Exemple #1
def LoadMAGIKPSD(fileinfo=None, collapse=True, collapse_axis='y', auto_PolState=False, PolState='', flip=True, transpose=True):
    loads a data file into a MetaArray and returns that.
    Checks to see if data being loaded is 2D; if not, quits
    Need to rebin and regrid if the detector is moving...
    fileinfo (fileinfo): File to open.
    collapse {Collapse along one of the axes} (bool): sum over axis of detector
    collapse_axis {number index of axis to collapse along} (opt:x|y): axis to sum over
    auto_PolState {Automatic polarization identify} (bool): automatically determine the polarization state from entry name
    PolState (str): polarization state if not automatically detected
    flip (bool): flip the data up and down
    transpose (bool): transpose the data
    output (ospec2d[]): all the entries loaded.
    2016-04-02 Brian Maranville    
    from dataflow.modules.load import url_get
    path, mtime, entries = fileinfo['path'], fileinfo['mtime'], fileinfo['entries']
    name = basename(path)
    fid = StringIO.StringIO(url_get(fileinfo))
    file_obj = h5_open_zip(name, fid)
    return loadMAGIKPSD_helper(file_obj, name, path, collapse=collapse, collapse_axis=collapse_axis, auto_PolState=auto_PolState, PolState=PolState, flip=flip, transpose=transpose)
Exemple #2
def LoadMAGIKPSDFile(path, **kw):
    return loadMAGIKPSD_helper(h5_open_zip(path), path, path, **kw)