Exemple #1
    def test_phase_shift_3_pi2_P3_H3(self):
        # Programming project 2

        # Repeat previous test with 3 qbits
        # Phase Shift 3 QBits Theta = pi/2 P3 H3 Psi
        num_qbits = 3
        theta = pi / 2
        phase_shift = Register(num_qbits, self.num_measures)
        phase_shift.unit_vector[1] = 1.
        phase_shift.phase_gate(3, theta)
        states = phase_shift.counting_states()
            states, {"|001>": 1.},
            "Phase shift half pi then Hadamard gate same qbit in 3 qbits probability"
Exemple #2
 def test_cat_states(self):
     # Programming project 1
     # Cat states test
     # Set the initial state to the cat state, Eq. (7).
     # Now, at random, either all of the qbits should be 0 or all of the qbits should be 1
     num_qbits = 3
     cat_register = Register(num_qbits=num_qbits,
         0] = ROOT2RECIPRICOL  # initializes the first state
     cat_register.unit_vector[cat_register.number_of_states -
                              1] = ROOT2RECIPRICOL
     states = cat_register.counting_states()
     test_states = {"|000>": 0.50, "|111>": 0.50}
         states, test_states, self.state_accuracy_percent,
         "Incorrect cat state")
Exemple #3
 def test_simple_register_states(self, ):
     # Programming project 1
     # Simple register test
     # test measure of simple states
     num_qbits = 3
     simple_register = Register(num_qbits, self.num_measures)
     # Set the initial state |W> to one of the basis states, for example, |011> [Eq. (6)].
     # With this initial state, every measurement should give the result |011>.
     for i in range(simple_register.number_of_states):
         # Test measurement of each single state
         if i > 0:
             simple_register.unit_vector[i - 1] = 0.0
         simple_register.unit_vector[i] = 1.0
         states = simple_register.counting_states()
             states, {self.make_state_string(i, num_qbits): 1.0},
             "Invalid state measurement")
Exemple #4
 def test_full_superposition(self):
     # Programming project 1
     # Test all states equally likely
     # Set the initial state to an equal superposition of all 2N basis states,
     # With this state the measured value for each qbit is both random and uncorrelated with the other qbits.
     # Thus, all possible results from j000i to j111i should occur, each with equal frequency to within
     # statistical fluctuations.
     num_qbits = 3
     full_register = Register(num_qbits=num_qbits,
     full_register.unit_vector = [
         1. / sqrt(full_register.number_of_states)
     ] * full_register.number_of_states  # initializes all states
     probabilities = full_register.counting_states()
     expected_prob = 1.0 / full_register.number_of_states
     for probability in probabilities.values():
         self.assertReasonablyEqualWrapper(probability, expected_prob,
                                           "Bad probability")
Exemple #5
 def test_pauli_z_gate_single(self):
     # Test application of single Pauli X (NOT) gate
     num_qbits = 3
     test_vector = [
         None, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
         [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
         [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
     test_states = [None, {"|001>": 1.0}, {"|001>": 1.0}, {"|001>": 1.0}]
     for i in range(1, num_qbits + 1):
         pauliz = Register(num_qbits=num_qbits,
         pauliz.unit_vector[1] = 1.
         states = pauliz.counting_states()
             pauliz.unit_vector, test_vector[i],
             "Incorrect unit vector after Pauli X " + str(i))
             states, test_states[i], self.state_accuracy_percent,
             "Incorrect single Pauli X gate probability")
Exemple #6
    def test_hadamard_gate_single(self):
        # Programming project 2

        # Test application of single Hadamard gate
        #  A Hadamard gate is applied to qbit 2.
        #  From Eq. (14), this puts qbit 2 in an equal superposition |0> and |1>.
        #  Therefore, the result of the calculation should vary randomly between the two possibilities, |000> and |010>.
        num_qbits = 3
        test_vector = [
            [ROOT2RECIPRICOL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ROOT2RECIPRICOL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [ROOT2RECIPRICOL, 0.0, ROOT2RECIPRICOL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [ROOT2RECIPRICOL, ROOT2RECIPRICOL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        test_states = [
            None, {
                "|000>": 0.5,
                "|100>": 0.5
            }, {
                "|000>": 0.5,
                "|010>": 0.5
            }, {
                "|000>": 0.5,
                "|001>": 0.5
        for i in range(1, num_qbits + 1):
            hadamard = Register(num_qbits=num_qbits,
            hadamard.unit_vector[0] = 1.
            states = hadamard.counting_states()
                hadamard.unit_vector, test_vector[i],
                "Incorrect unit vector after Hadamard " + str(i))
                states, test_states[i], self.state_accuracy_percent,
                "Incorrect single Hadamard gate probability")