def get_sweep_results(self, ref_path_prop, out_file=None): """ Get sweep results for a sweep run, dump all simulation info to file if desired :param ref_path_prop: path to the PropertyReport.json output file :param out_file: file to dump all simulation directories to :return: (collected inset chart data, collected property report data) """ all_data = [] all_data_prop = [] sim_dirs = [] for reg_thread in ru.reg_threads: sim_dir = os.path.join(reg_thread.sim_root, reg_thread.sim_timestamp) sim_dirs.append(sim_dir) icj_filename = os.path.join(sim_dir, os.path.join("output", "InsetChart.json")) icj_json = ru.load_json(icj_filename) all_data.append(icj_json) if os.path.exists(ref_path_prop): prj_json = ru.load_json(os.path.join(sim_dir, os.path.join("output", "PropertyReport.json"))) all_data_prop.append(prj_json) if out_file: with open( out_file, "w" ) as outputs: outputs.write( json.dumps( sim_dirs, indent=4, sort_keys=True ) ) return (all_data, all_data_prop)
def plot_sweep_results(self, sweep_path, sweep_out_file=None): """ Get sweep results and plot them :param sweep_path: regression simulation directory :param sweep_out_file: dump all simulation directories to a file, if present """ print("Plot sweep results...\n") ref_json_prop = {} ref_path_prop = os.path.join(sweep_path, os.path.join("output", "PropertyReport.json")) if os.path.exists(ref_path_prop): ref_json_prop = ru.load_json(os.path.join(self.cache_cwd, ref_path_prop)) ref_path = os.path.join(sweep_path, os.path.join("output", "InsetChart.json")) ref_json = ru.load_json(os.path.join(self.cache_cwd, ref_path)) (all_data, all_data_prop) = self.get_sweep_results(ref_path_prop, sweep_out_file) param_counts = [] for param_name in self.param_names: param_counts.append(str(len(self.param_values[param_name]))) plot_title = "Sweep over " + ", ".join(self.param_names).replace(':', '_') + " (" + ", ".join(param_counts) + ") values" os.chdir(self.cache_cwd) import plotAllCharts plotAllCharts.plotBunch(all_data, plot_title, ref_json) if os.path.exists(ref_path_prop): plotAllCharts.plotBunch(all_data_prop, plot_title, ref_json_prop)
def doSchemaTest(self): # print( "Testing schema generation..." ) test_schema_path = "test-schema.json"[ self.params.executable_path, "--get-schema", "--schema-path", test_schema_path ], stdout=open(os.devnull)) try: ru.load_json(test_schema_path) print("schema works.") os.remove(test_schema_path) return "passed" except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) return "failed" # Well, it doesn't seem to have passed...
def run_test(self, sim_path, param_overrides=None): """ Run a test given a sim_path :param sim_path: path to the regression simulation directory :param param_overrides: map of param_names -> param_values to override in config (if present) :return: simulation id """ os.chdir(self.cache_cwd) sim_id = self.sim_id_generator.get_simulation_id() configjson = get_test_config(sim_path, self.test_type, if configjson: if self.check_constraints(configjson): # override param name/value for sweeps if param_overrides: for param_name, param_value in param_overrides.items(): TestRunner.override_config_value( configjson, param_name, param_value) campjson = flatten_campaign(sim_path, self.test_type, # add campaign to config if campjson is None: campaign_file = None if "Campaign_Filename" in configjson["parameters"]: campaign_file = os.path.join( sim_path, configjson["parameters"]["Campaign_Filename"]) configjson["campaign_json"] = load_campjson_from_campaign( sim_path, configjson["parameters"]["Enable_Interventions"], self.runner, campaign_file) else: configjson["campaign_json"] = str(campjson) # add custom reports, if they exist configjson["custom_reports_json"] = str( ru.load_json(os.path.join(sim_path, "custom_reports.json"))) thread = self.runner.commissionFromConfigJson( sim_id, configjson, sim_path,, self.scenario_type) ru.reg_threads.append(thread) else: print("Error flattening config. Skipping " + sim_path) ru.final_warnings += "Error flattening config. Skipped " + sim_path + "\n" return sim_id
def run_test(self, sim_path, param_overrides=None): """ Run a test given a sim_path :param sim_path: path to the regression simulation directory :param param_overrides: map of param_names -> param_values to override in config (if present) :return: simulation id """ os.chdir(self.cache_cwd) sim_id = self.sim_id_generator.get_simulation_id() configjson = get_test_config(sim_path, self.test_type, if configjson is None: print( "Misconfigured test: " + sim_path ) elif "parameters" not in configjson: # for pymod, but could be used elswhere I think configjson = { "parameters" : configjson } # hopefully this doesn't look weird. just make the config look like it had the conventional "parameters" even top-level key if it didn't if configjson: if self.check_constraints(configjson): # override param name/value for sweeps if param_overrides: for param_name, param_value in param_overrides.items(): TestRunner.override_config_value(configjson, param_name, param_value) campjson = flatten_campaign(sim_path, self.test_type, # add campaign to config if campjson is None: campaign_file = None if "parameters" in configjson: if "Campaign_Filename" in configjson["parameters"]: campaign_file = os.path.join(sim_path, configjson["parameters"]["Campaign_Filename"]) ei = False if "parameters" in configjson and "Enable_Interventions" in configjson["parameters"]: ei = configjson["parameters"]["Enable_Interventions"] configjson["campaign_json"] = load_campjson_from_campaign(sim_path, ei, self.runner, campaign_file) else: configjson["campaign_json"] = str(campjson) # add custom reports, if they exist if os.path.exists( os.path.join(sim_path, "custom_reports.json") ): configjson["custom_reports_json"] = str(ru.load_json(os.path.join(sim_path, "custom_reports.json"))) thread = self.runner.commissionFromConfigJson(sim_id, configjson, sim_path,, self.scenario_type) ru.reg_threads.append(thread) else: print("Error flattening config. Skipping " + sim_path) ru.final_warnings += "Error flattening config. Skipped " + sim_path + "\n" return sim_id
def add_tests_from_file(regression_list_json, filename): """ Load regression tests from a file and add them to an existing list :param regression_list_json: existing list of regression tests, modified by this function :param filename: suite filename (e.g. generic.json) """ tests = ru.load_json(filename) test_type = reglist_test_type(tests) if test_type: add_regression_tests(regression_list_json, tests, test_type) else: print("Warning: failed to add any regression tests from file {0}. Expected either 1) a regression_test " "suite file path that points to a collection of tests, or 2) a directory path containing " "a single test.".format(filename))
def get_test_config(path, test_type, report): """ Return the test config for a given test path :param path: regression test path :param test_type: e.g. "tests", "science", etc. :param report: regression report (for keeping track of errors in loading) :return: json regression test config """ param_overrides_filename = os.path.join(path, "param_overrides.json") if os.path.exists(param_overrides_filename): return flatten_test_config(param_overrides_filename, test_type, report) else: print( "Warning: no param_overrides.json file available, config will not be flattened" ) return ru.load_json(os.path.join(path, "config.json")) return None
def load_campjson_from_campaign(simcfg_path, enable_interventions, runner, campaign_filename=None): """ Load campaign json :param simcfg_path: regression test path (directory root) :param enable_interventions: 1 = True :param campaign_filename: campaign filename specified from config json :return: json campaign data """ if enable_interventions == 1: if not campaign_filename or not os.path.exists(campaign_filename): try: campaign_filename = glob.glob(os.path.join(simcfg_path, "campaign_*.json"))[0] except Exception as ex: print( str( ex ) + " while processing " + simcfg_path ) runner.campaign_filename = os.path.basename(campaign_filename) campjson = ru.load_json(campaign_filename, lambda x: x.replace("u'", "'").replace("'", '"').strip('"')) return str(campjson) else: return {'Events': []}
def get_test_config(path, test_type, report): """ Return the test config for a given test path :param path: regression test path :param test_type: e.g. "tests", "science", etc. :param report: regression report (for keeping track of errors in loading) :return: json regression test config """ if test_type == "pymod": return setup_pymod_directory( os.path.dirname( path ) ) else: param_overrides_filename = os.path.join(path, "param_overrides.json") if os.path.exists(param_overrides_filename): return flatten_test_config(param_overrides_filename, test_type, report) else: #print("Warning: no param_overrides.json file available, config will not be flattened") try: return ru.load_json(os.path.join(path, "config.json")) except Exception as ex: print( "Malformed config.json in: " + path ) return None
def compareJsonOutputs(self, sim_dir, report_name, ref_path, test_path, failures): fail_validation = False failure_txt = "" try: ru.load_json(os.path.join(ru.cache_cwd, ref_path)) except Exception: print("Exception {0} {1} loading json file: {2}.".format( sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], (os.path.join(ru.cache_cwd, ref_path)))) return ref_json = ru.load_json(os.path.join(sim_dir, ref_path)) if "Channels" not in ref_json.keys(): ref_md5 = ru.md5_hash_of_file(ref_path) test_md5 = ru.md5_hash_of_file(test_path) if ref_md5 == test_md5: return False, "" else: print(self.scenario_path + " completed but did not match reference! (" + str(self.duration) + ") - " + report_name) return True, "Non-Channel JSON failed MD5." else: test_json = ru.load_json(os.path.join(sim_dir, test_path)) if "Channels" not in test_json.keys(): return True, "Reference has Channel data and Test file does not." ref_md5 = self.get_json_data_hash(ref_json["Channels"]) test_md5 = self.get_json_data_hash(test_json["Channels"]) ref_channels = set(ref_json["Channels"]) test_channels = set(test_json["Channels"]) if ref_md5 == test_md5: return False, "" missing_channels = ref_channels - test_channels new_channels = test_channels - ref_channels if len(missing_channels) > 0: fail_validation = True print("ERROR: Missing channels - " + ', '.join(missing_channels)) failure_txt += "Missing channels:\n" + '\n'.join( missing_channels) + "\n" self.scenario_path, failure_txt, os.path.join(sim_dir, ("output/" + report_name)), self.scenario_type) if len(new_channels) > 0: print( "WARNING: The test " + report_name + " has " + str(len(new_channels)) + " channels not found in the reference. Please update the reference " + report_name + ".") ru.final_warnings += self.scenario_path + " - New channels not found in reference:\n " + '\n '.join( new_channels ) + "\nPlease update reference from " + os.path.join( sim_dir, os.path.join("output", "InsetChart.json")) + "!\n" self.scenario_path, failure_txt, os.path.join(sim_dir, ("output/" + report_name)), self.scenario_type) if "Header" in ref_json.keys() and ref_json["Header"][ "Timesteps"] != test_json["Header"]["Timesteps"]: warning_msg = "WARNING: test " + report_name + " has timesteps " + str( test_json["Header"]["Timesteps"] ) + " DIFFERRING from ref " + report_name + " timesteps " + str( ref_json["Header"]["Timesteps"]) + "!\n" if self.params.hide_graphs: # This is treated as automated running mode (or bamboo nightly build mode) fail_validation = True failure_txt += warning_msg else: # This is treated as manual running mode ru.final_warnings += warning_msg print(warning_msg) if not fail_validation: #print( "Hasn't failed validation on second level review. Time to look channel by channel, timestep by timestep." ) # BinnedReport and its derived classes have "Subchannel_Metadata" in the header if "Header" in ref_json.keys( ) and "Subchannel_Metadata" in ref_json["Header"].keys(): self.compareBinnedReportType(ref_json, test_json, failures) elif "Header" in ref_json.keys( ) and "Report_Type" in ref_json["Header"].keys( ) and ref_json["Header"]["Report_Type"] == "InsetChart": # Assuming a BaseChannelReport self.compareChannelReportType(ref_json, test_json, failures) else: fail_validation = True failures.append( report_name + " - Files are different but cannot do deep dive.") if len(failures) > 0: fail_validation = True failure_txt += "Channel Timestep Reference_Value Test_Value\n" + ''.join( failures) print(self.scenario_path + " completed but did not match reference! (" + str(self.duration) + ") - " + report_name) return fail_validation, failure_txt
def setup_pymod_directory( path ): #print( "PyMod test type: copy up all .pyd, .json, and .py files." ) # maybe later if os.path.exists( os.path.join( path, "nd_template.json" ) ) == False: print( "Could not find nd_template.json file in " + path ) return None return ru.load_json( os.path.join( path, "nd_template.json" ) )