def full(event, context): """Handle full requests """ bucket = os.environ["OUTPUT_BUCKET"] scene = event['scene'] bands = event.get('bands') expression = event.get('expression') if event.get('bands'): bands = bands.split(',') if isinstance(bands, str) else bands mem = cbers_full.create(scene, bands=bands, expression=expression) params = { 'ACL': 'public-read', 'Metadata': { 'scene': scene }, 'ContentType': 'image/tiff' } if expression: params['Metadata']['expression'] = expression else: params['Metadata']['bands'] = ''.join(map(str, bands)) str_band = ''.join(map(str, bands)) prefix = 'Exp' if expression else 'RGB' key = f'data/cbers/{scene}_{prefix}{str_band}.tif' client = boto3.client('s3') client.upload_fileobj(mem, bucket, key, ExtraArgs=params) return {'scene': scene, 'path': f'{bucket}/{key}'}
def test_create_noExpreBands(monkeypatch): """Shoult raise an error on missing expression or band indexes.""" monkeypatch.setattr(cbers_full, "CBERS_BUCKET", CBERS_BUCKET) with pytest.raises(Exception): cbers_full.create(CBERS_SCENE)
def test_create_expression(monkeypatch): """Should work as expected (read data, create NDVI).""" expression = "(b8 - b7) / (b8 + b7)" monkeypatch.setattr(cbers_full, "CBERS_BUCKET", CBERS_BUCKET) assert cbers_full.create(CBERS_SCENE, expression=expression)
def test_create_lessBand(monkeypatch): """Should raise an error.""" monkeypatch.setattr(cbers_full, "CBERS_BUCKET", CBERS_BUCKET) bands = [7, 6] with pytest.raises(Exception): cbers_full.create(CBERS_SCENE, bands=bands)
def test_create_bands(monkeypatch): """Should work as expected (read data, create RGB).""" monkeypatch.setattr(cbers_full, "CBERS_BUCKET", CBERS_BUCKET) bands = [7, 6, 5] assert cbers_full.create(CBERS_SCENE, bands=bands)