Exemple #1
    def check_performance(self):
        """The performance checking phase of the regression test pipeline.

        :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: If the performance check
        if self.perf_patterns is None:

        with os_ext.change_dir(self._stagedir):
            # We first evaluate and log all performance values and then we
            # check them against the reference. This way we always log them
            # even if the don't meet the reference.
            perf_values = []
            for tag, expr in self.perf_patterns.items():
                value = evaluate(expr)
                key = '%s:%s' % (self._current_partition.fullname, tag)
                if key not in self.reference:
                    raise SanityError(
                        "tag `%s' not resolved in references for `%s'" %
                        (tag, self._current_partition.fullname))

                perf_values.append((value, self.reference[key]))
                self._perf_logger.log_performance(logging.INFO, tag, value,

            for val, reference in perf_values:
                ref, low_thres, high_thres, *_ = reference
                evaluate(assert_reference(val, ref, low_thres, high_thres))
    def keep_files_list(self, test, compile_only=False):
        from reframe.core.deferrable import evaluate

        ret = [self.replace_prefix(evaluate(test.stdout), test.outputdir),
               self.replace_prefix(evaluate(test.stderr), test.outputdir)]

        if not compile_only:

        ret.extend([self.replace_prefix(f, test.outputdir)
                    for f in test.keep_files])
        return ret
    def test_avg(self):
        res = evaluate(avg([1, 2, 3, 4]))
        self.assertEqual(2.5, res)

        # Check result when passing a generator
        res = evaluate(avg(range(1, 5)))
        self.assertEqual(2.5, res)

        # Check with single element container
        res = evaluate(avg(range(1, 2)))
        self.assertEqual(1, res)

        # Check with empty container
        self.assertRaises(SanityError, evaluate, avg([]))
Exemple #4
def extractsingle(patt, filename, tag=0, conv=None, item=0, encoding='utf-8'):
    """Extract a single value from the capturing group ``tag`` of a matching regex
    ``patt`` in the file ``filename``.

    This function is equivalent to ``extractall(patt, filename, tag,
    conv)[item]``, except that it raises a ``SanityError`` if ``item`` is out of

    :arg patt: as in :func:`extractall`.
    :arg filename: as in :func:`extractall`.
    :arg encoding: as in :func:`extractall`.
    :arg tag: as in :func:`extractall`.
    :arg conv: as in :func:`extractall`.
    :arg item: the specific element to extract.
    :returns: The extracted value.
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: In case of errors.
        # Explicitly evaluate the expression here, so as to force any exception
        # to be thrown in this context and not during the evaluation of an
        # expression containing this one.
        return evaluate(extractall(patt, filename, tag, conv, encoding)[item])
    except IndexError:
        raise SanityError("not enough matches of pattern `%s' in file `%s' "
                          "so as to extract item `%s'" %
                          (patt, filename, item))
Exemple #5
def assert_not_found(patt, filename, msg=None, encoding='utf-8'):
    """Assert that regex pattern ``patt`` is not found in the file

    This is the inverse of :func:`assert_found()`.

    :returns: ``True`` on success.
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: if assertion fails.
        evaluate(assert_found(patt, filename, msg, encoding))
    except SanityError:
        return True
        error_msg = msg or "pattern `{0}' found in `{1}'"
        raise SanityError(_format(error_msg, patt, filename))
    def test_extractall(self):
        # Check numeric groups
        res = evaluate(extractall('Step: (?P<no>\d+)', self.tempfile, 1))
        for expected, v in builtins.enumerate(res, start=1):
            self.assertEqual(str(expected), v)

        # Check named groups
        res = evaluate(extractall('Step: (?P<no>\d+)', self.tempfile, 'no'))
        for expected, v in builtins.enumerate(res, start=1):
            self.assertEqual(str(expected), v)

        # Check convert function
        res = evaluate(
            extractall('Step: (?P<no>\d+)', self.tempfile, 'no', builtins.int))
        for expected, v in builtins.enumerate(res, start=1):
            self.assertEqual(expected, v)
 def test_chain(self):
     list1 = ['A', 'B', 'C']
     list2 = ['D', 'E', 'F']
     chain1 = evaluate(chain(make_deferrable(list1), list2))
     chain2 = itertools.chain(list1, list2)
         builtins.all((a == b for a, b in builtins.zip(chain1, chain2))))
    def test_map(self):
        l = [1, 2, 3]
        dm = map(lambda x: 2 * x + 1, l)
        for i, x in enumerate(dm, start=1):
            self.assertEqual(2 * i + 1, x)

        # Alternative test
        self.assertEqual([3, 5, 7], list(evaluate(dm)))
    def test_filter(self):
        df = filter(lambda x: x if x % 2 else None,
                    make_deferrable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))

        for i, x in enumerate(df, start=1):
            self.assertEqual(2 * i - 1, x)

        # Alternative testing
        self.assertEqual([1, 3, 5], list(evaluate(df)))
    def test_findall(self):
        res = evaluate(findall('Step: \d+', self.tempfile))
        self.assertEqual(3, builtins.len(res))

        res = evaluate(findall('Step:.*', self.tempfile))
        self.assertEqual(3, builtins.len(res))

        res = evaluate(findall('Step: [12]', self.tempfile))
        self.assertEqual(2, builtins.len(res))

        # Check the matches
        for expected, match in builtins.zip(['Step: 1', 'Step: 2'], res):
            self.assertEqual(expected, match.group(0))

        # Check groups
        res = evaluate(findall('Step: (?P<no>\d+)', self.tempfile))
        for step, match in builtins.enumerate(res, start=1):
            self.assertEqual(step, builtins.int(match.group(1)))
            self.assertEqual(step, builtins.int(match.group('no')))
Exemple #11
    def check_sanity(self):
        """The sanity checking phase of the regression test pipeline.

        :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: If the sanity check fails.
        if self.sanity_patterns is None:
            raise SanityError('sanity_patterns not set')

        with os_ext.change_dir(self._stagedir):
            success = evaluate(self.sanity_patterns)
            if not success:
                raise SanityError()
Exemple #12
    def read_timestamps_sorted(self):
        from reframe.core.deferrable import evaluate

        self.begin_stamps = []
        self.end_stamps = []
        for c in self.debug_policy.checks:
            with open(evaluate(c.stdout), 'r') as f:

Exemple #13
    def check_performance(self):
        """The performance checking phase of the regression test pipeline.

        :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: If the performance check
        if self.perf_patterns is None:

        with os_ext.change_dir(self._stagedir):
            # We first evaluate and log all performance values and then we
            # check them against the reference. This way we always log them
            # even if the don't meet the reference.
            for tag, expr in self.perf_patterns.items():
                value = evaluate(expr)
                key = '%s:%s' % (self._current_partition.fullname, tag)
                if key not in self.reference:
                    raise SanityError(
                        "tag `%s' not resolved in references for `%s'" %
                        (tag, self._current_partition.fullname))

                self._perfvalues[key] = (tag, value, *self.reference[key])
                self._perf_logger.log_performance(logging.INFO, tag, value,

            for values in self._perfvalues.values():
                tag, val, ref, low_thres, high_thres, *_ = values
                            msg=('failed to meet reference: %s={0}, '
                                 'expected {1} (l={2}, u={3})' % tag),
                except SanityError as e:
                    raise PerformanceError(e)
Exemple #14
def assert_found(patt, filename, msg=None, encoding='utf-8'):
    """Assert that regex pattern ``patt`` is found in the file ``filename``.

    :arg patt: The regex pattern to search.
        Any standard Python `regular expression
        is accepted.
    :arg filename: The name of the file to examine.
        Any :class:`OSError` raised while processing the file will be
        propagated as a :class:`reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError`.
    :arg encoding: The name of the encoding used to decode the file.
    :returns: ``True`` on success.
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: if assertion fails.
    num_matches = count(finditer(patt, filename, encoding))
    except SanityError:
        error_msg = msg or "pattern `{0}' not found in `{1}'"
        raise SanityError(_format(error_msg, patt, filename))
        return True
Exemple #15
    def check_performance(self):
        """The performance checking phase of the regression test pipeline.

        :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: If the performance check
        if self.perf_patterns is None:

        with os_ext.change_dir(self._stagedir):
            for tag, expr in self.perf_patterns.items():
                value = evaluate(expr)
                key = '%s:%s' % (self._current_partition.fullname, tag)
                    ref, low_thres, high_thres = self.reference[key]
                    self._perf_logger.info('value: %s, reference: %s' %
                                           (value, self.reference[key]))
                except KeyError:
                    raise SanityError(
                        "tag `%s' not resolved in references for `%s'" %
                        (tag, self._current_partition.fullname))
                evaluate(assert_reference(value, ref, low_thres, high_thres))
Exemple #16
    def do_sanity_check(self):
        failures = []
        devices_found = set(
                r'^\s*([^,]*),\s*Detected devices: %s' %
                self.num_gpus_per_node, self.stdout, 1))

                         msg='requested {0} node(s), got {1} (nodelist: %s)' %

        good_nodes = set(
            sn.extractall(r'^\s*([^,]*),\s*NID\s*=\s*\S+\s+Result = PASS',
                          self.stdout, 1))

                         msg='check failed on the following node(s): %s' %
                         ','.join(sorted(devices_found - good_nodes))))

        # Sanity is fine, fill in the perf. patterns based on the exact node id
        for nodename in devices_found:
            for xfer_kind in ('h2d', 'd2h', 'd2d'):
                for devno in range(self.num_gpus_per_node):
                    perfvar = '%s_gpu_%s_%s_bw' % (nodename, devno, xfer_kind)
                    perfvar = 'bw_%s_%s_gpu_%s' % (xfer_kind, nodename, devno)
                    self.perf_patterns[perfvar] = sn.extractsingle(
                        self._xfer_pattern(xfer_kind, devno, nodename),
                        self.stdout, 1, float, 0)
                    partname = self.current_partition.fullname
                    refkey = '%s:%s' % (partname, perfvar)
                    bwkey = '%s:%s' % (partname, xfer_kind)
                    self.reference[refkey] = self.__bwref[bwkey]

        return True
Exemple #17
    def read_timestamps(self, tasks):
        """Read the timestamps and sort them to permit simple
        concurrency tests."""
        from reframe.core.deferrable import evaluate

        self.begin_stamps = []
        self.end_stamps = []
        for t in tasks:
            with open(evaluate(t.check.stdout), 'r') as f:

Exemple #18
def findall(patt, filename, encoding='utf-8'):
    """Get all matches of regex ``patt`` in ``filename``.

    :arg patt: The regex pattern to search.
        Any standard Python `regular expression
        is accepted.
    :arg filename: The name of the file to examine.
    :arg encoding: The name of the encoding used to decode the file.
    :returns: A list of raw `regex match objects
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: In case an :class:`OSError` is
        raised while processing ``filename``.
    return list(evaluate(x) for x in finditer(patt, filename, encoding))
Exemple #19
def assert_reference(val, ref, lower_thres=None, upper_thres=None, msg=None):
    """Assert that value ``val`` respects the reference value ``ref``.

    :arg val: The value to check.
    :arg ref: The reference value.
    :arg lower_thres: The lower threshold value expressed as a negative decimal
        fraction of the reference value.  Must be in [-1, 0] for ref >= 0.0 and
        in [-inf, 0] for ref < 0.0.
        If ``None``, no lower thresholds is applied.
    :arg upper_thres: The upper threshold value expressed as a decimal fraction
        of the reference value. Must be in [0, inf] for ref >= 0.0 and
        in [0, 1] for ref < 0.0.
        If ``None``, no upper thresholds is applied.
    :returns: ``True`` on success.
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: if assertion fails or if the
        lower and upper thresholds do not have appropriate values.
    if lower_thres is not None:
        lower_thres_limit = -1 if ref >= 0 else None
            evaluate(assert_bounded(lower_thres, lower_thres_limit, 0))
        except SanityError:
            raise SanityError('invalid low threshold value: %s' %
                              lower_thres) from None

    if upper_thres is not None:
        upper_thres_limit = None if ref >= 0 else 1
            evaluate(assert_bounded(upper_thres, 0, upper_thres_limit))
        except SanityError:
            raise SanityError('invalid high threshold value: %s' %
                              upper_thres) from None

    def calc_bound(thres):
        if thres is None:
            return None

        # Inverse threshold if ref < 0
        if ref < 0:
            thres = -thres

        return ref * (1 + thres)

    lower = calc_bound(lower_thres) or float('-inf')
    upper = calc_bound(upper_thres) or float('inf')
        evaluate(assert_bounded(val, lower, upper))
    except SanityError:
        error_msg = '{0} is beyond reference value {1} (l={2}, u={3})'
        raise SanityError(_format(error_msg, val, ref, lower, upper))
        return True
Exemple #20
    def test_extractall_custom_conv(self):
        res = evaluate(
            sn.extractall('Step: (\d+)', self.tempfile, 1, lambda x: int(x)))
        for expected, v in enumerate(res, start=1):
            self.assertEqual(expected, v)

        # Check error in custom function
            SanityError, evaluate,
            sn.extractall('Step: (\d+)', self.tempfile, conv=lambda x: int(x)))

        # Check error with a callable object
        class C:
            def __call__(self, x):
                return int(x)

            SanityError, evaluate,
            sn.extractall('Step: (\d+)', self.tempfile, conv=C()))
Exemple #21
def extractall(patt, filename, tag=0, conv=None, encoding='utf-8'):
    """Extract all values from the capturing group ``tag`` of a matching regex
    ``patt`` in the file ``filename``.

    :arg patt: The regex pattern to search.
        Any standard Python `regular expression
        is accepted.
    :arg filename: The name of the file to examine.
    :arg encoding: The name of the encoding used to decode the file.
    :arg tag: The regex capturing group to be extracted.
        Group ``0`` refers always to the whole match.
        Since the file is processed line by line, this means that group ``0``
        returns the whole line that was matched.
    :arg conv: A callable that takes a single argument and returns a new value.
        If provided, it will be used to convert the extracted values before
        returning them.
    :returns: A list of the extracted values from the matched regex.
    :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: In case of errors.
    return list(
        evaluate(x) for x in extractiter(patt, filename, tag, conv, encoding))
Exemple #22
    def check_performance(self):
        """The performance checking phase of the regression test pipeline.

        :raises reframe.core.exceptions.SanityError: If the performance check
        if self.perf_patterns is None:

        with os_ext.change_dir(self._stagedir):
            # Check if default reference perf values are provided and
            # store all the variables  tested in the performance check
            has_default = False
            variables = set()
            for key, ref in self.reference.items():
                keyparts = key.split(self.reference.scope_separator)
                system = keyparts[0]
                varname = keyparts[-1]
                    unit = ref[3]
                except IndexError:
                    unit = None

                variables.add((varname, unit))
                if system == '*':
                    has_default = True

            if not has_default:
                if not variables:
                    # If empty, it means that self.reference was empty, so try
                    # to infer their name from perf_patterns
                    variables = {(name, None)
                                 for name in self.perf_patterns.keys()}

                for var in variables:
                    name, unit = var
                    ref_tuple = (0, None, None)
                    if unit:
                        ref_tuple += (unit, )

                    self.reference.update({'*': {name: ref_tuple}})

            # We first evaluate and log all performance values and then we
            # check them against the reference. This way we always log them
            # even if the don't meet the reference.
            for tag, expr in self.perf_patterns.items():
                value = evaluate(expr)
                key = '%s:%s' % (self._current_partition.fullname, tag)
                if key not in self.reference:
                    raise SanityError(
                        "tag `%s' not resolved in references for `%s'" %
                        (tag, self._current_partition.fullname))

                self._perfvalues[key] = (value, *self.reference[key])
                self._perf_logger.log_performance(logging.INFO, tag, value,

            for key, values in self._perfvalues.items():
                val, ref, low_thres, high_thres, *_ = values
                tag = key.split(':')[-1]
                            msg=('failed to meet reference: %s={0}, '
                                 'expected {1} (l={2}, u={3})' % tag)))
                except SanityError as e:
                    raise PerformanceError(e)
Exemple #23
 def test_ixor(self):
     v = V(7)
     dv = make_deferrable(v)
     dv ^= V(7)
     self.assertEqual(0, v._value)
Exemple #24
 def test_ior(self):
     v = V(2)
     dv = make_deferrable(v)
     dv |= V(5)
     self.assertEqual(7, v._value)
 def test_extractsingle_encoding(self):
     res = evaluate(
         extractsingle(r'Odyssey', self.utf16_file, encoding='utf-16'))
     self.assertNotEqual(-1, res.find('Odyssey'))
 def test_extractall_encoding(self):
     res = evaluate(
         extractall(r'Odyssey', self.utf16_file, encoding='utf-16'))
     self.assertEqual(1, len(res))
Exemple #27
 def test_findall_encoding(self):
     res = evaluate(
         sn.findall('Odyssey', self.utf16_file, encoding='utf-16'))
     self.assertEqual(1, len(res))
 def test_sorted(self):
     l = [2, 3, 1]
     ds = sorted(l)
     self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], list(evaluate(ds)))
 def test_setattr(self):
     dset = setattr(self, '_a', 5)
     self.assertEqual(0, self._a)
     self.assertEqual(5, self._a)
 def test_reversed(self):
     l = [1, 2, 3]
     dr = reversed(l)
     self.assertEqual([3, 2, 1], list(evaluate(dr)))