Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, camera, video, cad, num_cars_mean):

        self.sun = Sun()

        self.camera = camera
        self.video = video

        # get the map of azimuths.
        # it has gray values (r==g==b=) and alpha, saved as 4-channels
        azimuth_path = atcadillac(
            op.join(camera['camera_dir'], camera['azimuth_name']))
        azimuth_map = cv2.imread(azimuth_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        assert azimuth_map is not None and azimuth_map.shape[2] == 4

        # black out the invisible azimuth_map regions
        if 'mask' in camera and camera['mask']:
            mask_path = atcadillac(
                op.join(camera['camera_dir'], camera['mask']))
            mask = cv2.imread(mask_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            assert mask is not None, mask_path
            azimuth_map[mask] = 0

        self.num_cars_mean = num_cars_mean
        self.num_cars_std = num_cars_mean * 1.0
        self.azimuth_map = azimuth_map
        self.cad = cad
        self.pxls_in_meter = camera['pxls_in_meter']
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, camera, video, cad, speed_kph, burn_in=True):

        self.sun = Sun()  # TODO: only load when it's sunny

        self.camera = camera
        self.video = video

        # load mask
        if 'mask' in camera:
            mask_path = atcadillac(
                op.join(camera['camera_dir'], camera['mask']))
            self.mask = cv2.imread(mask_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            assert self.mask is not None, mask_path
            logging.info('TrafficModel: loaded a mask')
            self.mask = None

        # create lanes
        lanes_path = atcadillac(
            op.join(camera['camera_dir'], camera['lanes_name']))
        lanes_dicts = json.load(open(lanes_path))
        self.lanes = [
            Lane(('%d' % i), l, cad, speed_kph, camera['pxls_in_meter'])
            for i, l in enumerate(lanes_dicts)
        logging.info('TrafficModel: loaded %d lanes' % len(self.lanes))

        if burn_in:
            for i in range(100):
Exemple #3
def generate_video_traffic (job):
  ''' Generate traffic file for the whole video.
    in_db_file - should have all the images for which traffic is generated
    job - the same as for process_video
  assertParamIsThere  (job, 'in_db_file')
  assertParamIsThere  (job, 'out_video_dir')
  setParamUnlessThere (job, 'frame_range', '[::]')
  assertParamIsThere  (job, 'video_dir')

  video = Video(video_dir=job['video_dir'])
  camera = video.build_camera()

  assert op.exists(atcadillac(job['in_db_file'])), \
      'in db %s does not exist' % atcadillac(job['in_db_file'])
  conn_in = sqlite3.connect(atcadillac(job['in_db_file']))
  c_in = conn_in.cursor()
  c_in.execute('SELECT time FROM images')
  timestamps = c_in.fetchall()

  cad = Cad()

  if 'speed_kph' in job:
    model = TrafficModel (camera, video, cad=cad, speed_kph=job['speed_kph'])
  elif 'num_cars' in job:
    model = TrafficModelRandom (camera, video, cad=cad, num_cars_mean=job['num_cars'])
  else: assert False

  diapason = Diapason (len(timestamps), job['frame_range'])
  traffic = {'in_db_file': job['in_db_file']}
  traffic['frames'] = []

  for frame_id in diapason.frame_range:
    logging.info ('generating traffic for frame %d' % frame_id)
    timestamp = timestamps[frame_id][0]
    time = parseTimeString (timestamp)
    traffic_frame = model.get_next_frame(time)
    traffic_frame['frame_id'] = frame_id  # for validating

  return traffic
Exemple #4
def combine_frame(background, video, camera):
    ''' Overlay image onto background '''
    jpg_qual = 40

    WORK_DIR = '%s-%d' % (WORK_RENDER_DIR, os.getpid())

    # load camera dimensions (compare it to everything for extra safety)
    width0 = camera.info['camera_dims']['width']
    height0 = camera.info['camera_dims']['height']

    # get background file
    assert background is not None
    assert background.shape == (height0, width0, 3), background.shape
    # make a completely gray background frame hahaha
    cv2.imwrite(op.join(WORK_DIR, BACKGROUND_FILENAME), background)

    # get shadows file
    #shadow_path = op.join(WORK_DIR, 'render.png')
    #shadow = scipy.misc.imread(shadow_path)
    #shadow[:,:,3] = 0  # assign full transparency
    #scipy.misc.imsave(shadow_path, shadow)

    # remove previous result so that there is an error if blender fails
    if op.exists(op.join(WORK_DIR, COMBINED_FILENAME)):
        os.remove(op.join(WORK_DIR, COMBINED_FILENAME))

    # overlay
    assert video.combine_blend_file is not None
    combine_scene_path = atcadillac(video.combine_blend_file)
    command = [
        '%s/blender' % os.getenv('BLENDER_ROOT'), combine_scene_path,
        '--background', '--python',
        '%s/src/augmentation/combineScene.py' % os.getenv('CITY_PATH')
    returncode = subprocess.call(command,
    logging.info('combine: blender returned code %s' % str(returncode))
    combined_filepath = op.join(WORK_DIR, COMBINED_FILENAME)
    assert op.exists(combined_filepath), combined_filepath
    image = cv2.imread(combined_filepath)
    assert image.shape == (height0, width0,
                           3), '%s vs %s' % (image.shape, (height0, width0))

    # reencode to match jpeg quality
    shutil.move(combined_filepath, op.join(WORK_DIR, 'uncompressed.png'))
    _, ajpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", image, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, jpg_qual])
    image = cv2.imdecode(ajpg, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
    cv2.imwrite(combined_filepath, image)

    return image
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, camera_dir=None, info=None, pose_id=0):

        # get camera_info (dict) and camera_name
        if camera_dir:
            self.camera_name = op.basename(camera_dir)
            camera_path = atcadillac(
                op.join(camera_dir, '%s.json' % self.camera_name))
            assert op.exists(camera_path), camera_path
            logging.info('Camera: loading info from: %s' % camera_path)
            self.info = json.load(open(camera_path))
            self.info['camera_dir'] = camera_dir
        elif info:
            assert 'camera_dir' in info
            self.info = info
            self.info['camera_dir'] = info['camera_dir']
            self.camera_name = op.dirname(info['camera_dir'])
            raise Exception('pass camera_info or camera_dir')
        logging.info('Camera: parse info for: %s' % self.camera_name)

        # read the proper camera_pose
        assert 'camera_poses' in self.info
        assert pose_id < len(self.info['camera_poses'])
        logging.info('- using camera_pose %d' % pose_id)
        assert 'map_id' in self.info
        del self.info['camera_poses']

        # the default scene geometry file
        if 'geometry_blend_name' not in self.info:
            self.info['geometry_blend_name'] = 'geometry.blend'

        # the default scale
        if 'scale' not in self.info:
            self.info['scale'] = 1

        # read the proper google_map
        assert 'google_maps' in self.info
        map_id = self.info['map_id']
        assert map_id < len(self.info['google_maps'])
        logging.info('- using google_maps %d' % map_id)
        del self.info['google_maps']

        logging.debug(json.dumps(self.info, indent=4))
Exemple #6
    parser.add_argument('--logging_level', default=20, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('--frame_range', default='[::]', 
                        help='python style ranges, e.g. "[5::2]"')
    parser.add_argument('--in_db_file', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--video_dir', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--traffic_file', required=True,
                        help='output .json file where to write traffic info. '
                             'Can be "traffic.json" in video output dir.')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    group.add_argument('--speed_kph', type=int)
    group.add_argument('--num_cars', type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    setupLogging('log/augmentation/GenerateTraffic.log', args.logging_level, 'w')

    if not op.exists(atcadillac(op.dirname(args.traffic_file))):
    job = {'frame_range':   args.frame_range,
           'in_db_file':    args.in_db_file,
           'video_dir':     args.video_dir,
           'out_video_dir': op.dirname(args.in_db_file)
    if args.speed_kph is not None:
      setParamUnlessThere (job, 'speed_kph', args.speed_kph)
    elif args.num_cars is not None:
      setParamUnlessThere (job, 'num_cars', args.num_cars)
    else: assert False
    pprint (job)
    traffic = generate_video_traffic (job)
Exemple #7
# limitations under the License.

import sys, os, os.path as op
import os, os.path as op
import datetime
import pprint
import cPickle

from renderUtil import atcadillac

txt_file = 'resources/sun_position.txt'
bin_file = 'resources/sun_position.pkl'

with open(atcadillac(txt_file)) as f:
  lines = f.readlines()
  lines = lines[9:]

positions = {}

for line in lines:
  (daystr, clockstr, altitude, azimuth) = tuple(line.split())
  (month, day) = tuple(daystr.split('/'))
  (hour, minute) = tuple(clockstr.split(':'))

  date = datetime.datetime (year=2015, month=int(month), day=int(day), 
                            hour=int(hour), minute=int(minute))

  positions[date] = (float(altitude), float(azimuth))
Exemple #8
import numpy as np
import cv2
from numpy.random import normal, uniform
from random import shuffle, sample, choice
from glob import glob
from math import ceil, pi
from pprint import pprint, pformat
from imageio import imread, imwrite

if os.getenv('SHUFFLER_PATH') is None:
  raise Exception('Environmental variable SHUFFLER_PATH is not defined.')
from interfaceWriter import DatasetWriter

from renderUtil import atcadillac

WORK_PATCHES_DIR = atcadillac('/tmp/blender/current-patch')
JOB_INFO_NAME    = 'job_info.json'
OUT_INFO_NAME    = 'out_info.json'

FNULL = open('/dev/null', 'w')

# placing other cars
SIGMA_SAME        = 0.3
SIGMA_SIDE        = 0.1
MEAN_SAME         = 1.5
MEAN_SIDE         = 1.5

def mask2bbox (mask):
Exemple #9
 def _rename(render_dir, from_name, to_name):
     os.rename(atcadillac(op.join(render_dir, from_name)),
               atcadillac(op.join(render_dir, to_name)))
Exemple #10
def make_snapshot(render_dir, car_names, params):
    '''Set up the weather, and render vehicles into files
      render_dir:  path to directory where to put all rendered images
      car_names:   names of car objects in the scene
      params:      dictionary with frame information

    logging.info('make_snapshot: started')

    setParamUnlessThere(params, 'scale', 1)
    setParamUnlessThere(params, 'render_individual_cars', True)
    # debug options
    setParamUnlessThere(params, 'save_blender_file', False)
    setParamUnlessThere(params, 'render_satellite', False)
    setParamUnlessThere(params, 'render_cars_as_cubes', False)

    bpy.data.worlds['World'].light_settings.environment_energy = 0.0
    bpy.data.worlds['World'].light_settings.ao_factor = 0.5
    bpy.data.objects['-Sky-sunset'].data.energy = np.random.normal(1, 0.5)  #2

    params['weather'] = np.random.choice(['Sunny', 'Cloudy', 'Rainy', 'Wet'])

    # render the image from satellite, when debuging
    if '-Satellite' in bpy.data.objects:
            '-Satellite'].hide_render = not params['render_satellite']

    # make all cars receive shadows
    logging.info('materials: %s' % len(bpy.data.materials))
    for m in bpy.data.materials:
        m.use_transparent_shadows = True

    # create render dir
    if not op.exists(render_dir):

    # make all cars receive shadows
    logging.info('materials: %s' % len(bpy.data.materials))
    for m in bpy.data.materials:
        m.use_transparent_shadows = True

    # # render all cars and shadows
    # bpy.context.scene.render.layers['RenderLayer'].use_pass_combined = True
    # bpy.context.scene.render.layers['RenderLayer'].use_pass_z = False
    # #bpy.data.objects['-Ground'].hide_render = False
    # render_scene(op.join(render_dir, 'render'))

    # # render cars depth map
    # #bpy.context.scene.render.alpha_mode = 'TRANSPARENT'
    # bpy.context.scene.render.layers['RenderLayer'].use_pass_combined = False
    # bpy.context.scene.render.layers['RenderLayer'].use_pass_z = True
    # #bpy.data.objects['-Ground'].hide_render = True
    # render_scene(op.join(render_dir, 'depth-all'))

    # # render just the car for each car (to extract bbox)
    # if params['render_individual_cars'] and not params['render_cars_as_cubes']:
    #     # hide all cars
    #     for car_name in car_names:
    #         hide_car (car_name)
    #     # show, render, and hide each car one by one
    #     for i,car_name in enumerate(car_names):
    #         show_car (car_name)
    #         render_scene( op.join(render_dir, 'depth-car-%03d.png' % i) )
    #         hide_car (car_name)

    # # clean up
    # bpy.data.objects['-Ground'].hide_render = False
    # if not params['render_cars_as_cubes']:
    #     for car_name in car_names:
    #         show_car (car_name)

    def _rename(render_dir, from_name, to_name):
        os.rename(atcadillac(op.join(render_dir, from_name)),
                  atcadillac(op.join(render_dir, to_name)))

    # set directional blur amount from if given
    #bpy.data.node_groups['Compositing Nodetree'].nodes['Camera-Blur'].zoom

    # there are two nodes -- "render" and "depth"
    # they save images in BW16 or RBG8
    # they render layers "Render" and "Depth" with "Combined" and "Z" passes.
    bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes['depth'].base_path = atcadillac(
    bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes['render'].base_path = atcadillac(

    # leave only shadows
    for m in bpy.data.materials:
        if m != bpy.data.materials['Material-dry-asphalt'] and \
           m != bpy.data.materials['Material-wet-asphalt']:
            m.use_only_shadow = True

    # render shadows only
    bpy.data.objects['-Ground'].hide_render = False
    bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True, layer='Render')
    _rename(render_dir, 'render0001', 'render.png')

    # materials back to normal
    for m in bpy.data.materials:
        if m != bpy.data.materials['Material-dry-asphalt'] and \
           m != bpy.data.materials['Material-wet-asphalt']:
            m.use_only_shadow = False

    # render without ground
    bpy.data.objects['-Ground'].hide_render = True
    bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True, layer='Render')
    _rename(render_dir, 'render0001', 'cars-only.png')

    # render depth of all cars
    bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True, layer='Depth')
    _rename(render_dir, 'depth0001', 'depth-all.png')

    if params['render_individual_cars'] and not params['render_cars_as_cubes']:
        for car_i0, car_name0 in enumerate(car_names):

            # remove all cars from the only layer, and add car_name0 back to it
            for car_name in car_names:
                bpy.data.objects[car_name].hide_render = True
            bpy.data.objects[car_name0].hide_render = False

            # render scene
            bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True, layer='Depth')
            _rename(render_dir, 'depth0001', 'depth-%03d.png' % car_i0)

    if params['save_blender_files']:
            filepath=atcadillac(op.join(render_dir, 'render.blend')))

    # logging.info ('objects in the end of frame: %d' % len(bpy.data.objects))
    logging.info('make_snapshot: successfully finished a frame')
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self):
        sun_pose_file = 'resources/sun_position.pkl'

        with open(atcadillac(sun_pose_file), 'rb') as f:
            self.data = cPickle.load(f)
Exemple #12
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import bpy
import sys, os, os.path as op
sys.path.insert(0, op.join(os.getenv('CITY_PATH'), 'src'))
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
from augmentation.common import *
from learning.helperSetup import setupLogging, setParamUnlessThere

from renderUtil import atcadillac

WORK_RENDER_DIR = atcadillac('blender/current-frame')
TRAFFIC_FILENAME = 'traffic.json'

WORK_DIR = '%s-%d' % (WORK_RENDER_DIR, os.getppid())

def make_snapshot(render_dir, car_names, params):
    '''Set up the weather, and render vehicles into files
      render_dir:  path to directory where to put all rendered images
      car_names:   names of car objects in the scene
      params:      dictionary with frame information
Exemple #13
     Leave the frame at the default blender location'''

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--work_dir', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--video_dir', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--save_blender_files', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--no_combine', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--no_render', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--no_annotations', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--logging_level', default=20, type=int)
                        help='if not given, take the default from video_dir')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    setupLogging('log/augmentation/ProcessFrame.log', args.logging_level, 'w')

    traffic = json.load(
        open(atcadillac(op.join(args.work_dir, 'traffic.json'))))
    traffic['save_blender_files'] = args.save_blender_files
    traffic['render_individual_cars'] = not args.no_annotations

    video = Video(video_dir=args.video_dir)
    camera = video.build_camera()

    if not args.no_render:
        render_frame(video, camera, traffic, work_dir=args.work_dir)
    if not args.no_combine:
        back_file = op.join(args.work_dir, 'background.png')
        background = cv2.imread(atcadillac(back_file))
        combine_frame(background, video, camera, work_dir=args.work_dir)
Exemple #14
def render_frame(video, camera, traffic):
    ''' Write down traffci file for blender and run blender with renderScene.py 
  All work is in current-frame dir.
    WORK_DIR = '%s-%d' % (WORK_RENDER_DIR, os.getpid())
    setParamUnlessThere(traffic, 'save_blender_files', False)
    setParamUnlessThere(traffic, 'render_individual_cars', True)
    unsharp_mask_params = {'radius': 4.7, 'threshold': 23, 'amount': 1}

    # load camera dimensions (compare it to everything for extra safety)
    width0 = camera.info['camera_dims']['width']
    height0 = camera.info['camera_dims']['height']
    logging.debug('camera width,height: %d,%d' % (width0, height0))

    image = None
    mask = None

    # pass traffic info to blender
    traffic['scale'] = camera.info['scale']
    traffic_path = op.join(WORK_DIR, TRAFFIC_FILENAME)
    if not op.exists(op.dirname(traffic_path)):
    with open(traffic_path, 'w') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps(traffic, indent=4))

    # remove so that they do not exist if blender fails
    if op.exists(op.join(WORK_DIR, RENDERED_FILENAME)):
        os.remove(op.join(WORK_DIR, RENDERED_FILENAME))
    if op.exists(op.join(WORK_DIR, 'depth-all.png')):
        os.remove(op.join(WORK_DIR, 'depth-all.png'))
    # render
    assert video.render_blend_file is not None
    render_blend_path = atcadillac(video.render_blend_file)
    command = [
        '%s/blender' % os.getenv('BLENDER_ROOT'), render_blend_path,
        '--background', '--python',
        '%s/src/augmentation/renderScene.py' % os.getenv('CITY_PATH')
    logging.debug('WORK_DIR: %s' % WORK_DIR)
    logging.debug(' '.join(command))
    returncode = subprocess.call(command,
    logging.info('rendering: blender returned code %s' % str(returncode))

    # check and sharpen rendered
    rendered_filepath = op.join(WORK_DIR, RENDERED_FILENAME)
    image = cv2.imread(rendered_filepath, -1)
    assert image is not None
    assert image.shape == (height0, width0, 4), image.shape
    image = unsharp_mask(image, unsharp_mask_params)
    cv2.imwrite(rendered_filepath, image)

    # check and sharpen cars-only
    carsonly_filepath = op.join(WORK_DIR, CARSONLY_FILENAME)
    image = cv2.imread(carsonly_filepath, -1)
    assert image is not None
    assert image.shape == (height0, width0, 4), image.shape
    image = unsharp_mask(image, unsharp_mask_params)
    shutil.move(carsonly_filepath, op.join(WORK_DIR, 'unsharpened.png'))
    cv2.imwrite(carsonly_filepath, image)

    # create mask
    if traffic['render_individual_cars'] == True:
        mask = _get_masks(WORK_DIR, traffic)
        # TODO: visibility is returned via traffic file, NOT straightforward
        with open(traffic_path, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(traffic, indent=4))

    # correction_path = op.join(WORK_DIR, CORRECTION_FILENAME)
    # if op.exists(correction_path): os.remove(correction_path)
    # if not params['no_correction']:
    #     correction_info = color_correction (video.example_background, background)
    #     with open(correction_path, 'w') as f:
    #         f.write(json.dumps(correction_info, indent=4))

    return image, mask
Exemple #15
import string
import logging
from datetime import datetime
import time, hashlib
import copy
import cPickle
from numpy.random import normal, uniform, choice
from learning.helperSetup import setupLogging, setParamUnlessThere
from learning.dbUtilities import gammaProb
from Cad import Cad
from Camera import Camera
from Video import Video

from renderUtil import atcadillac

WORK_RENDER_DIR = atcadillac('blender/current-frame')
TRAFFIC_FILENAME = 'traffic.json'
Distribute cars across the map according to the lanes map and model collections

hash_generator = hashlib.sha1()

def axes_png2blender(points, origin, pxls_in_meter):
    '''Change coordinate frame from pixel-based to blender-based (meters)
      origin   - a dict with 'x' and 'y' fields, will be subtracted from each point
      pxls_in_meter - a scalar, must be looked up at the map image
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, video_dir=None, video_info=None):

        if video_dir:
            video_name = op.basename(video_dir)
            video_path = atcadillac(op.join(video_dir, '%s.json' % video_name))
            assert op.exists(video_path), video_path
            logging.info('Video: loading info from: %s' % video_path)
            video_info = json.load(open(video_path))
        elif video_info:
            assert 'video_dir' in video_info
            video_dir = video_info['video_dir']
            assert op.exists(atcadillac(video_dir)), video_dir
            video_name = op.basename(video_dir)
            raise Exception('pass video_info or video_dir')
        logging.info('Video: parse info for: %s' % video_dir)

        self.info = video_info
        self.info['video_name'] = video_name

        if 'example_frame_name' in video_info:
            logging.info('- found example_frame_name: %s' % example_frame_name)
            self.example_frame = cv2.imread(
                op.join(video_dir, example_frame_name))
            assert self.example_frame is not None
            # trying possible paths, and take the first to match
            example_frame_paths = glob(
                atcadillac(op.join(video_dir, 'frame*.png')))
            if len(example_frame_paths) > 0:
                logging.info('- deduced example_frame: %s' %
                self.example_frame = cv2.imread(example_frame_paths[0])
                self.info['example_frame_name'] = op.basename(
                assert self.example_frame is not None
                logging.warning('- no example_frame for %s' % video_dir)
                self.example_frame = None
                self.info['example_frame_name'] = None

        if 'example_background_name' in video_info:
            example_background_name = video_info['example_background_name']
            logging.info('- found example_background_name: %s' %
            example_background_path = atcadillac(
                op.join(video_dir, example_background_name))
            self.example_background = cv2.imread(example_background_path)
            assert self.example_background is not None
            # trying possible paths
            example_back_paths = glob(
                atcadillac(op.join(video_dir, 'background*.png')))
            if len(example_back_paths) > 0:
                logging.info('- deduced example_background: %s' %
                self.example_background = cv2.imread(example_back_paths[0])
                assert self.example_background is not None
                logging.warning('- no example_background for %s' % video_dir)
                self.example_background = None

        if 'start_timestamp' in video_info:
            start_timestamp = video_info['start_timestamp']
            logging.info('- found start_timestamp: %s' % start_timestamp)
            self.start_time = datetime.strptime(start_timestamp, TIME_FORMAT)
            # deduce from the name of the file
            self.start_time = datetime.strptime(video_name, VIDEO_DIR_STRPTIME)
            logging.info('- deduced start_time: %s' %

        if 'frame_range' in video_info:
            self.info['frame_range'] = video_info['frame_range']
            logging.info('- found frame_range: %s' % video_info['frame_range'])
            self.info['frame_range'] = ':'

        if 'render_blend_file' in video_info:
            self.render_blend_file = video_info['render_blend_file']
            logging.info('- found render_blend_file: %s' %
            assert op.exists(atcadillac(self.render_blend_file))
        elif op.exists(atcadillac(op.join(video_dir, 'render.blend'))):
            # if found the default name in the video folder
            self.render_blend_file = op.join(video_dir, 'render.blend')
            logging.info('- found render_blend_file in video dir: %s' %
        elif op.exists(atcadillac(op.join(video_dir,
            # if found the default name in the video folder
            self.render_blend_file = op.join(video_dir,
            logging.warning('- using generated render_blend_file: %s' %
            logging.warning('- could not figure out render_blend_file')

        if 'combine_blend_file' in video_info:
            self.combine_blend_file = video_info['combine_blend_file']
            logging.info('- found combine_blend_file: %s' %
        elif op.exists(atcadillac(op.join(video_dir, 'combine.blend'))):
            # if found the default name in the video folder
            self.combine_blend_file = op.join(video_dir, 'combine.blend')
            logging.info('- found combine_blend_file in video dir: %s' %
        elif op.exists(
                atcadillac(op.join(video_dir, 'combine-generated.blend'))):
            # if found the default name in the video folder
            self.combine_blend_file = op.join(video_dir,
            logging.warning('- using generated combine_blend_file: %s' %
            logging.warning('- could not figure out combine_blend_file')

        if 'camera_dir' in video_info:
            self.camera_dir = video_info['camera_dir']
            logging.info('- found camera_dir: %s' % self.camera_dir)
            # deduce from the name of the file
            self.camera_dir = op.dirname(video_dir)
            logging.info('- deduced camera_dir: %s' % self.camera_dir)
        assert op.exists(atcadillac(self.camera_dir)), atcadillac(

        if 'pose_id' in video_info:
            self.pose_id = int(video_info['pose_id'])
            logging.info('- found pose_id: %d' % self.pose_id)
            self.pose_id = 0
            logging.info('- take default pose_id = 0')
Exemple #17
def process_video(job):

    assertParamIsThere(job, 'video_dir')
    video = Video(video_dir=job['video_dir'])
    camera = video.build_camera()

    # some parameters
    assertParamIsThere(job, 'traffic_file')
    setParamUnlessThere(job, 'save_blender_files', False)
        job, 'out_video_dir',
        op.join('augmentation/video', 'cam%s' % camera.info['cam_id'],
    setParamUnlessThere(job, 'no_annotations', False)
    setParamUnlessThere(job, 'timeout', 1000000000)
    setParamUnlessThere(job, 'frame_range', '[::]')
    setParamUnlessThere(job, 'save_blender_files', False)
    job['render_individual_cars'] = not job['no_annotations']

    # load camera dimensions (compare it to everything for extra safety)
    width0 = camera.info['camera_dims']['width']
    height0 = camera.info['camera_dims']['height']

    # for checking timeout
    start_time = datetime.now()

    cad = Cad()

    # upload info on parsed vehicles to the monitor server
    monitor = None  # MonitorDatasetClient (cam_id=camera.info['cam_id'])

    # load traffic info
    traffic_video = json.load(open(atcadillac(job['traffic_file'])))

    # reader and writer
    video_reader = ReaderVideo()
    image_vfile = op.join(job['out_video_dir'], 'image.avi')
    mask_vfile = op.join(job['out_video_dir'], 'mask.avi')
    video_writer = SimpleWriter(image_vfile, mask_vfile, {'unsafe': True})

    (conn, c) = dbInit(traffic_video['in_db_file'],
                       op.join(job['out_video_dir'], 'traffic.db'))
    c.execute('SELECT imagefile,maskfile,width,height,time FROM images')
    image_entries = c.fetchall()
    c.execute('DELETE FROM images')

    #assert len(traffic_video['frames']) >= len(image_entries), \
    #  'traffic json is too small %d < %d' % (len(traffic_video['frames']), len(image_entries))

    diapason = Diapason(len(image_entries), job['frame_range'])

    num_processes = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2 + 1)
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_processes)

    # each frame_range chunk is processed in parallel
    for frame_range in diapason.frame_range_as_chunks(pool._processes):
        logging.info('chunk of frames %d to %d' %
                     (frame_range[0], frame_range[-1]))

        # quit, if reached the timeout
        time_passed = datetime.now() - start_time
        logging.info('passed: %s' % time_passed)
        if (time_passed.total_seconds() > job['timeout'] * 60):
            logging.warning('reached timeout %d. Passed %s' %
                            (job['timeout'], time_passed))

        # collect frame jobs
        frame_jobs = []
        for frame_id in frame_range:

            (in_backfile, in_maskfile, width, height,
             _) = image_entries[frame_id]
            assert (width0 == width
                    and height0 == height), (width0, width, height0, height)
            logging.info('collect job for frame number %d' % frame_id)

            back = video_reader.imread(in_backfile)

            traffic = traffic_video['frames'][frame_id]
            assert traffic['frame_id'] == frame_id, '%d vs %d' % (
                traffic['frame_id'], frame_id)
            traffic['save_blender_files'] = job['save_blender_files']

            frame_jobs.append((video, camera, traffic, back, job))

        #for i, (out_image, out_mask, work_dir) in enumerate(sequentialworker(frame_jobs)):
        for i, (out_image, out_mask,
                work_dir) in enumerate(pool.imap(worker, frame_jobs)):
            frame_id = frame_range[i]
            logging.info('processed frame number %d' % frame_id)

            assert out_image is not None and out_mask is not None
            out_imagefile = video_writer.imwrite(out_image)
            out_maskfile = video_writer.maskwrite(out_mask)
            logging.info('out_imagefile: %s, out_maskfile: %s' %
                         (out_imagefile, out_maskfile))

            # update out database
            (_, _, width, height, time) = image_entries[frame_id]
                'INSERT INTO images(imagefile,maskfile,width,height,time) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)',
                (out_imagefile, out_maskfile, width, height, time))
            logging.info('wrote frame %d' % c.lastrowid)

            if not job['no_annotations']:
                extract_annotations(work_dir, c, cad, camera, out_imagefile,

            if not job['save_blender_files']:

