Exemple #1
def _dense_num_jac(fun, t, y, f, h, factor, y_scale):
    n = y.shape[0]
    h_vecs = xp.diag(h)
    f_new = fun(t, y[:, None] + h_vecs)
    diff = f_new - f[:, None]
    max_ind = xp.argmax(xp.abs(diff), axis=0)
    r = xp.arange(n)
    max_diff = xp.abs(diff[max_ind, r])
    scale = xp.maximum(xp.abs(f[max_ind]), xp.abs(f_new[max_ind, r]))

    diff_too_small = max_diff < NUM_JAC_DIFF_REJECT * scale
    if xp.any(diff_too_small):
        ind, = xp.nonzero(diff_too_small)
        new_factor = NUM_JAC_FACTOR_INCREASE * factor[ind]
        h_new = (y[ind] + new_factor * y_scale[ind]) - y[ind]
        h_vecs[ind, ind] = h_new
        f_new = fun(t, y[:, None] + h_vecs[:, ind])
        diff_new = f_new - f[:, None]
        max_ind = xp.argmax(xp.abs(diff_new), axis=0)
        r = xp.arange(ind.shape[0])
        max_diff_new = xp.abs(diff_new[max_ind, r])
        scale_new = xp.maximum(xp.abs(f[max_ind]), xp.abs(f_new[max_ind, r]))

        update = max_diff[ind] * scale_new < max_diff_new * scale[ind]
        if xp.any(update):
            update, = xp.nonzero(update)
            update_ind = ind[update]
            factor[update_ind] = new_factor[update]
            h[update_ind] = h_new[update]
            diff[:, update_ind] = diff_new[:, update]
            scale[update_ind] = scale_new[update]
            max_diff[update_ind] = max_diff_new[update]

    diff /= h

    factor[max_diff < NUM_JAC_DIFF_SMALL * scale] *= NUM_JAC_FACTOR_INCREASE
    factor[max_diff > NUM_JAC_DIFF_BIG * scale] *= NUM_JAC_FACTOR_DECREASE
    factor = xp.maximum(factor, NUM_JAC_MIN_FACTOR)

    return diff, factor
Exemple #2
def handle_events(sol, events, active_events, is_terminal, t_old, t):
    """Helper function to handle events.

    sol : DenseOutput
        Function ``sol(t)`` which evaluates an ODE solution between `t_old`
        and  `t`.
    events : list of callables, length n_events
        Event functions with signatures ``event(t, y)``.
    active_events : ndarray
        Indices of events which occurred.
    is_terminal : ndarray, shape (n_events,)
        Which events are terminal.
    t_old, t : float
        Previous and new values of time.

    root_indices : ndarray
        Indices of events which take zero between `t_old` and `t` and before
        a possible termination.
    roots : ndarray
        Values of t at which events occurred.
    terminate : bool
        Whether a terminal event occurred.
    roots = []
    for event_index in active_events:
        roots.append(solve_event_equation(events[event_index], sol, t_old, t))

    roots = xp.asarray(roots)

    if xp.any(is_terminal[active_events]):
        if t > t_old:
            order = xp.argsort(roots)
            order = xp.argsort(-roots)
        active_events = active_events[order]
        roots = roots[order]
        t = xp.nonzero(is_terminal[active_events])[0][0]
        active_events = active_events[:t + 1]
        roots = roots[:t + 1]
        terminate = True
        terminate = False

    return active_events, roots, terminate
Exemple #3
def find_active_events(g, g_new, direction):
    """Find which event occurred during an integration step.

    g, g_new : array_like, shape (n_events,)
        Values of event functions at a current and next points.
    direction : ndarray, shape (n_events,)
        Event "direction" according to the definition in `solve_ivp`.

    active_events : ndarray
        Indices of events which occurred during the step.
    g, g_new = xp.asarray(g), xp.asarray(g_new)
    up = (g <= 0) & (g_new >= 0)
    down = (g >= 0) & (g_new <= 0)
    either = up | down
    mask = up & (direction > 0) | down & (direction < 0) | either & (direction == 0)

    return xp.nonzero(mask)[0]
Exemple #4
def _sparse_num_jac(fun, t, y, f, h, factor, y_scale, structure, groups):
    n = y.shape[0]
    n_groups = xp.max(groups) + 1
    h_vecs = xp.empty((n_groups, n))
    for group in range(n_groups):
        e = xp.equal(group, groups)
        h_vecs[group] = h * e
    h_vecs = h_vecs.T

    f_new = fun(t, y[:, None] + h_vecs)
    df = f_new - f[:, None]

    i, j, _ = find(structure)
    diff = coo_matrix((df[i, groups[j]], (i, j)), shape=(n, n)).tocsc()
    max_ind = xp.array(abs(diff).argmax(axis=0)).ravel()
    r = xp.arange(n)
    max_diff = xp.asarray(xp.abs(diff[max_ind, r])).ravel()
    scale = xp.maximum(xp.abs(f[max_ind]), xp.abs(f_new[max_ind, groups[r]]))

    diff_too_small = max_diff < NUM_JAC_DIFF_REJECT * scale
    if xp.any(diff_too_small):
        ind, = xp.nonzero(diff_too_small)
        new_factor = NUM_JAC_FACTOR_INCREASE * factor[ind]
        h_new = (y[ind] + new_factor * y_scale[ind]) - y[ind]
        h_new_all = xp.zeros(n)
        h_new_all[ind] = h_new

        groups_unique = xp.unique(groups[ind])
        groups_map = xp.empty(n_groups, dtype=int)
        h_vecs = xp.empty((groups_unique.shape[0], n))
        for k, group in enumerate(groups_unique):
            e = xp.equal(group, groups)
            h_vecs[k] = h_new_all * e
            groups_map[group] = k
        h_vecs = h_vecs.T

        f_new = fun(t, y[:, None] + h_vecs)
        df = f_new - f[:, None]
        i, j, _ = find(structure[:, ind])
        diff_new = coo_matrix((df[i, groups_map[groups[ind[j]]]], (i, j)),
                              shape=(n, ind.shape[0])).tocsc()

        max_ind_new = xp.array(abs(diff_new).argmax(axis=0)).ravel()
        r = xp.arange(ind.shape[0])
        max_diff_new = xp.asarray(xp.abs(diff_new[max_ind_new, r])).ravel()
        scale_new = xp.maximum(
            xp.abs(f_new[max_ind_new, groups_map[groups[ind]]]))

        update = max_diff[ind] * scale_new < max_diff_new * scale[ind]
        if xp.any(update):
            update, = xp.nonzero(update)
            update_ind = ind[update]
            factor[update_ind] = new_factor[update]
            h[update_ind] = h_new[update]
            diff[:, update_ind] = diff_new[:, update]
            scale[update_ind] = scale_new[update]
            max_diff[update_ind] = max_diff_new[update]

    diff.data /= xp.repeat(h, xp.diff(diff.indptr))

    factor[max_diff < NUM_JAC_DIFF_SMALL * scale] *= NUM_JAC_FACTOR_INCREASE
    factor[max_diff > NUM_JAC_DIFF_BIG * scale] *= NUM_JAC_FACTOR_DECREASE
    factor = xp.maximum(factor, NUM_JAC_MIN_FACTOR)

    return diff, factor
Exemple #5
def num_jac(fun, t, y, f, threshold, factor, sparsity=None):
    """Finite differences Jacobian approximation tailored for ODE solvers.

    This function computes finite difference approximation to the Jacobian
    matrix of `fun` with respect to `y` using forward differences.
    The Jacobian matrix has shape (n, n) and its element (i, j) is equal to
    ``d f_i / d y_j``.

    A special feature of this function is the ability to correct the step
    size from iteration to iteration. The main idea is to keep the finite
    difference significantly separated from its round-off error which
    approximately equals ``EPS * xp.abs(f)``. It reduces a possibility of a
    huge error and assures that the estimated derivative are reasonably close
    to the true values (i.e. the finite difference approximation is at least
    qualitatively reflects the structure of the true Jacobian).

    fun : callable
        Right-hand side of the system implemented in a vectorized fashion.
    t : float
        Current time.
    y : ndarray, shape (n,)
        Current state.
    f : ndarray, shape (n,)
        Value of the right hand side at (t, y).
    threshold : float
        Threshold for `y` value used for computing the step size as
        ``factor * xp.maximum(xp.abs(y), threshold)``. Typically the value of
        absolute tolerance (atol) for a solver should be passed as `threshold`.
    factor : ndarray with shape (n,) or None
        Factor to use for computing the step size. Pass None for the very
        evaluation, then use the value returned from this function.
    sparsity : tuple (structure, groups) or None
        Sparsity structure of the Jacobian, `structure` must be csc_matrix.

    J : ndarray or csc_matrix, shape (n, n)
        Jacobian matrix.
    factor : ndarray, shape (n,)
        Suggested `factor` for the next evaluation.
    y = xp.asarray(y)
    n = y.shape[0]
    if n == 0:
        return xp.empty((0, 0)), factor

    if factor is None:
        factor = xp.full(n, EPS**0.5)
        factor = factor.copy()

    # Direct the step as ODE dictates, hoping that such a step won't lead to
    # a problematic region. For complex ODEs it makes sense to use the real
    # part of f as we use steps along real axis.
    f_sign = 2 * (xp.real(f) >= 0).astype(float) - 1
    y_scale = f_sign * xp.maximum(threshold, xp.abs(y))
    h = (y + factor * y_scale) - y

    # Make sure that the step is not 0 to start with. Not likely it will be
    # executed often.
    for i in xp.nonzero(h == 0)[0]:
        while h[i] == 0:
            factor[i] *= 10
            h[i] = (y[i] + factor[i] * y_scale[i]) - y[i]

    if sparsity is None:
        return _dense_num_jac(fun, t, y, f, h, factor, y_scale)
        structure, groups = sparsity
        return _sparse_num_jac(fun, t, y, f, h, factor, y_scale, structure,