Exemple #1
def adminInfo(handler):
	requirePriv(handler, 'Admin')

	print "<div class=\"info\">"

	print "<h3>Uptime</h3>"
	loadTime = getLoadtime()
	print "Started %s<br>" % loadTime
	print "Up for %s<br>" % timesince(loadTime)
	print "Total requests: %d<br>" % server().getTotalRequests()
	print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/admin/restart\">"
	print Button('Restart', type = 'submit').negative()
	print "</form>"

	print "<h3>Threads</h3>"
	print "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">"
	print "<tr><th>ID</th><th class=\"main\">Name</th><th>Alive</th><th>Daemon</th></tr>"
	for thread in sorted(threads(), key = lambda thread: thread.name):
		print "<tr><td>%s</td><td>" % ('None' if thread.ident is None else "%x" % abs(thread.ident))
		print thread.name
		print "<br>"
			print CollapsibleBox('Traceback', formatTrace(traceback.extract_stack(sys._current_frames()[thread.ident])))
		except Exception:
		print "</td><td class=\"%s\">&nbsp;</td><td class=\"%s\">&nbsp;</td></tr>" % ('yes' if thread.isAlive() else 'no', 'yes' if thread.daemon else 'no')
	print "</table>"

	print "<h3>Locks</h3>"
	print "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">"
	print "<tr><th class=\"main\">Name</th><th>Available</th><th>Reentrant</th></tr>"
	for (name, lock) in sorted(locks.iteritems()):
		print "<tr><td>"
		print name
		avail = lock.avail()
		if not avail:
			print "<br>"
			writer = ResponseWriter()
				owner, tb = lock.owner, lock.tb
				name = ("%x" % abs(owner)) if owner else 'None'
				#TODO Is there no O(1) way to do this?
				for thread in threads():
					if thread.ident == owner:
						name = "%s (%x)" % (thread.name, abs(owner))
				print "Owned by: <b>%s</b><br><br>" % name
				if tb:
					print "Acquisition traceback:<br>"
					print formatTrace(tb)
					print "<br>"
				print "Current traceback:<br>"
				print formatTrace(traceback.extract_stack(sys._current_frames()[owner]))
			except Exception, e:
				print "<i>(Unable to retrieve stack trace)</i>"
			print CollapsibleBox('Ownership', writer.done())
		print "</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td class=\"%s\">&nbsp;</td></tr>" % ('yes' if avail else 'no', '&nbsp;' if avail else (lock.owner or '???'), 'yes' if lock.reentrant() else 'no')
Exemple #2
def content(id):
    result = query("statuses/show/" + id)

    if "text" in result.keys():
        time = datetime.strptime(result["created_at"], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y")

        return u"@{0}: {1} - {2} ago".format(
            result["user"]["screen_name"], result["text"], timesince(time, datetime.utcnow())
    return None
Exemple #3
def info(context):
	revisionHash, revisionDate, revisionRelative = getRevisionInfo()
	print "Sprint tool, revision %s" % link(revisionHash, gitURL % {'hash': revisionHash})
	if isDevMode():
		print clr("Development mode", 'red')
		print clr("Production mode", 'green')
	loadTime = getLoadtime()
	print "Started %s" % clr(loadTime)
	print "Up for %s" % clr(timesince(loadTime))
Exemple #4
def get_posts(username, avatar_url):
    posts_str = '<table id="posts">\n'

    feed_url = 'https://alpha-api.app.net/feed/rss/users/@%s/posts' % username
    feed = feedparser.parse(feed_url)

    for item in feed['items']:
      date = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(item['published_parsed']))
      date = '%s ago' % timesince(date)

      posts_str += '<tr>\n'
      posts_str += TD_AVATAR % avatar_url
      posts_str += TD_POST % (item['title'], username, date)
      posts_str += '</tr>\n'

    posts_str += '</table>\n'

    return posts_str
Exemple #5
def user(handler, username):
	user = User.load(username = username)
	if not user:
		ErrorBox.die('User', "No user named <b>%s</b>" % stripTags(username))

	Markdown.head('form#message-form .body pre code')
	print "<script src=\"/static/jquery.typing-0.2.0.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"
	print "<script src=\"/static/users.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"

	handler.replace('$bodytitle$', '', 1)
	print "<img src=\"%s\" class=\"gravatar\">" % user.getAvatar(64)
	print "<h1>%s</h1>" % user.safe.username
	if isDevMode(handler):
		print "<div class=\"debugtext\">User ID: %d</div>" % user.id
	print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"

	if handler.session['user'] and handler.session['user'].hasPrivilege('Admin'):
		print "<h3>Admin</h3>"
		print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/admin/users\">"
		print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"%s\">" % user.username
		print "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn\" name=\"action\" value=\"resetpw\">Reset password</button>"
		print "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn\" name=\"action\" value=\"impersonate\">Impersonate</button>"
		print "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn\" name=\"action\" value=\"sessions\">Manage sessions</button>"
		print "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn\" name=\"action\" value=\"privileges\">Manage privileges</button>"
		print "</form>"

	if user == handler.session['user']:
		print "<h3>Avatar</h3>"
		if user.hasLocalAvatar():
			print "Your avatar is currently <a href=\"/users/%s/avatar/set\">locally hosted</a>" % user.username
			print "Your avatar can be changed at <a href=\"http://gravatar.com/\" target=\"_new\">http://gravatar.com/</a>. It must be associated with the e-mail <b>%s</b>, and be rated PG. You can also host an avatar <a href=\"/users/%s/avatar/set\">locally</a>, if necessary" % (user.getEmail(), user.username)

		print "<h3>Authentication</h3>"
		print "Your sprint tool password can be changed <a href=\"/resetpw\">here</a>.",
		if settings.kerberosRealm:
			print "You can also use your %s kerberos password to login" % settings.kerberosRealm,
		print "<br><br>"
		if user.hotpKey == '':
			print "You also have the option to use two-factor authentication via <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HOTP\">HOTP</a>. You can use <a href=\"http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1037451\">Google Authenticator</a> to generate verification codes<br><br>"
			print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/security/two-factor\">"
			print "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn danger\" name=\"action\" value=\"enable\">Enable two-factor authentication</button>"
			print "</form>"
			print "You are currently using two-factor authentication<br><br>"
			print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/security/two-factor\">"
			print "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn danger\" name=\"action\" value=\"enable\">Reset HOTP key</button>"
			print "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn danger\" name=\"action\" value=\"disable\">Disable two-factor authentication</button>"
			print "</form>"

		print "<h3>Messages</h3>"
		print "Your inbox and sent messages can be viewed <a href=\"/messages/inbox\">here</a><br>"

	print "<h3>Last seen</h3>"
	if not user.lastseen:
		print "Never"
	elif dateToTs(getNow()) - user.lastseen < 60:
		print "Just now"
		print "%s ago" % timesince(tsToDate(user.lastseen))

	if handler.session['user'] and handler.session['user'] != user:
		print "<h3>Message</h3>"
		print "<small>(Messages are formatted in <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/help/markdown\">markdown</a>)</small>"
		print "<form id=\"message-form\" method=\"post\" action=\"/messages/send\">"
		print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid\" value=\"%d\">" % user.id
		print "<textarea name=\"body\" class=\"large\"></textarea>"
		print "<div class=\"body markdown\"><div id=\"preview\"></div></div>"
		print Button('Send').post().positive()
		print "</form>"

	print "<h3>Project distribution</h3>"
	sprints = filter(lambda s: user in s.members, Sprint.loadAllActive())
	sprintHours = map(lambda s: (s, Availability(s).getAllForward(getNow(), user)), sprints)
	projectHours = map(lambda (p, g): (p, sum(hours for sprint, hours in g)), groupby(sprintHours, lambda (s, a): s.project))

	# For now at least, don't show projects with no hours
	projectHours = filter(lambda (p, h): h > 0, projectHours)
	if len(projectHours) > 0:
		chart = Chart('chart')
		chart.title.text = ''
		chart.tooltip.formatter = "function() {return '<b>' + this.point.name + '</b>: ' + this.point.y + '%';}"
		chart.plotOptions.pie.allowPointSelect = True
		chart.plotOptions.pie.cursor = 'pointer'
		chart.plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.enabled = False
		chart.plotOptions.pie.showInLegend = True
		chart.credits.enabled = False
		chart.series = seriesList = []

		series = {
			'type': 'pie',
			'name': '',
			'data': []

		total = sum(hours for project, hours in projectHours)
		for project, hours in projectHours:
			series['data'].append([project.name, float("%2.2f" % (100 * hours / total))])

		print "Not a member of any active sprints"
Exemple #6
def getRevisionInfo():
	# These are recomputed each time because revisionRelative changes
	revisionHash = repo.head.object.hexsha
	revisionDate = tsToDate(repo.head.object.committed_date)
	return revisionHash, revisionDate.strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'), timesince(revisionDate) + ' ago'
Exemple #7
def task(handler, ids):
    requirePriv(handler, "User")

    Markdown.head(".note .text .body pre code")
    print '<script src="/static/jquery.typing-0.2.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'

    tasks = {}
    if "," not in ids:  # Single ID
        ids = [int(ids)]
        tasks[ids[0]] = Task.load(ids[0])

        def header(task, text, level):
            if level == 1:
                print "<h%d>%s</h%d>" % (level, text, level)

    else:  # Many IDs
        ids = map(int, uniq(ids.split(",")))
        tasks = {id: Task.load(id) for id in ids}
        handler.title("Task Information")

        if not all(tasks.values()):
            ids = [str(id) for (id, task) in tasks.iteritems() if not task]
                "No %s with %s %s"
                % ("task" if len(ids) == 1 else "tasks", "ID" if len(ids) == 1 else "IDs", ", ".join(ids))

        if len(set(task.sprint for task in tasks.values())) == 1:  # All in the same sprint
            print '<small>(<a href="/sprints/%d?search=highlight:%s">Show in backlog view</a>)</small><br><br>' % (
                ",".join(map(str, ids)),

        for id in ids:
            print '<a href="#task%d">%s</a><br>' % (id, tasks[id].safe.name)

        def header(task, text, level):
            if level == 1:
                print "<hr>"
                print '<a name="task%d"></a>' % task.id
                print '<a href="#task%d"><h2>%s</h2></a>' % (task.id, text)
                print "<h%d>%s</h%d>" % (level + 1, text, level + 1)

    for id in ids:
        task = tasks[id]
        if not task or task.sprint.isHidden(handler.session["user"]):
            ErrorBox.die("Tasks", "No task with ID <b>%d</b>" % id)
        elif not task.sprint.canView(handler.session["user"]):
            ErrorBox.die("Private", "You must be a sprint member to view this sprint's tasks")
        revs = task.getRevisions()
        startRev = task.getStartRevision()

        header(task, task.safe.name, 1)

        header(task, "Info", 2)
        print 'Part of <a href="/sprints/%d">%s</a>, <a href="/sprints/%d#group%d">%s</a>' % (
        if task.goal:
            print 'to meet the goal&nbsp;&nbsp;<img class="bumpdown" src="/static/images/tag-%s.png">&nbsp;<a href="/sprints/%d?search=goal:%s">%s</a>' % (
        print "<br>"
        print "Assigned to %s<br>" % ", ".join(map(str, task.assigned))
        print "Last changed %s ago<br><br>" % timesince(tsToDate(task.timestamp))
        hours, total, lbl = task.hours, startRev.hours, "<b>%s</b>" % statuses[task.status].text
        if task.deleted:
            if task.sprint.canEdit(handler.session["user"]):
                print '<form method="post" action="/sprints/%d">' % task.sprint.id
                print '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="%d">' % task.id
                print '<input type="hidden" name="rev_id" value="%d">' % task.revision
                print '<input type="hidden" name="field" value="deleted">'
                print '<input type="hidden" name="value" value="false">'
                print "Deleted (%s)" % Button("undelete", id="undelete").mini().positive()
                print "</form>"
                print "Deleted"
            print "<br>"
        elif task.status == "complete":
            print ProgressBar(lbl, total - hours, total, zeroDivZero=True, style="progress-current-green")
        elif task.status in ("blocked", "canceled", "deferred", "split"):
            hours = filter(lambda rev: rev.hours > 0, revs)
            hours = hours[-1].hours if len(hours) > 0 else 0
            print ProgressBar(lbl, total - hours, total, zeroDivZero=True, style="progress-current-red")
            print ProgressBar(lbl, total - hours, total, zeroDivZero=True)

        header(task, "Notes", 2)
        for note in task.getNotes():
            print '<div id="note%d" class="note">' % note.id
            print '<form method="post" action="/tasks/%d/notes/%d/modify">' % (id, note.id)
            print '<div class="avatar"><img src="%s"></div>' % note.user.getAvatar()
            print '<div class="text">'
            print '<div class="title"><a class="timestamp" href="#note%d">%s</a> by <span class="author">%s</span>' % (
            if note.user == handler.session["user"]:
                print '<button name="action" value="delete" class="fancy mini danger">delete</button>'
            print "</div>"
            print '<div class="body markdown">%s</div>' % note.render()
            print "</div>"
            print "</form>"
            print "</div>"

        print '<div class="note new-note">'
        print '<form method="post" action="/tasks/%d/notes/new">' % id
        print '<div class="avatar"><div><img src="%s"></div></div>' % handler.session["user"].getAvatar()
        print '<div class="text">'
        print '<div class="title">'
        print "<b>New note</b>"
        print '<a target="_blank" href="/help/markdown" class="fancy mini">help</a>'
        print "</div>"
        print '<div class="body"><textarea name="body" class="large"></textarea></div>'
        print Button("Post").post().positive()
        print "<hr>"
        print '<div class="body markdown"><div id="preview"></div></div>'
        print "</div>"
        print "</form>"
        print "</div>"

        print '<button class="btn start-new-note">Add Note</button>'
        print '<div class="clear"></div>'

        header(task, "History", 2)
        chart = TaskChart("chart%d" % id, task)

        showHistory(task, False)
        print "<br>"