arguments = parser.parse_args() # write JSON with REJSON rj.jsonset('some_json', Path.rootPath(), json.loads(arguments.json[0].read())) # get a single (string) value from the JSON value_of_myjson = rj.jsonget('some_json', Path('myjson')) print('myjson in some_json: {}'.format(value_of_myjson)) # create an array rj.jsonset('some_json', Path('secondary.spanishNumbers'), ["uno"]) # Append some values to the Array rj.jsonarrappend('some_json', Path('secondary.spanishNumbers'), "tres", "cuatro") # insert a value to the Array rj.jsonarrinsert('some_json', Path('secondary.spanishNumbers'), '1', 'dos') # get the array back value_of_spanishNumbers = rj.jsonget('some_json', Path('secondary.spanishNumbers')) print(value_of_spanishNumbers) # Append to the a string value rj.jsonstrappend('some_json', 'well', Path('myjson')) # Get the whole json object back value_of_some_json = rj.jsonget('some_json', Path.rootPath()) print('some_json: ' + json.dumps(value_of_some_json, indent=1))
class RejsonDb(KeyValueStorage): def __init__(self, conf): """ arguments: conf -- a dictionary containing 'settings' module compatible configuration of the plug-in """ self._host = conf['host'] self._port = int(conf['port']) self._db = int(conf['id']) self.redis = Client(host=self._host, port=self._port, db=self._db, decode_responses=True) self._scan_chunk_size = 50 try: self.redis.jsonget('-') except ResponseError as e: if 'unknown command' in str(e): logging.fatal( "Rejson DB Plug-in requires Redis with RedisJSON module enabled" ) else: raise e def rename(self, key, new_key): return self.redis.rename(key, new_key) def list_get(self, key, from_idx=0, to_idx=-1): """ Returns a stored list. If there is a non-list value stored with the passed key then TypeError is raised. arguments: key -- data access key from_idx -- optional start index to_idx -- optional (default is -1) end index (including, i.e. unlike Python); negative values are supported (-1 = last, -2 = penultimate,...) """ data = self.get(key, []) if isinstance(data, list): if to_idx == -1: return data[from_idx:] return data[from_idx:to_idx + 1] raise TypeError('Object is not a list') def list_append(self, key, value): """ Add a value at the end of a list arguments: key -- data access key value -- value to be pushed """ if not self.exists(key): self.set(key, []) self.redis.jsonarrappend(key, Path.rootPath(), value) def list_pop(self, key): """ Removes and returns the first element of the list stored at key. arguments: key -- list access key """ return self.redis.jsonarrpop(key) def list_len(self, key): """ Returns length of a list. If there is a non-list value stored with the passed key then TypeError is raised. arguments: key -- data access key """ if not self.exists(key): return 0 return self.redis.jsonarrlen(key) def list_set(self, key, idx, value): """ Sets the list element at index to value arguments: key -- list access key idx -- a zero based index where the set should be performed value -- a JSON-serializable value to be inserted """ # TODO the operation pair should be atomic to avoid possible race conditions self.redis.jsonarrpop(key, Path.rootPath(), idx) return self.redis.jsonarrinsert(key, Path.rootPath(), idx, value) def list_trim(self, key, keep_left, keep_right): """ Trims the list from the beginning to keep_left - 1 and from keep_right to the end. The function does not return anything. arguments: key -- data access key keep_left -- the first value to be kept keep_right -- the last value to be kept """ self.redis.jsonarrtrim(key, Path.rootPath(), keep_left, keep_right) def hash_get(self, key, field): """ Gets a value from a hash table stored under the passed key arguments: key -- data access key field -- hash table entry key """ if self.redis.jsontype(key, Path(f'["{field}"]')) is None: return None return self.redis.jsonget(key, Path(f'["{field}"]'), no_escape=True) def hash_set(self, key, field, value): """ Puts a value into a hash table stored under the passed key arguments: key -- data access key field -- hash table entry key value -- a value to be stored """ if not self.exists(key): self.set(key, {}) self.redis.jsonset(key, Path(f'["{field}"]'), value) def hash_del(self, key, field): """ Removes a field from a hash item arguments: key -- hash item access key field -- the field to be deleted """ self.redis.jsondel(key, Path(f'["{field}"]')) def hash_get_all(self, key): """ Returns a complete hash object (= Python dict) stored under the passed key. If the provided key is not present then an empty dict is returned. arguments: key -- data access key """ return self.get(key) def get(self, key, default=None): """ Gets a value stored with passed key and returns its JSON decoded form. arguments: key -- data access key default -- a value to be returned in case there is no such key """ data = self.redis.jsonget(key, Path.rootPath(), no_escape=True) if data is None: return default return data def set(self, key, data): """ Saves 'data' with 'key'. arguments: key -- an access key data -- a dictionary containing data to be saved """ self.redis.jsonset(key, Path.rootPath(), data) def set_ttl(self, key, ttl): """ Set auto expiration timeout in seconds. arguments: key -- data access key ttl -- number of seconds to wait before the value is removed (please note that update actions reset the timer to zero) """ self.redis.expire(key, ttl) def get_ttl(self, key): return self.redis.ttl(key) def clear_ttl(self, key): self.redis.persist(key) def remove(self, key): """ Removes a value specified by a key arguments: key -- key of the data to be removed """ self.redis.jsondel(key) def exists(self, key): """ Tests whether there is a value with the specified key arguments: key -- the key to be tested returns: boolean value """ return self.redis.exists(key) def setnx(self, key, value): """ An atomic operation "set if not exists". returns: 1 if the key was set 0 if the key was not set """ return self.redis.jsonset(key, Path.rootPath(), value, nx=True) def getset(self, key, value): """ An atomic operation which obtains current key first and then sets a new value under that key returns: previous key if any or None """ data = self.get(key) self.set(key, value) return data def incr(self, key, amount=1): """ Increments the value of 'key' by 'amount'. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as 'amount' """ if not self.exists(key): self.set(key, 0) return self.redis.jsonnumincrby(key, Path.rootPath(), amount) def hash_set_map(self, key, mapping): """ Set key to value within hash 'name' for each corresponding key and value from the 'mapping' dict. Before setting, the values are json-serialized """ return self.set(key, mapping)