Exemple #1
        endIndex -= 1
        endResFull = pseudoMol.resNumFull(endIndex)

        #make sure that we're not now down to a single residue
        if startIndex >= endIndex:
            print "Cannot rotamerize this suite without a 3' phosphate."
                "Cannot rotamerize this suite without a 3' phosphate.")
            return False

    #make sure that there are no insertion codes (since Coot's refine_zone can't handle these)
    #ideally, refine_zone will eventually get fixed and I can remove this check
    for curIndex in range(startIndex, endIndex + 2):
        #we need to check the last residue and the one after that, since createPartialChainObject will add on the 3' phosphate
        if pseudoMol.resNum(curIndex)[1] != "":
            return False

    #make sure that the user hasn't tried to rotamerize too many nucleotides
    #If they have, it's likely due to misclicking, so we don't want to force them to sit through rotamerizing hundreds of nucleotides
    numNucsToRotamerize = endIndex - startIndex + 1
    if (MAX_NUCLEOTIDES_TO_ROTAMERIZE > 0) and (numNucsToRotamerize >

        print "Warning:  Too many nucleotides to rotamerize."
        print "   Trying to rotamerize", numNucsToRotamerize, "nucleotides and your current maximum is", MAX_NUCLEOTIDES_TO_ROTAMERIZE
        print "   To increase the maximum, go to Calculate -> Scripting -> Python"
        print "   and type rcrane.setRotamerizeMaxNucleotides(" + str(
            numNucsToRotamerize) + ")"
        print "   or type rcrane.setRotamerizeMaxNucleotides(-1) to remove the limit."
Exemple #2
        return False
    elif connectedToNext:
        extendDir = 5
    elif connectedToPrev:
        extendDir = 3
        #we're dealing with a single nt not containing a 3' phosphate
        #we need to decide direction based on the atom clicked
        extendDir = __decideDirectionFromAtom(atom, resNumFull)
        if not extendDir:
            return False  #if we couldn't determine a direction from the atom, then cancel

    #make sure that the residue we're going to extend doesn't have an insertion code
    #   (also check the next and previous residues)
    if pseudoMol.resNum(resIndex)[1] != "":
        return False
    if connectedToNext and pseudoMol.resNum(resIndex + 1)[1] != "":
        reportInsCodeError(pseudoMol.resNumFull(resIndex + 1))
        return False
    if connectedToPrev and pseudoMol.resNum(resIndex - 1)[1] != "":
        reportInsCodeError(pseudoMol.resNumFull(resIndex - 1))
        return False

    #figure out which residue we should be checking for PDB2 naming and missing glycosidic bond atoms
    if curResIsPhosOnly:
        resIndexToCheck = resIndex - 1
        resNumFullToCheck = pseudoMol.resNumFull(resIndex - 1)
        resIndexToCheck = resIndex
        resNumFullToCheck = resNumFull
Exemple #3
 elif connectedToNext:
     extendDir = 5
 elif connectedToPrev:
     extendDir = 3
     #we're dealing with a single nt not containing a 3' phosphate
     #we need to decide direction based on the atom clicked
     extendDir = __decideDirectionFromAtom(atom, resNumFull)
     if not extendDir: return False #if we couldn't determine a direction from the atom, then cancel
 #make sure that the residue we're going to extend doesn't have an insertion code
 #   (also check the next and previous residues)
 if pseudoMol.resNum(resIndex)[1] != "":
     return False
 if connectedToNext and pseudoMol.resNum(resIndex+1)[1] != "":
     return False
 if connectedToPrev and pseudoMol.resNum(resIndex-1)[1] != "":
     return False
 #figure out which residue we should be checking for PDB2 naming and missing glycosidic bond atoms
 if curResIsPhosOnly:
     resIndexToCheck = resIndex - 1
     resNumFullToCheck = pseudoMol.resNumFull(resIndex - 1)
     resIndexToCheck = resIndex
     resNumFullToCheck = resNumFull
Exemple #4
     endIndex -= 1
     endResFull = pseudoMol.resNumFull(endIndex)
     #make sure that we're not now down to a single residue
     if startIndex >= endIndex:
         print "Cannot rotamerize this suite without a 3' phosphate."
         add_status_bar_text("Cannot rotamerize this suite without a 3' phosphate.")
         return False
 #make sure that there are no insertion codes (since Coot's refine_zone can't handle these)
 #ideally, refine_zone will eventually get fixed and I can remove this check
 for curIndex in range(startIndex, endIndex+2):
     #we need to check the last residue and the one after that, since createPartialChainObject will add on the 3' phosphate
     if pseudoMol.resNum(curIndex)[1] != "":
         return False
 #make sure that the user hasn't tried to rotamerize too many nucleotides
 #If they have, it's likely due to misclicking, so we don't want to force them to sit through rotamerizing hundreds of nucleotides
 numNucsToRotamerize = endIndex - startIndex + 1
     print "Warning:  Too many nucleotides to rotamerize."
     print "   Trying to rotamerize", numNucsToRotamerize, "nucleotides and your current maximum is", MAX_NUCLEOTIDES_TO_ROTAMERIZE
     print "   To increase the maximum, go to Calculate -> Scripting -> Python"
     print "   and type rcrane.setRotamerizeMaxNucleotides(" + str(numNucsToRotamerize) + ")"
     print "   or type rcrane.setRotamerizeMaxNucleotides(-1) to remove the limit."
     add_status_bar_text("Warning:  Too many nts to rotamerize.  Trying to rotamerize " + str(numNucsToRotamerize) + " nts and your current max is " + str(MAX_NUCLEOTIDES_TO_ROTAMERIZE))
     return False