Exemple #1
    def copydir(self, source, destination, path):
        """Copies the given directory to the destination. This does not
		copy its contents."""
        logging.info("Copying directory: {0}".format(destination))
        if self.test: return False
        self.copyattr(source, destination)
Exemple #2
	def copyfile( self, source, destination, path ):
		"""Copies the given file. This will check the file's inode to
		detect hardlink. If a file with the same inode has already been
		copied, then a hard link will be created to that file, otherwise
		a new file will be created."""
		s_stat  = os.lstat(source)
		mode    = s_stat[stat.ST_MODE]
		if stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
			logging.info("Skipping special device file: {0}".format(utf8(source)))
		elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
			logging.info("Skipping block device file: {0}".format(utf8(source)))
		elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
			logging.info("Skipping FIFO file: {0}".format(utf8(source)))
		elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode):
			logging.info("Skipping socket file: {0}".format(utf8(source)))
			s_inode = s_stat[stat.ST_INO]
			# If the destination does not exists, then we need to restore
			# it.
			original_path = self.getInodePath(s_inode)
			if original_path:
				self.hardlink(source, destination)
				logging.info("Copying file: {0}".format(destination))
				if self.test: return False
				# If we haven't copied the source inode anywhere into the
				# destination, then we copy it, preserving its attributes
				shutil.copyfile(source, destination, follow_symlinks=False)
				# NOTE: We really don't want to have absolute paths here, we
				# need them relative, otherwise the DB is going to explode in
				# size.
				self.setInodePath(s_inode, destination[len(self.output):])
				# In all cases we copy the attributes
				self.copyattr(source, destination)
Exemple #3
	def copydir( self, source, destination, path ):
		"""Copies the given directory to the destination. This does not
		copy its contents."""
		logging.info("Copying directory: {0}".format(destination))
		if self.test: return False
		self.copyattr(source, destination)
Exemple #4
	def save( self, path ):
		"""Saves the catalogue to the given `path`. This will in turn call
		d = os.path.dirname(path)
		if not os.path.exists(d):
			logging.info("Catalogue: creating catalogue directory {0}".format(utf8(d)))
		with open(path, "wb") as f:
Exemple #5
	def copylink( self, source, destination, path ):
		"""Copies the given symlink to the destination. This preserves the
		target but does not check if it is valid or not."""
		target = os.readlink(source)
		logging.info("Copying link [->{1}]: {0}".format(destination, target))
		if self.test: return False
		d      = os.path.dirname(destination)
		f      = os.path.basename(destination)
		os.symlink(target, destination)
		self.copyattr(source, destination)
Exemple #6
    def save(self, path):
        """Saves the catalogue to the given `path`. This will in turn call
        d = os.path.dirname(path)
        if not os.path.exists(d):
            logging.info("Catalogue: creating catalogue directory {0}".format(
        with open(path, "wb") as f:
Exemple #7
    def copylink(self, source, destination, path):
        """Copies the given symlink to the destination. This preserves the
		target but does not check if it is valid or not."""
        target = os.readlink(source)
        logging.info("Copying link [->{1}]: {0}".format(destination, target))
        if self.test: return False
        d = os.path.dirname(destination)
        f = os.path.basename(destination)
        os.symlink(target, destination)
        self.copyattr(source, destination)
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, output, filter=None):
     self.db = None
     self.last = -1
     self.output = output
     self.base = None
     self.root = None
     self.filter = filter
     self._indexPath = os.path.join(self.output, "__rawcopy__/index.json")
     if not os.path.exists(output):
         logging.info("Creating output directory {0}".format(output))
Exemple #9
	def __init__( self, output, filter=None ):
		self.db     = None
		self.last   = -1
		self.output = output
		self.base   = None
		self.root   = None
		self.filter = filter
		self._indexPath = os.path.join(self.output, "__rawcopy__/index.json")
		if not os.path.exists(output):
			logging.info("Creating output directory {0}".format(output))
Exemple #10
	def ensureInodePath( self, source, path):
		"""Ensures the the given source element path's inode is mapped to the
		given destination's path inode."""
		s     = os.lstat(source)
		inode = s[stat.ST_INO]
		mode  = s[stat.ST_MODE]
		if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode) and not self.getInodePath(inode):
			logging.info("Remapping inode for {0} to {1}".format(utf8(source), utf8(path)))
			self.setInodePath(inode, path)
			return True
			return False
Exemple #11
    def ensureInodePath(self, source, path):
        """Ensures the the given source element path's inode is mapped to the
		given destination's path inode."""
        s = os.lstat(source)
        inode = s[stat.ST_INO]
        mode = s[stat.ST_MODE]
        if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode) and not self.getInodePath(inode):
            logging.info("Remapping inode for {0} to {1}".format(
                utf8(source), utf8(path)))
            self.setInodePath(inode, path)
            return True
            return False
Exemple #12
	def hardlink( self, source, destination ):
		"""Copies the file/directory as a hard link. Return True if
		a hard link was detected."""
		if self.test: return False
		# Otherwise if the inode is already there, then we can
		# simply hardlink it
		s     = os.lstat(source)
		inode = s[stat.ST_INO]
		mode  = s[stat.ST_MODE]
		if stat.S_ISDIR(mode) or os.path.exists(destination):
			# Directories can't have hard links
			return False
		original_path = self.getInodePath(inode)
		if original_path:
			logging.info("Hard linking file: {0}".format(destination))
			link_source = os.path.join(self.base, original_path)
			os.link(link_source, destination, follow_symlinks=False)
			self.copyattr(source, destination)
			return True
			return False
Exemple #13
    def hardlink(self, source, destination):
        """Copies the file/directory as a hard link. Return True if
		a hard link was detected."""
        if self.test: return False
        # Otherwise if the inode is already there, then we can
        # simply hardlink it
        s = os.lstat(source)
        inode = s[stat.ST_INO]
        mode = s[stat.ST_MODE]
        if stat.S_ISDIR(mode) or os.path.exists(destination):
            # Directories can't have hard links
            return False
        original_path = self.getInodePath(inode)
        if original_path:
            logging.info("Hard linking file: {0}".format(destination))
            link_source = os.path.join(self.base, original_path)
            os.link(link_source, destination, follow_symlinks=False)
            self.copyattr(source, destination)
            return True
            return False
Exemple #14
    def copyfile(self, source, destination, path):
        """Copies the given file. This will check the file's inode to
		detect hardlink. If a file with the same inode has already been
		copied, then a hard link will be created to that file, otherwise
		a new file will be created."""
        s_stat = os.lstat(source)
        mode = s_stat[stat.ST_MODE]
        if stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
            logging.info("Skipping special device file: {0}".format(
        elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
            logging.info("Skipping block device file: {0}".format(
        elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
            logging.info("Skipping FIFO file: {0}".format(utf8(source)))
        elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode):
            logging.info("Skipping socket file: {0}".format(utf8(source)))
            s_inode = s_stat[stat.ST_INO]
            # If the destination does not exists, then we need to restore
            # it.
            original_path = self.getInodePath(s_inode)
            if original_path:
                self.hardlink(source, destination)
                logging.info("Copying file: {0}".format(destination))
                if self.test: return False
                # If we haven't copied the source inode anywhere into the
                # destination, then we copy it, preserving its attributes
                shutil.copyfile(source, destination, follow_symlinks=False)
                # NOTE: We really don't want to have absolute paths here, we
                # need them relative, otherwise the DB is going to explode in
                # size.
                self.setInodePath(s_inode, destination[len(self.output):])
                # In all cases we copy the attributes
                self.copyattr(source, destination)
Exemple #15
def run( args ):
	sources = [os.path.abspath(_) for _ in args.source]
	base    = os.path.commonprefix(sources)
	if not os.path.exists(base) or not os.path.isdir(base): base = os.path.dirname(base)
	for s in sources:
		if not os.path.exists(s):
			logging.error("Source path does not exists: {0}".format(s))
			return None
	# We setup the filter
	node_filter = Filter(types=args.type, names=args.name)
	# We log the information about the sources
	logging.info("Using base: {0}".format(base))
	for _ in sources: logging.info("Using source: {0}".format(_))
	# Sometimes the sources have a common filename prefix, so make sure it is
	# a directory or we get its dirname
	# Now we create the catalogue
	if not (args.catalogue or args.output):
		logging.error("Either catalogue or output directory are required")
		return -1
	# Now we retrieve/create the catalogue
	cat_path = args.catalogue or os.path.join(args.output, "__rawcopy__", "catalogue.lst")
	if not os.path.exists(cat_path):
		logging.info("Creating source catalogue at {0}".format(cat_path))
		c = Catalogue(sources, base, node_filter)
	elif args.catalogue_only:
		logging.info("Catalogue-only mode, regenerating the catalogue")
		c = Catalogue(sources, base, node_filter)
	# Now we iterate over the catalogue
	if args.catalogue_only:
		logging.info("Catalogue-only mode, skipping copy. Remove -C option to do the actual copy")
	elif args.list:
		# FIXME: Use a copy with no action
		c = Copy(args.output, node_filter)
		r = args.range
		c.fromCatalogue(cat_path, range=r, test=True, callback=lambda i,t,p,s,d:sys.stdout.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\n".format(i,t,p,s,d)))
	elif args.output:
		logging.info("Copy catalogue's contents to {0}".format(args.output))
		c = Copy(args.output, node_filter)
		r = args.range
		if r:
				r = [int(_ or -1) for _ in r.split("-")]
			except ValueError as e:
				logging.error("Unsupported range format. Expects `start-end`")
				return -1
			logging.info("Using catalogue item range: {0}".format(r))
		if args.test:
			logging.info("Test mode enabled (not actual file copy)".format(r))
		c.fromCatalogue(cat_path, range=r, test=args.test)
Exemple #16
	def _open( self, path ):
		if not self.db:
			logging.info("Opening copy database at {0}".format(path))
			self.db = dbm.open(path, "c")
		return self
Exemple #17
    def fromCatalogue(self, path, range=None, test=False, callback=None):
        """Reads the given catalogue and copies directories, symlinks and files
		listed in the catalogue. Note that this expects the catalogue to
		be in traversal order."""
        logging.info("Opening catalogue: {0}".format(path))
        # The base is the common prefix/ancestor of all the paths in the
        # catalogue. The root changes but will always start with the base.
        base = None
        root = None
        self.test = test
        # When no range is specified, we look for the index path
        # and load it.
        if range is None and os.path.exists(
                self._indexPath) and os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MTIME] <= os.stat(
            with open(self._indexPath, "r") as f:
                r = f.read()
                r = int(r)
                range = (r, -1)
            except ValueError as e:
        with open(path, "r") as f:
            for line in f:
                j_t_p = line.split(Catalogue.FIELD_SEPARATOR, 2)
                if len(j_t_p) != 3:
                        "Malformed line, expecting at least 3 colon-separated values: {0}"
                j, t, p = j_t_p
                p = p[:-1]
                i = int(j)
                self.last = i
                if t == TYPE_BASE:
                    # The first line of the catalogue is expected to be the base
                    # it is also expected to be absolute.
                    self.base = base = p
                    assert os.path.exists(
                        p), "Base directory does not exists: {0}".format(
                    # Once we have the base, we can create rawcopy's DB files
                    rd = os.path.join(self.output, "__rawcopy__")
                    if not os.path.exists(rd):
                            "Creating rawcopy database directory {0}".format(
                    self._open(os.path.join(rd, "copy.db"))
                elif t == TYPE_ROOT:
                    # If we found a root, we ensure that it is prefixed with the
                    # base
                    assert base, "Catalogue must have a base directory before having roots"
                    assert os.path.normpath(p).startswith(
                    ), "Catalogue roots must be prefixed by the base, base={0}, root={1}".format(
                        utf8(base), utf8(p))
                    # Now we extract the suffix, which is the root minus the base
                    # and no leading /
                    self.root = root = p
                    source = p
                    suffix = p[len(self.base):]
                    if suffix and suffix[0] == "/": suffix = suffix[1:]
                    destination = os.path.join(
                        os.path.join(self.output, suffix))
                    if not (os.path.exists(destination)
                            and not os.path.islink(destination)):
                        pd = os.path.dirname(destination)
                        logging.info("Creating root: {0}:{1}".format(
                            i, utf8(p)))
                        # We make sure the source exists
                        if not os.path.exists(source) and not os.path.islink(
                                "Root does not exists: {0}:{1}".format(
                                    i, utf8(p)))
                        # TODO: How do we handle filters at this stage?
                        # We make sure the parent destination exists (it should be the case)
                        if not os.path.exists(pd):
                            # We copy the original parent directory
                            self.copydir(p, pd, suffix)
                        if os.path.isdir(source):
                            self.copydir(p, destination, suffix)
                        elif os.path.islink(source):
                            self.copylink(p, destination, suffix)
                        elif os.path.isfile(source):
                            self.copyfile(p, destination, suffix)
                                "Unsupported root (not a dir/link/file): {0}:{1}"
                                .format(i, utf8(p)))
                    # We skip the indexes that are not within the range, if given
                    if range:
                        if i < range[0]: continue
                        if len(range) > 1 and range[1] >= 0 and i > range[1]:
                                "Reached end of range {0} >= {1}".format(
                                    i, range[1]))
                    # We check if the filter matches
                    if not self.match(p, t):
                    assert root and self.output
                    # We prepare the source, suffix and destination
                    source = os.path.join(root, p)
                    assert source.startswith(
                    ), "os.path.join(root={0}, path={1}) expected to start with base={2}".format(
                        repr(root), repr(p), repr(base))
                    suffix = source[len(base):]
                    if suffix[0] == "/": suffix = suffix[1:]
                    destination = os.path.join(
                        os.path.join(self.output, suffix))
                    assert suffix, "Empty suffix: source={0}, path={1}, destination={2}".format(
                        utf8(source), utf(p), utf8(destination))
                    # We now proceed with the actual copy
                    if not (os.path.exists(source) or os.path.islink(source)):
                            "Source path not available: {0}:{1}".format(
                                i, utf8(source)))
                    elif not (os.path.exists(destination)
                              or os.path.islink(destination)):
                        logging.info("Copying path [{2}] {0}:{1}".format(
                            i, utf8(p), t))
                        if t == TYPE_DIR or os.path.isdir(source):
                            if t != TYPE_DIR:
                                    "Source detected as directory, but typed as {0} -- {1}:{2}"
                                    .format(t, i, utf8(p)))
                            self.copydir(source, destination, p)
                        elif t == TYPE_SYMLINK:
                            self.copylink(source, destination, p)
                        elif t == TYPE_FILE:
                            self.copyfile(source, destination, p)
                                "Copy: line {0} unsupported type {1}".format(
                                    i, t, p))
                    elif not self.test:
                        # We only fo there if we're not in test mode
                        if t == TYPE_DIR:
                                "Skipping already copied directory: {0}:{1}".
                                format(i, utf8(destination)))
                        elif t == TYPE_SYMLINK:
                                "Skipping already copied link: {0}:{1}".format(
                                    i, utf8(destination)))
                        elif t == TYPE_FILE:
                                "Skipping already copied file: {0}:{1}".format(
                                    i, utf8(destination)))
                        # TODO: We should repair a damaged DB and make sure the inode is copied
                        self.ensureInodePath(source, suffix)
                    # We call the callback
                    if callback:
                        callback(i, t, p, source, destination)
                # We sync the database every 1000 item
                if j.endswith("000") and (not range or i >= range[0]):
                    logging.info("{0} items processed, syncing db".format(i))
        # We don't forget to close the DB
Exemple #18
 def _close(self):
     if self.db:
         logging.info("Opening closing database")
         self.db = None
     return self
Exemple #19
 def _open(self, path):
     if not self.db:
         logging.info("Opening copy database at {0}".format(path))
         self.db = dbm.open(path, "c")
     return self
Exemple #20
	def _close( self ):
		if self.db:
			logging.info("Opening closing database")
			self.db = None
		return self
Exemple #21
	def fromCatalogue( self, path, range=None, test=False, callback=None ):
		"""Reads the given catalogue and copies directories, symlinks and files
		listed in the catalogue. Note that this expects the catalogue to
		be in traversal order."""
		logging.info("Opening catalogue: {0}".format(path))
		# The base is the common prefix/ancestor of all the paths in the
		# catalogue. The root changes but will always start with the base.
		base      = None
		root      = None
		self.test = test
		# When no range is specified, we look for the index path
		# and load it.
		if range is None and os.path.exists(self._indexPath) and os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MTIME] <= os.stat(self._indexPath)[stat.ST_MTIME]:
			with open(self._indexPath, "r") as f:
				r = f.read()
				r = int(r)
				range = (r,-1)
			except ValueError as e:
		with open(path, "r") as f:
			for line in f:
				j_t_p     = line.split(Catalogue.FIELD_SEPARATOR, 2)
				if len(j_t_p) != 3:
					logging.error("Malformed line, expecting at least 3 colon-separated values: {0}".format(repr(line)))
				j, t, p   =  j_t_p
				p = p[:-1]
				i         = int(j) ; self.last = i
				if t == TYPE_BASE:
					# The first line of the catalogue is expected to be the base
					# it is also expected to be absolute.
					self.base = base = p
					assert os.path.exists(p), "Base directory does not exists: {0}".format(utf8(p))
					# Once we have the base, we can create rawcopy's DB files
					rd = os.path.join(self.output, "__rawcopy__")
					if not os.path.exists(rd):
						logging.info("Creating rawcopy database directory {0}".format(utf8(rd)))
					self._open(os.path.join(rd, "copy.db"))
				elif t == TYPE_ROOT:
					# If we found a root, we ensure that it is prefixed with the
					# base
					assert base, "Catalogue must have a base directory before having roots"
					assert os.path.normpath(p).startswith(os.path.normpath(base)), "Catalogue roots must be prefixed by the base, base={0}, root={1}".format(utf8(base), utf8(p))
					# Now we extract the suffix, which is the root minus the base
					# and no leading /
					self.root = root = p
					source    = p
					suffix    = p[len(self.base):]
					if suffix and suffix[0] == "/": suffix = suffix[1:]
					destination = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.output, suffix))
					if not (os.path.exists(destination) and not os.path.islink(destination)):
						pd = os.path.dirname(destination)
						logging.info("Creating root: {0}:{1}".format(i, utf8(p)))
						# We make sure the source exists
						if not os.path.exists(source) and not os.path.islink(source):
							logging.info("Root does not exists: {0}:{1}".format(i, utf8(p)))
						# TODO: How do we handle filters at this stage?
						# We make sure the parent destination exists (it should be the case)
						if not os.path.exists(pd):
							# We copy the original parent directory
							self.copydir(p, pd, suffix)
						if os.path.isdir(source):
							self.copydir(p, destination, suffix)
						elif os.path.islink(source):
							self.copylink(p, destination, suffix)
						elif os.path.isfile(source):
							self.copyfile(p, destination, suffix)
							logging.error("Unsupported root (not a dir/link/file): {0}:{1}".format(i, utf8(p)))
					# We skip the indexes that are not within the range, if given
					if range:
						if i < range[0]: continue
						if len(range) > 1 and range[1] >= 0 and i > range[1]:
							logging.info("Reached end of range {0} >= {1}".format(i, range[1]))
					# We check if the filter matches
					if not self.match(p, t):
					assert root and self.output
					# We prepare the source, suffix and destination
					source = os.path.join(root, p)
					assert source.startswith(base), "os.path.join(root={0}, path={1}) expected to start with base={2}".format(repr(root), repr(p), repr(base))
					suffix = source[len(base):]
					if suffix[0] == "/": suffix = suffix[1:]
					destination = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.output, suffix))
					assert suffix, "Empty suffix: source={0}, path={1}, destination={2}".format(utf8(source), utf(p), utf8(destination))
					# We now proceed with the actual copy
					if not (os.path.exists(source) or os.path.islink(source)):
						logging.error("Source path not available: {0}:{1}".format(i,utf8(source)))
					elif not (os.path.exists(destination) or os.path.islink(destination)):
						logging.info("Copying path [{2}] {0}:{1}".format(i,utf8(p),t))
						if t == TYPE_DIR or os.path.isdir(source):
							if t != TYPE_DIR: logging.warn("Source detected as directory, but typed as {0} -- {1}:{2}".format(t, i, utf8(p)))
							self.copydir(source, destination, p)
						elif t == TYPE_SYMLINK:
							self.copylink(source, destination, p)
						elif t == TYPE_FILE:
							self.copyfile(source, destination, p)
							logging.error("Copy: line {0} unsupported type {1}".format(i, t, p))
					elif not self.test:
						# We only fo there if we're not in test mode
						if t == TYPE_DIR:
							logging.info("Skipping already copied directory: {0}:{1}".format(i, utf8(destination)))
						elif t == TYPE_SYMLINK:
							logging.info("Skipping already copied link: {0}:{1}".format(i, utf8(destination)))
						elif t == TYPE_FILE:
							logging.info("Skipping already copied file: {0}:{1}".format(i, utf8(destination)))
						# TODO: We should repair a damaged DB and make sure the inode is copied
						self.ensureInodePath(source, suffix)
					# We call the callback
					if callback:
						callback(i, t, p, source, destination)
				# We sync the database every 1000 item
				if j.endswith("000") and (not range or i>=range[0]):
					logging.info("{0} items processed, syncing db".format(i))
		# We don't forget to close the DB
Exemple #22
 def walk(self):
     """Walks all the catalogue's `paths` and yields triples `(index, type, path)`."""
     counter = 0
     yield (counter, TYPE_BASE, self.base)
     for p in self.paths:
         mode = os.lstat(p)[stat.ST_MODE]
         if stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
                 "Catalogue: Skipping special device file: {0}".format(
         elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
                 "Catalogue: Skipping block device file: {0}".format(
         elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
             logging.info("Catalogue: Skipping FIFO file: {0}".format(
         elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode):
             logging.info("Catalogue: Skipping socket file: {0}".format(
         elif os.path.isfile(p) and self.match(p, TYPE_FILE):
             yield (counter, TYPE_ROOT, os.path.dirname(p))
             counter += 1
             yield (counter, TYPE_FILE, os.path.basename(p))
         elif os.path.islink(p) and self.match(p, TYPE_SYMLINK):
             yield (counter, TYPE_ROOT, os.path.dirname(p))
             counter += 1
             yield (counter, TYPE_SYMLINK, os.path.basename(p))
         elif self.match(p, TYPE_DIR):
             for root, dirs, files in os.walk(p, topdown=True):
                         len(files), len(dirs), utf8(root), counter))
                 yield (counter, TYPE_ROOT, root)
                 for name in files:
                     path = os.path.join(root, name)
                     type = TYPE_SYMLINK if os.path.islink(
                         path) else TYPE_FILE
                     if self.match(path, type):
                         yield (counter, type, name)
                         counter += 1
                 for name in dirs:
                     path = os.path.join(root, name)
                     if self.match(path, TYPE_DIR):
                         yield (counter, TYPE_DIR, name)
                         counter += 1
             logging.info("Catalogue: Filtered out path: {0}".format(
Exemple #23
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ffi            = None
lib            = None
LIBPARSING_FFI = join(PACKAGE_PATH, "_libparsing.ffi") if os.path.exists(join(PACKAGE_PATH, "_libparsing.ffi")) else None
LIBRARY_EXTS   = ("so", "dylib", "dll")

# We check if there is a _libparsing SO/DYLIB/DLL file. If not, we need to
# build it using CFFI.
from . import _buildext
if len([_ for _ in LIBRARY_EXTS if os.path.exists(join(PACKAGE_PATH, _buildext.filename(_)))]) == 0:
	logging.info("Building native libparsing Python bindings‥")

# Now we look for the actual Python extension (_libparsing
# We need to support different extensions and different prefixes. CFFI
# will build extensions as " _libparsing.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so"
# on Linux.
PREFIX_EXT = _buildext.name() + "."
PREFIX_SO  = "libparsing."
for p in os.listdir(PACKAGE_PATH):
	if p.startswith(PREFIX_EXT) and p.rsplit(".",1)[-1] in LIBRARY_EXTS:
		LIBPARSING_EXT = os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, p)
	if p.startswith(PREFIX_SO)  and p.rsplit(".",1)[-1] in LIBRARY_EXTS:
		LIBPARSING_SO  = os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, p)

Exemple #24
ffi = None
lib = None
LIBPARSING_FFI = join(PACKAGE_PATH, "_libparsing.ffi") if os.path.exists(
    join(PACKAGE_PATH, "_libparsing.ffi")) else None
LIBRARY_EXTS = ("so", "dylib", "dll")

# We check if there is a _libparsing SO/DYLIB/DLL file. If not, we need to
# build it using CFFI.
from . import _buildext
if len([
        _ for _ in LIBRARY_EXTS
        if os.path.exists(join(PACKAGE_PATH, _buildext.filename(_)))
]) == 0:
    logging.info("Building native libparsing Python bindings‥")

# Now we look for the actual Python extension (_libparsing
# We need to support different extensions and different prefixes. CFFI
# will build extensions as " _libparsing.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so"
# on Linux.
PREFIX_EXT = _buildext.name() + "."
PREFIX_SO = "libparsing."
for p in os.listdir(PACKAGE_PATH):
    if p.startswith(PREFIX_EXT) and p.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] in LIBRARY_EXTS:
        LIBPARSING_EXT = os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, p)
    if p.startswith(PREFIX_SO) and p.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] in LIBRARY_EXTS:
        LIBPARSING_SO = os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, p)

Exemple #25
		def logged_application(environ, startResponse):
			logging.info("{0} {1}".format(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], environ["PATH_INFO"]))
			if "retro.app" not in environ: environ["retro.app"] = stack.app()
			return environ["retro.app"](environ, startResponse)
Exemple #26
def run(args):
    sources = [os.path.abspath(_) for _ in args.source]
    base = os.path.commonprefix(sources)
    if not os.path.exists(base) or not os.path.isdir(base):
        base = os.path.dirname(base)
    for s in sources:
        if not os.path.exists(s):
            logging.error("Source path does not exists: {0}".format(s))
            return None
    # We setup the filter
    node_filter = Filter(types=args.type, names=args.name)
    # We log the information about the sources
    logging.info("Using base: {0}".format(base))
    for _ in sources:
        logging.info("Using source: {0}".format(_))
    # Sometimes the sources have a common filename prefix, so make sure it is
    # a directory or we get its dirname
    # Now we create the catalogue
    if not (args.catalogue or args.output):
        logging.error("Either catalogue or output directory are required")
        return -1
    # Now we retrieve/create the catalogue
    cat_path = args.catalogue or os.path.join(args.output, "__rawcopy__",
    if not os.path.exists(cat_path):
        logging.info("Creating source catalogue at {0}".format(cat_path))
        c = Catalogue(sources, base, node_filter)
    elif args.catalogue_only:
        logging.info("Catalogue-only mode, regenerating the catalogue")
        c = Catalogue(sources, base, node_filter)
    # Now we iterate over the catalogue
    if args.catalogue_only:
            "Catalogue-only mode, skipping copy. Remove -C option to do the actual copy"
    elif args.list:
        # FIXME: Use a copy with no action
        c = Copy(args.output, node_filter)
        r = args.range
                        callback=lambda i, t, p, s, d: sys.stdout.write(
                            "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\n".format(i, t, p, s, d)))
    elif args.output:
        logging.info("Copy catalogue's contents to {0}".format(args.output))
        c = Copy(args.output, node_filter)
        r = args.range
        if r:
                r = [int(_ or -1) for _ in r.split("-")]
            except ValueError as e:
                logging.error("Unsupported range format. Expects `start-end`")
                return -1
            logging.info("Using catalogue item range: {0}".format(r))
        if args.test:
            logging.info("Test mode enabled (not actual file copy)".format(r))
        c.fromCatalogue(cat_path, range=r, test=args.test)
Exemple #27
	def walk( self ):
		"""Walks all the catalogue's `paths` and yields triples `(index, type, path)`."""
		counter = 0
		yield (counter, TYPE_BASE, self.base)
		for p in self.paths:
			mode = os.lstat(p)[stat.ST_MODE]
			if stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
				logging.info("Catalogue: Skipping special device file: {0}".format(utf8(p)))
			elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
				logging.info("Catalogue: Skipping block device file: {0}".format(utf8(p)))
			elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
				logging.info("Catalogue: Skipping FIFO file: {0}".format(utf8(p)))
			elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode):
				logging.info("Catalogue: Skipping socket file: {0}".format(utf8(p)))
			elif os.path.isfile(p) and self.match(p, TYPE_FILE):
				yield (counter, TYPE_ROOT, os.path.dirname(p))
				counter += 1
				yield (counter, TYPE_FILE, os.path.basename(p))
			elif os.path.islink(p) and self.match(p, TYPE_SYMLINK):
				yield (counter, TYPE_ROOT, os.path.dirname(p))
				counter += 1
				yield (counter, TYPE_SYMLINK, os.path.basename(p))
			elif self.match(p, TYPE_DIR):
				for root, dirs, files in os.walk(p, topdown=True):
					logging.info("Catalogue:\t#{3:010d}\t{0:04d}f+{1:04d}d\t{2}".format(len(files), len(dirs), utf8(root), counter))
					yield (counter, TYPE_ROOT, root)
					for name in files:
						path = os.path.join(root, name)
						type = TYPE_SYMLINK if os.path.islink(path) else TYPE_FILE
						if self.match(path, type):
							yield (counter, type, name)
							counter += 1
					for name in dirs:
						path = os.path.join(root, name)
						if self.match(path, TYPE_DIR):
							yield (counter, TYPE_DIR, name)
							counter += 1
				logging.info("Catalogue: Filtered out path: {0}".format(utf8(p)))