Exemple #1
def compute_result(model, dataset, data):
    """Compute output value of data samples by using the trained model

        model: A NeuralNet model
        dataset: A Dataset object returned by ``create_dataset``
        data:  list of pedestrian tuples returned by ``decomp_body``

        A tuple (train, valid, test) where each is three matrices
        (image_tensor4D, output_matrix, target_matrix)

    result = cachem.load('result')

    if result is None:
        import theano
        import theano.tensor as T
        from reid.models.layers import CompLayer
        from reid.models.neural_net import NeuralNet

        model = NeuralNet([model, CompLayer()])
        x = T.matrix()
        f = theano.function(inputs=[x], outputs=model.get_output(x))

        def compute_output(X):
            outputs = [f(X[i:i+1, :]).ravel() for i in xrange(X.shape[0])]
            return numpy.asarray(outputs)

        images = numpy.asarray([p[0] for p in data])

        train = (images[dataset.train_ind],

        valid = (images[dataset.valid_ind],

        test = (images[dataset.test_ind],

        result = (train, valid, test)

    return result
multitask = DecompLayer([(1,), (3,)])

model = NeuralNet([decomp, columns, comp, multitask])

# Build up the target value adapter
adapter = DecompLayer([(1,), (3,)])

# Build up evaluator
evaluator = Evaluator(model, [mse, mse], [mse, mse], adapter)

# Compute the expression by using the model
x = T.matrix('x')
y = T.matrix('y')

output = model.get_output(x)
cost, updates = evaluator.get_cost_updates(x, y, 1.0)
error = evaluator.get_error(x, y)

f = theano.function(inputs=[x, y],
                    outputs=[cost, error])

cost, error = f(X, Y)
print "The target matrix is ", Y
print "The cost is ", cost
print "The error is ", error

cost, error = f(X, Z)
print "The target matrix is ", Z
print "The cost is ", cost
print "The error is ", error
Exemple #3
comp = CompLayer()

multitask = DecompLayer([(1, ), (3, )])

model = NeuralNet([decomp, columns, comp, multitask])

# Build up the target value adapter
adapter = DecompLayer([(1, ), (3, )])

# Build up evaluator
evaluator = Evaluator(model, [mse, mse], [mse, mse], adapter)

# Compute the expression by using the model
x = T.matrix('x')
y = T.matrix('y')

output = model.get_output(x)
cost, updates = evaluator.get_cost_updates(x, y, 1.0)
error = evaluator.get_error(x, y)

f = theano.function(inputs=[x, y], outputs=[cost, error])

cost, error = f(X, Y)
print "The target matrix is ", Y
print "The cost is ", cost
print "The error is ", error

cost, error = f(X, Z)
print "The target matrix is ", Z
print "The cost is ", cost
print "The error is ", error