def repsec_servo1_generic_vel_field(r, fname, centroid, nmap, vels, area_graphs, normalize=True): f = r.figure(cols=2) omegas = map(angular_from_se2, vels) has_theta = np.any(omegas != 0) figsize = (6, 6) arrow_length = nmap.get_average_interpoint_R2_distance() / 2 print('arrow length: %s' % arrow_length) caption = 'First two components of "%s".' % fname with f.plot('xy_arrows', caption=caption, figsize=figsize) as pylab: nmap.plot_points(pylab) nmap.plot_vels(pylab, vels, normalize, length=arrow_length) plot_style_servo_field_xy(pylab, area_graphs=area_graphs) @contract(pose='SE2', returns='>=0') def distance_to_centroid(pose): t = translation_from_SE2(pose) d = np.linalg.norm(t - centroid) return d poses = nmap.get_poses() derivs = vector_field_derivs(SE2, poses, vels, distance_to_centroid) def deriv2color(s): if s == 0: return 'k' if s > 0: return 'r' if s < 0: return 'g' colors = map(deriv2color, derivs) with f.plot('xy_arrows_colors', caption=caption, figsize=figsize) as pylab: nmap.plot_vels(pylab, vels, normalize, colors=colors) plot_style_servo_field_xy(pylab, area_graphs=area_graphs) if has_theta: caption = 'Third component of "%s".' % fname with f.plot('xy_u_th_sign', caption=caption) as pylab: nmap.plot_scalar_field_sign(pylab, omegas) plot_style_servo_field_xy(pylab, area_graphs=area_graphs) f = r.figure() if has_theta: poses = nmap.get_poses() with f.plot('yt', caption=caption) as pylab: plot_poses_vels_yt(pylab, poses, vels, normalize=True) pylab.xlabel('y (m)') pylab.ylabel('theta (deg)') y_axis_balanced(pylab) x_axis_balanced(pylab) with f.plot('xt', caption=caption) as pylab: plot_poses_vels_xt(pylab, poses, vels, normalize=True) pylab.xlabel('x (m)') pylab.ylabel('theta (deg)') y_axis_balanced(pylab) x_axis_balanced(pylab) with f.plot('tw', caption=caption) as pylab: plot_poses_vels_theta_omega(pylab, poses, vels) pylab.xlabel('theta (deg)') pylab.ylabel('omega') y_axis_balanced(pylab) x_axis_balanced(pylab)
def servo_stats_report(data_central, id_agent, id_robot, summaries, phase='servo_stats'): from reprep import Report from reprep.plot_utils import x_axis_balanced from reprep.plot_utils import (style_ieee_fullcol_xy, style_ieee_halfcol_xy) from geometry import translation_from_SE2 if not summaries: raise Exception('Empty summaries') def extract(key): return np.array([s[key] for s in summaries]) initial_distance = extract('initial_distance') initial_rotation = extract('initial_rotation') dist_xy_converged = 0.25 dist_th_converged = np.deg2rad(5) for s in summaries: dist_xy = s['dist_xy'] dist_th = s['dist_th'] # converged = (dist_xy[0] > dist_xy[-1]) and (dist_th[0] > dist_th[-1]) converged = ((dist_xy[-1] < dist_xy_converged) and (dist_th[-1] < dist_th_converged)) s['converged'] = converged s['dist_th_deg'] = np.rad2deg(s['dist_th']) s['color'] = 'b' if converged else 'r' trans = [translation_from_SE2(x) for x in s['poses']] s['x'] = np.abs([t[0] for t in trans]) s['y'] = np.abs([t[1] for t in trans]) s['dist_x'] = np.abs(s['x']) s['dist_y'] = np.abs(s['y']) basename = 'servo_analysis-%s-%s-%s' % (id_agent, id_robot, phase) r = Report(basename)'summaries', s, caption='All raw statistics') f = r.figure(cols=3) with f.plot('image_L2_error') as pylab: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: errors = s['errors'] pylab.plot(errors, s['color']) with f.plot('dist_xy') as pylab: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pylab.plot(s['dist_xy'], s['color'] + '-') with f.plot('xy') as pylab: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pylab.plot(s['x'], s['y'], s['color'] + '-') pylab.xlabel('x') pylab.ylabel('y') with f.plot('dist_th') as pylab: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pylab.plot(s['dist_th'], s['color'] + '-') with f.plot('dist_th_deg') as pylab: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pylab.plot(np.rad2deg(s['dist_th']), s['color'] + '-') with f.plot('dist_xy_th') as pl: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pl.plot(s['dist_xy'], s['dist_th_deg'], s['color'] + '-') pl.xlabel('dist x-y') pl.ylabel('dist th (deg)') with f.plot('dist_xy_th_log') as pl: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pl.semilogx(s['dist_xy'], s['dist_th_deg'], s['color'] + '.') pl.xlabel('dist x-y') pl.ylabel('dist th (deg)') with f.plot('dist_y') as pylab: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pylab.plot(s['dist_y'], s['color'] + '-') with f.plot('dist_x') as pylab: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pylab.plot(s['dist_x'], s['color'] + '-') mark_start = 's' mark_end = 'o' with f.plot('dist_xy_th_start', caption="Initial error (blue: converged)" ) as pl: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: pl.plot([s['dist_xy'][0], s['dist_xy'][-1]], [s['dist_th_deg'][0], s['dist_th_deg'][-1]], s['color'] + '-') pl.plot(s['dist_xy'][0], s['dist_th_deg'][0], s['color'] + mark_start) pl.plot(s['dist_xy'][-1], s['dist_th_deg'][-1], s['color'] + mark_end) pl.xlabel('dist x-y') pl.ylabel('dist th (deg)') with f.plot('dist_xy_th_start2', caption="Trajectories. If converged, plot square at beginning" " and cross at end. If not converged, plot trajectory (red)." ) as pl: style_ieee_fullcol_xy(pylab) for s in summaries: if s['converged']: continue pl.plot([s['dist_xy'][0], s['dist_xy'][-1]], [s['dist_th_deg'][0], s['dist_th_deg'][-1]], 'r-') for s in summaries: pl.plot(s['dist_xy'][0], s['dist_th_deg'][0], s['color'] + mark_start) pl.plot(s['dist_xy'][-1], s['dist_th_deg'][-1], s['color'] + mark_end) pl.xlabel('dist x-y') pl.ylabel('dist th (deg)') with f.plot('initial_rotation') as pylab: style_ieee_halfcol_xy(pylab) pylab.hist(np.rad2deg(initial_rotation)) x_axis_balanced(pylab) pylab.xlabel('Initial rotation (deg)') with f.plot('initial_distance') as pylab: style_ieee_halfcol_xy(pylab) pylab.hist(initial_distance) pylab.xlabel('Initial distance (m)') ds = data_central.get_dir_structure() filename = ds.get_report_filename(id_agent=id_agent, id_robot=id_robot, id_state='servo_stats', phase=phase) resources_dir = ds.get_report_res_dir(id_agent=id_agent, id_robot=id_robot, id_state='servo_stats', phase=phase) save_report(data_central, r, filename, resources_dir, save_pickle=True)