Exemple #1
    def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs):
        return a sentinel object from url
        ``url`` sentinels://<host1>:<port1>,<host2>:<port2>/<db>?<querystring>
        ``param`` kwargs: parameters for constructing Sentinel object
        ``return`` tuple of sentinel object, db from url, service_name in url

        url example::

        if db appears in both querystring and path, use path as first choice.
        For example:
            sentinels://node1:17700,node2:17700/1?db=2 return db 2
        url_string = url
        url = urlparse(url)

        if url.scheme != "sentinels":
            raise Exception("sentinel url must start with sentinels://")

        # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
        # they're left as part of the url.path.
        if '?' in url.path and not url.query:
            # chop the querystring including the ? off the end of the url
            # and reparse it.
            qs = url.path.split('?', 1)[1]
            url = urlparse(url_string[:-(len(qs) + 1)])
            qs = url.query

        url_options = {}  # redis options

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                url_options[name] = value[0]

        service_name = url_options.get('service_name')

        sentinels = [host.split(':') for host in url.netloc.split(',')]

        # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
        # querystring value wasn't specified
        db_from_url = url_options.get('db')
        if db_from_url is None and url.path:
                db_from_url = int(url.path.replace('/', ''))
            except (AttributeError, ValueError):

        return Sentinel(sentinels, **kwargs), db_from_url, service_name
Exemple #2
def from_url(url, db=None):
    """Returns an active Redis client generated from the given database URL.

    Will attempt to extract the database id from the path url fragment, if
    none is provided.

    url = urlparse(url)

    # Make sure it's a redis database.
    if url.scheme:
        assert url.scheme == 'redis'

    # Attempt to resolve database id.
    if db is None:
            db = int(url.path.replace('/', ''))
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            db = DEFAULT_DATABASE_ID

    return Redis(
def get_server_url(name):
    url = _get_config_value(name, 'URL')
    if url:
        url_kwargs = urlparse(url)
        return '{}://{}'.format(url_kwargs.scheme, url_kwargs.netloc)
    host = _get_config_value(name, 'HOST')
    password = _get_config_value(name, 'PASSWORD')
    netloc = host if not password else ':{}@{}'.format(password, host)
    return 'redis://{}'.format(netloc)
Exemple #4
def get_server_url(name):
    url = config_value(name, 'URL')
    if url:
        url_kwargs = urlparse(url)
        return '%s://%s' % (url_kwargs.scheme, url_kwargs.netloc)
        host = config_value(name, 'HOST')
        password = config_value(name, 'HOST')
        netloc = host if not password else ':%s@%s' % (password, host)
        return 'redis://%s' % netloc
 def _parse_startup_nodes(self):
     startup_nodes = []
     for url_string in self._server:
         url = urlparse(url_string)
         if url.hostname:
             startup_nodes.append({'host': url.hostname, 'port': int(url.port or 6379)})
     return startup_nodes
Exemple #6
def get_server_url(name):
    url = config_value(name, 'URL')
    if url:
        url_kwargs = urlparse(url)
        return '%s://%s' % (url_kwargs.scheme, url_kwargs.netloc)
    elif config_value(name, 'UNIXSOCK'):
        # XXX redis doesn't actually support a URL for unix sockets... so I made this up
        return 'redis:%s' % config_value(name, 'UNIXSOCK')
        host = config_value(name, 'HOST')
        password = config_value(name, 'HOST')
        netloc = host if not password else ':%s@%s' % (password, host)
        return 'redis://%s' % netloc
Exemple #7
    def from_url(cls, url, db=None, decode_components=False, **kwargs):
        Return a connection pool configured from the given URL.

        For example::


        Three URL schemes are supported:
            redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection
            rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
            unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

        There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
        will return the first specified option:
            1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
            2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
            3. The ``db`` argument to this function.

        If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

        The ``decode_components`` argument allows this function to work with
        percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to ``True`` all ``%xx``
        escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after
        the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the ``hostname``,
        ``path``, and ``password`` components.

        Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be
        passed along to the ConnectionPool class's initializer. The querystring
        arguments ``socket_connect_timeout`` and ``socket_timeout`` if supplied
        are parsed as float values. The arguments ``socket_keepalive`` and
        ``retry_on_timeout`` are parsed to boolean values that accept
        True/False, Yes/No values to indicate state. Invalid types cause a
        ``UserWarning`` to be raised. In the case of conflicting arguments,
        querystring arguments always win.
        url_string = url
        url = urlparse(url)
        qs = ''

        # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
        # they're left as part of the url.path.
        if '?' in url.path and not url.query:
            # chop the querystring including the ? off the end of the url
            # and reparse it.
            qs = url.path.split('?', 1)[1]
            url = urlparse(url_string[:-(len(qs) + 1)])
            qs = url.query

        url_options = {}

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                parser = URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS.get(name)
                if parser:
                        url_options[name] = parser(value[0])
                    except (TypeError, ValueError):
                            "Invalid value for `%s` in connection URL." % name
                    url_options[name] = value[0]

        if decode_components:
            password = unquote(url.password) if url.password else None
            path = unquote(url.path) if url.path else None
            hostname = unquote(url.hostname) if url.hostname else None
            password = url.password
            path = url.path
            hostname = url.hostname

        # We only support redis:// and unix:// schemes.
        if url.scheme == 'unix':
                'password': password,
                'path': path,
                'connection_class': UnixDomainSocketConnection,

                'host': hostname,
                'port': int(url.port or 6379),
                'password': password,

            # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
            # querystring value wasn't specified
            if 'db' not in url_options and path:
                    url_options['db'] = int(path.replace('/', ''))
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):

            if url.scheme == 'rediss':
                url_options['connection_class'] = SSLConnection

        # last shot at the db value
        url_options['db'] = int(url_options.get('db', db or 0))

        # update the arguments from the URL values

        # backwards compatability
        if 'charset' in kwargs:
                '"charset" is deprecated. Use "encoding" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding'] = kwargs.pop('charset')
        if 'errors' in kwargs:
                '"errors" is deprecated. Use "encoding_errors" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding_errors'] = kwargs.pop('errors')

        return cls(**kwargs)
Exemple #8
    def from_url(cls, url, db=None, **kwargs):
        Return a connection pool configured from the given URL.

        For example::


        Three URL schemes are supported:
            redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection
            rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
            unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

        There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
        will return the first specified option:
            1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
            2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
            3. The ``db`` argument to this function.

        If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

        Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be
        passed along to the ConnectionPool class's initializer. In the case
        of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.
        url_string = url
        url = urlparse(url)
        qs = ''

        # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
        # they're left as part of the url.path.
        if '?' in url.path and not url.query:
            # chop the querystring including the ? off the end of the url
            # and reparse it.
            qs = url.path.split('?', 1)[1]
            url = urlparse(url_string[:-(len(qs) + 1)])
            qs = url.query

        url_options = {}

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                url_options[name] = value[0]

        # We only support redis:// and unix:// schemes.
        if url.scheme == 'unix':
                'password': url.password,
                'path': url.path,
                'connection_class': UnixDomainSocketConnection,

                'host': url.hostname,
                'port': int(url.port or 6379),
                'password': url.password,

            # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
            # querystring value wasn't specified
            if 'db' not in url_options and url.path:
                    url_options['db'] = int(url.path.replace('/', ''))
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):

            if url.scheme == 'rediss':
                url_options['connection_class'] = SSLConnection

        # last shot at the db value
        url_options['db'] = int(url_options.get('db', db or 0))

        # update the arguments from the URL values

        # backwards compatability
        if 'charset' in kwargs:
                '"charset" is deprecated. Use "encoding" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding'] = kwargs.pop('charset')
        if 'errors' in kwargs:
                '"errors" is deprecated. Use "encoding_errors" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding_errors'] = kwargs.pop('errors')

        return cls(**kwargs)
Exemple #9
    def from_url(cls, url, db=None, decode_components=False, **kwargs):
        Return a connection pool configured from the given URL.

        For example::


        Three URL schemes are supported:

        - ```redis://``
          <https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/redis>`_ creates a
          normal TCP socket connection
        - ```rediss://``
          <https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/rediss>`_ creates
          a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
        - ``unix://`` creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

        There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
        will return the first specified option:
            1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
            2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
            3. The ``db`` argument to this function.

        If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

        The ``decode_components`` argument allows this function to work with
        percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to ``True`` all ``%xx``
        escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after
        the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the ``hostname``,
        ``path``, and ``password`` components.

        Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be
        passed along to the ConnectionPool class's initializer. The querystring
        arguments ``socket_connect_timeout`` and ``socket_timeout`` if supplied
        are parsed as float values. The arguments ``socket_keepalive`` and
        ``retry_on_timeout`` are parsed to boolean values that accept
        True/False, Yes/No values to indicate state. Invalid types cause a
        ``UserWarning`` to be raised. In the case of conflicting arguments,
        querystring arguments always win.

        url = urlparse(url)
        url_options = {}

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(url.query)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                parser = URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS.get(name)
                if parser:
                        url_options[name] = parser(value[0])
                    except (TypeError, ValueError):
                            "Invalid value for `%s` in connection URL." % name
                    url_options[name] = value[0]

        if decode_components:
            password = unquote(url.password) if url.password else None
            path = unquote(url.path) if url.path else None
            hostname = unquote(url.hostname) if url.hostname else None
            password = url.password
            path = url.path
            hostname = url.hostname

        # We only support redis://, rediss:// and unix:// schemes.
        if url.scheme == 'unix':
                'password': password,
                'path': path,
                'connection_class': UnixDomainSocketConnection,

        elif url.scheme in ('redis', 'rediss'):
                'host': hostname,
                'port': int(url.port or 6379),
                'password': password,

            # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
            # querystring value wasn't specified
            if 'db' not in url_options and path:
                    url_options['db'] = int(path.replace('/', ''))
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):

            if url.scheme == 'rediss':
                url_options['connection_class'] = SSLConnection
            valid_schemes = ', '.join(('redis://', 'rediss://', 'unix://'))
            raise ValueError('Redis URL must specify one of the following'
                             'schemes (%s)' % valid_schemes)

        # last shot at the db value
        url_options['db'] = int(url_options.get('db', db or 0))

        # update the arguments from the URL values

        # backwards compatability
        if 'charset' in kwargs:
                '"charset" is deprecated. Use "encoding" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding'] = kwargs.pop('charset')
        if 'errors' in kwargs:
                '"errors" is deprecated. Use "encoding_errors" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding_errors'] = kwargs.pop('errors')

        return cls(**kwargs)
Exemple #10
    def from_url(cls, url, db=None, decode_components=False, **kwargs):
        Return a connection pool configured from the given URL.

        For example::


        Three URL schemes are supported:
            redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection
            rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
            unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

        There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
        will return the first specified option:
            1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
            2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
            3. The ``db`` argument to this function.

        If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

        The ``decode_components`` argument allows this function to work with
        percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to ``True`` all ``%xx``
        escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after
        the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the ``hostname``,
        ``path``, and ``password`` components.

        Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be
        passed along to the ConnectionPool class's initializer. In the case
        of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.
        url_string = url
        url = urlparse(url)
        qs = ''

        # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
        # they're left as part of the url.path.
        if '?' in url.path and not url.query:
            # chop the querystring including the ? off the end of the url
            # and reparse it.
            qs = url.path.split('?', 1)[1]
            url = urlparse(url_string[:-(len(qs) + 1)])
            qs = url.query

        url_options = {}

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                url_options[name] = value[0]

        if decode_components:
            password = unquote(url.password) if url.password else None
            path = unquote(url.path) if url.path else None
            hostname = unquote(url.hostname) if url.hostname else None
            password = url.password
            path = url.path
            hostname = url.hostname

        # We only support redis:// and unix:// schemes.
        if url.scheme == 'unix':
                'password': password,
                'path': path,
                'connection_class': UnixDomainSocketConnection,

                'host': hostname,
                'port': int(url.port or 6379),
                'password': password,

            # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
            # querystring value wasn't specified
            if 'db' not in url_options and path:
                    url_options['db'] = int(path.replace('/', ''))
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):

            if url.scheme == 'rediss':
                url_options['connection_class'] = SSLConnection

        # last shot at the db value
        url_options['db'] = int(url_options.get('db', db or 0))

        # update the arguments from the URL values

        # backwards compatability
        if 'charset' in kwargs:
                    '"charset" is deprecated. Use "encoding" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding'] = kwargs.pop('charset')
        if 'errors' in kwargs:
                    '"errors" is deprecated. Use "encoding_errors" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding_errors'] = kwargs.pop('errors')

        return cls(**kwargs)
Exemple #11
    def from_url(cls, url, db=None, **kwargs):
        Return a connection pool configured from the given URL.

        For example::


        Three URL schemes are supported:
            redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection
            rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
            unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

        There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
        will return the first specified option:
            1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
            2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
            3. The ``db`` argument to this function.

        If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

        Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be
        passed along to the ConnectionPool class's initializer. In the case
        of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.
        url_string = url
        url = urlparse(url)
        qs = ''

        # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
        # they're left as part of the url.path.
        if '?' in url.path and not url.query:
            # chop the querystring including the ? off the end of the url
            # and reparse it.
            qs = url.path.split('?', 1)[1]
            url = urlparse(url_string[:-(len(qs) + 1)])
            qs = url.query

        url_options = {}

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                url_options[name] = value[0]

        # We only support redis:// and unix:// schemes.
        if url.scheme == 'unix':
                'password': url.password,
                'path': url.path,
                'connection_class': UnixDomainSocketConnection,

                'host': url.hostname,
                'port': int(url.port or 6379),
                'password': url.password,

            # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
            # querystring value wasn't specified
            if 'db' not in url_options and url.path:
                    url_options['db'] = int(url.path.replace('/', ''))
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):

            if url.scheme == 'rediss':
                url_options['connection_class'] = SSLConnection

        # last shot at the db value
        url_options['db'] = int(url_options.get('db', db or 0))

        # update the arguments from the URL values
        return cls(**kwargs)
Exemple #12
    def from_url(cls, url, db=None, **kwargs):
        Return a connection pool configured from the given URL.

        For example::


        There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
        will return the first specified option:
            1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
            2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
            3. The ``db`` argument to this function.

        If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

        Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be
        passed along to the ConnectionPool class's initializer. In the case
        of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.
        # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
        # split the url manually instead
        pieces = url.split('?', 1)
        url, qs = '', ''
        if len(pieces) == 2:
            url, qs = pieces
            url = pieces[0]

        url = urlparse(url)
        url_options = {}

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                url_options[name] = value[0]

        # We only support redis:// and unix:// schemes.
        if url.scheme == 'unix':
                'password': url.password,
                'path': url.path,
                'connection_class': UnixDomainSocketConnection,

                'host': url.hostname,
                'port': int(url.port or 6379),
                'password': url.password,

            # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
            # querystring value wasn't specified
            if 'db' not in url_options and url.path:
                    url_options['db'] = int(url.path.replace('/', ''))
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):

        # last shot at the db value
        url_options['db'] = int(url_options.get('db', db or 0))

        # update the arguments from the URL values
        return cls(**kwargs)
Exemple #13
from apscheduler.executors.pool import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor
from apscheduler.jobstores.redis import RedisJobStore
from redis._compat import urlparse

from scheduler_service import SchedulerUtils, TalentConfigKeys
from scheduler_service.common.talent_config_manager import TalentEnvs
from scheduler_service.modules.scheduler import flask_app

__author__ = 'saad'

LOCK_KEY = 'apscheduler_'

url = urlparse(flask_app.config[TalentConfigKeys.REDIS_URL_KEY])
if flask_app.config[TalentConfigKeys.ENV_KEY] in [
        TalentEnvs.DEV, TalentEnvs.JENKINS
    job_store = RedisJobStore(db=1, host=url.hostname, password=url.password)
    job_store = RedisJobStore(db=0, host=url.hostname, password=url.password)

executors = {
    'default': ThreadPoolExecutor(MAX_THREAD_POOLS),
    'processpool': ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)

jobstores = {'redis': job_store}

job_defaults = {
Exemple #14
def master_host(request):
    url = request.config.getoption("--redis-url")
    parts = urlparse(url)
    yield parts.hostname
Exemple #15
    def from_url(cls, url, db=None, decode_components=False, **kwargs):
        Return a connection pool configured from the given URL.

        For example::


        Three URL schemes are supported:
            redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection
            rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
            unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

        There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
        will return the first specified option:
            1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
            2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
            3. The ``db`` argument to this function.

        If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

        The ``decode_components`` argument allows this function to work with
        percent-encoded URLs. If this argument is set to ``True`` all ``%xx``
        escapes will be replaced by their single-character equivalents after
        the URL has been parsed. This only applies to the ``hostname``,
        ``path``, and ``password`` components.

        Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be
        passed along to the ConnectionPool class's initializer. In the case
        of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.
        url_string = url
        url = urlparse(url)
        qs = ""

        # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
        # they're left as part of the url.path.
        if "?" in url.path and not url.query:
            # chop the querystring including the ? off the end of the url
            # and reparse it.
            qs = url.path.split("?", 1)[1]
            url = urlparse(url_string[: -(len(qs) + 1)])
            qs = url.query

        url_options = {}

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                url_options[name] = value[0]

        if decode_components:
            password = unquote(url.password) if url.password else None
            path = unquote(url.path) if url.path else None
            hostname = unquote(url.hostname) if url.hostname else None
            password = url.password
            path = url.path
            hostname = url.hostname

        # We only support redis:// and unix:// schemes.
        if url.scheme == "unix":
            url_options.update({"password": password, "path": path, "connection_class": UnixDomainSocketConnection})

            url_options.update({"host": hostname, "port": int(url.port or 6379), "password": password})

            # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
            # querystring value wasn't specified
            if "db" not in url_options and path:
                    url_options["db"] = int(path.replace("/", ""))
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):

            if url.scheme == "rediss":
                url_options["connection_class"] = SSLConnection

        # last shot at the db value
        url_options["db"] = int(url_options.get("db", db or 0))

        # update the arguments from the URL values

        # backwards compatability
        if "charset" in kwargs:
            warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning('"charset" is deprecated. Use "encoding" instead'))
            kwargs["encoding"] = kwargs.pop("charset")
        if "errors" in kwargs:
            warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning('"errors" is deprecated. Use "encoding_errors" instead'))
            kwargs["encoding_errors"] = kwargs.pop("errors")

        return cls(**kwargs)