def createOutputStep(self): imgSet = self.inputParticles.get() partSet = self._createSetOfParticles() partSet.copyInfo(imgSet) outImagesMd = self._getExtraPath('') # remove repeating rlnImageId column tableName = '' if Plugin.IS_GT30(): tableName = 'particles' mdOptics = Table(fileName=outImagesMd, tableName='optics') mdOut = Table(fileName=outImagesMd, tableName=tableName) mdOut.removeColumns("rlnImageId") with open(outImagesMd, "w") as f: mdOut.writeStar(f, tableName=tableName) if Plugin.IS_GT30(): mdOptics.writeStar(f, tableName='optics') reader = convert.createReader() reader.readSetOfParticles( outImagesMd, partSet, alignType=ALIGN_PROJ, postprocessImageRow=self._postprocessImageRow) self._defineOutputs(outputParticles=partSet) self._defineSourceRelation(imgSet, partSet)
def _insertReconstructStep(self): imgSet = self.inputParticles.get() params = ' --i %s' % self._getFileName('input_particles') params += ' --o %s' % self._getFileName('output_volume') params += ' --sym %s' % self.symmetryGroup.get() params += ' --angpix %0.5f' % imgSet.getSamplingRate() params += ' --maxres %0.3f' % self.maxRes.get() params += ' --pad %0.3f' % self.pad.get() subset = -1 if self.subset.get() == 0 else self.subset params += ' --subset %d' % subset if Plugin.IS_GT30(): params += ' --class %d' % self.classNum.get() if self.doCTF: params += ' --ctf' if self.ctfIntactFirstPeak: params += ' --ctf_intact_first_peak' if imgSet.isPhaseFlipped(): params += ' --ctf_phase_flipped' if self.extraParams.hasValue(): params += " " + self.extraParams.get() self._insertFunctionStep('reconstructStep', params)
def _defineParamDict(self): """ Define all parameters to run relion_postprocess""" # It seems that in Relion3 now the input should be the map # filename and not the prefix as before inputFn = self._getFileName('half1') self.paramDict = {'--i': inputFn, '--o': self._getExtraPath('postprocess'), '--angpix': self._getOutputPixelSize(), # Expert params '--filter_edge_width': self.filterEdgeWidth.get(), '--randomize_at_fsc': self.randomizeAtFsc.get(), '--mask': self._getFileName('mask') } mtfFile = self.mtf.get() if mtfFile: self.paramDict['--mtf'] = mtfFile if self.doAutoBfactor: self.paramDict['--auto_bfac'] = '' self.paramDict['--autob_lowres'] = self.bfactorLowRes.get() self.paramDict['--autob_highres'] = self.bfactorHighRes.get() else: self.paramDict['--adhoc_bfac'] = self.bfactor.get() if self.skipFscWeighting: self.paramDict['--skip_fsc_weighting'] = '' self.paramDict['--low_pass'] = self.lowRes.get() if Plugin.IS_GT30() and self.origPixelSize.get() != -1.0: self.paramDict['--mtf_angpix'] = self.origPixelSize.get()
def _getMdOut(self, it, prefix, ref3d): randomSet = self._getRandomSet(prefix) dataStar = self._getDataStar(prefix, it) tableName = 'particles' if Plugin.IS_GT30() else None mdOut = [] table = Table(fileName=dataStar, tableName=tableName) for row in table: if 0 < randomSet < 3: if int(row.rlnRandomSubset) == randomSet and int( row.rlnClassNumber) == ref3d: mdOut.append(row) else: if int(row.rlnClassNumber) == ref3d: mdOut.append(row) return mdOut
def test_fromStar(self): if not Plugin.IS_GT30(): print("Skipping test (required Relion > 3.1)") return partsStar = self.ds.getFile("Extract/job018/") print("<<< Reading optics groups from file: \n %s\n" % partsStar) og = OpticsGroups.fromStar(partsStar) fog = og.first() # test hasColumn method for colName in ['rlnMtfFileName', 'rlnOpticsGroupName']: self.assertTrue(og.hasColumn(colName)) # acq = first.getAcquisition() self.assertEqual(fog.rlnMtfFileName, '') self.assertEqual(fog.rlnOpticsGroupName, 'opticsGroup1') self.assertEqual(og['opticsGroup1'], fog)
def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputParticles', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfParticles', pointerCondition='hasAlignmentProj', label="Input particles", help='Select the input images from the project.') form.addParam('symmetryGroup', StringParam, default='c1', label="Symmetry group", help='See [[Relion Symmetry][' 'relion/index.php/Conventions_%26_File_formats#Symmetry]] ' 'page for a description of the symmetry format ' 'accepted by Relion') form.addParam('maxRes', FloatParam, default=-1, label="Maximum resolution (A)", help='Maximum resolution (in Angstrom) to consider \n' 'in Fourier space (default Nyquist).') form.addParam('pad', FloatParam, default=2, label="Padding factor") form.addParam('subset', EnumParam, default=0, choices=['all', 'half1', 'half2'], display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST, label='Subset to reconstruct', help='Subset of images to consider.') if Plugin.IS_GT30(): form.addParam('classNum', IntParam, default=-1, label='Use only this class', help='Consider only this class (-1: use all classes)') form.addParam('extraParams', StringParam, default='', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Extra parameters: ', help='Extra parameters to *relion_reconstruct* program. ' 'Address to Relion to see full list of options.') form.addSection('CTF') form.addParam('doCTF', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Apply CTF correction?') form.addParam('ctfIntactFirstPeak', BooleanParam, default=False, condition='doCTF', label='Leave CTFs intact until first peak?') form.addParallelSection(threads=0, mpi=1)
def test_readSetOfParticles(self): if not Plugin.IS_GT30(): print("Skipping test (required Relion > 3.1)") return partsSet = self.__readParticles( self.ds.getFile("Extract/job018/"), extraLabels=['rlnNrOfSignificantSamples']) partsSet.write() first = partsSet.getFirstItem() first.printAll() self.assertAlmostEqual(first.getSamplingRate(), 1.244531) self.assertEqual(first.getClassId(), 4) self.assertTrue(hasattr(first, '_rlnNrOfSignificantSamples')) fog = OpticsGroups.fromImages(partsSet).first() self.assertEqual(fog.rlnMtfFileName, '') self.assertEqual(fog.rlnOpticsGroupName, 'opticsGroup1')
def test_readSetOfParticlesAfterCtf(self): if not Plugin.IS_GT30(): print("Skipping test (required Relion > 3.1)") return starFile = self.ds.getFile( "CtfRefine/job023/") partsReader = Table.Reader(starFile, tableName='particles') firstRow = partsReader.getRow() partsSet = self.__readParticles(starFile) first = partsSet.getFirstItem() ogLabels = ['rlnBeamTiltX', 'rlnBeamTiltY'] extraLabels = ['rlnCtfBfactor', 'rlnCtfScalefactor', 'rlnPhaseShift'] for l in extraLabels: value = getattr(first, '_%s' % l) self.assertIsNotNone(value, "Missing label: %s" % l) self.assertAlmostEqual(getattr(firstRow, l), value) fog = OpticsGroups.fromImages(partsSet).first() self.assertTrue(all(hasattr(fog, l) for l in ogLabels)) # Also test writing and preserving extra labels outputStar = self.getOutputPath('') print(">>> Writing to particles star: %s" % outputStar) starWriter = convert.createWriter() starWriter.writeSetOfParticles(partsSet, outputStar) fog = OpticsGroups.fromStar(outputStar).first() self.assertTrue(all(hasattr(fog, l) for l in ogLabels)) partsReader = Table.Reader(outputStar, tableName='particles') firstRow = partsReader.getRow() for l in extraLabels: value = getattr(first, '_%s' % l) self.assertIsNotNone(value, "Missing label: %s" % l) self.assertAlmostEqual(getattr(firstRow, l), value)
def test_string(self): if not Plugin.IS_GT30(): print("Skipping test (required Relion > 3.1)") return og = OpticsGroups.create(rlnMtfFileName='') fog = og.first() # acq = first.getAcquisition() self.assertEqual(fog.rlnMtfFileName, '') self.assertEqual(fog.rlnOpticsGroupName, 'opticsGroup1') self.assertEqual(og['opticsGroup1'], fog) # try update by id og.update(1, rlnMtfFileName="") # try update by name og.update('opticsGroup1', rlnImageSize=512) fog = og.first() # acq = first.getAcquisition() self.assertEqual(fog.rlnMtfFileName, '') self.assertEqual(fog.rlnImageSize, 512) self.assertEqual(fog.rlnOpticsGroupName, 'opticsGroup1') self.assertEqual(og['opticsGroup1'], fog)
class ProtRelionRefine3D(ProtRefine3D, ProtRelionBase): """ Protocol to refine a 3D map using Relion. Relion employs an empirical Bayesian approach to refinement of (multiple) 3D reconstructions or 2D class averages in electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM). Many parameters of a statistical model are learned from the data,which leads to objective and high-quality results. """ _label = '3D auto-refine' IS_CLASSIFY = False CHANGE_LABELS = ['rlnChangesOptimalOrientations', 'rlnChangesOptimalOffsets', 'rlnOverallAccuracyRotations', 'rlnOverallAccuracyTranslationsAngst' if Plugin.IS_GT30() else 'rlnOverallAccuracyTranslations'] PREFIXES = ['half1_', 'half2_'] def __init__(self, **args): ProtRelionBase.__init__(self, **args) def _initialize(self): """ This function is mean to be called after the working dir for the protocol have been set. (maybe after recovery from mapper) """ ProtRelionBase._initialize(self) self.ClassFnTemplate = '%(ref)03d@%(rootDir)s/relion_it%(iter)03d_classes.mrcs' # -------------------------- INSERT steps functions ----------------------- def _setSamplingArgs(self, args): """ Set sampling related params""" args['--auto_local_healpix_order'] = self.localSearchAutoSamplingDeg.get() if not self.doContinue: args['--healpix_order'] = self.angularSamplingDeg.get() args['--offset_range'] = self.offsetSearchRangePix.get() f = self._getSamplingFactor() args['--offset_step'] = self.offsetSearchStepPix.get() * f args['--auto_refine'] = '' args['--split_random_halves'] = '' joinHalves = "--low_resol_join_halves" if joinHalves not in self.extraParams.get(): args['--low_resol_join_halves'] = 40 if self.IS_GT30() and self.useFinerSamplingFaster: args['--auto_ignore_angles'] = '' args['--auto_resol_angles'] = '' # -------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------ def createOutputStep(self): imgSet = self._getInputParticles() vol = Volume() vol.setFileName(self._getExtraPath('relion_class001.mrc')) vol.setSamplingRate(imgSet.getSamplingRate()) half1 = self._getFileName("final_half1_volume", ref3d=1) half2 = self._getFileName("final_half2_volume", ref3d=1) vol.setHalfMaps([half1, half2]) outImgSet = self._createSetOfParticles() outImgSet.copyInfo(imgSet) self._fillDataFromIter(outImgSet, self._lastIter()) self._defineOutputs(outputVolume=vol) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, vol) self._defineOutputs(outputParticles=outImgSet) self._defineTransformRelation(self.inputParticles, outImgSet) fsc = FSC(objLabel=self.getRunName()) fn = self._getExtraPath("") table = Table(fileName=fn, tableName='model_class_1') resolution_inv = table.getColumnValues('rlnResolution') frc = table.getColumnValues('rlnGoldStandardFsc') fsc.setData(resolution_inv, frc) self._defineOutputs(outputFSC=fsc) self._defineSourceRelation(vol, fsc) # -------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validateNormal(self): errors = [] if self.IS_3D and self.solventFscMask and not self.referenceMask.get(): errors.append('When using solvent-corrected FSCs, ' 'please provide a reference mask.') return errors def _validateContinue(self): errors = [] continueRun = self.continueRun.get() continueRun._initialize() lastIter = continueRun._lastIter() if self.continueIter.get() == 'last': continueIter = lastIter else: continueIter = int(self.continueIter.get()) if continueIter > lastIter: errors += ["You can continue only from the iteration %01d or less" % lastIter] return errors def _summaryNormal(self): summary = [] if not hasattr(self, 'outputVolume'): summary.append("Output volume not ready yet.") it = self._lastIter() or -1 if it >= 1 and it > self._getContinueIter(): table = Table(fileName=self._getFileName('half1_model', iter=it), tableName='model_general') row = table[0] resol = float(row.rlnCurrentResolution) summary.append("Current resolution: *%0.2f A*" % resol) else: table = Table(fileName=self._getFileName('modelFinal'), tableName='model_general') row = table[0] resol = float(row.rlnCurrentResolution) summary.append("Final resolution: *%0.2f A*" % resol) return summary def _summaryContinue(self): return ["Continue from iteration %01d" % self._getContinueIter()] # -------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------ def _fillDataFromIter(self, imgSet, iteration): tableName = 'particles@' if self.IS_GT30() else '' outImgsFn = self._getFileName('data', iter=iteration) imgSet.setAlignmentProj() self.reader = convert.createReader(alignType=ALIGN_PROJ, pixelSize=imgSet.getSamplingRate()) mdIter = Table.iterRows(tableName + outImgsFn, key='rlnImageId') imgSet.copyItems(self._getInputParticles(), doClone=False, updateItemCallback=self._updateParticle, itemDataIterator=mdIter) def _updateParticle(self, particle, row): self.reader.setParticleTransform(particle, row) if getattr(self, '__updatingFirst', True): self.reader.createExtraLabels(particle, row, PARTICLE_EXTRA_LABELS) self.__updatingFirst = False else: self.reader.setExtraLabels(particle, row)
def IS_GT30(self): return Plugin.IS_GT30()
class ProtRelionClassify3D(ProtClassify3D, ProtRelionBase): """ Protocol to classify 3D using Relion Bayesian approach. Relion employs an empirical Bayesian approach to refinement of (multiple) 3D reconstructions or 2D class averages in electron cryo-EM. Many parameters of a statistical model are learned from the data, which leads to objective and high-quality results. """ _label = '3D classification' CHANGE_LABELS = ['rlnChangesOptimalOrientations', 'rlnChangesOptimalOffsets', 'rlnOverallAccuracyRotations', 'rlnOverallAccuracyTranslationsAngst' if Plugin.IS_GT30() else 'rlnOverallAccuracyTranslations', 'rlnChangesOptimalClasses'] def __init__(self, **args): ProtRelionBase.__init__(self, **args) def _initialize(self): """ This function is mean to be called after the working dir for the protocol have been set. (maybe after recovery from mapper) """ ProtRelionBase._initialize(self) # -------------------------- INSERT steps functions ----------------------- def _setSamplingArgs(self, args): """ Set sampling related params. """ if self.doImageAlignment: args['--healpix_order'] = self.angularSamplingDeg.get() args['--offset_range'] = self.offsetSearchRangePix.get() args['--offset_step'] = self.offsetSearchStepPix.get() * self._getSamplingFactor() if self.localAngularSearch: args['--sigma_ang'] = self.localAngularSearchRange.get() / 3. if relion.Plugin.IS_GT30() and self.allowCoarserSampling: args['--allow_coarser_sampling'] = '' else: args['--skip_align'] = '' # -------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------ def createOutputStep(self): partSet = self.inputParticles.get() classes3D = self._createSetOfClasses3D(partSet) self._fillClassesFromIter(classes3D, self._lastIter()) self._defineOutputs(outputClasses=classes3D) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, classes3D) # create a SetOfVolumes and define its relations volumes = self._createSetOfVolumes() volumes.setSamplingRate(partSet.getSamplingRate()) for class3D in classes3D: vol = class3D.getRepresentative() vol.setObjId(class3D.getObjId()) volumes.append(vol) self._defineOutputs(outputVolumes=volumes) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, volumes) if not self.doContinue: self._defineSourceRelation(self.referenceVolume, classes3D) self._defineSourceRelation(self.referenceVolume, volumes) # -------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validateNormal(self): errors = [] return errors def _validateContinue(self): errors = [] continueRun = self.continueRun.get() continueRun._initialize() lastIter = continueRun._lastIter() if self.continueIter.get() == 'last': continueIter = lastIter else: continueIter = int(self.continueIter.get()) if continueIter > lastIter: errors += ["You can continue only from the iteration %01d or less" % lastIter] return errors def _summaryNormal(self): summary = [] it = self._lastIter() or -1 if it >= 1: table = Table(fileName=self._getFileName('model', iter=it), tableName='model_general') row = table[0] resol = float(row.rlnCurrentResolution) summary.append("Current resolution: *%0.2f A*" % resol) inputParts = self.inputParticles.get() sizeStr = 'None' if inputParts is None else inputParts.getSize() summary.append("Input Particles: *%s*\n" "Classified into *%d* 3D classes\n" % (sizeStr, self.numberOfClasses)) return summary def _summaryContinue(self): summary = list() summary.append("Continue from iteration %01d" % self._getContinueIter()) return summary def _methods(self): strline = '' if hasattr(self, 'outputClasses'): strline += 'We classified %d particles into %d 3D classes using Relion Classify3d. ' %\ (self.inputParticles.get().getSize(), self.numberOfClasses.get()) return [strline] # -------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------ def _fillClassesFromIter(self, clsSet, iteration): """ Create the SetOfClasses3D from a given iteration. """ classLoader = convert.ClassesLoader(self, ALIGN_PROJ) classLoader.fillClassesFromIter(clsSet, iteration)
def _plotClassDistribution(self, paramName=None): labels = ["rlnClassDistribution", "rlnAccuracyRotations"] if Plugin.IS_GT30(): labels.append("rlnAccuracyTranslationsAngst") else: labels.append("rlnAccuracyTranslations") iterations = range(self.firstIter, self.lastIter + 1) classInfo = {} for it in iterations: modelStar = self.protocol._getFileName('model', iter=it) table = Table(fileName=modelStar, tableName='model_classes') for row in table: i, fn = relionToLocation(row.rlnReferenceImage) if i == NO_INDEX: # the case for 3D classes # NOTE: Since there is not an proper ID value in # the classes metadata, we are assuming that class X # has a filename *_classXXX.mrc (as it is in Relion) # and we take the ID from there index = int(fn[-7:-4]) else: index = i if index not in classInfo: classInfo[index] = {} for l in labels: classInfo[index][l] = [] for l in labels: classInfo[index][l].append(float(getattr(row, l))) xplotter = RelionPlotter() xplotter.createSubPlot("Classes distribution over iterations", "Iterations", "Classes Distribution") # Empty list for each iteration iters = [[]] * len(iterations) l = labels[0] for index in sorted(classInfo.keys()): for it, value in enumerate(classInfo[index][l]): iters[it].append(value) ax = xplotter.getLastSubPlot() n = len(iterations) ind = range(n) bottomValues = [0] * n width = 0.45 # the width of the bars: can also be len(x) sequence def get_cmap(N): import as cmx import matplotlib.colors as colors """Returns a function that maps each index in 0, 1, ... N-1 to a distinct RGB color.""" color_norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=N) # -1) scalar_map = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=color_norm, cmap='hsv') def map_index_to_rgb_color(ind): return scalar_map.to_rgba(ind) return map_index_to_rgb_color cmap = get_cmap(len(classInfo)) for classId in sorted(classInfo.keys()): values = classInfo[classId][l], values, width, label='class %s' % classId, bottom=bottomValues, color=cmap(classId)) bottomValues = [a + b for a, b in zip(bottomValues, values)] ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([i + 0.25 for i in ind]) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([str(i) for i in ind]) ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize='xx-small') return [xplotter]
def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('protRefine', params.PointerParam, pointerClass="ProtRefine3D", label='Select a previous refinement protocol', help='Select any previous refinement protocol to get the ' '3D half maps. Note that it is recommended that the ' 'refinement protocol uses a gold-standard method.') form.addParam('solventMask', params.PointerParam, pointerClass="VolumeMask", label='Solvent mask', help="Provide a soft mask where the protein is white " "(1) and the solvent is black (0). Often, the " "softer the mask the higher resolution estimates " "you will get. A soft edge of 5-10 pixels is often " "a good edge width.") form.addParam('calibratedPixelSize', params.FloatParam, default=0, label='Calibrated pixel size (A)', help="Provide the final, calibrated pixel size in " "Angstroms. If 0, the input pixel size will be used. " "This value may be different from the pixel-size " "used thus far, e.g. when you have recalibrated " "the pixel size using the fit to a PDB model. " "The X-axis of the output FSC plot will use this " "calibrated value.") form.addSection(label='Sharpening') group = form.addGroup('MTF') group.addParam('mtf', params.FileParam, label='MTF of the detector', help='User-provided STAR-file with the MTF-curve ' 'of the detector. Use the wizard to load one ' 'of the predefined ones provided at:\n' '- [[' 'FAQs#Where_can_I_find_MTF_curves_for_typical_detectors.3F]' '[Relion\'s Wiki FAQs]]\n' ' - [[][Gatan\'s website]]\n\n' 'Relion param: *--mtf*') if Plugin.IS_GT30(): group.addParam('origPixelSize', params.FloatParam, default=-1.0, label='Original detector pixel size (A)', help='This is the original pixel size (in Angstroms)' ' in the raw (non-super-resolution!) micrographs') form.addParam('doAutoBfactor', params.BooleanParam, default=True, label='Estimate B-factor automatically?', help='If set to Yes, then the program will use the ' 'automated procedure described by Rosenthal and ' 'Henderson (2003, JMB) to estimate an overall ' 'B-factor for your map, and sharpen it accordingly.') line = form.addLine('B-factor resolution (A): ', condition='doAutoBfactor', help='There are the frequency (in Angstroms), ' 'lowest and highest, that will be included in ' 'the linear fit of the Guinier plot as ' 'described in Rosenthal and Henderson ' '(2003, JMB).') line.addParam('bfactorLowRes', params.FloatParam, default=10.0, label='low') line.addParam('bfactorHighRes', params.FloatParam, default=0.0, label='high') form.addParam('bfactor', params.FloatParam, default=-350, condition='not doAutoBfactor', label='Provide B-factor:', help='User-provided B-factor (in A^2) for map ' 'sharpening, e.g. -400. Use negative values for ' 'sharpening. Be careful: if you over-sharpen\n' 'your map, you may end up interpreting noise for ' 'signal!\n' 'Relion param: *--adhoc_bfac*') form.addSection(label='Filtering') form.addParam('skipFscWeighting', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label='Skip FSC-weighting for sharpening?', help='If set to No (the default), then the output map ' 'will be low-pass filtered according to the ' 'mask-corrected, gold-standard FSC-curve. ' 'Sometimes, it is also useful to provide an ad-hoc ' 'low-pass filter (option below), as due to local ' 'resolution variations some parts of the map may ' 'be better and other parts may be worse than the ' 'overall resolution as measured by the FSC. In ' 'such cases, set this option to Yes and provide ' 'an ad-hoc filter as described below.') form.addParam('lowRes', params.FloatParam, default=5, condition='skipFscWeighting', label='Ad-hoc low-pass filter (A):', help='This option allows one to low-pass filter the map ' 'at a user-provided frequency (in Angstroms). When ' 'using a resolution that is higher than the ' 'gold-standard FSC-reported resolution, take care ' 'not to interpret noise in the map for signal...') form.addParam('filterEdgeWidth', params.IntParam, default=2, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Low-pass filter edge width:', help='Width of the raised cosine on the low-pass filter ' 'edge (in resolution shells)\n' 'Relion param: *--filter_edge_width*') form.addParam('randomizeAtFsc', params.FloatParam, default=0.8, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Randomize phases threshold', help='Randomize phases from the resolution where FSC ' 'drops below this value\n' 'Relion param: *--randomize_at_fsc*') form.addParallelSection(threads=0, mpi=1)