Exemple #1
    async def remove_user(self, user: discord.User, config: Config):
        """Removes user from club lists."""
        def choose_new_pres(pool: list):
                new_pres = random.choice(pool)
                # Remove it from pool.
                # Set it as new president.
                self.president = new_pres
                return True
            except IndexError:
                return False

        if user in self.all_members:

        if user.id == self.president.id:
            if not choose_new_pres(self.vice_presidents):
                if not choose_new_pres(self.seniors):
                    if not choose_new_pres(self.members):
                        # Empty club, remove it from database.
                        async with config.clubs() as clubs:
                            where = next(i for i, d in enumerate(clubs)
                                         if d.get('id') == self.id)
                            del clubs[where]
                            return True
            if user in self.vice_presidents:
            elif user in self.seniors:
            elif user in self.members:

        await self.update_club(config)
Exemple #2
    async def update_club(self, config: Config):
        """Updates club in the bot database."""

        async with config.clubs() as clubs:
            where = next(i for i, d in enumerate(clubs)
                         if d.get('id') == self.id)
            clubs[where] = self.to_json()
            return True
Exemple #3
    async def create_club(cls, config: Config, ctx: Context):
        """Interactive club creation process.

        This function creates the club, adds it to both user and global database
        and returns the club object. It also adjusts the `club_id_length` if required.

        All errors must be handled in the caller function.
        async def get_input(timeout=30):
            pred = await ctx.bot.wait_for(
            if pred.content.strip().lower() == "cancel":
                raise CancellationError

            return pred.content.strip()

        data = {}

        await ctx.send(
            ":tada: Let's create your club! First, what name do you want the club to have?"
            " Note that it cannot be changed later!")
        data["name"] = await get_input()

        await ctx.send(
            "Set the name! Now, what do you want to set as the server description?"
        data["description"] = await get_input(60)

        await ctx.send(
            "Set the description! What should be the required trophies?"
            " Enter a number. (without commas)")
        data["required_trophies"] = int(await get_input())

        await ctx.send("Set required trophies! Select a icon for the club!"
                       " Enter the number corresponding to icon of choice.")
        data["icon_num"] = int(await get_input(60))

        await ctx.send("Set club icon! Now, enter a location for your club!")
        data["location"] = await get_input()

        await ctx.send(
            "Set the location. Lastly, what kind of club do you want to create?"
            " Enter one of `open`, `closed`, or `invite`.")
        club_type = await get_input()
        if club_type.strip().lower() not in ["open", "closed", "invite"]:
            # We raise `NameError` instead of `ValueError` to keep
            # it separate from the above `int` conversions.
            raise NameError
            data["ctype"] = club_type

        data["president"] = ctx.author

        await ctx.send(f"All set! Club created! :tada:")

        default_length = await config.club_id_length()
        async with config.clubs() as clubs:
            # First we get all club IDs we've used so far to get an ID for our new club.
            ids = [c["id"] for c in clubs]
            data["id"], new_length = cls.get_club_id(ids, default_length)
            club = cls(data)

        await config.user(ctx.author).club.set(club.id)

        if default_length != new_length:
            await config.club_id_length.set(new_length)

        return club