def pack_commands(self, commands):
        "Pack multiple commands into the Redis protocol"
        output = []
        pieces = []
        buffer_length = 0

        for cmd in commands:
            for chunk in self.pack_command(*cmd):
                buffer_length += len(chunk)

            if buffer_length > 6000:
                buffer_length = 0
                pieces = []

        if pieces:
        return output
    def pack_command(self, *args):
        Pack a series of arguments into the Redis protocol.
        For an optimized special case for PUBLISH messages,
        see pack_publish_command.
        :return: array of all arguments packed into the Redis
            wire protocol.
        :rtype: [string]
        output = []
        # the client might have included 1 or more literal arguments in
        # the command name, e.g., 'CONFIG GET'. The Redis server expects these
        # arguments to be sent separately, so split the first argument
        # manually. All of these arguements get wrapped in the Token class
        # to prevent them from being encoded.
        command = args[0]
        if ' ' in command:
            args = tuple([Token(s) for s in command.split(' ')]) + args[1:]
            args = (Token(command),) + args[1:]

        buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
            (SYM_STAR, b(str(len(args))), SYM_CRLF))

        for arg in imap(self.encode, args):
            # to avoid large string mallocs, chunk the command into the
            # output list if we're sending large values
            if len(buff) > 6000 or len(arg) > 6000:
                buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
                    (buff, SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(arg))), SYM_CRLF))
                buff = SYM_CRLF
                buff = SYM_EMPTY.join((buff, SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(arg))),
                                       SYM_CRLF, arg, SYM_CRLF))
        return output