Exemple #1
def check_homomorphism(source, target, dictionary, total=True):
    """Check if the homomorphism is valid.

    Valid homomorphism preserves edges,
    and attributes if requires.
    # check if there is mapping for all the nodes of source graph
    if total:
        check_totality(source.nodes(), dictionary)
    if not set(dictionary.values()).issubset(target.nodes()):
        raise InvalidHomomorphism(
            "Some of the image nodes in mapping %s do not "
            "exist in target graph (target graph nodes %s) "
            "namely %s" % (dictionary.values(), target.nodes(),
                           set(dictionary.values()) - set(target.nodes())))

    # check connectivity
    for s, t in source.edges():
            if (s in dictionary.keys() and t in dictionary.keys()
                    and not (dictionary[s], dictionary[t]) in target.edges()):
                if not target.is_directed():
                    if not (dictionary[t], dictionary[s]) in target.edges():
                        raise InvalidHomomorphism(
                            "Connectivity is not preserved!"
                            " Was expecting an edge '%s' and '%s'" %
                            (dictionary[t], dictionary[s]))
                    raise InvalidHomomorphism(
                        "Connectivity is not preserved!"
                        " Was expecting an edge between '%s' and '%s'" %
                        (dictionary[s], dictionary[t]))
        except KeyError:

    for s, t in dictionary.items():
        # check sets of attributes of nodes (here homomorphism = set
        # inclusion)
        if not valid_attributes(source.node[s], target.node[t]):
            raise InvalidHomomorphism("Attributes of nodes source:'%s' %s and "
                                      "target:'%s' %s do not match!" %
                                      (s, source.node[s], t, target.node[t]))

    # check sets of attributes of edges (homomorphism = set inclusion)
    for s1, s2 in source.edges():
            if (s1 in dictionary.keys() and s2 in dictionary.keys()
                    and not valid_attributes(
                raise InvalidHomomorphism(
                    "Attributes of edges (%s)-(%s) (%s) and "
                    "(%s)-(%s) (%s) do not match!" %
                    (s1, s2, source.edge[s1][s2], dictionary[s1],
        except KeyError:
    return True
Exemple #2
def check_homomorphism(source, target, dictionary, total=True):
    """Check if the homomorphism is valid.

    Valid homomorphism preserves edges,
    and attributes if requires.
    # check if there is mapping for all the nodes of source graph
    if total:
        check_totality(source.nodes(), dictionary)
    if not set(dictionary.values()).issubset(target.nodes()):
        raise InvalidHomomorphism("The image nodes {} do not exist ".format(
            set(dictionary.values()) - set(target.nodes())) +
                                  "in the target graph (existing nodes '{}') ".
                                  format(target.nodes()) +
                                  "in dictionary '{}'".format(dictionary))

    # check connectivity
    for s, t in source.edges():
            if (s in dictionary.keys() and t in dictionary.keys()
                    and not (dictionary[s], dictionary[t]) in target.edges()):
                raise InvalidHomomorphism(
                    "Connectivity is not preserved!"
                    " Was expecting an edge between '{}' and '{}'".format(
                        dictionary[s], dictionary[t]))
        except KeyError:

    for s, t in dictionary.items():
        # check sets of attributes of nodes (here homomorphism = set
        # inclusion)
        if not valid_attributes(source.get_node(s), target.get_node(t)):
            raise InvalidHomomorphism(
                "Attributes of nodes source: '{}' {} and ".format(
                    s, source.get_node(s)) +
                "target: '{}' {} do not match!".format(t, target.get_node(t)))

    # check sets of attributes of edges (homomorphism = set inclusion)
    for s1, s2 in source.edges():
            if (s1 in dictionary.keys() and s2 in dictionary.keys()
                    and not valid_attributes(
                        source.get_edge(s1, s2),
                        target.get_edge(dictionary[s1], dictionary[s2]))):
                raise InvalidHomomorphism(
                    "Attributes of edges ({})-({}) ({}) and ".format(
                        s1, s2, source.get_edge(s1, s2)) +
                    "({})-({}) ({}) do not match!".format(
                        dictionary[s1], dictionary[s2],
                        target.get_edge(dictionary[s1], dictionary[s2])))
        except KeyError:
    return True
Exemple #3
def check_totality(elements, dictionary):
    """Check that a mapping is total."""
    if set(elements) != set(dictionary.keys()):
        raise InvalidHomomorphism(
            "Invalid homomorphism: Mapping is not "
            "covering all the nodes of source graph! "
            "domain: {}, domain of definition: {}".format(
                set(elements), set(dictionary.keys())))
Exemple #4
def check_consistency(tx, source, target):
    """Check if the adding of a homomorphism is consistent."""
    query = (
        "// match all typing pairs between '{}' and '{}'\n".format(
            source, target) +
        "MATCH (s:{})-[:typing]->(t:{})\n".format(
            source, target) +
        "WITH s, t\n"
    query += (
        "// match all the predecessors of 's' and successors of 't'\n"
        "MATCH (pred)-[:typing*0..]->(s), (t)-[:typing*0..]->(suc) \n"
        "WHERE NOT pred = s AND NOT suc = t\n" +
        "WITH s, t, collect(DISTINCT pred) as pred_list, " +
        "collect(DISTINCT suc) as suc_list\n"
    query += (
        "// select all the pairs 'pred' 'suc' with a path between\n"
        "UNWIND pred_list as pred\n" +
        "UNWIND suc_list as suc\n" +
        "OPTIONAL MATCH (pred)-[r:typing*]->(suc)\n" +
        "WHERE NONE(rel in r WHERE rel.tmp = 'True')\n"
        "WITH s, t, r, labels(pred)[1] as pred_label, labels(suc)[1] as suc_label\n" +
        "WHERE r IS NOT NULL\n" +
        "WITH DISTINCT s, t, pred_label, suc_label\n"
    query += (
        "// return the pairs 's' 't' where there should be a typing edge\n"
        "OPTIONAL MATCH (s)-[new_typing:typing]->(t)\n" +
        "WHERE new_typing.tmp IS NOT NULL\n" +
        "WITH pred_label, suc_label, s.id as s_id, t.id as t_id, new_typing\n" +
        "WHERE new_typing IS NULL\n" +
        "RETURN pred_label, suc_label, s_id, t_id\n"
    result = tx.run(query)

    missing_typing = []
    for record in result:
        missing_typing.append((record['pred_label'], record['suc_label']))
    if len(missing_typing) != 0:
        raise InvalidHomomorphism(
            "Homomorphism does not commute with existing paths:\n" +
            ",\n".join(["\t- from {} to {}".format(
                s, t) for s, t in missing_typing]) + "."

    return True
Exemple #5
def pullback_complement(a, b, d, a_b, b_d, inplace=False):
    """Find the final pullback complement from a->b->d.

    Makes changes to d inplace.
    check_homomorphism(a, b, a_b, total=True)
    check_homomorphism(b, d, b_d, total=True)

    if not is_monic(b_d):
        raise InvalidHomomorphism("Second homomorphism is not monic, "
                                  "cannot find final pullback complement!")

    if inplace is True:
        c = d
        c = NXGraph()

    a_c = dict()
    c_d = id_of(c.nodes())

    # Remove/clone nodes
    for b_node in b.nodes():
        a_keys = keys_by_value(a_b, b_node)
        # Remove nodes
        if len(a_keys) == 0:
            del c_d[b_d[b_node]]
        # Keep nodes
        elif len(a_keys) == 1:
            a_c[a_keys[0]] = b_d[b_node]
        # Clone nodes
            i = 1
            for k in a_keys:
                if i == 1:
                    a_c[k] = b_d[b_node]
                    c_d[b_d[b_node]] = b_d[b_node]
                    new_name = c.clone_node(b_d[b_node])
                    a_c[k] = new_name
                    c_d[new_name] = b_d[b_node]
                i += 1

    # Remove edges
    for (b_n1, b_n2) in b.edges():
        a_keys_1 = keys_by_value(a_b, b_n1)
        a_keys_2 = keys_by_value(a_b, b_n2)
        if len(a_keys_1) > 0 and len(a_keys_2) > 0:
            for k1 in a_keys_1:
                for k2 in a_keys_2:
                    if (k1, k2) not in a.edges() and\
                       (a_c[k1], a_c[k2]) in c.edges():
                        c.remove_edge(a_c[k1], a_c[k2])

    # Remove node attrs
    for a_node in a.nodes():
        attrs_to_remove = dict_sub(b.get_node(a_b[a_node]), a.get_node(a_node))
        c.remove_node_attrs(a_c[a_node], attrs_to_remove)
        # removed_node_attrs[a_c[a_node]] = attrs_to_remove

    # Remove edge attrs
    for (n1, n2) in a.edges():
        attrs_to_remove = dict_sub(b.get_edge(a_b[n1], a_b[n2]),
                                   a.get_edge(n1, n2))
        c.remove_edge_attrs(a_c[n1], a_c[n2], attrs_to_remove)
        # removed_edge_attrs[(a_c[n1], a_c[n2])] = attrs_to_remove

    return (c, a_c, c_d)
Exemple #6
def check_homomorphism(tx, domain, codomain, total=True):
    """Check if the homomorphism is valid.

        Variable of a cypher transaction
    domain : str
        Label of the graph at the domain of the homomorphism
    codmain : str
        Label of the graph at the codomain of the homomorphism

        This error is raised in the following cases:

            * a node at the domain does not have exactly 1 image
            in the codoamin
            * an edge at the domain does not have an image in
            the codomain
            * a property does not match between a node and its image
            * a property does not match between an edge and its image
    # Check if all the nodes of the domain have exactly 1 image
    query1 = (
        "MATCH (n:{})\n".format(domain) +
        "OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:typing]->(m:{})\n".format(codomain) +
        "WITH n, collect(m) as images\n" +
        "WHERE size(images) <> 1\n" +
        "RETURN n.id as ids, size(images) as nb_of_img\n"

    result = tx.run(query1)
    nodes = []

    for record in result:
        nodes.append((record['ids'], record['nb_of_img']))
    if len(nodes) != 0:
        raise InvalidHomomorphism(
            "Wrong number of images!\n" +
                ["The node '{}' of the graph {} have {} image(s) in the graph {}.".format(
                    n, domain, str(nb), codomain) for n, nb in nodes]))

    # Check if all the edges of the domain have an image
    query2 = (
        "MATCH (n:{})-[:edge]->(m:{})\n".format(
            domain, domain) +
        "MATCH (n)-[:typing]->(x:{}), (y:{})<-[:typing]-(m)\n".format(
            codomain, codomain) +
        "OPTIONAL MATCH (x)-[r:edge]->(y)\n" +
        "WITH x.id as x_id, y.id as y_id, r\n" +
        "WHERE r IS NULL\n" +
        "WITH x_id, y_id, collect(r) as rs\n" +
        "RETURN x_id, y_id\n"

    result = tx.run(query2)
    xy_ids = []
    for record in result:
        xy_ids.append((record['x_id'], record['y_id']))
    if len(xy_ids) != 0:
        raise InvalidHomomorphism(
            "Edges are not preserved in the homomorphism from '{}' to '{}': ".format(
                domain, codomain) +
            "Was expecting edges {}".format(
                ", ".join(
                    "'{}'->'{}'".format(x, y) for x, y in xy_ids))

    # "CASE WHEN size(apoc.text.regexGroups(m_props, 'IntegerSet\\[(\\d+|minf)-(\\d+|inf)\\]') AS value"

    # Check if all the attributes of a node of the domain are in its image
    query3 = (
        "MATCH (n:{})-[:typing]->(m:{})\n".format(
            domain, codomain) +
        "WITH properties(n) as n_props, properties(m) as m_props, " +
        "n.id as n_id, m.id as m_id\n" +
        "WITH REDUCE(invalid = 0, k in filter(k in keys(n_props) WHERE k <> 'id' AND k <> 'count') |\n" +
        "\tinvalid + CASE\n" +
        "\t\tWHEN NOT k IN keys(m_props) THEN 1\n" +
        "\t\tELSE REDUCE(invalid_values = 0, v in n_props[k] |\n" +
        "\t\t\tinvalid_values + CASE m_props[k]\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tWHEN ['IntegerSet'] THEN CASE WHEN toInt(v) IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tWHEN ['StringSet'] THEN CASE WHEN toString(v) <> v THEN 1 ELSE 0 END\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tWHEN ['BooleanSet'] THEN CASE WHEN v=true OR v=false THEN 0 ELSE 1 END\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tELSE CASE WHEN NOT v IN m_props[k] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END END)\n" +
        "\t\tEND) AS invalid, n_id, m_id\n" +
        "WHERE invalid <> 0\n" +
        "RETURN n_id, m_id, invalid\n"

    result = tx.run(query3)
    invalid_typings = []
    for record in result:
        invalid_typings.append((record['n_id'], record['m_id']))
    if len(invalid_typings) != 0:
        raise InvalidHomomorphism(
            "Node attributes are not preserved in the homomorphism from '{}' to '{}': ".format(
                domain, codomain) +
            "\n".join(["Attributes of nodes source: '{}' ".format(n) +
                       "and target: '{}' do not match!".format(m)
                       for n, m in invalid_typings]))

    # Check if all the attributes of an edge of the domain are in its image
    query4 = (
        "MATCH (n:{})-[rel_orig:edge]->(m:{})\n".format(
            domain, domain) +
        "MATCH (n)-[:typing]->(x:{}), (y:{})<-[:typing]-(m)\n".format(
            codomain, codomain) +
        "MATCH (x)-[rel_img:edge]->(y)\n" +
        "WITH n.id as n_id, m.id as m_id, x.id as x_id, y.id as y_id, " +
        "properties(rel_orig) as rel_orig_props, " +
        "properties(rel_img) as rel_img_props\n" +
        "WITH REDUCE(invalid = 0, k in keys(rel_orig_props) |\n" +
        "\tinvalid + CASE\n" +
        "\t\tWHEN NOT k IN keys(rel_img_props) THEN 1\n" +
        "\t\tELSE REDUCE(invalid_values = 0, v in rel_orig_props[k] |\n" +
        "\t\t\tinvalid_values + CASE rel_img_props[k]\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tWHEN ['IntegerSet'] THEN CASE WHEN toInt(v) IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tWHEN ['StringSet'] THEN CASE WHEN toString(v) <> v THEN 1 ELSE 0 END\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tWHEN ['BooleanSet'] THEN CASE WHEN v=true OR v=false THEN 0 ELSE 1 END\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tELSE CASE WHEN NOT v IN rel_img_props[k] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END END)\n" +
        "\t\tEND) AS invalid, n_id, m_id, x_id, y_id\n" +
        "WHERE invalid <> 0\n" +
        "RETURN n_id, m_id, x_id, y_id, invalid\n"
    result = tx.run(query4)
    invalid_edges = []
    for record in result:
        invalid_edges.append((record['n_id'], record['m_id'],
                              record['x_id'], record['y_id']))
    if len(invalid_edges) != 0:
        raise InvalidHomomorphism(
            "Edge attributes are not preserved!\n" +
            "\n".join(["Attributes of edges '{}'->'{}' ".format(n, m) +
                       "and '{}'->'{}' do not match!".format(x, y)
                       for n, m, x, y in invalid_edges])

    return True