Exemple #1
 def _key(self):
     key = self.args.key
     if len(key) != 0x10:
         raise ValueError(
             F'Key length of {len(key)} bytes is invalid; XXTEA only supports 16 byte keys'
     return chunks.unpack(key, 4)
Exemple #2
def _ripemd128_blocks(msg):
    N = len(msg)
    P = (56 - N) % 64
    msg += b'\x80' + b'\x00' * (P - 1) + (N << 3).to_bytes(8, 'little')
    it = iter(chunks.unpack(msg, 4))
    while True:
        block = list(itertools.islice(it, 16))
        if not block:
        assert len(block) == 16
        yield block
Exemple #3
 def _checksum(self, data):
     from refinery.lib import chunks
     checksum = 0
     it = chunks.unpack(data, 4)
     if len(data) % 4:
         import itertools
         it = itertools.chain(it, (int.from_bytes(data[-4:], 'little'), ))
     for chunk in it:
         checksum += chunk
         checksum ^= ((chunk & 0x7FFFFFFF) << 1) + (chunk >> 31) + 1
         checksum &= 0xFFFFFFFF
     return checksum
Exemple #4
    def chunk(self, data, raw=False):
        if not raw:
            return chunks.unpack(data, self.args.blocksize,

        def chunkraw(data, b: int):
            stop = len(data)
            stop = stop - stop % b
            for k in range(0, stop, b):
                yield data[k:k + b]

        return chunkraw(data, self.args.blocksize)
Exemple #5
 def block_encrypt(self, block) -> BufferType:
     u = self._u
     w = self._w
     g = self._g
     r = self._r
     M = self._m
     S = self._S
     A, B, C, D = chunks.unpack(block, u)
     B = B + S[0] & M
     D = D + S[1] & M
     for i in range(1, r + 1):
         t = rotl(w, B * (2 * B + 1) & M, g)
         v = rotl(w, D * (2 * D + 1) & M, g)
         A = rotl(w, A ^ t, v) + S[2 * i + 0] & M
         C = rotl(w, C ^ v, t) + S[2 * i + 1] & M
         A, B, C, D = B, C, D, A
     A = A + S[2 * r + 2] & M
     C = C + S[2 * r + 3] & M
     return chunks.pack((A, B, C, D), u)
Exemple #6
 def block_decrypt(self, block) -> BufferType:
     u = self._u
     w = self._w
     g = self._g
     r = self._r
     M = self._m
     S = self._S
     A, B, C, D = chunks.unpack(block, u)
     C = C - S[2 * r + 3] & M
     A = A - S[2 * r + 2] & M
     for i in range(r, 0, -1):
         A, B, C, D = D, A, B, C
         t = rotl(w, B * (2 * B + 1) & M, g)
         v = rotl(w, D * (2 * D + 1) & M, g)
         C = rotr(w, C - S[2 * i + 1] & M, t) ^ v
         A = rotr(w, A - S[2 * i + 0] & M, v) ^ t
     D = D - S[1] & M
     B = B - S[0] & M
     return chunks.pack((A, B, C, D), u)
Exemple #7
 def key(self, key):
     w = self._w  # word size
     u = self._u  # length of a word in bytes
     r = self._r  # round count
     M = self._m  # bit mask
     L = list(chunks.unpack(key + (-len(key) % u) * B'\0', u))
     c = len(L)
     t = 2 * (r + 2)
     P, Q = rc5constants(w)
     S = [P]
     while len(S) < t:
         S.append(S[~0] + Q & M)
     i = j = 0
     A = B = 0
     for _ in range(3 * max(t, c)):
         A = S[i] = rotl(w, S[i] + A + B & M, 3)
         B = L[j] = rotl(w, L[j] + A + B & M, A + B)
         i = (i + 1) % t
         j = (j + 1) % c
     self._S = S
Exemple #8
    def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]:
        key = self.args.key

        A: int = 0
        B: int = 0
        C: int = 0
        S: List[int] = [0x9E3779B9] * 8
        T: List[int] = []
        K = list(
            chunks.unpack(key + bytearray(0x400 - len(key)),
        U = 0xFFFFFFFF

        def _mix_state():
            a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = S
            a ^= (b << 0x0B) & U
            d = d + a & U
            b = b + c & U  # noqa
            b ^= (c >> 0x02) & U
            e = e + b & U
            c = c + d & U  # noqa
            c ^= (d << 0x08) & U
            f = f + c & U
            d = d + e & U  # noqa
            d ^= (e >> 0x10) & U
            g = g + d & U
            e = e + f & U  # noqa
            e ^= (f << 0x0A) & U
            h = h + e & U
            f = f + g & U  # noqa
            f ^= (g >> 0x04) & U
            a = a + f & U
            g = g + h & U  # noqa
            g ^= (h << 0x08) & U
            b = b + g & U
            h = h + a & U  # noqa
            h ^= (a >> 0x09) & U
            c = c + h & U
            a = a + b & U  # noqa
            S[:] = a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h
            return S

        def _initialize_with(R: List[int]):
            for i in range(0, 0x100, 8):
                S[:] = (x + R[j] & U for j, x in enumerate(S, i))
                T[i:i + 8] = _mix_state()

        for _ in range(4):


        operations = [
            (__lshift__, 0x0D),
            (__rshift__, 0x06),
            (__lshift__, 0x02),
            (__rshift__, 0x10),

        while True:
            C = (C + 1) & U
            B = (B + C) & U
            for i in range(0x100):
                X = T[i]
                shift, k = operations[i % 4]
                A = (A ^ shift(A, k)) & U
                A = (A + T[i ^ 0x80]) & U
                Y = T[+i] = T[X // 4 & 0xFF] + A + B & U
                B = K[~i] = X + T[Y // 1024 & 0xFF] & U
            yield from chunks.pack(K, 4, True)
Exemple #9
def hexdump(data: ByteString,
            metrics: HexDumpMetrics,
            colorize=False) -> Iterable[str]:
    separator = metrics.hex_char_spacer
    hex_width = metrics.hex_column_width
    addr_width = metrics.address_width
    columns = metrics.hex_columns
    hexformat = metrics.hex_char_format
    printable = range(0x21, 0x7F)

    from colorama import Fore as FG, Style as S

    if columns <= 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Requested width is too small.')

    def pieces(data):
        view = memoryview(data)
        step = columns * metrics.block_size
        for lno, offset in enumerate(range(0, len(data), step)):
            if metrics.line_count and lno >= metrics.line_count:
            yield lno, view[offset:offset + step]

    previous = None
    repetitions = 0

    for last, (lno, chunk) in lookahead(pieces(data)):
        if not metrics.expand:
            if chunk == previous and not last:
                repetitions += 1
            elif repetitions > 0:
                line = F' repeats {repetitions} times '
                line = F'{line:/^{hex_width*columns-1}}  {"":/<{columns}}'
                if colorize:
                    line = F'{FG.LIGHTBLACK_EX}{line}{S.RESET_ALL}'
                if addr_width:
                    line = F'{".":.>{addr_width}}{metrics.hex_addr_spacer}{line}'
                yield line
                repetitions = 0

        blocks = chunks.unpack(chunk, metrics.block_size, metrics.big_endian)

        if not colorize:
            dump = separator.join(hexformat.format(b) for b in blocks)
            ascii_preview = re.sub(B'[^!-~]', B'.', chunk).decode('ascii')
            line = (F'{dump:<{hex_width*columns-len(separator)}}'

            def byte_color(value: int):
                if not value:
                    return FG.LIGHTBLACK_EX
                elif value in B'\x20\t\n\r\v\f':
                    return FG.LIGHTYELLOW_EX
                elif value not in printable:
                    return FG.LIGHTRED_EX
                    return S.RESET_ALL

            with io.StringIO() as _hex, io.StringIO() as _asc:
                current_color = S.RESET_ALL
                block_size = metrics.block_size
                prefix = metrics.hex_char_prefix
                remaining_hex_width = hex_width * columns - len(separator)
                for k, b in enumerate(chunk):
                    if k % block_size == 0:
                        if k != 0:
                            remaining_hex_width -= len(separator)
                        if prefix:
                            remaining_hex_width -= len(prefix)
                    color = byte_color(b)
                    if color != current_color:
                        current_color = color
                    remaining_hex_width -= 2
                    _asc.write(chr(b) if b in printable else '.')
                _hex.write(' ' * remaining_hex_width)
                line = F'{_hex.getvalue()}{metrics.txt_separator}{_asc.getvalue():<{columns}}'

        if addr_width:
            line = F'{lno*columns:0{addr_width}X}: {line}'

        yield line

        if not metrics.expand:
            previous = chunk
Exemple #10
 def _unpack(self, data):
     if len(data) % 4:
         raise ValueError(
             'The input data is not aligned to a multiple of 4 bytes.')
     return chunks.unpack(data, 4)