host') + '/' db = parser.get(section, 'db') _connect = 'mysql+mysqldb://' _connect += user _connect += passwd _connect += host _connect += db self._db = records.Database(_connect) # Check if the databse is not empty data = self._db.query('SELECT id_product FROM products LIMIT 1') # If the database is empty, load the database if data.first() is None: success = self.update_database() if success is False: print("Une erreur s'est produite avec la base de données")
def get_leaderboard(limit=10, as_json=False): """ Get the leaderboard. Returns first 10 rows only! champion = get_leaderboard()[0]['display_name'] -> top user :param limit: Where to cut off the leaderboard (show the top <limit> users) :return a list of Record types """ limit = int(limit) with records.Database(DATABASE_URL) as db: # This is a complex query (compared to the other stuff in here) but the # gist is that it: # - calculates the per-user sum of item scores # - joins that to all the users in the database, using 0 for missing # scores (so all users are represented) # - sorts it so that the top scorer is first # - limiting the result to :limit (by default 10) records. rows = db.query(''' SELECT,, users.display_name, COALESCE(it.score_sum, 0) AS score_sum FROM users LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM(items.score) As score_sum, items.deposited_by FROM items GROUP BY items.deposited_by ) AS it ON it.deposited_by = ORDER BY score_sum DESC LIMIT :limit; ''', limit=limit) return rows.export('json') if as_json else rows.all()
def database(): database = records.Database('sqlite://') database.query("create table steps ( step_text text )") database.query("insert into steps values ( 'Example step 0' )") database.query("insert into steps values ( 'Example step 1' )") database.query("insert into steps values ( 'Example step 2' )") yield database
def create_user(can, name, display_name, phone_number, active=True): """ Create a new user. :param can: CAN (compulsory) :param name: Username (not compulsory) :param display_name: Friendly name for display on UI (compulsory) :param phone_number: Phone number for push notifs (not compulsory) :param active: Is active (defaults to True) :return: Id of new user or False if couldn't create """ params = { 'can': transform_can_to_canonical(can), 'name': str(name), 'display_name': str(display_name), 'phone_number': str(phone_number), 'active': bool(active) } with records.Database(DATABASE_URL) as db: try: db.query( ''' INSERT INTO Users (can, name, display_name, phone_number, active) VALUES (:can,:name,:display_name,:phone_number,:active); ''', **params) # second round trip is terribly expensive but records is so cool... return db.query('SELECT last_insert_id() AS id;').first()['id'] except IntegrityError as e: print('IntegrityError! {}'.format(repr(e))) return False
def get_roster_from_country(): country = request.args.get("team") db = records.Database('sqlite:///wcdata/worldcupplayers.db') players = db.query( '''select matchid, playername, event, shirtnumber from worldcupplayers where teaminit = {}''' .format("'" + country + "'")).all() return players
def pg_conn(): # Gets environment variable DATABASE_URL from the pipenv .env file # when the environment is activated with 'pipenv shell' or 'pipenv run' DATABASE_URL = os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] db = records.Database(DATABASE_URL) return db
def generate_from_tables(db_url, destination, sources, qualify=False, type_cast=False): """ Generates an `INSERT INTO... SELECT FROM` SQL statement. Args: db_url (str): Database URL in SQLAlchemy format destination (str): Name of table to INSERT into sources (list): Names of tables to select from, in order of preference qualify (bool): Qualify column names with table name even if only one table type_cast (bool): Cast values to destination data type where needed Returns: str: A SQL statement """ db = records.Database(db_url) dest_column_block = [] source_column_block = [] # Each column should have only one source - sources listed first take # precedence source_columns = {} for source in reversed(sources): source_columns.update( {col.column_name: col for col in col_data(db, source)}) qualify = (len(sources) > 1) or qualify for dest_col in col_data(db, destination): dest_column_block.append(INDENT + dest_col.column_name) source_col = source_columns.get(dest_col.column_name) if source_col: if qualify: source_expr = '{}.{}'.format(source_col.table_name, source_col.column_name) else: source_expr = source_col.column_name else: source_expr = no_value(db_url) if type_cast and ((not source_col) or source_col.data_type != dest_col.data_type): source_expr = cast(source_expr, new_type=dest_col.data_type, db_url=db_url) source_column_block.append('{}{}, -- ==> {}'.format( INDENT, source_expr, dest_col.column_name)) dest_column_block = ',\n'.join(dest_column_block) source_column_block = '\n'.join(source_column_block) source_column_block = remove_last(source_column_block, ',') from_clause = build_from_clause(sources) return INSERT_TEMPLATE.format(**locals())
def get_data(db_url): """ Returns data from the database """ logger.debug("Reading data from groople") db = records.Database(db_url) config_file = pathlib.Path(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent, "config.yml") config = yaml.load(open(config_file, 'r'), Loader=Loader) return groople.get_all_activities(db, config)
def movie(): if request.method == 'POST': # get form data m_title = request.form.get('title').lower() m_year = request.form.get('year').lower() m_genre = request.form.get('genre').lower() m_description = request.form.get('description').lower() m_rating = request.form.get('rating').lower() print(m_title, m_year, m_genre, m_description, m_rating) db = records.Database(DB) # connecting to database print("Connected to DB") tx = db.transaction() # init db transaction try: print("Adding record") query = ('INSERT INTO movies (title, year, genre, ' 'description, rating) VALUES(:title, :year, ' ':genre, :description, :rating)') print(query) db.query(query, title=m_title, year=m_year, genre=m_genre, description=m_description, rating=m_rating) tx.commit() # commit changes print("Success: record added") except: tx.rollback() # rollback if error adding data print("Error adding record") finally: return redirect(url_for('index')) else: return render_template('add-movie.html')
def create(self): """Create schema.""" db = records.Database( f"mysql+mysqlconnector://{DB_USER}:{DB_PASSWORD}@{DB_HOST}:3306/") db.query(f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS `{self.db_name}` " "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4;") db.close()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): config = ReadConfig().getConfig() self._dburl = "mysql+pymysql://" + config['mysql'][ 'user'] + ":" + config['mysql']['passwd'] + "@" + config['mysql'][ 'host'] + ":3306/" + config['mysql']['db'] + "?charset=utf8mb4" self._conn = records.Database(self._dburl) self._writeEngine = create_engine(self._dburl, echo=True)