def shifted_points_within_range(points, minimum, maximum, precision = 4):
    # Handle input errors
    allow_vector_matrix(points, 'first')
    compare_scalars(minimum, maximum, 'second', 'third')

    # Grab general points
    general_points = []
    for point in points:
        # Handle coordinate pairs
        if isinstance(point, list):
            if isinstance(point[0], str):
        # Handle single coordinates
            if isinstance(point, str):
    # Generate options for inputs
    optional_points = []
    for point in general_points:
        # Grab initial value and periodic unit
        initial_value_index = point.find(' + ')
        initial_value = float(point[:initial_value_index])
        periodic_unit_index = initial_value_index + 3
        periodic_unit = float(point[periodic_unit_index:-1])
        # Increase or decrease initial value to fit into range
        alternative_initial_value = shift_into_range(initial_value, periodic_unit, minimum, maximum)
        # Generate additional values within range
        generated_elements = generate_elements(alternative_initial_value, periodic_unit, precision)
        optional_points += generated_elements
    # Separate numerical inputs from string inputs
    separated_points = separate_elements(optional_points)
    numerical_points = separated_points['numerical']
    other_points = separated_points['other']

    # Sort numerical inputs
    sorted_points = sorted_list(numerical_points)

    # Reduce numerical inputs to within a given range
    selected_points = [x for x in sorted_points if x >= minimum and x <= maximum]
    # Round numerical inputs
    rounded_points = rounded_list(selected_points, precision)
    # Sort string inputs
    sorted_other_points = sorted_strings(other_points)
    # Combine numerical and string inputs
    result = rounded_points + sorted_other_points
    return result
 def test_shift_range_above_negative(self):
     shift_range_above_negative = shift_into_range(31, -2, 10, 20)
     self.assertEqual(shift_range_above_negative, 19)
 def test_shift_range_unfit_below_negative(self):
     shift_range_unfit_below_negative = shift_into_range(1, -30, 10, 20)
     self.assertEqual(shift_range_unfit_below_negative, 31)
 def test_shift_range_below_negative(self):
     shift_range_below_negative = shift_into_range(1, -2, 10, 20)
     self.assertEqual(shift_range_below_negative, 11)
 def test_shift_range_at_max_negative(self):
     shift_range_at_max_negative = shift_into_range(20, -2, 10, 20)
     self.assertEqual(shift_range_at_max_negative, 20)
 def test_shift_range_unfit_above_positive(self):
     shift_range_unfit_above_positive = shift_into_range(31, 30, 10, 20)
     self.assertEqual(shift_range_unfit_above_positive, 31)
 def test_shift_range_at_min_positive(self):
     shift_range_at_min_positive = shift_into_range(10, 2, 10, 20)
     self.assertEqual(shift_range_at_min_positive, 10)
 def test_shift_range_within_positive(self):
     shift_range_within_positive = shift_into_range(11, 2, 10, 20)
     self.assertEqual(shift_range_within_positive, 11)