def create_server_summary(file_paths, config): """ Creates the summary bar charts: Defacement/Phishing/Malware Summary/(URL/IP) Arguments: file_paths -- folder paths for the three months of csv files config -- configuration dictionary """ month = config['month'] year = config['year'] months = [month_string_format(year, month-2), month_string_format(year, month-1), month_string_format(year, month)] output_dir = config['output_dir'] data = [] for file in file_paths: _, csv_data = rutil.read_csv(file, [1,2,3]) data.append(csv_data) server_dis_headers = ['Defacement','Phishing','Malware'] server_dis = [[],[],[]] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): server_dis[i].append(data[j][i][1]) plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(months, zip(server_dis, server_dis_headers), 'Server Related security events distribution', bar_mode='stack') rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output_dir + 'ServerRelated.png') gen = [(1,'Defacement',config['defce_color']),(2,'Phishing',config['phish_color']),(3,'Malware',config['malwr_color'])] gen_headers = ['URL','Domain','IP'] gen_data = [[],[],[]] for index, type, colors in gen: for i in range(3): gen_data[i] = [] for j in range(3): gen_data[i].append(data[j][index-1][i+1]) plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(months, zip(gen_data, gen_headers), type + ' General Statistics', color=colors) rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output_dir + type + 'Gen.png') url_ip_headers = ['URL/IP Ratio'] for index, type, colors in gen: url_data = [] for j in range(3): url_data.append(round(float(data[j][index-1][1]) / float(data[j][index-1][3]),2)) plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(months, [(url_data, 'URL/IP Ratio')], type + ' URL/IP Ratio', color=colors) rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, output_dir + type + 'URLIP.png')
def monthly_create_bar_charts(config): """ Create bar charts that use data from current month [N.B. Bar charts that use data from multiple months are generated in monthly_create_multi_bar] Arguments: config -- configuration dictionary """ print('Creating bar charts...') print(' Downloading bar charts...') bar_chart_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config["file_paths"][2]) bar_charts = [('ISPServerAll', 'Top 10 ISPs by server related event types'), ('ISPBotnets', 'Top 10 ISPs by non-server event type'), ('ISPAll', 'Top 10 ISPs for all events')] for file, title in bar_charts: shutil.copyfile(bar_chart_dir + file + '.csv', bar_chart_dir + file + 'Pie.csv') header, data = rutil.read_csv(bar_chart_dir + file + '.csv', max_row=10) plot_url = rutil.plotly_bar_chart(data[0][:10], zip(data[1:], header[1:]), title, 'stack') rutil.plotly_download_png(plot_url, config['output_dir'] + file + '.png') # Create bar charts that use data from multiple months monthly_create_multi_bar(config)
def quarterly_latex(config): """ Compiles the LaTeX report for the Quarterly Security Watch Report. Generates the LaTeX tables from reading CSV files; Uses template LaTeX report_qrtr_temp_chi and report_quarterly_temp and inserts the data appropriately. """ yyqq, year, qrtr, qrtr_label, data_paths = config['params'] output = config['output'] bar_chart_param, pie_chart_param = config['trim_config'] # Top 5 Botnets Table top_bn_data, top_bn_name, _ = config['top_bn'] table_hdr = ['Name'] + qrtr_label table_top_bot = '' table_top_bot += '\\begin{table}[!htbp]\n\\centering\n' table_top_bot += '\n\\begin{tabular}{llllll} \\hline\n' table_top_bot += '&'.join(map(lambda x: '\\bf ' + x, table_hdr)) + '\\\\\\hline\n' rows = map(lambda x,y:x+'&'+'&'.join(y)+'\\\\\n', top_bn_name, top_bn_data) for row in rows: table_top_bot += row table_top_bot += '\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\\end{table}\n' # Generate latex table for Major Botnet Families headers, data = rutil.read_csv(data_paths[4] + 'botnetDailyMax.csv', [0,1]) _, prev_data = rutil.read_csv(data_paths[3] + 'botnetDailyMax.csv', [0,1]) rank_change = [] pct_change = ['NA'] * 10 for i in range(10): if data[0][i] == prev_data[0][i]: rank_change.append('$\\rightarrow$') elif data[0][i] in prev_data[0][:i]: rank_change.append('$\\Downarrow$') elif data[0][i] in prev_data[0][i+1:]: rank_change.append('$\\Uparrow$') else: rank_change.append('NEW') for i in range(len(prev_data[0])): for j in range(10): if prev_data[0][i] == data[0][j]: new = float(data[1][j]) old = float(prev_data[1][i]) pct_change[j] = str(round((new - old) * 100 / old, 1)) + '\%' # Major Botnet Families table headers headers = ['Rank', '$\\Uparrow\\Downarrow$', 'Concerned Bots', 'Number of Unique', 'Changes with'] table_ltx = '' table_ltx += '\\begin{table}[!htbp]\n\\centering\n' table_ltx += '\\caption{__CAPTION__}' table_ltx += '\n\\begin{tabular}{lllll} \\hline\n__HEADERS__\\\\\\hline\n' # Major Botnet Families table data for i in range(len(data[0]) if len(data[0]) < 10 else 10): table_ltx += '&'.join([str(i+1), rank_change[i], data[0][i], data[1][i], pct_change[i]]) + '\\\\\n' table_ltx += '\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\\end{table}\n' ltx_temp = '' # Create Chinese and English version of Major Botnet Families table_ltx_cap_eng = 'Major Botnet Families in Hong Kong Networks' table_ltx_cap_chi = u'香港網絡內的主要殭屍網絡' table_ltx_hdr_eng = '&'.join(map(lambda x:'\\bf ' + x,headers)) + '\\\\\n&&& \\bf IP addresses & \\bf previous period\n' table_ltx_hdr_chi = u'\\bf 排名 & \\bf $\\Uparrow\\Downarrow$ & \\bf 殭屍網絡名稱 & \\bf 唯一IP地址 & \\bf 變化 \n' table_eng = table_ltx.replace('__HEADERS__', table_ltx_hdr_eng) table_eng = table_eng.replace('__CAPTION__', table_ltx_cap_eng) table_chi = table_ltx.replace('__HEADERS__', table_ltx_hdr_chi) table_chi = table_chi.replace('__CAPTION__', table_ltx_cap_chi) # Compile Latex report serv_events = config['serv_events'] with open(output + 'report_quarterly_temp.tex') as f: ltx_temp = fontcfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)'config.cfg') f = lambda x: fontcfg.get('font','font_' + x) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('__FONT_SIZE__',f('size')) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('__FONT__',f('family')) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('botnet\\_table', table_eng) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('QUARTER', qrtr_label[4]) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('UNIQUEEVENTS', serv_events[4]) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('table\\_top\\_bot', table_top_bot) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('__PIE_CHART__', pie_chart_param) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('__BAR_CHART__', bar_chart_param) with open(output + 'SecurityWatchReport.tex', 'w+') as f: f.write(ltx_temp) with open(output + 'report_qrtr_temp_chi.tex') as f: ltx_temp = ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('UNIQUEEVENTS', serv_events[4]) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('table\\_top\\_bot', table_top_bot) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('__PIE_CHART__', pie_chart_param) ltx_temp = ltx_temp.replace('__BAR_CHART__', bar_chart_param) with open(output + 'SecurityWatchReportChi.tex', 'w+') as f: f.write(ltx_temp) with + 'chiqrtr.tex', mode='w+', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: f.write(u'20' + unicode(year) + u'第' + [u'一',u'二',u'三',u'四'][qrtr-1] + u'季度') with + 'botnetchitable.tex', mode='w+', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: f.write(table_chi) print('Rendering PDF') os.chdir(output) os.system('pdflatex SecurityWatchReport.tex') os.system('pdflatex SecurityWatchReport.tex') # Second time to replace references and ToC os.rename('SecurityWatchReport.pdf', 'SecurityWatchReport' + qrtr_label[4] + '.pdf') print('Report successfully compiled. Exiting now...') os.system('xelatex SecurityWatchReportChi.tex') os.system('xelatex SecurityWatchReportChi.tex') # Second time to replace references and ToC os.rename('SecurityWatchReportChi.pdf', 'SecurityWatchReportChi' + qrtr_label[4] + '.pdf') print('Report successfully compiled. Exiting now...')
def quarterly_compile_data(config): """ Reads CSV files and compiles the data. """ yyqq, year, qrtr, qrtr_label, data_paths = config['params'] # URL/IP data url_data = [[],[],[]] url_ip_col = [('Defacement', 1), ('Phishing', 2), ('Malware', 3)] for type, index in url_ip_col: url_ip_unique_data = [[],[]] url_ip_ratio_data = [[]] for d in data_paths: _, data = rutil.read_csv(d + 'serverSummary.csv', columns=[index]) url_count = data[0][1] ip_count = data[0][3] url_ip_ratio = round(float(url_count) / float(ip_count),2) url_ip_unique_data[0].append(url_count) url_ip_unique_data[1].append(ip_count) url_ip_ratio_data[0].append(str(url_ip_ratio)) url_data[index-1] = url_ip_unique_data[0] config[type + '_url_data'] = (url_ip_unique_data, url_ip_ratio_data) config['url_data'] = list(url_data) # Botnet (C&C) Distribution and Trend data cc_data = [[],[],[]] for d in data_paths: _, data = rutil.read_csv(d + 'C&CServers.csv', columns=[0,3]) ip_list = [] irc_count = 0 http_count = 0 for i in range(len(data[0])): ip = data[0][i] if ip not in ip_list: ip_list.append(ip) if data[1][i] == '-': http_count += 1 else: irc_count += 1 cc_data[0].append(str(irc_count)) cc_data[1].append(str(http_count)) cc_data[2].append(str(irc_count+http_count)) config['cc_data'] = cc_data # Unique Botnet (Bots) Trend bn_data = [] for d in data_paths: _, data = rutil.read_csv(d + 'botnetDailyMax.csv', columns=[1]) total_count = 0 for i in range(len(data[0])): if data[0][i] is not '': total_count += int(data[0][i]) bn_data.append(total_count) config['bn_data'] = bn_data # Top Botnet data top_bn_data = [[],[],[],[],[]] top_bn_name = [] top_bn_curr = [] _, data = rutil.read_csv(data_paths[len(data_paths)-1] + 'botnetDailyMax.csv', [0,1]) for i in range(5): top_bn_name.append(data[0][i]) top_bn_curr.append(data[1][i]) for j in range(4): _, data = rutil.read_csv(data_paths[j] + 'botnetDailyMax.csv', [0,1]) for i in range(len(data[0])): index = -1 try: index = top_bn_name.index(data[0][i]) if index >= 0: top_bn_data[index].append(data[1][i]) except: index = -1 for i in range(5): if len(top_bn_data[i]) <= j: top_bn_data[i].append('0') for i in range(5): top_bn_data[i].append(top_bn_curr[i]) config['top_bn'] = (top_bn_data, top_bn_name, top_bn_curr) url_data.append(bn_data) url_data.append(cc_data[2]) config['serv_events'] = reduce(rutil.sum_array, url_data)