Exemple #1
def runReport(startTime):
    globs.log.write(1, 'rpt_bysource()')

    # Get header and column info
    nFields, fldDefs, reportOpts, rptCols, rptTits = report.initReportVars()

    # Print the report title
    msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptTop(reportOpts, nFields)

    # Remove columns we don't need for this report
    # These are already part of the report logic processing & subheaders
    # We won't need to loop through them for the report fields

    # Print column titles if not printing for each section
    if reportOpts['repeatheaders'] is False:
        msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptPrintTitles(
            msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv, rptCols)

    # Select sources from database
    dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(
        "SELECT DISTINCT source FROM backupsets ORDER BY source")
    srcSet = dbCursor.fetchall()
    globs.log.write(2, 'srcSet=[{}]'.format(srcSet))

    # Loop through backupsets table and get all the potential destinations
    for srcKey in srcSet:

        # Add Source title
        subHead = globs.optionManager.getRcOption('report', 'subheading')
        if subHead is not None:
            # Substitute subheading keywords
            subHead = subHead.replace('#SOURCE#', srcKey[0])
        if subHead is None or subHead == '':
            msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><b>{}:</b> {}</td></tr>\n'.format(
                nFields, reportOpts['subheadbg'], rptTits['source'], srcKey[0])
            msgText += '***** {}: {}*****\n'.format(rptTits['source'],
            msgCsv += '\"***** {}: {}*****\",\n'.format(
                rptTits['source'], srcKey[0])
            msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}">{}</td></tr>\n'.format(
                nFields, reportOpts['subheadbg'], subHead)
            msgText += '***** {} *****\n'.format(subHead)
            msgCsv += '\"***** {} *****\"\n'.format(subHead)

        # Print column titles if printing for each section
        if reportOpts['repeatheaders'] is True:
            msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptPrintTitles(
                msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv, rptCols)

        sqlStmt = "SELECT destination, timestamp, examinedFiles, examinedFilesDelta, sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta, addedFiles, deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError, \
            parsedResult, messages, warnings, errors FROM report WHERE source=\'{}\'".format(
        if reportOpts['sortby'] == 'destination':
            sqlStmt += ' ORDER BY destination'
            sqlStmt += ' ORDER BY timestamp'

        dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(sqlStmt)
        reportRows = dbCursor.fetchall()
        globs.log.write(3, 'reportRows=[{}]'.format(reportRows))

        # Loop through each new activity for the source/destination and add to report
        for destination, timestamp, examinedFiles, examinedFilesDelta, sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta, \
            addedFiles, deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError, parsedResult, messages, \
            warnings, errors in reportRows:

            # Get date and time from timestamp
            dateStr, timeStr = drdatetime.fromTimestamp(timestamp)

            # Print report fields
            # Each field takes up one column/cell in the table
            msgHtml += '<tr>'

            # The fill list of possible fields in the report. printField() below will skip a field if it is emoved in the .rc file.
            titles = [
                'destination', 'date', 'time', 'files', 'filesplusminus',
                'size', 'sizeplusminus', 'added', 'deleted', 'modified',
                'errors', 'result'
            fields = [
                destination, dateStr, timeStr, examinedFiles,
                examinedFilesDelta, sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta,
                addedFiles, deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError,

            for ttl, fld in zip(titles, fields):
                msgHtml += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'html')
                msgText += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'text')
                msgCsv += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'csv')

            msgHtml += '</tr>\n'
            msgText += '\n'
            msgCsv += '\n'

            fields = [messages, warnings, errors]
            options = ['displaymessages', 'displaywarnings', 'displayerrors']
            backgrounds = ['jobmessagebg', 'jobwarningbg', 'joberrorbg']
            titles = ['jobmessages', 'jobwarnings', 'joberrors']
            # Print message/warning/error fields
            # Each of these spans all the table columns
            for fld, opt, bg, tit in zip(fields, options, backgrounds, titles):
                if ((fld != '') and (reportOpts[opt] == True)):
                    msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><details><summary>{}</summary>{}</details></td></tr>\n'.format(
                        nFields, reportOpts[bg], rptTits[tit], fld)
                    msgText += '{}: {}\n'.format(rptTits[tit], fld)
                    msgCsv += '\"{}: {}\",\n'.format(rptTits[tit], fld)

        # Show inactivity - Look for missing source/dest pairs in report
        dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(
            "SELECT destination, lastTimestamp, lastFileCount, lastFileSize FROM backupsets WHERE source = '{}' ORDER BY source"
        missingRows = dbCursor.fetchall()
        for destination, lastTimestamp, lastFileCount, lastFileSize in missingRows:
            dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(
                'SELECT count(*) FROM report WHERE source=\"{}\" AND destination=\"{}\"'
                .format(srcKey[0], destination))
            countRows = dbCursor.fetchone()
            if countRows[0] == 0:
                # Calculate days since last activity
                diff = drdatetime.daysSince(lastTimestamp)
                lastDateStr, lastTimeStr = drdatetime.fromTimestamp(
                msgHtml += '<tr>'
                msgHtml += report.printField('destination', destination,
                msgHtml += '<td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><i>No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)</i></td>'.format(
                    nFields - 1, report.getLastSeenColor(reportOpts, diff),
                    lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)
                msgHtml += '</tr>\n'

                msgText += report.printField('destination', destination,
                msgText += '{}: No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)\n'.format(
                    destination, lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)

                msgCsv += report.printField('destination', destination, 'csv')
                msgCsv += '\"{}: No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)\"\n'.format(
                    destination, lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)

    # Add report footer
    msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptBottom(msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv,
                                                startTime, nFields)

    # Return text & HTML messages to main program. It can decide which one it wants to use.
    return msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv
Exemple #2
def runReport(startTime):
    globs.log.write(1, 'rpt_srcdest()')

    # Get header and column info
    nFields, fldDefs, reportOpts, rptCols, rptTits = report.initReportVars()

    # Print the report title
    msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptTop(reportOpts, nFields)

    # Remove columns we don't need for this report
    # These are already part of the report logic processing & subheaders
    # we won't need to loop through them for the report fields

    # Print column titles if not printing for each section
    if reportOpts['repeatheaders'] is False:
        msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptPrintTitles(
            msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv, rptCols)

    # Select source/destination pairs from database
    sqlStmt = "SELECT source, destination, lastTimestamp, lastFileCount, lastFileSize from backupsets"

    # How should report be sorted?
    # Options are source & destination
    if reportOpts['sortby'] == 'source':
        sqlStmt = sqlStmt + " ORDER BY source, destination"
        sqlStmt = sqlStmt + " ORDER BY destination, source"
    dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(sqlStmt)
    bkSetRows = dbCursor.fetchall()
    globs.log.write(2, 'bkSetRows=[{}]'.format(bkSetRows))

    # Loop through backupsets table and then get latest activity for each src/dest pair
    for source, destination, lastTimestamp, lastFileCount, lastFileSize in bkSetRows:
            'Src=[{}] Dest=[{}] lastTimestamp=[{}] lastFileCount=[{}] lastFileSize=[{}]'
            .format(source, destination, lastTimestamp, lastFileCount,

        # Add title for source/dest pair
        subHead = globs.optionManager.getRcOption('report', 'subheading')
        if subHead is not None:
            # Substitute subheading keywords
            subHead = subHead.replace('#SOURCE#',
        if subHead is None or subHead == '':
            msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><b>{}:</b> {} <b>{}:</b> {}</td></tr>\n'.format(nFields, reportOpts['subheadbg'], \
                rptTits['source'], source, rptTits['destination'], destination)
            msgText += '***** {}: {}    {}: {} *****\n'.format(
                rptTits['source'], source, rptTits['destination'], destination)
            msgCsv += '\"***** {}: {}    {}: {} *****\"\n'.format(
                rptTits['source'], source, rptTits['destination'], destination)
            msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}">{}</td></tr>\n'.format(
                nFields, reportOpts['subheadbg'], subHead)
            msgText += '***** {} *****\n'.format(subHead)
            msgCsv += '\"***** {} *****\"\n'.format(subHead)

        # Print column titles if printing for each section
        if reportOpts['repeatheaders'] is True:
            msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptPrintTitles(
                msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv, rptCols)

        # Select all activity for src/dest pair since last report run
        sqlStmt = "SELECT timestamp, examinedFiles, examinedFilesDelta, sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta, \
            addedFiles, deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError, parsedResult, messages, warnings, errors \
            FROM report WHERE source=\'{}\' AND destination=\'{}\' order by timestamp".format(
            source, destination)
        dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(sqlStmt)
        reportRows = dbCursor.fetchall()
        globs.log.write(3, 'reportRows=[{}]'.format(reportRows))
        if not reportRows:  # No rows found = no recent activity
            # Calculate days since last activity
            diff = drdatetime.daysSince(lastTimestamp)

            lastDateStr, lastTimeStr = drdatetime.fromTimestamp(lastTimestamp)
            msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><i>No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)</i></td></tr>\n'.format(
                nFields, report.getLastSeenColor(reportOpts, diff),
                lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)
            msgText += 'No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)\n'.format(
                lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)
            msgCsv += '\"No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)\"\n'.format(
                lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)
            # Loop through each new job email and report
            for timestamp, examinedFiles, examinedFilesDelta, sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta, \
                    addedFiles, deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError, parsedResult, messages, \
                    warnings, errors in reportRows:

                # Get date and time from timestamp
                dateStr, timeStr = drdatetime.fromTimestamp(timestamp)

                # Print report fields
                # Each field takes up one column/cell in the table
                msgHtml += '<tr>'

                # The fill list of possible fields in the report. printField() below will skip a field if it is emoved in the .rc file.
                titles = [
                    'date', 'time', 'files', 'filesplusminus', 'size',
                    'sizeplusminus', 'added', 'deleted', 'modified', 'errors',
                fields = [
                    dateStr, timeStr, examinedFiles, examinedFilesDelta,
                    sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta, addedFiles,
                    deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError, parsedResult

                for ttl, fld in zip(titles, fields):
                    msgHtml += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'html')
                    msgText += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'text')
                    msgCsv += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'csv')

                msgHtml += '</tr>\n'
                msgText += '\n'
                msgCsv += '\n'

                fields = [messages, warnings, errors]
                options = [
                    'displaymessages', 'displaywarnings', 'displayerrors'
                backgrounds = ['jobmessagebg', 'jobwarningbg', 'joberrorbg']
                titles = ['jobmessages', 'jobwarnings', 'joberrors']
                # Print message/warning/error fields
                # Each of these spans all the table columns
                for fld, opt, bg, tit in zip(fields, options, backgrounds,
                    if ((fld != '') and (reportOpts[opt] == True)):
                        msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><details><summary>{}</summary><p>{}</details></td></tr>\n'.format(
                            nFields, reportOpts[bg], rptTits[tit], fld)
                        msgText += '{}: {}\n'.format(rptTits[tit], fld)
                        csvLine = '\"{}: {}\"\n'.format(
                            rptTits[tit], fld
                        ).replace('\n', ' ').replace(
                            '\r', ''
                        )  # Need to remove \n & \r because csv truncates after these characters
                        msgCsv += csvLine

    # Add report footer
    msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptBottom(msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv,
                                                startTime, nFields)

    # Return text & HTML messages to main program. It can decide which one(s) it wants to use.
    return msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv
Exemple #3
def runReport(startTime):
    globs.log.write(1, 'rpt_bydate()')

    # Get header and column info
    nFields, fldDefs, reportOpts, rptCols, rptTits = report.initReportVars()

    # Print the report title
    msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptTop(reportOpts, nFields)

    # Remove columns we don't need for this report
    # These are already part of the report logic processing & subheaders
    # We won't need to loop through them for the report fields

    # Print column titles if not printing for each section
    if reportOpts['repeatheaders'] is False:
        msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptPrintTitles(
            msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv, rptCols)

    # Get earliest & latest timestamps in the report table
    dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt("SELECT min(timestamp) FROM report"
                                    )  # Smallest timestamp in the report table
    currentTs = dbCursor.fetchone()[0]
    dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt("SELECT max(timestamp) FROM report"
                                    )  # Largest timestamp in the report table
    highestTs = dbCursor.fetchone()[0]

    while currentTs <= highestTs:
        currentDate, currentTime = drdatetime.fromTimestamp(
        currentDateBeginTs = drdatetime.toTimestamp(
            currentDate + ' 00:00:00',
        )  # Convert the string into a timestamp
        currentDateEndTs = drdatetime.toTimestamp(
            currentDate + ' 23:59:59',
        )  # Convert the string into a timestamp

        sqlStmt = "SELECT source, destination, timestamp, examinedFiles, examinedFilesDelta, sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta, \
            addedFiles, deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError, parsedResult, messages, warnings, errors \
            FROM report WHERE timestamp >= {} AND timestamp <= {}".format(
            currentDateBeginTs, currentDateEndTs)
        if reportOpts['sortby'] == 'source':
            sqlStmt += ' ORDER BY source, destination'
        elif reportOpts['sortby'] == 'destination':
            sqlStmt += ' ORDER BY destination, source'
            sqlStmt += ' ORDER BY timestamp'

        dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(sqlStmt)
        reportRows = dbCursor.fetchall()
        globs.log.write(3, 'reportRows=[{}]'.format(reportRows))

        if len(reportRows) != 0:
            subHead = globs.optionManager.getRcOption('report', 'subheading')
            if subHead is not None:
                # Substitute subheading keywords
                subHead = subHead.replace('#DATE#', currentDate)
            if subHead is None or subHead == '':
                msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><b>{}:</b> {}</td></tr>\n'.format(
                    nFields, reportOpts['subheadbg'], rptTits['date'],
                msgText += '***** {}: {} *****\n'.format(
                    rptTits['date'], currentDate)
                msgCsv += '\"***** {}: {} *****\"\n'.format(
                    rptTits['date'], currentDate)
                msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}">{}</td></tr>\n'.format(
                    nFields, reportOpts['subheadbg'], subHead)
                msgText += '***** {} *****\n'.format(subHead)
                msgCsv += '\"***** {} *****\"\n'.format(subHead)

            # Print column titles if printing for each section
            if reportOpts['repeatheaders'] is True:
                msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptPrintTitles(
                    msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv, rptCols)

        for source, destination, timestamp, examinedFiles, examinedFilesDelta, sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta, \
            addedFiles, deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError, parsedResult, messages, \
            warnings, errors in reportRows:

            # Get date and time from timestamp
            dateStr, timeStr = drdatetime.fromTimestamp(timestamp)

            # Print report fields
            # Each field takes up one column/cell in the table
            msgHtml += '<tr>'

            # The full list of possible fields in the report. printField() below will skip a field if it is emoved in the .rc file.
            titles = [
                'source', 'destination', 'time', 'files', 'filesplusminus',
                'size', 'sizeplusminus', 'added', 'deleted', 'modified',
                'errors', 'result'
            fields = [
                source, destination, timeStr, examinedFiles,
                examinedFilesDelta, sizeOfExaminedFiles, fileSizeDelta,
                addedFiles, deletedFiles, modifiedFiles, filesWithError,

            for ttl, fld in zip(titles, fields):
                msgHtml += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'html')
                msgText += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'text')
                msgCsv += report.printField(ttl, fld, 'csv')

            msgHtml += '</tr>\n'
            msgText += '\n'
            msgCsv += '\n'

            fields = [messages, warnings, errors]
            options = ['displaymessages', 'displaywarnings', 'displayerrors']
            backgrounds = ['jobmessagebg', 'jobwarningbg', 'joberrorbg']
            titles = ['jobmessages', 'jobwarnings', 'joberrors']
            # Print message/warning/error fields
            # Each of these spans all the table columns
            for fld, opt, bg, tit in zip(fields, options, backgrounds, titles):
                if ((fld != '') and (reportOpts[opt] == True)):
                    msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><details><summary>{}</summary>{}</details></td></tr>\n'.format(
                        nFields, reportOpts[bg], rptTits[tit], fld)
                    msgText += '{}: {}\n'.format(rptTits[tit], fld)
                    msgCsv += '\"{}: {}\"\n'.format(rptTits[tit], fld)

        # Move current timestamp ahead 1 second
        currentTs = currentDateEndTs + 1

    # Now see which systems didn't report in
    dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(
        "SELECT source, destination, lastTimestamp FROM backupsets ORDER BY source, destination"
    setRows = dbCursor.fetchall()
    globs.log.write(3, 'setRows=[{}]'.format(setRows))

    # Flag to let us know if we need to print a header for missing backupsets
    hdrFlag = 0
    for source, destination, lastTimestamp in setRows:
        dbCursor = globs.db.execSqlStmt(
            "SELECT count(*) FROM report WHERE source = \'{}\' AND destination = \'{}\'"
            .format(source, destination))
        seenRows = dbCursor.fetchone()[0]
        globs.log.write(3, 'seenRows=[{}]'.format(seenRows))
        if seenRows == 0:  # Didn't get any rows for source/Destination pair. Add to report
            if hdrFlag == 0:
                msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}"><b>Missing Backup Sets</b></td></tr>\n'.format(
                    nFields, reportOpts['subheadbg'])
                msgText += 'Missing Back Sets\n'
                msgCsv += '\"Missing Back Sets\"\n'
                hdrFlag = 1

            diff = drdatetime.daysSince(lastTimestamp)
            lastDateStr, lastTimeStr = drdatetime.fromTimestamp(lastTimestamp)
            msgHtml += '<tr><td colspan="{}" align="center" bgcolor="{}">{} to {}: <i>No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)</i></td></tr>\n'.format(
                nFields, reportOpts['noactivitybg'], source, destination,
                lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)
            msgText += '{} to {}: No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)\n'.format(
                source, destination, lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)
            msgCsv += '\"{} to {}: No new activity. Last activity on {} at {} ({} days ago)\"\n'.format(
                source, destination, lastDateStr, lastTimeStr, diff)

    # Add report footer
    msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv = report.rptBottom(msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv,
                                                startTime, nFields)

    # Return text & HTML messages to main program. It can decide which one it wants to use.
    return msgHtml, msgText, msgCsv