def _create_renewal(renewal_buffer, approval, proposal): site_url = settings.SITE_URL every_page_frame = Frame(PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_WIDTH - 2 * PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_HEIGHT - 160, id='EveryPagesFrame') every_page_template = PageTemplate(id='EveryPages', frames=[every_page_frame], onPage=_create_approval_header) doc = BaseDocTemplate(renewal_buffer, pageTemplates=[every_page_template], pagesize=A4) # this is the only way to get data into the onPage callback function doc.approval = approval doc.site_url = site_url approval_table_style = TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')]) elements = [] title = '' if approval.title: title = approval.title # additional information '''if approval.additional_information: elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('Additional Information', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements += _layout_paragraphs(approval.additional_information)''' # delegation holds the dates, approvale and issuer details. delegation = [] # proponent details delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) #address = proposal.applicant.organisation.postal_address address = proposal.relevant_applicant_address address_paragraphs = [ Paragraph(address.line1, styles['Left']), Paragraph(address.line2, styles['Left']), Paragraph(address.line3, styles['Left']), Paragraph( '%s %s %s' % (address.locality, address.state, address.postcode), styles['Left']), Paragraph(, styles['Left']) ] delegation.append( Table( [[ [ Paragraph('Licensee:', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Address', styles['BoldLeft']) ], #[Paragraph(_format_name(approval.applicant), [Paragraph(approval.relevant_applicant_name, styles['Left'])] + address_paragraphs ]], colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=approval_table_style)) expiry_date = approval.expiry_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) full_name = proposal.submitter.get_full_name() delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append(Paragraph('Dear {} '.format(full_name), styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph('This is a reminder that your approval: ', styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) title_with_number = '{} - {}'.format(approval.lodgement_number, title) delegation.append( Paragraph(title_with_number, styles['InfoTitleLargeLeft'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph('is due to expire on {}'.format(expiry_date), styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph( 'Please note that if you have outstanding compliances these are required to be submitted before the approval can be renewed', styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph( 'If you have any queries, contact the {} ' 'on {}.'.format(settings.DEP_NAME, settings.DEP_PHONE), styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append(Paragraph('Yours sincerely ', styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append(Paragraph('DIRECTOR GENERAL', styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Paragraph('{}'.format(settings.DEP_NAME), styles['Left'])) elements.append(KeepTogether(delegation)) return renewal_buffer
def exec_command(self, spreadsheet_data, args): if len(args) < 2: print("You must insert output file name") return print("Generating PDF...") # creating doc template and setting up output sheet style doc = SimpleDocTemplate(args[1], pagesize=letter) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Standard', 'src/font.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Bold', 'src/font-bold.ttf')) doc.leftMargin = 40 styles = getSampleStyleSheet() style_h1 = ParagraphStyle(name='Heading1', fontName='Bold', fontSize=14, leading=22, spaceAfter=2) style_h2 = ParagraphStyle(name='Heading2', fontName='Standard', fontSize=12, leading=22, spaceAfter=1) space = Spacer(1, 0.20 * inch) table_style = TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'Standard'), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-2, 0), 'CENTER'), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (0, -5), 'LEFT'), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ]) # collect information about room occupancy elements = [] # iterate over any room for room_key, room in print("Sala:", str(room.building_id) + ' - ' + str( + "\n") line = Drawing(520, 10) line.add(Line(0, 7, 520, 7)) elements.append(Paragraph( "Sala: " + str(room.building_id) + ' - ' + str(, style_h1)) elements.append(line) # for any room check occupancy for any day for day in[0:5]: print([day]) elements.append( Paragraph([day], style_h2)) data_id = id( spreadsheet_data.full_time_first_semester_event_data) semester_data = event_data = [self.table_header] # for any day check occupancy in any time block if data_id in room.referenced_by: for time_block in result = self.get_room_event_by_day(day, time_block, room, data_id, semester_data) if len(result) == 0: result = [[time_block], '', '', '', ''] else: for item in result: event_data.append(item) if len(event_data) <= 1: event_data = self.get_empty_tab() # add new table do sheet table = Table(event_data, hAlign='LEFT') table.setStyle(table_style) elements.append(table) elements.append(KeepTogether(Spacer(10, 20))) print("------------------------------------------") try: print("END, pdf is generated") except: print("Error while generating pdf, check correct of sheet")
def render_workout_day(day, nr_of_weeks=7, images=False, comments=False, only_table=False): ''' Render a table with reportlab with the contents of the training day :param day: a workout day object :param nr_of_weeks: the numbrer of weeks to render, default is 7 :param images: boolean indicating whether to also draw exercise images in the PDF (actually only the main image) :param comments: boolean indicathing whether the exercise comments will be rendered as well :param only_table: boolean indicating whether to draw a table with space for weight logs or just a list of the exercises ''' # If rendering only the table, reset the nr of weeks, since these columns # will not be rendered anyway. if only_table: nr_of_weeks = 0 data = [] # Init some counters and markers, this will be used after the iteration to # set different borders and colours day_markers = [] group_exercise_marker = {} # Background colour for days # Reportlab doesn't use the HTML hexadecimal format, but has a range of # 0 till 1, so we have to convert here. header_colour = colors.Color( int('73', 16) / 255.0, int('8a', 16) / 255.0, int('5f', 16) / 255.0) set_count = 1 day_markers.append(len(data)) p = Paragraph( u'<para align="center">%(days)s: %(description)s</para>' % { 'days': day['days_of_week']['text'], 'description': day['obj'].description }, styleSheet["Bold"]) data.append([p]) # Note: the _('Date') will be on the 3rd cell, but since we make a span # over 3 cells, the value has to be on the 1st one data.append([_('Date') + ' ', '', ''] + [''] * nr_of_weeks) data.append([_('Nr.'), _('Exercise'), _('Reps')] + [_('Weight')] * nr_of_weeks) # Sets exercise_start = len(data) for set in day['set_list']: group_exercise_marker[set['obj'].id] = { 'start': len(data), 'end': len(data) } # Exercises for exercise in set['exercise_list']: group_exercise_marker[set['obj'].id]['end'] = len(data) # Process the settings if exercise['has_weight']: setting_out = [] for i in exercise['setting_text'].split(u'–'): setting_out.append( Paragraph(i, styleSheet["Small"], bulletText='')) else: setting_out = Paragraph(exercise['setting_text'], styleSheet["Small"]) # Collect a list of the exercise comments item_list = [Paragraph('', styleSheet["Small"])] if comments: item_list = [ ListItem(Paragraph(i, style=styleSheet["ExerciseComments"])) for i in exercise['comment_list'] ] # Add the exercise's main image image = Paragraph('', styleSheet["Small"]) if images: if exercise['obj'].main_image: # Make the images somewhat larger when printing only the workout and not # also the columns for weight logs if only_table: image_size = 2 else: image_size = 1.5 image = Image(exercise['obj'].main_image.image) image.drawHeight = image_size * cm * image.drawHeight / image.drawWidth image.drawWidth = image_size * cm # Put the name and images and comments together exercise_content = [ Paragraph(exercise['obj'].name, styleSheet["Small"]), image, ListFlowable(item_list, bulletType='bullet', leftIndent=5, spaceBefore=7, bulletOffsetY=-3, bulletFontSize=3, start='square') ] data.append([set_count, exercise_content, setting_out] + [''] * nr_of_weeks) set_count += 1 table_style = [ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'OpenSans'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'), ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 3), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, # Header ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), header_colour), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1.25,, ('BOX', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 1.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (-1, 0)), # Cell with 'date' ('SPAN', (0, 1), (2, 1)), ('ALIGN', (0, 1), (2, 1), 'RIGHT') ] # Combine the cells for exercises on the same superset for marker in group_exercise_marker: start_marker = group_exercise_marker[marker]['start'] end_marker = group_exercise_marker[marker]['end'] table_style.append( ('VALIGN', (0, start_marker), (0, end_marker), 'MIDDLE')) table_style.append(('SPAN', (0, start_marker), (0, end_marker))) # Set an alternating background colour for rows with exercises. # The rows with exercises range from exercise_start till the end of the data # list for i in range(exercise_start, len(data) + 1): if not i % 2: table_style.append( ('BACKGROUND', (1, i - 1), (-1, i - 1), colors.lavender)) # Put everything together and manually set some of the widths t = Table(data, style=table_style) if len(t._argW) > 1: if only_table: t._argW[0] = 0.6 * cm # Numbering t._argW[1] = 8 * cm # Exercise t._argW[2] = 3.5 * cm # Repetitions else: t._argW[0] = 0.6 * cm # Numbering t._argW[1] = 4 * cm # Exercise t._argW[2] = 3 * cm # Repetitions return KeepTogether(t)
def _create_approval(approval_buffer, approval, proposal, copied_to_permit, user): site_url = settings.SITE_URL every_page_frame = Frame(PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_WIDTH - 2 * PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_HEIGHT - 160, id='EveryPagesFrame') every_page_template = PageTemplate(id='EveryPages', frames=[every_page_frame], onPage=_create_approval_header) doc = BaseDocTemplate(approval_buffer, pageTemplates=[every_page_template], pagesize=A4) # this is the only way to get data into the onPage callback function doc.approval = approval doc.site_url = site_url region = approval.region if hasattr(approval, 'region') else '' district = approval.district if hasattr(approval, 'district') else '' region_district = '{} - {}'.format(region, district) if district else region approval_table_style = TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')]) elements = [] title = '' if approval.title: title = approval.title #Organization details #address = proposal.applicant.organisation.postal_address address = proposal.relevant_applicant_address #email = proposal.applicant.organisation.organisation_set.all().first().contacts.all().first().email #elements.append(Paragraph(email,styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) #elements.append(Paragraph(_format_name(approval.applicant),styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append( Paragraph(approval.relevant_applicant_name, styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Paragraph(address.line1, styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Paragraph(address.line2, styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Paragraph(address.line3, styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append( Paragraph( '%s %s %s' % (address.locality, address.state, address.postcode), styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Paragraph(, styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append( Paragraph(approval.issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) #elements.append(Paragraph(title, styles['InfoTitleVeryLargeCenter'])) #elements.append(Paragraph(approval.activity, styles['InfoTitleLargeLeft'])) elements.append( Paragraph( 'APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL {} {} TO UNDERTAKE DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY IN {}' .format(title, proposal.lodgement_number, region_district), styles['InfoTitleLargeLeft'])) #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() #elements.append(Paragraph(approval.tenure if hasattr(approval, 'tenure') else '', styles['InfoTitleLargeRight'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append( Paragraph( 'The submitted proposal {} {} has been assessed and approved. The approval is granted on the understanding that: ' .format(title, proposal.lodgement_number), styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) list_of_bullets = [] list_of_bullets.append( 'The potential impacts of the proposal on values the department manages have been removed or minimised to a level \'As Low As Reasonably Practicable\' (ALARP) and the proposal is consistent with departmental objectives, associated management plans and the land use category/s in the activity area.' ) #list_of_bullets.append('Approval is granted for the period {} to {}. This approval is not valid if {} makes changes to what has been proposed or the proposal has expired. To change the proposal or seek an extension, the proponent must re-submit the proposal for assessment.'.format(approval.start_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), approval.expiry_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT),_format_name(approval.applicant))) list_of_bullets.append( 'Approval is granted for the period {} to {}. This approval is not valid if {} makes changes to what has been proposed or the proposal has expired. To change the proposal or seek an extension, the proponent must re-submit the proposal for assessment.' .format(approval.start_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), approval.expiry_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), approval.relevant_applicant_name)) list_of_bullets.append( 'The proponent accepts responsibility for advising {} of new information or unforeseen threats that may affect the risk of the proposed activity.' .format(settings.DEP_NAME_SHORT)) list_of_bullets.append( 'Information provided by {0} for the purposes of this proposal will not be provided to third parties without permission from {0}.' .format(settings.DEP_NAME_SHORT)) list_of_bullets.append( 'The proponent accepts responsibility for supervising and monitoring implementation of activity/ies to ensure compliance with this proposal. {} reserves the right to request documents and records demonstrating compliance for departmental monitoring and auditing.' .format(settings.DEP_NAME_SHORT)) list_of_bullets.append( 'Non-compliance with the conditions of the proposal may trigger a suspension or withdrawal of the approval for this activity.' ) list_of_bullets.append( 'Management actions listed in Appendix 1 are implemented.') understandingList = ListFlowable([ ListItem( Paragraph(a, styles['Left']), bulletColour='black', value='circle') for a in list_of_bullets ], bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME, bulletFontSize=SMALL_FONTSIZE, bulletType='bullet') #bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME elements.append(understandingList) ## proposal requirements requirements = None # Apiary Site Transfer requirements if == ApplicationType.SITE_TRANSFER: requirements = proposal.apiary_requirements(approval).exclude( is_deleted=True) else: requirements = proposal.requirements.all().exclude(is_deleted=True) if requirements.exists(): elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append( Paragraph( 'The following requirements must be satisfied for the approval of the proposal not to be withdrawn:', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) conditionList = ListFlowable([ Paragraph(a.requirement, styles['Left']) for a in requirements.order_by('order') ], bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME, bulletFontSize=MEDIUM_FONTSIZE) elements.append(conditionList) # if copied_to_permit: # elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) # elements.append(Paragraph('Assessor Comments', styles['BoldLeft'])) # elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) # for k,v in copied_to_permit: # elements.append(Paragraph(v.encode('UTF-8'), styles['Left'])) # elements.append(Paragraph(k.encode('UTF-8'), styles['Left'])) # elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements += _layout_extracted_fields(approval.extracted_fields) # additional information '''if approval.additional_information: elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('Additional Information', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements += _layout_paragraphs(approval.additional_information)''' # delegation holds the dates, approvale and issuer details. delegation = [] # dates and licensing officer # dates_licensing_officer_table_style = TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-2, -1), 'TOP'), # ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'BOTTOM')]) # delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) # date_headings = [Paragraph('Date of Issue', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Valid From', styles['BoldLeft']), # Paragraph('Date of Expiry', styles['BoldLeft'])] # date_values = [Paragraph(approval.issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left']), # Paragraph(approval.start_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left']), # Paragraph(approval.expiry_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left'])] # if approval.original_issue_date is not None: # date_headings.insert(0, Paragraph('Original Date of Issue', styles['BoldLeft'])) # date_values.insert(0, Paragraph(approval.original_issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left'])) # delegation.append(Table([[date_headings, date_values]], # colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), # style=dates_licensing_officer_table_style)) # proponent details # delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) # address = proposal.applicant.organisation.postal_address # address_paragraphs = [Paragraph(address.line1, styles['Left']), Paragraph(address.line2, styles['Left']), # Paragraph(address.line3, styles['Left']), # Paragraph('%s %s %s' % (address.locality, address.state, address.postcode), styles['Left']), # Paragraph(, styles['Left'])] # delegation.append(Table([[[Paragraph('Licensee:', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Address', styles['BoldLeft'])], # [Paragraph(_format_name(approval.applicant), # styles['Left'])] + address_paragraphs]], # colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), # style=approval_table_style)) if user.phone_number: contact_number = user.phone_number elif user.mobile_number: contact_number = user.mobile_number else: contact_number = settings.DEP_PHONE delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph( 'Should you have any queries about this approval, please contact {} {}, ' 'on {} or by email at {}'.format(user.first_name, user.last_name, contact_number,, styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph( 'To provide feedback on the system used to submit the approval or update contact details, please ' 'contact {} Works Coordinator - {}'.format( settings.SYSTEM_NAME_SHORT, settings.SUPPORT_EMAIL), styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append(Paragraph('Approved on behalf of the', styles['Left'])) delegation.append( Paragraph('{}'.format(settings.DEP_NAME), styles['BoldLeft'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph('{} {}'.format(user.first_name, user.last_name), styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Paragraph('{}'.format(region_district), styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph(approval.issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left'])) elements.append(KeepTogether(delegation)) # Appendix section elements.append(PageBreak()) elements.append( Paragraph('Appendix 1 - Management Actions', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) if copied_to_permit: # for k,v in copied_to_permit: # elements.append(Paragraph(v.encode('UTF-8'), styles['Left'])) # elements.append(Paragraph(k.encode('UTF-8'), styles['Left'])) # elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) for item in copied_to_permit: for key in item: elements.append(Paragraph(key, styles['Left'])) elements.append(Paragraph(item[key], styles['Left'])) else: elements.append( Paragraph('There are no management actions.', styles['Left'])) return approval_buffer
def gen(data, output): style = getSampleStyleSheet() headlineStyle = style["Heading2"] simple_paragraph = style["Normal"] # simple_paragraph.spaceAfter = inch * .04 simple_paragraph.borderPadding = inch * .02 simple_paragraph.alignment = TA_JUSTIFY highlighted_paragraph = simple_paragraph.clone("Highlighted") highlighted_paragraph.backColor = colors.toColor("#CCFF99") highlighted_paragraph.spaceAfter = inch * .02 highlighted_paragraph2 = simple_paragraph.clone("Highlighted2") highlighted_paragraph2.backColor = colors.toColor("#CC9999") highlighted_paragraph2.spaceBefore = inch * .02 powerHeader = style["Normal"].clone("PowerHeader") powerHeader.alignment = TA_JUSTIFY powerHeader.borderPadding = inch * .02 powerHeader.textColor = colors.white # powerHeader.fontName = "Helvetica-Bold" powerHeader.fontSize = 9 atwillHeader = powerHeader.clone("atWillHeader") atwillHeader.backColor = colors.toColor("#649769") encounterHeader = powerHeader.clone("encounterHeader") encounterHeader.backColor = colors.toColor("#981332") dailyHeader = powerHeader.clone("dailyHeader") dailyHeader.backColor = colors.toColor("#4C4C4E") utilityHeader = powerHeader.clone("utilityHeader") utilityHeader.backColor = colors.toColor("#336699") all_blocks = [] # for i in range(5): # headline = Paragraph("Hello world %d" % i, headlineStyle) # blocks.append(headline) # text = Paragraph( # "I’ve added a content-disposition header. Instead of attachment, as you normally put into content-disposition, I’ve specified that the file should be displayed normally (which on some browsers will still be as an attachment if they don’t have the capability to inline-view PDF files). But by giving it a filename, if they do save the PDF they should get that as the default filename for the file.", # paraStyle) # blocks.append(text) tp_info = { 'at-will': { 'style': atwillHeader }, 'encounter': { 'style': encounterHeader }, 'daily': { 'style': dailyHeader }, 'utility': { 'style': utilityHeader } } for tp_item in ['at-will', 'encounter', 'daily', 'utility']: for item in filter(None, data[tp_item]): tp = tp_item if tp == 'utility': if not item[0]: continue tp = item[1] item = item[0] blocks = [] blocks.append(flowables.HRFlowable(, spaceBefore=0, spaceAfter=2, width="100%", thickness=2)) info = get_power_info(item) info['c'] = data info['attack_val'] = data.get(info["attack"].lower()+"_attack") or ["[no]", "[no]"] text = Paragraph("<b>{name}</b><br />{title}".format(**info), tp_info[tp_item]['style']) blocks.append(text) text = Paragraph( """<u>{tp}</u><br /> <b>{action} Action</b> --- <b>Range:</b> {range}<br /> <b>Target:</b> {target}<br /> """.format(tp=tp.capitalize(), **info), simple_paragraph) blocks.append(text) if info['is_weapon'] == "yes": if info["attack"] == "complicated": text = Paragraph(""" <b>Attack:</b> {} """.format(info["attack_comment"]).format(**info), highlighted_paragraph) blocks.append(text) elif info["attack"] not in ["trigger", "always"]: text = Paragraph(""" <b>Attack:</b> {attack} vs. {vs} [{attack_val[0]}] =<br/>= {attack_val[1]} """.format(**info), highlighted_paragraph) blocks.append(text) weapons = [w[0].strip() for w in data["Attacks"] if w[0] and get_weapon_info(w[0])["range"] in info["range"].split(';')] for weapon in weapons: d = get_weapon_info(weapon) d.update(info) hit = info["hit"].format(**d) text = Paragraph( """ <b>Hit w/ {weapon}:</b> {hit} """.format(weapon=d["weapon_name"], hit=hit), highlighted_paragraph2) blocks.append(text) if not weapons: try: hit = info["hit"].format(**info) text = Paragraph( """ <b>Hit:</b> {hit} """.format(hit=hit), highlighted_paragraph2) blocks.append(text) except: continue if info["hit_comment"]: text = Paragraph(info["hit_comment"].format(**info), highlighted_paragraph2) blocks.append(text) if info["comment"]: text = Paragraph(info["comment"].format(**info), simple_paragraph) blocks.append(text) blocks.append(flowables.HRFlowable(, spaceBefore=0, spaceAfter=2, width="100%", thickness=2)) blocks.append(flowables.HRFlowable(color=colors.white, spaceBefore=0, spaceAfter=0, width="100%", thickness=3)) block = KeepTogether(blocks) = highlighted_paragraph2 all_blocks.append(block) doc = BaseDocTemplate(output, pagesize=portrait(A4), leftMargin=1.5*cm, rightMargin=1.5*cm, topMargin=1.5*cm, bottomMargin=1.5*cm) frame_count = 2 frame_width = doc.width / frame_count frame_height = doc.height - .05 * inch frames = [] for frame in range(frame_count): left_margin = doc.leftMargin + frame * frame_width column = Frame(left_margin, doc.bottomMargin, frame_width, frame_height) frames.append(column) template = PageTemplate(frames=frames) doc.addPageTemplates(template)
def endKeep(s): S = getStory() k = KeepTogether(S[s:]) S[s:] = [k]
def _create_approval_cols(approval_buffer, approval, proposal, copied_to_permit, user): site_url = settings.SITE_URL every_page_frame = Frame(PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_WIDTH - 2 * PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_HEIGHT - 160, id='EveryPagesFrame') every_page_template = PageTemplate(id='EveryPages', frames=[every_page_frame], onPage=_create_approval_header) doc = BaseDocTemplate(approval_buffer, pageTemplates=[every_page_template], pagesize=A4) # this is the only way to get data into the onPage callback function doc.approval = approval doc.site_url = site_url approval_table_style = TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')]) box_table_style = TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25, black), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25, black), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'RIGHT')]) elements = [] #Organization details #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() address = proposal.applicant_address # address = proposal.applicant_address if proposal.org_applicant: email = proposal.org_applicant.organisation.organisation_set.all( ).first().contacts.all().first().email else: email = #elements.append(Paragraph(email,styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append( Paragraph('CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS 2002 (PART 7)', styles['BoldCenter'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append( Paragraph('COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS LICENCE', styles['InfoTitleVeryLargeCenter'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append( Paragraph( 'The Director General of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions hereby grants a commercial operations licence to:', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) # delegation holds the Licence number and applicant name in table format. delegation = [] delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Table( [[[Paragraph('Licensee:', styles['BoldLeft'])], [Paragraph(_format_name(approval.applicant), styles['Left'])]]], colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=approval_table_style)) if approval.current_proposal.org_applicant and approval.current_proposal.org_applicant.organisation.trading_name: delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Table([[[Paragraph('Trading Name:', styles['BoldLeft'])], [ Paragraph( _format_name( approval.current_proposal.org_applicant. organisation.trading_name), styles['Left']) ]]], colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=approval_table_style)) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Table([[[Paragraph('Licence Number:', styles['BoldLeft'])], [Paragraph(approval.lodgement_number, styles['Left'])]]], colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=approval_table_style)) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(KeepTogether(delegation)) elements.append( Paragraph( 'Commencing on the date of execution of this licence and expiring on {}' .format(approval.expiry_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)), styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append( Paragraph( 'to enter upon and use the land within parks/ reserves in order to conduct activites as contained in the schedule attached to this Commercial Operations Licence.', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('CONDITIONS', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) list_of_bullets = [] list_of_bullets.append( 'This commercial Operations Licence is subject to the provisions of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 and all subsidiary legislation made under it.' ) list_of_bullets.append( 'The Licensee must comply with and not contravene the conditions and restrictions set out in the Commercial Operator Handbook - Terrestrical and the Commercial Operator Handbook - Marine as varied from time to time by the Director General or his delegate.' ) list_of_bullets.append( 'The Licensee must comply with the conditions contained in any schedule of conditions attached to this Commercial Operations Licence' ) understandingList = ListFlowable([ ListItem( Paragraph(a, styles['Left']), bulletColour='black', value='circle') for a in list_of_bullets ], bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME, bulletFontSize=SMALL_FONTSIZE, bulletType='bullet') #bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME elements.append(understandingList) # proposal requirements # requirements = proposal.requirements.all().exclude(is_deleted=True) # if requirements.exists(): # elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) # elements.append(Paragraph('The following requirements must be satisfied for the licence not to be withdrawn:', styles['BoldLeft'])) # elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) # conditionList = ListFlowable( # [Paragraph(a.requirement, styles['Left']) for a in requirements.order_by('order')], # bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME, bulletFontSize=MEDIUM_FONTSIZE) # elements.append(conditionList) elements += _layout_extracted_fields(approval.extracted_fields) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append( Paragraph('{} {}'.format(user.first_name, user.last_name), styles['Left'])) if user.position_title: elements.append( Paragraph('{}'.format(user.position_title), styles['Left'])) elements.append(Paragraph('As Delegate of CEO', styles['Left'])) elements.append( Paragraph('Under Section 133(2) of the CALM Act 1984', styles['Left'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append( Paragraph(approval.issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left'])) elements.append(PageBreak()) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) table_data = [[ Paragraph('License Number', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph(_format_name(approval.lodgement_number), styles['Left']) ], [ Paragraph('Expiry Date', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph( _format_name( approval.expiry_date).strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left']) ]] t = Table(table_data, colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=box_table_style) elements.append(t) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('SCHEDULE 1', styles['BoldCenter'])) elements.append( Paragraph('COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS LICENCE ACTIVITIES', styles['BoldCenter'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) park_data = [] for p in approval.current_proposal.selected_parks_activities: #park_data.append([Paragraph(_format_name(p['park']), styles['BoldLeft']), # [Paragraph(a, styles['Left']) for a in p['activities']]]) activities_str = [] for ac in p['activities']: activities_str.append(ac.encode('UTF-8')) activities_str = str(activities_str).strip('[]') park_data.append([ Paragraph(_format_name(p['park']), styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph(activities_str, styles['Left']) ]) if park_data: t = Table(park_data, colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=box_table_style) elements.append(t) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('SCHEDULE 2', styles['BoldCenter'])) elements.append( Paragraph('COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS LICENCE CONDITIONS', styles['BoldCenter'])) requirements = proposal.requirements.all().exclude(is_deleted=True) if requirements.exists(): elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) #elements.append(Paragraph('The following requirements must be satisfied for the licence not to be withdrawn:', styles['BoldLeft'])) #elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) conditionList = ListFlowable([ Paragraph(a.requirement, styles['Left']) for a in requirements.order_by('order') ], bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME, bulletFontSize=MEDIUM_FONTSIZE) elements.append(conditionList) return approval_buffer
def __init__(self, para, img): self.img = img KeepTogether.__init__(self, [para, img])
def build_after_table(self): first_warning_text = "Die gelieferte Ware bleibt unser Eigentum bis zur Bezahlung sämtlicher auch künftig"\ " entstehender Forderungen aus unserer Geschäftsverbindung. Reklamationen können nur "\ "innerhalb von 2 Tagen nach Lieferung anerkannt werden." first_warning_paragraph = Paragraph(first_warning_text, size_ten_helvetica) first_warning_data = [ [first_warning_paragraph, Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica)], ] first_warning_table = Table(first_warning_data, colWidths=[430, 10], spaceBefore=20) first_warning_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "TOP"), ])) second_warning_text = f"Reklamation von Waren können wir nur anerkennen, wenn diese unverzüglich nach der"\ f" Anlieferung erfolgen. Bitte prüfen Sie bei Lieferungen" \ f" unmittelbar die Ordnungsmäßigkeit"\ f" der Lieferung. Sollten Mängel oder Schäden an von uns gelieferten Waren festgestellt "\ f"werden, bitten wir Sie uns umgehend darüber zu informieren." \ f" Von Rücksendungen - ohne unsere"\ f" vorherige Zustimmung - bitten wir abzusehen."\ f"<br/><br/>"\ f"Retouren müssen nach unseren Richtlinien ordnungsgemäß zurück gesendet werden." second_warning_paragraph = Paragraph(second_warning_text, size_ten_helvetica) second_warning_data = [[ second_warning_paragraph, Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ]] second_warning_table = Table(second_warning_data, colWidths=[430, 10], spaceBefore=20) second_warning_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "TOP"), ])) driver_form_title = Paragraph( "<br/><br/><b>Ware vollständig erhalten laut Lieferschein</b><br/><br/>", size_ten_helvetica) driver_data = [ [driver_form_title], [ Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [ Paragraph("Name Fahrer", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [], [ Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [ Paragraph("Kennzeichen", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [], [ Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [ Paragraph("Spedition", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [], [ Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [ Paragraph("Unterschrift Fahrer/Stempel", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [], # [Paragraph(f"Name Fahrer:{underline}", size_ten_helvetica)], # [], # [Paragraph(f"Kennzeichen:{underline}", size_ten_helvetica)], # [], # [Paragraph(f"Spedition:{underline}", size_ten_helvetica)], # [], # [], # [Paragraph(f"Unterschrift Fahrer/Stempel:{underline}", size_ten_helvetica)], # [] ] driver_table = Table(driver_data, colWidths=[320, 100]) driver_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "TOP"), ])) quality_form_title = Paragraph( "<br/><br/><b>Qualitätskontrolle</b><br/><br/>", size_ten_helvetica) quality_data = [ [quality_form_title], [ Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [ Paragraph("Name Kommissionierer", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("Datum/Unterschrift", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [], [ Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [ Paragraph("Name Kontrolleur", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("Datum/Unterschrift", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [], [ Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [ Paragraph("Name Verlader", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("Datum/Unterschrift", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [], [ Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph(f"{underline}___", size_ten_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [ Paragraph("Name Verantwortlicher", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("Datum/Unterschrift", size_nine_helvetica), Paragraph("", size_ten_helvetica) ], [], ] quality_form_table = Table(quality_data, colWidths=[195, 240, 0]) quality_form_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "TOP"), ])) driver_and_quality_data = [ [driver_table], [quality_form_table], ] driver_and_quality_table = Table(driver_and_quality_data) self.story.extend([ first_warning_table, KeepTogether(driver_and_quality_table), second_warning_table ])
def render_workout_day(day, nr_of_weeks): ''' Render a table with reportlab with the contents of the training day ''' data = [] # Init some counters and markers, this will be used after the iteration to # set different borders and colours day_markers = [] group_exercise_marker = {} # Background colour for days # Reportlab doesn't use the HTML hexadecimal format, but has a range of # 0 till 1, so we have to convert here. header_colour = colors.Color( int('73', 16) / 255.0, int('8a', 16) / 255.0, int('5f', 16) / 255.0) set_count = 1 day_markers.append(len(data)) p = Paragraph( u'<para align="center">%(days)s: %(description)s</para>' % { 'days': day['days_of_week']['text'], 'description': day['obj'].description }, styleSheet["Bold"]) data.append([p]) # Note: the _('Date') will be on the 3rd cell, but since we make a span # over 3 cells, the value has to be on the 1st one data.append([_('Date') + ' ', '', ''] + [''] * nr_of_weeks) data.append([_('Nr.'), _('Exercise'), _('Reps')] + [_('Weight')] * nr_of_weeks) # Sets exercise_start = len(data) for set in day['set_list']: group_exercise_marker[set['obj'].id] = { 'start': len(data), 'end': len(data) } # Exercises for exercise in set['exercise_list']: group_exercise_marker[set['obj'].id]['end'] = len(data) data.append([ set_count, Paragraph(exercise['obj'].name, styleSheet["Small"]), exercise['setting_text'] ] + [''] * nr_of_weeks) set_count += 1 table_style = [ ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'OpenSans'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'), ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 3), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, # Header ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), header_colour), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1.25,, ('BOX', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 1.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (-1, 0)), # Cell with 'date' ('SPAN', (0, 1), (2, 1)), ('ALIGN', (0, 1), (2, 1), 'RIGHT') ] # Combine the cells for exercises on the same superset for marker in group_exercise_marker: start_marker = group_exercise_marker[marker]['start'] end_marker = group_exercise_marker[marker]['end'] table_style.append( ('VALIGN', (0, start_marker), (0, end_marker), 'MIDDLE')) table_style.append(('SPAN', (0, start_marker), (0, end_marker))) # Set an alternating background colour for rows with exercises. # The rows with exercises range from exercise_start till the end of the data # list for i in range(exercise_start, len(data) + 1): if not i % 2: table_style.append( ('BACKGROUND', (1, i - 1), (-1, i - 1), colors.lavender)) # Put everything together and manually set some of the widths t = Table(data, style=table_style) if len(t._argW) > 1: t._argW[0] = 0.6 * cm # Numbering t._argW[1] = 4 * cm # Exercise t._argW[2] = 2 * cm # Repetitions return KeepTogether(t)
FlexParagraph(volume, small_text, margin=(10, 0, 0), border=(1, 0, 0), border_color="#000000", background_color="#ff0000", padding=5), border=1, border_color="#000000", width="50%", flex_direction=FlexDirection.Column, align_items=JustifyContent.FlexCenter) if __name__ == "__main__": doc = DemoDocTemplate("options_demo", timestamp=True)[ FlexParagraph("Wrap", h1, padding=(spacing * 2, 0, 0)), wrap, FlexParagraph("JustifyContent", h1, padding=(spacing * 2, 0, 0)), justify_content, FlexParagraph("AlignItems", h1, padding=(spacing * 2, 0, 0)), align_items, KeepTogether(flowables=[ FlexParagraph("AlignContent", h1, padding=(spacing * 2, 0, 0)), align_content, ]), FlexParagraph("TankPlate", h1, padding=(spacing * 2, 0, spacing)), TankPlate("Cistern A2", "Acetone", "Volume 5000 [L]"), ])
def end_keeptogether(self): keeptogether = KeepTogether(self.story[self.keeptogether_index:]) self.story = self.story[:self.keeptogether_index] self.story.append(keeptogether)
def _writeComponentEntryPointToPDF(section, pdf, doc): for component in section: componentSection = [] name = component["COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT"] componentSection.append( Paragraph("%s : %s" % ("COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT", name), STYLES['Heading3'])) if 'COMPONENT DESCRIPTION' in component: # TODO: Each line should be its own Paragraph description = component["COMPONENT DESCRIPTION"] if type(description) is list: description = " ".join(description) componentSection.append( _convertIndividualFieldValuePDF('COMPONENT DESCRIPTION', description, True)) componentSection.append(Spacer(1, 20)) if 'VARIABLES' in component: variables = component["VARIABLES"] table = [] table.append( generatePDFTableHeader( ["VARIABLES", "TYPE", "VARIABLES DESCRIPTION"])) for variable in variables: if type(variable) is dict: row = [] _variables = variable['VARIABLES'] if type(_variables) is list: _variables = _variables[0] if "-" in _variables: # TODO: This is a workaround for an error in original # file, see ICR-639. This does not create an error # when creating the html file, but the formating is # incorrect. variable['VARIABLES'] = _variables.split("-")[0] variable[ 'VARIABLES DESCRIPTION'] = _variables.split( "-")[1] else: # TODO: ICR-5317 VARIABLES are not # parsed correctly. Skip them for now. variable['VARIABLES'] = "" row.append( _convertIndividualFieldValuePDF( 'VARIABLES', variable['VARIABLES'], False)) if 'TYPE' in variable: if type(variable['TYPE']) is list: # TODO: ICR-6551 VARIABLES are not # parsed correctly. Skip them for now. variable['TYPE'] = "" row.append( _convertIndividualFieldValuePDF( 'TYPE', variable['TYPE'], False, False)) else: row.append(Paragraph("", STYLES['Normal'])) if 'VARIABLES DESCRIPTION' in variable: description = variable['VARIABLES DESCRIPTION'] if type(description) is list: description = " ".join(description) if len(description) > 1000: # TODO: Skipping long descriptions for now # See ICR-2916, ICR-3486, etc. description = "" row.append( _convertIndividualFieldValuePDF( 'VARIABLES DESCRIPTION', description, False, False)) else: row.append(Paragraph("", STYLES['Normal'])) table.append(row) else: # TODO: Parsing error! See ICR-28 pass columns = 10 columnWidth = doc.width / columns t = Table( table, colWidths=[columnWidth * 2, columnWidth, columnWidth * 7]) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ])) componentSection.append(t) pdf.append(KeepTogether(componentSection))
equity_name, bought_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), sold_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), '£' + str(profit_loss), return_pc ]] table = Table(table_data) # Set table style. (From cell) (To cell) (col, row) table.setStyle( TableStyle([('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'Palatino Linotype'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 9), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.grey), ('BACKGROUND', (3, -1), (4, -1), profit_loss_color)])) # Use KeepTogether flowable to ensure line, spacer, chartRL etc. flowables all stay together for each equity. story.append( KeepTogether([ line, Spacer(5, 6), equityText, Spacer(5, 4), chartRL, Spacer(5, 2), table, Spacer(5, 30) ])) else: continue # Close all plots plt.close('all') # Build pdf. Can also annotate page numbers, logos onto pages. Building pdf creates Canvas object, can be accessed by .canv # Build pdf can also take onPage static drawing functions. Haven't tried this yet
def generate_pdf_cotizacion(request,id_cotizacion): # Declaracion de variables iva = 12 path = './sistema_sfc/static/images/' total = 0 elements = [] total_productos = [] objeto = {"cantidad":0, "descripcion":0, "talla":0, "precio_unitario":0, "precio_total":0} # Declaracion variables del apartado 'Observaciones' de la cotizacion tiempo_entrega = 15 periodo_validez = 2 condicion_pago_final = 50 condicion_pago_inicial = 50 # convertir a formato string para ser dibujado en la cotizacion tiempo_entrega_str = str(tiempo_entrega) periodo_validez_str = str(periodo_validez) condicion_pago_final_str = str(condicion_pago_final) condicion_pago_inicial_str = str(condicion_pago_inicial) # Informacion de la cotizacion con id = id_cotizacion cotizacion = Cotizacion.objects.get(id = id_cotizacion) # Productos pertenecientes a la cotizacion con id = id_cotizacion productos_cotizacion = Producto_has_cotizacion.objects.filter(cotizacion_id_cotizacion_id ={'cotizacion_id_cotizacion_id'}) # Todos los productos productos = Producto.objects.order_by('id') # Cliente perteneciente a la cotizacion con id = id_cotizacion cliente = Cliente.objects.get(id=cotizacion.cliente_identificacion_id) # Observaciones pertenecientes a la cotizacion con id = id_cotizacion observaciones_cotizacion = Observacion.objects.filter(cotizacion_id ={'cotizacion_id'}) # Ciclo para obtener todos los productos con su cantidad, talla y precio para ser dibujado en # la tabla, el resultado se almacena en el array 'total_productos' de objetos con el formato: # {"cantidad":0, "descripcion":0, "talla":0, "precio_unitario":0, "precio_total":0} # y el subtotal (suma de todo los precios) en la variable total. for item in productos_cotizacion: for producto in productos: if == item.producto_id_producto_id: objeto['descripcion'] = producto.descripcion break objeto['cantidad'] = item.cantidad objeto['talla'] = item.talla objeto['precio_unitario'] = item.precio objeto['precio_total'] = (item.precio * item.cantidad)*(1+(item.ganancia / 100)) total_productos.append(objeto) total += (item.precio * item.cantidad)*(1+(item.ganancia / 100)) objeto = {"cantidad":0, "descripcion":0, "talla":0, "precio_unitario":0, "precio_total":0} # Calculo de subtotal, iva, total sub_total = total iva_total = (total * iva) / 100 total = iva_total + sub_total response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="COTIZACION '+id_cotizacion+' '+cliente.nombre+'.pdf"' # Creacion del pdf # Creacion de la hoja de pdf styles = getSampleStyleSheet() doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response, pagesize=A4, rightMargin=30,leftMargin=30, topMargin=30,bottomMargin=18) # Logo de la Empresa name_logo = path + "logo.png" imagen = Image(name_logo, width=240, height=93) imagen.hAlign = 'LEFT' elements.append(imagen) # annadir espacio derecho en la hoja pdf elements.append(Spacer(0, -90)) # icono de telefono name_icon_telefono = path + "icon-phone.jpg" com_telefono = 'canvas.drawImage("'+name_icon_telefono+'",320,-20,12,12)' elements.append(flowables.Macro(com_telefono)) # annadir espacio derecho en la hoja pdf elements.append(Spacer(0, 8)) # Agregar estilo al texto del telefono ps = ParagraphStyle("indented") ps.leftIndent = 340 texto_telefono = Paragraph('0414-863.67.29 / 0424-919.89.92', ps) elements.append(texto_telefono) # icono de twitter name_icon_twitter = path + "icon-twitter.jpg" com_twitter = 'canvas.drawImage("'+name_icon_twitter+'",320,-20,12,12)' elements.append(flowables.Macro(com_twitter)) # annadir espacio derecho en la hoja pdf elements.append(Spacer(0, 8)) # Agregar estilo al texto ps = ParagraphStyle("indented") ps.leftIndent = 340 texto_twitter = Paragraph('diseña2guayana', ps) elements.append(texto_twitter) # icono de facebook name_icon_facebook = path + "icon-facebook.jpg" com_facebook = 'canvas.drawImage("'+name_icon_facebook+'",320,-20,12,12)' elements.append(flowables.Macro(com_facebook)) # annadir espacio derecho en la hoja pdf elements.append(Spacer(0, 8)) # Agregar estilo al texto ps = ParagraphStyle("indented") ps.leftIndent = 340 texto_facebook = Paragraph('diseña2guayana', ps) elements.append(texto_facebook) # icono de correo gmail name_icon_gmail = path + "icon-gmail.jpg" com_gmail = 'canvas.drawImage("'+name_icon_gmail+'",320,-20,12,12)' elements.append(flowables.Macro(com_gmail)) # annadir espacio derecho en la hoja pdf elements.append(Spacer(0, 8)) # Agregar estilo al texto ps = ParagraphStyle("indented") ps.leftIndent = 340 texto_gmail = Paragraph('diseñ[email protected]', ps) elements.append(texto_gmail) # icono de la web name_icon_web = path + "icon-web.jpg" com_web = 'canvas.drawImage("'+name_icon_web+'",320,-20,12,12)' elements.append(flowables.Macro(com_web)) # annadir espacio derecho en la hoja pdf elements.append(Spacer(0, 8)) # Agregar estilo al texto ps = ParagraphStyle("indented") ps.leftIndent = 340 texto_web = Paragraph('www.diseñ', ps) elements.append(texto_web) # Espacio y estilo del texto nombre de la empresa elements.append(Spacer(0, 15)) ps = ParagraphStyle("indented") ps.leftIndent = 70 texto = Paragraph('DISEÑA2 GUAYANA, C.A.', ps) elements.append(texto ) # Espacio y estilo del texto rif de la empresa ps = ParagraphStyle("indented") ps.leftIndent = 85 texto = Paragraph('RIF: J-31706245-0', ps) elements.append(texto ) # Espacio y estilo de la oferta y garantia elements.append(Spacer(0, -25)) ps = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',leftIndent=320, textColor= "blue", fontName='Helvetica-Bold',) texto = Paragraph('Envíos y entregas gratis a nivel regional!', ps) elements.append(texto ) ps = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',leftIndent=380, textColor= "blue", fontName='Helvetica-Bold',) texto = Paragraph('Garantía 100% ', ps) elements.append(texto ) # annadir espacio derecho en la hoja pdf elements.append(Spacer(0, 10)) # Parrafos para la informacion del cliente ps = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',textColor= "black", fontName='Helvetica-Bold') P0 = Paragraph('Cliente: '+cliente.nombre, ps) P1 = Paragraph('Fecha: '+str(cotizacion.fecha).split(' ')[0],ps) P2 = Paragraph('Rif: '+str(cliente.rif), ps) P3 = Paragraph('Cotización: '+str(, ps) P4 = Paragraph('Teléfono: '+str(cliente.telefono), ps) P5 = Paragraph('Correo: '+str(cliente.correo), ps) # Tabla con la infrmacion del cliente data= [[P0, P1], [P2,P3], [P4,P5]] t=Table(data,colWidths=[310, 220], style=[ ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),0,, ('GRID',(0,0),(-1,-1),0.5,]) # Alineacion y agregar tabla a la hoja pdf t.hAlign = 'LEFT' elements.append(t) # tabla con le texto informativo data= [['Tenemos el agrado de cotizarle los siguientes productos y o servicios']] t=Table(data,colWidths=[530], rowHeights=[30], style=[ ('BOX',(0,0),(-0,-0),0,, ('GRID',(0,0),(-0,-0),0.5,, ('VALIGN',(0,0),(-1,-1),'MIDDLE')]) # Alineacion y agregar tabla a la hoja pdf t.hAlign = 'LEFT' elements.append(t) # Estilos y arreglo para el ****Header***** de la Tabla ps = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',textColor= "black", fontName='Helvetica-Bold', alignment=TA_CENTER,) P0 = Paragraph('Item', ps) P1 = Paragraph('Descripción', ps) P2 = Paragraph('Cantidad', ps) P3 = Paragraph('Precio', ps) P4 = Paragraph('Monto', ps) data= [[P0, P1, P2, P3, P4]] # estlo para el contenido de la tabla centered = ParagraphStyle(name="centered", alignment=TA_CENTER) # tabla para agregar los productos y contador para dibujar el numero de productos table = [] item = 1 # ciclo para dibujar los productos con su estilo en pdf for producto in total_productos: item1 = Paragraph(str(item), centered) item2 = Paragraph(str(producto['descripcion'])+'; Tallas: '+str(producto['talla']), centered) item3 = Paragraph(str(producto['cantidad']), centered) item4 = Paragraph(str(producto['precio_unitario']), centered) item5 = Paragraph(str(producto['precio_total']), centered) table.append([item1,item2,item3,item4,item5]) item +=1 # Estilo y texto de 'SUB-TOTAL' | 'IVA 12%' | 'TOTAL' ps = ParagraphStyle('normal',textColor= "black",fontName='Helvetica-Bold', alignment=TA_RIGHT,) sub_total_text = Paragraph('SUB-TOTAL',ps) iva_text = Paragraph('IVA 12%',ps) total_text = Paragraph('TOTAL',ps) # Fila para el subtotal, iva y total table_row1 = ['',sub_total_text,'','',sub_total] table_row2 = ['',iva_text,'','',iva_total] table_row3 = ['',total_text,'','',total] # Agregar a Tabla momentanea de productos table.append(table_row1) table.append(table_row2) table.append(table_row3) # agregar a tabla final for item in table: data.append(item) # Crear la tabla formato para dibujar en PDF t2=Table(data, colWidths=[60, 200, 90, 90, 90], style=[ ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),0,, ('GRID',(0,0),(-1,-1),0.5,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('VALIGN',(0,0),(-1,-1),'MIDDLE')]) t2.hAlign = 'LEFT' elements.append(t2) elements.append(Spacer(0, 20)) # Estilos para el apartado de Observaciones del pdf ps = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',textColor= "black") ps0 = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',textColor= "black",fontName='Helvetica-Bold', alignment=TA_CENTER,) ps1 = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',fontName='Helvetica-Bold',textColor= "black") ps2 = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',fontName='Helvetica-Bold',textColor= "red") P0 = Paragraph('OBSERVACIONES', ps0) data = [[P0]] for item in observaciones_cotizacion: P1 = Paragraph('* '+ item.descripcion, ps) data.append([P1]) '''P0 = Paragraph("* El trabajo se iniciará una vez recibido el pago del 50% de anticipo y la orden de compra correspondiente", ps) P1 = Paragraph('* Condición de Pago: '+condicion_pago_inicial_str+' con la aprobación del presupuesto y '+condicion_pago_final_str+' a la entrega del pedido', ps1) P2 = Paragraph('* Los precios unitario no incluyen Iva', ps) P3 = Paragraph('* Los precios anexos son en base a esa cantidad solicitada, para otro monto debe consultar', ps) P4 = Paragraph('* Los precios y disponibilidad están sujetos a cambios', ps2) P5 = Paragraph('* Tiempo de entrega: '+tiempo_entrega_str+' días hábiles', ps) P6 = Paragraph('* Validez de la Cotización: '+periodo_validez_str+' días', ps)''' # Tabla con las observaciones del PDf # data= [[P7],[P0],[P1], [P2] , [P3], [P4], [P5], [P6]] t1=Table(data,colWidths=[520], style=[ ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),0,, ('GRID',(0,0),(-1,-1),0.5,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('VALIGN',(0,0),(-1,-1),'MIDDLE')]) t1.hAlign = 'LEFT' t1.setStyle(TableStyle([('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0),])) t2 = KeepTogether(t1) elements.append(t2) #elements.append(t1) # Estilos y parrafos con las firmas del cliente y de la empresa ps = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',textColor= "black",leftIndent=80) firma_cliente = Paragraph(cliente.nombre, ps) ps = ParagraphStyle( 'normal',textColor= "black", leftIndent=340) firma_disena2Guayana = Paragraph('Diseña2 Guayana, C.A.', ps) elements.append(Spacer(0, 50)) elements.append(firma_cliente) elements.append(Spacer(0, -11)) elements.append(firma_disena2Guayana) elements.append(Spacer(0, 50)) # Construir el PDF, canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas) return response
def _get_story(self, doc): has_taxes = any(il.tax_value for il in self.invoice.lines.all()) story = [ NextPageTemplate('FirstPage'), Paragraph( ( pgettext('invoice', 'Tax Invoice') if str(self.invoice.invoice_from_country) == 'AU' else pgettext('invoice', 'Invoice') ) if not self.invoice.is_cancellation else pgettext('invoice', 'Cancellation'), self.stylesheet['Heading1'] ), Spacer(1, 5 * mm), NextPageTemplate('OtherPages'), ] story += self._get_intro() taxvalue_map = defaultdict(Decimal) grossvalue_map = defaultdict(Decimal) tstyledata = [ ('ALIGN', (1, 0), (-1, -1), 'RIGHT'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'), ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, 0), self.font_bold), ('FONTNAME', (0, -1), (-1, -1), self.font_bold), ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (0, -1), 0), ('RIGHTPADDING', (-1, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ] if has_taxes: tdata = [( pgettext('invoice', 'Description'), pgettext('invoice', 'Qty'), pgettext('invoice', 'Tax rate'), pgettext('invoice', 'Net'), pgettext('invoice', 'Gross'), )] else: tdata = [( pgettext('invoice', 'Description'), pgettext('invoice', 'Qty'), pgettext('invoice', 'Amount'), )] total = Decimal('0.00') for line in self.invoice.lines.all(): if has_taxes: tdata.append(( Paragraph(line.description, self.stylesheet['Normal']), "1", localize(line.tax_rate) + " %", money_filter(line.net_value, self.invoice.event.currency), money_filter(line.gross_value, self.invoice.event.currency), )) else: tdata.append(( Paragraph(line.description, self.stylesheet['Normal']), "1", money_filter(line.gross_value, self.invoice.event.currency), )) taxvalue_map[line.tax_rate, line.tax_name] += line.tax_value grossvalue_map[line.tax_rate, line.tax_name] += line.gross_value total += line.gross_value if has_taxes: tdata.append([ pgettext('invoice', 'Invoice total'), '', '', '', money_filter(total, self.invoice.event.currency) ]) colwidths = [a * doc.width for a in (.50, .05, .15, .15, .15)] else: tdata.append([ pgettext('invoice', 'Invoice total'), '', money_filter(total, self.invoice.event.currency) ]) colwidths = [a * doc.width for a in (.65, .05, .30)] if self.invoice.event.settings.invoice_show_payments and not self.invoice.is_cancellation and \ self.invoice.order.status == Order.STATUS_PENDING: pending_sum = self.invoice.order.pending_sum if pending_sum != total: tdata.append([pgettext('invoice', 'Received payments')] + (['', '', ''] if has_taxes else ['']) + [ money_filter(pending_sum - total, self.invoice.event.currency) ]) tdata.append([pgettext('invoice', 'Outstanding payments')] + (['', '', ''] if has_taxes else ['']) + [ money_filter(pending_sum, self.invoice.event.currency) ]) tstyledata += [ ('FONTNAME', (0, len(tdata) - 3), (-1, len(tdata) - 3), self.font_bold), ] table = Table(tdata, colWidths=colwidths, repeatRows=1) table.setStyle(TableStyle(tstyledata)) story.append(table) story.append(Spacer(1, 15 * mm)) if self.invoice.payment_provider_text: story.append(Paragraph(self.invoice.payment_provider_text, self.stylesheet['Normal'])) if self.invoice.additional_text: story.append(Paragraph(self.invoice.additional_text, self.stylesheet['Normal'])) story.append(Spacer(1, 15 * mm)) tstyledata = [ ('ALIGN', (1, 0), (-1, -1), 'RIGHT'), ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (0, -1), 0), ('RIGHTPADDING', (-1, 0), (-1, -1), 0), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8), ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, -1), self.font_regular), ] thead = [ pgettext('invoice', 'Tax rate'), pgettext('invoice', 'Net value'), pgettext('invoice', 'Gross value'), pgettext('invoice', 'Tax'), '' ] tdata = [thead] for idx, gross in grossvalue_map.items(): rate, name = idx if rate == 0: continue tax = taxvalue_map[idx] tdata.append([ localize(rate) + " % " + name, money_filter(gross - tax, self.invoice.event.currency), money_filter(gross, self.invoice.event.currency), money_filter(tax, self.invoice.event.currency), '' ]) def fmt(val): try: return vat_moss.exchange_rates.format(val, self.invoice.foreign_currency_display) except ValueError: return localize(val) + ' ' + self.invoice.foreign_currency_display if len(tdata) > 1 and has_taxes: colwidths = [a * doc.width for a in (.25, .15, .15, .15, .3)] table = Table(tdata, colWidths=colwidths, repeatRows=2, hAlign=TA_LEFT) table.setStyle(TableStyle(tstyledata)) story.append(Spacer(5 * mm, 5 * mm)) story.append(KeepTogether([ Paragraph(pgettext('invoice', 'Included taxes'), self.stylesheet['FineprintHeading']), table ])) if self.invoice.foreign_currency_display and self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate: tdata = [thead] for idx, gross in grossvalue_map.items(): rate, name = idx if rate == 0: continue tax = taxvalue_map[idx] gross = round_decimal(gross * self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate) tax = round_decimal(tax * self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate) net = gross - tax tdata.append([ localize(rate) + " % " + name, fmt(net), fmt(gross), fmt(tax), '' ]) table = Table(tdata, colWidths=colwidths, repeatRows=2, hAlign=TA_LEFT) table.setStyle(TableStyle(tstyledata)) story.append(KeepTogether([ Spacer(1, height=2 * mm), Paragraph( pgettext( 'invoice', 'Using the conversion rate of 1:{rate} as published by the European Central Bank on ' '{date}, this corresponds to:' ).format(rate=localize(self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate), date=date_format(self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate_date, "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT")), self.stylesheet['Fineprint'] ), Spacer(1, height=3 * mm), table ])) elif self.invoice.foreign_currency_display and self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate: foreign_total = round_decimal(total * self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate) story.append(Spacer(1, 5 * mm)) story.append(Paragraph( pgettext( 'invoice', 'Using the conversion rate of 1:{rate} as published by the European Central Bank on ' '{date}, the invoice total corresponds to {total}.' ).format(rate=localize(self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate), date=date_format(self.invoice.foreign_currency_rate_date, "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT"), total=fmt(foreign_total)), self.stylesheet['Fineprint'] )) return story
def _create_licence(licence_buffer, licence, application, site_url, original_issue_date): every_page_frame = Frame(PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_WIDTH - 2 * PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_HEIGHT - 160, id='EveryPagesFrame') every_page_template = PageTemplate(id='EveryPages', frames=[every_page_frame], onPage=_create_licence_header) doc = BaseDocTemplate(licence_buffer, pageTemplates=[every_page_template], pagesize=A4) # this is the only way to get data into the onPage callback function doc.licence = licence doc.site_url = site_url licence_table_style = TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')]) elements = [] elements.append(Paragraph(licence.licence_type.act, styles['InfoTitleLargeCenter'])) elements.append(Paragraph(licence.licence_type.code.upper(), styles['InfoTitleLargeCenter'])) # cannot use licence get_title_with_variants because licence isn't saved yet so can't get variants if application.variants.exists(): title = '{} ({})'.format('UTF-8'), ' / '.join(application.variants.all(). values_list('name', flat=True))) else: title ='UTF-8') elements.append(Paragraph(title, styles['InfoTitleVeryLargeCenter'])) elements.append(Paragraph(licence.licence_type.statement, styles['InfoTitleLargeLeft'])) elements.append(Paragraph(licence.licence_type.authority, styles['InfoTitleLargeRight'])) # licence conditions if application.conditions.exists(): elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('Conditions', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) conditionList = ListFlowable( [Paragraph(a.condition.text, styles['Left']) for a in application.applicationcondition_set.order_by('order')], bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME, bulletFontSize=MEDIUM_FONTSIZE) elements.append(conditionList) # purpose if licence.purpose: elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('Purpose', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements += _layout_paragraphs(licence.purpose) # locations if licence.locations: elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('Locations', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements += _layout_paragraphs(licence.locations) elements += _layout_extracted_fields(licence.extracted_fields) # additional information if licence.additional_information: elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('Additional Information', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements += _layout_paragraphs(licence.additional_information) # delegation holds the dates, licencee and issuer details. delegation = [] # dates and licensing officer dates_licensing_officer_table_style = TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-2, -1), 'TOP'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'BOTTOM')]) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) date_headings = [Paragraph('Date of Issue', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Valid From', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Date of Expiry', styles['BoldLeft'])] date_values = [Paragraph(licence.issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left']), Paragraph(licence.start_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left']), Paragraph(licence.end_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left'])] if original_issue_date is not None: date_headings.insert(0, Paragraph('Original Date of Issue', styles['BoldLeft'])) date_values.insert(0, Paragraph(original_issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left'])) delegation.append(Table([[date_headings, date_values]], colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=dates_licensing_officer_table_style)) # licensee details delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) address = application.applicant_profile.postal_address address_paragraphs = [Paragraph(address.line1, styles['Left']), Paragraph(address.line2, styles['Left']), Paragraph(address.line3, styles['Left']), Paragraph('%s %s %s' % (address.locality, address.state, address.postcode), styles['Left']), Paragraph(, styles['Left'])] delegation.append(Table([[[Paragraph('Licensee:', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Address', styles['BoldLeft'])], [Paragraph(_format_name(application.applicant, include_first_name=True), styles['Left'])] + address_paragraphs]], colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=licence_table_style)) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append(Paragraph('Issued by a Wildlife Licensing Officer of the Department of Parks and Wildlife ' 'under delegation from the Minister for Environment pursuant to section 133(1) ' 'of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984.', styles['Left'])) elements.append(KeepTogether(delegation)) return licence_buffer
def wrap(self, aW, aH): return KeepTogether.wrap(self, aW, aH)
def _create_approval(approval_buffer, approval, proposal): site_url = settings.SITE_URL every_page_frame = Frame(PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_WIDTH - 2 * PAGE_MARGIN, PAGE_HEIGHT - 160, id='EveryPagesFrame') every_page_template = PageTemplate(id='EveryPages', frames=[every_page_frame], onPage=_create_approval_header) doc = BaseDocTemplate(approval_buffer, pageTemplates=[every_page_template], pagesize=A4) # this is the only way to get data into the onPage callback function doc.approval = approval doc.site_url = site_url approval_table_style = TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')]) elements = [] title = approval.title.encode('UTF-8') elements.append(Paragraph(title, styles['InfoTitleVeryLargeCenter'])) elements.append(Paragraph(approval.activity, styles['InfoTitleLargeLeft'])) elements.append(Paragraph(approval.region, styles['InfoTitleLargeLeft'])) elements.append( Paragraph(approval.tenure if approval.tenure else '', styles['InfoTitleLargeRight'])) # proposal requirements if proposal.requirements.exists(): elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('Requirements', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) conditionList = ListFlowable([ Paragraph(a.requirement, styles['Left']) for a in proposal.requirements.order_by('order') ], bulletFontName=BOLD_FONTNAME, bulletFontSize=MEDIUM_FONTSIZE) elements.append(conditionList) elements += _layout_extracted_fields(approval.extracted_fields) # additional information '''if approval.additional_information: elements.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) elements.append(Paragraph('Additional Information', styles['BoldLeft'])) elements += _layout_paragraphs(approval.additional_information)''' # delegation holds the dates, approvale and issuer details. delegation = [] # dates and licensing officer dates_licensing_officer_table_style = TableStyle([ ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-2, -1), 'TOP'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'BOTTOM') ]) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) date_headings = [ Paragraph('Date of Issue', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Valid From', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Date of Expiry', styles['BoldLeft']) ] date_values = [ Paragraph(approval.issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left']), Paragraph(approval.start_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left']), Paragraph(approval.expiry_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left']) ] if approval.original_issue_date is not None: date_headings.insert( 0, Paragraph('Original Date of Issue', styles['BoldLeft'])) date_values.insert( 0, Paragraph(approval.original_issue_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), styles['Left'])) delegation.append( Table([[date_headings, date_values]], colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=dates_licensing_officer_table_style)) # proponent details delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) address = proposal.applicant.organisation.postal_address address_paragraphs = [ Paragraph(address.line1, styles['Left']), Paragraph(address.line2, styles['Left']), Paragraph(address.line3, styles['Left']), Paragraph( '%s %s %s' % (address.locality, address.state, address.postcode), styles['Left']), Paragraph(, styles['Left']) ] delegation.append( Table([[[ Paragraph('Licensee:', styles['BoldLeft']), Paragraph('Address', styles['BoldLeft']) ], [Paragraph(_format_name(approval.applicant), styles['Left'])] + address_paragraphs]], colWidths=(120, PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * PAGE_MARGIN) - 120), style=approval_table_style)) delegation.append(Spacer(1, SECTION_BUFFER_HEIGHT)) delegation.append( Paragraph( 'Issued by a Disturbance Licensing Officer of the {} ' 'under delegation from the Minister for Environment pursuant to section 133(1) ' 'of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984.'.format( settings.DEP_NAME), styles['Left'])) elements.append(KeepTogether(delegation)) return approval_buffer