Exemple #1
class RedFetcher(RedState):
    Fetches the given URI (with the provided method, headers and body) and
      - status_cb as it progresses, and
      - every function in the body_procs list with each chunk of the body, and
      - done_cb when all tasks are done.
    If provided, type indicates the type of the request, and is used to
    help set notes and status_cb appropriately.

    The done() method is called when the response is done, NOT when all
    tasks are done. It can add tasks by calling add_task().

    client = RedHttpClient()

    def __init__(self, iri, method="GET", req_hdrs=None, req_body=None,
                 status_cb=None, body_procs=None, name=None):
        RedState.__init__(self, name)
        self.request = HttpRequest(self.notes, self.name)
        self.request.method = method
        self.request.headers = req_hdrs or []
        self.request.payload = req_body
        self.response = HttpResponse(self.notes, self.name)
        self.response.is_head_response = (method == "HEAD")
        self.response.base_uri = self.request.uri
        self.response.set_decoded_procs(body_procs or [])
        self.exchange = None
        self.status_cb = status_cb
        self.done_cb = None
        self.outstanding_tasks = 0
        self._st = [] # FIXME: this is temporary, for debugging thor

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        del state['exchange']
        del state['status_cb']
        del state['done_cb']
        return state

    def add_task(self, task, *args):
        "Remeber that we've started a task."
        self.outstanding_tasks += 1
        self._st.append('add_task(%s)' % str(task))
        task(*args, done_cb=self.finish_task)

    def finish_task(self):
        "Note that we've finished a task, and see if we're done."
        self.outstanding_tasks -= 1
        assert self.outstanding_tasks >= 0, self._st
        if self.outstanding_tasks == 0:
            if self.done_cb:
                self.done_cb = None
            # clean up potentially cyclic references
            self.status_cb = None

    def done(self):
        "Callback for when the response is complete and analysed."
        raise NotImplementedError

    def preflight(self):
        Callback to check to see if we should bother running. Return True
        if so; False if not.
        return True
    def run(self, done_cb=None):
        Make an asynchronous HTTP request to uri, calling status_cb as it's
        updated and done_cb when it's done. Reason is used to explain what the
        request is in the status callback.
        self.outstanding_tasks += 1
        self._st.append('run(%s)' % str(done_cb))
        self.done_cb = done_cb
        if not self.preflight() or self.request.uri == None:
            # generally a good sign that we're not going much further.
        if 'user-agent' not in [i[0].lower() for i in self.request.headers]:
                (u"User-Agent", u"RED/%s (http://redbot.org/)" % __version__))
        self.exchange = self.client.exchange()
        self.exchange.on('response_start', self._response_start)
        self.exchange.on('response_body', self._response_body)
        self.exchange.on('response_done', self._response_done)
        self.exchange.on('error', self._response_error)
        if self.status_cb and self.name:
            self.status_cb("fetching %s (%s)" % (
                self.request.uri, self.name
        req_hdrs = [
            (k.encode('ascii', 'replace'), v.encode('latin-1', 'replace')) \
            for (k, v) in self.request.headers
            self.request.method, self.request.uri, req_hdrs
        self.request.start_time = thor.time()
        if self.request.payload != None:

    def _response_start(self, status, phrase, res_headers):
        "Process the response start-line and headers."
        self._st.append('_response_start(%s, %s)' % (status, phrase))
        self.response.start_time = thor.time()
        self.response.version = self.exchange.res_version
        self.response.status_code = status.decode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
        self.response.status_phrase = phrase.decode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
        StatusChecker(self.response, self.request)
        checkCaching(self.response, self.request)

    def _response_body(self, chunk):
        "Process a chunk of the response body."

    def _response_done(self, trailers):
        "Finish analysing the response, handling any parse errors."
        self.response.complete_time = thor.time()
        self.response.transfer_length = self.exchange.input_transfer_length
        self.response.header_length = self.exchange.input_header_length
        self.response.body_done(True, trailers)
        if self.status_cb and self.name:
            self.status_cb("fetched %s (%s)" % (
                self.request.uri, self.name

    def _response_error(self, error):
        "Handle an error encountered while fetching the response."
        self._st.append('_response_error(%s)' % (str(error)))
        self.response.complete_time = thor.time()
        self.response.http_error = error
        if isinstance(error, httperr.BodyForbiddenError):
            self.add_note('header-none', rs.BODY_NOT_ALLOWED)
#        elif isinstance(error, httperr.ExtraDataErr):
#            res.payload_len += len(err.get('detail', ''))
        elif isinstance(error, httperr.ChunkError):
            err_msg = error.detail[:20] or ""
            self.add_note('header-transfer-encoding', rs.BAD_CHUNK,
Exemple #2
class RedFetcher(RedState):
    Abstract class for a fetcher.

    Fetches the given URI (with the provided method, headers and body) and
      - status_cb as it progresses, and
      - every function in the body_procs list with each chunk of the body, and
      - done_cb when all tasks are done.
    If provided, type indicates the type of the request, and is used to
    help set notes and status_cb appropriately.

    The done() method is called when the response is done, NOT when all
    tasks are done. It can add tasks by calling add_task().

    client = RedHttpClient()
    robot_files = {} # cache of robots.txt
    robot_cache_dir = None
    robot_lookups = {}

    def __init__(self, iri, method="GET", req_hdrs=None, req_body=None,
                 status_cb=None, body_procs=None, name=None):
        RedState.__init__(self, name)
        self.request = HttpRequest(self.notes, self.name)
        self.request.method = method
        self.request.headers = req_hdrs or []
        self.request.payload = req_body
        self.response = HttpResponse(self.notes, self.name)
        self.response.is_head_response = (method == "HEAD")
        self.response.base_uri = self.request.uri
        self.response.set_decoded_procs(body_procs or [])
        self.exchange = None
        self.status_cb = status_cb
        self.done_cb = None # really should be "all tasks done"
        self.outstanding_tasks = 0
        self.follow_robots_txt = True # Should we pay attention to robots file?
        self._st = [] # FIXME: this is temporary, for debugging thor

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        del state['exchange']
        del state['status_cb']
        del state['done_cb']
        return state

    def add_task(self, task, *args):
        "Remeber that we've started a task."
        self.outstanding_tasks += 1
        self._st.append('add_task(%s)' % str(task))
        task(*args, done_cb=self.finish_task)

    def finish_task(self):
        "Note that we've finished a task, and see if we're done."
        self.outstanding_tasks -= 1
        assert self.outstanding_tasks >= 0, self._st
        if self.outstanding_tasks == 0:
            if self.done_cb:
                self.done_cb = None
            # clean up potentially cyclic references
            self.status_cb = None

    def done(self):
        "Callback for when the response is complete and analysed."
        raise NotImplementedError

    def preflight(self):
        Callback to check to see if we should bother running. Return True
        if so; False if not.
        return True

    def fetch_robots_txt(self, url, cb, network=True):
        Fetch the robots.txt URL and then feed the response to cb.
        If the status code is not 200, send a blank doc back.

        If network is False, we won't use the network, will return the result
        immediately if cached, and will assume it's OK if we don't have a
        cached file.

        origin = url_to_origin(self.request.uri)
        if origin == None:
            return ""
        origin_hash = hashlib.sha1(origin).hexdigest()

        if self.robot_files.has_key(origin):
            # FIXME: freshness lifetime
            return self.robot_files[origin]

        if self.robot_cache_dir:
            robot_fd = CacheFile(path.join(self.robot_cache_dir, origin_hash))
            cached_robots_txt = robot_fd.read()
            if cached_robots_txt != None:
                return cached_robots_txt

        if not network:
            return ""

        if self.robot_lookups.has_key(origin):
            self.robot_lookups[origin] = [cb]
            exchange = self.client.exchange()
            def response_start(status, phrase, headers):
                exchange.status = status

            exchange.res_body = ""
            def response_body(chunk):
                exchange.res_body += chunk

            def response_done(trailers):
                if not exchange.status.startswith("2"):
                    robots_txt = ""
                    robots_txt = exchange.res_body

                self.robot_files[origin] = robots_txt
                if self.robot_cache_dir:
                    robot_fd = CacheFile(
                        path.join(self.robot_cache_dir, origin_hash))
                    robot_fd.write(robots_txt, 60*30)

                for _cb in self.robot_lookups[origin]:
                del self.robot_lookups[origin]

            p_url = urlsplit(url)
            robots_url = "%s://%s/robots.txt" % (p_url.scheme, p_url.netloc)
            exchange.request_start("GET", robots_url,
                [('User-Agent', UA_STRING)])

    def run(self, done_cb=None):
        Make an asynchronous HTTP request to uri, calling status_cb as it's
        updated and done_cb when it's done. Reason is used to explain what the
        request is in the status callback.
        self.outstanding_tasks += 1
        self._st.append('run(%s)' % str(done_cb))
        self.done_cb = done_cb
        if not self.preflight() or self.request.uri == None:
            # generally a good sign that we're not going much further.

        if self.follow_robots_txt:
            self.fetch_robots_txt(self.request.uri, self.run_continue)

    def run_continue(self, robots_txt):
        Continue after getting the robots file.
        TODO: refactor callback style into events.
        if robots_txt == "": # empty or non-200
            checker = RobotFileParser()
            checker.parse(robots_txt.decode('ascii', 'replace').encode('ascii', 'replace').splitlines())
            if not checker.can_fetch(UA_STRING, self.request.uri):
                self.response.http_error = RobotsTxtError()
                return # TODO: show error?

        if 'user-agent' not in [i[0].lower() for i in self.request.headers]:
                (u"User-Agent", UA_STRING))
        self.exchange = self.client.exchange()
        self.exchange.on('response_start', self._response_start)
        self.exchange.on('response_body', self._response_body)
        self.exchange.on('response_done', self._response_done)
        self.exchange.on('error', self._response_error)
        if self.status_cb and self.name:
            self.status_cb("fetching %s (%s)" % (
                self.request.uri, self.name
        req_hdrs = [
            (k.encode('ascii', 'replace'), v.encode('latin-1', 'replace')) \
            for (k, v) in self.request.headers
            self.request.method, self.request.uri, req_hdrs
        self.request.start_time = thor.time()
        if self.request.payload != None:
            self.transfer_out += len(self.request.payload)

    def _response_start(self, status, phrase, res_headers):
        "Process the response start-line and headers."
        self._st.append('_response_start(%s, %s)' % (status, phrase))
        self.response.start_time = thor.time()
        self.response.version = self.exchange.res_version
        self.response.status_code = status.decode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
        self.response.status_phrase = phrase.decode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
        StatusChecker(self.response, self.request)
        checkCaching(self.response, self.request)

    def _response_body(self, chunk):
        "Process a chunk of the response body."
        self.transfer_in += len(chunk)

    def _response_done(self, trailers):
        "Finish analysing the response, handling any parse errors."
        self.response.complete_time = thor.time()
        self.response.transfer_length = self.exchange.input_transfer_length
        self.response.header_length = self.exchange.input_header_length
        self.response.body_done(True, trailers)
        if self.status_cb and self.name:
            self.status_cb("fetched %s (%s)" % (
                self.request.uri, self.name

    def _response_error(self, error):
        "Handle an error encountered while fetching the response."
        self._st.append('_response_error(%s)' % (str(error)))
        self.response.complete_time = thor.time()
        self.response.http_error = error
        if isinstance(error, httperr.BodyForbiddenError):
            self.add_note('header-none', rs.BODY_NOT_ALLOWED)
#        elif isinstance(error, httperr.ExtraDataErr):
#            res.payload_len += len(err.get('detail', ''))
        elif isinstance(error, httperr.ChunkError):
            err_msg = error.detail[:20] or ""
            self.add_note('header-transfer-encoding', rs.BAD_CHUNK,