Exemple #1
class pdf:
    def __init__(self, path: str, name: str = 'generated'):
        Create a pdf-file object\n
        :param path: path to create file
        :param name: name of file
        self.file = Canvas(self._get_path(path, name))
        self.page = 1

    def _get_path(self, path: str, name: str = 'generated') -> str:
        This function cleans path\n
        :param path: path to create file
        :param name: name of file
        :return: clean path to file
        path = ''.join(symbol for symbol in path.lower()
                       if symbol not in ' <>?"\*')
        while path.count(':') > 1:
            path = path[:path.rfind(':')] + path[path.rfind(':') + 1:]
        while path[len(path) - 1] == ' ':
            path = path[:len(path) - 1]
        if ".pdf" in path:
            path = path[0:path.rfind('/') + 1:1]
        if path[len(path) - 1] != '/':
            path += '/'
        if '.pdf' in name:
            name = name[:name.rfind('.')]
        return path + name + '.pdf'

    def _format_data(self, data: dict) -> list:
        This function processing data and return list of data for create table\n
        :param data: dict of data
        :return: list of data
        new_data = [[data['title']]]
        add_list = []
        value_list = []
        for column_elem in data['columns']:
        for row_elem in data['rows']:
            for value in value_list:
        return new_data

    def _normal_color(self):

    def set_font(self, font_size: int):
        This function set up font and his size in file\n
        :param font_size: size of font
        self.font_size = font_size
        using_font = ttfonts.TTFont("Calibri", "Calibri.ttf")
        self.file.setFont("Calibri", self.font_size)

    def write_text(self,
                   text: str,
                   position: str = "mid",
                   x: int = 297,
                   y: int = 815):
        This function write text on defined position\n
        size of page is 595,841\n
        :param text: string of text to writing
        :param position: left/mid/right position of string of text
        :param x, y: coordinates of string
        if position == "left":
            self.file.drawString(x, y, text)
        elif position == "mid":
            self.file.drawCentredString(x, y, text)
        elif position == "right":
            self.file.drawRightString(x, y, text)

    def random_drawing(self, fg_count: int):
        This function draws random picture\n
        :param fg_count: count of figures, drawn on page
        for figure in range(fg_count):
            methods = [
                self.file.bezier(randint(150, 495), randint(150, 741),
                                 randint(150, 495), randint(150, 741),
                                 randint(150, 495), randint(150, 741),
                                 randint(150, 495), randint(150, 741)),
                self.file.arc(randint(100, 495), randint(100, 741),
                              randint(100, 495), randint(100, 741)),
                self.file.rect(randint(100, 395),
                               randint(100, 641),
                               randint(1, 100),
                               randint(1, 100),
                               fill=randint(0, 1)),
                self.file.ellipse(randint(100, 495),
                                  randint(100, 741),
                                  randint(100, 495),
                                  randint(100, 741),
                                  fill=randint(0, 1)),
                self.file.circle(randint(100, 395),
                                 randint(100, 641),
                                 randint(1, 100),
                                 fill=randint(0, 1)),
                self.file.roundRect(randint(100, 395),
                                    randint(100, 641),
                                    randint(1, 100),
                                    randint(1, 100),
                                    randint(1, 100),
                                    fill=randint(0, 1))
            self.file.setFillColorRGB(uniform(0, 1),
                                      uniform(0, 1),
                                      uniform(0, 1),
                                      alpha=uniform(0, 1))
            self.file.setStrokeColorRGB(uniform(0, 1),
                                        uniform(0, 1),
                                        uniform(0, 1),
                                        alpha=uniform(0, 1))

    def draw_table(self, data: dict, x: int = 10, y: int = 10):
        This function draws table from your dictionary of data\n
        size of page is 595.27,841.89\n
        :param data: dictionary with data, e.g.
        :param x, y: coordinates of left-bottom corner of table
            'title': 'Table title',
            'columns': [
                {'name': 'Name', 'value': 'name'},
                {'name': 'Age', 'value': 'age'}
            'rows': [
                {'name': 'string1', 'age': 23},
                {'name': 'string2', 'age': 43}
        data = self._format_data(data)
        table = Table(data=data,
                      style=[("GRID", (0, 1), (-1, -1), 1, "Black"),
                             ("FONT", (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Calibri",
                             ("BOX", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, "Black")])
        table.wrapOn(self.file, 10, 10)
        table.drawOn(self.file, x, y)

    def insert_image(self,
                     path: str,
                     x: int = 100,
                     y: int = 200,
                     width: int = None,
                     height: int = None):
        This function inserts image in pdf-file\n
        size of page is 595.27,841.89\n
        :param path: path to image
        :param x, y: coordinates of left-bottom corner of image
        :param width, height: sizes of image
        image = Image(path, width, height)
        image.drawOn(self.file, x, y)

    def next_page(self):
        This function turns the page\n
        self.file.drawString(565, 30, str(self.page))
        self.page += 1

    def save(self, author: str = 'pdf_gen', title: str = 'GENERATED'):
        This function saves our file\n
        :param author: author of file
        :param title: title of file
        self.file.drawString(565, 30, str(self.page))