Exemple #1
 def estimated_revenue_gain(self):
     Return an estimate of how much new annual revenue will be obtained
     on the basis of this period's full investment.
     return sum_or_0(self.estimated_acq_revenue_gain,
Exemple #2
    def romi(self):
        Return an estimate of how effective marketing spend is, as a rough
        integer multiple of current investment.

        Returns 0 if the marketing investment in this period is $0.
        acq_weight = d_div_or_0(self.acq_investment, self.investment)
        ret_weight = decimal.Decimal(1) - acq_weight
        weighted_acq_romi = mult_or_0(self.acq_romi, acq_weight)
        weighted_ret_romi = mult_or_0(self.ret_romi, ret_weight)
        return round(sum_or_0(weighted_acq_romi, weighted_ret_romi))
Exemple #3
def leased_units_calc(leased_units_end, leased_units_start, delta_leases):
    """The total number of leases in effect at the end of the period."""
    # HACK To fix https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2240283 in a day,
    # we use the number explicitly imported from our spreadsheets
    # *if it's available*. Otherwise, we compute it just like we used to.
    # Eventually, I think we need to consider simply importing *all*
    # of our per-period computations from the spreadsheet, and *completely*
    # deleting our ComputedPeriod code. But we're not there yet, and I'd
    # be nervous to make the change without a lot more available time. (This
    # needs to get done *today*!) -Dave
    if leased_units_end is not None:
        result = leased_units_end
        result = sum_or_0(leased_units_start, delta_leases)
    return result
Exemple #4
 def occupied_units(self):
     """The total occupancy in effect at the end of the period."""
     # HACK To fix https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2240283 in a day,
     # we use the number explicitly imported from our spreadsheets
     # *if it's available*. Otherwise, we compute it just like we used to.
     # Eventually, I think we need to consider simply importing *all*
     # of our per-period computations from the spreadsheet, and *completely*
     # deleting our ComputedPeriod code. But we're not there yet, and I'd
     # be nervous to make the change without a lot more available time. (This
     # needs to get done *today*!) -Dave
     underlying_value = self.period.get_value("occupied_units_end")
     if underlying_value is not None:
         result = underlying_value
         moved_in = sum_or_0(self.occupied_units_start, self.move_ins)
         result = sub_or_0(moved_in, self.move_outs)
     return result
Exemple #5
 def resident_decisions(self):
     """The total number of notices to renew and vacate"""
     return sum_or_0(self.lease_renewal_notices,