Exemple #1
def create_report_var(name, mean, cov, inf, minimum=None, maximum=None):

    report = Node(id=name)
    report.data("covariance", cov)
    report.data("information", inf)
    node_mean = report.data("mean", mean)

    with node_mean.data_file("bounds", "image/png") as filename:
        e = 3 * sqrt(cov.diagonal())
        f = pylab.figure()
        x = range(len(mean))
        pylab.errorbar(x, mean, yerr=e)
        if minimum is not None:
            pylab.plot(x, minimum, "b-")
        if maximum is not None:
            pylab.plot(x, maximum, "b-")

    f = report.figure(name)
    f.sub("mean/bounds", caption="Mean")
    f.sub("covariance", caption="Covariance", display="posneg")
    f.sub("information", caption="Information", display="posneg")

    return report
Exemple #2
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # n1 -- n2 -- n3 -- n4
        #    \_ n3bis
        self.n1 = Node("n1")
        self.n3bis = self.n1.data("n3", None)
        self.n2 = self.n1.data("n2", None)
        self.n3 = self.n2.data("n3", None)
        self.n4 = self.n3.data("n4", None)
        self.all = [self.n1, self.n2, self.n3, self.n4, self.n3bis]

    def test_normal(self):
        """ Testing normal cases of resolve_url """
        self.assertEqual(self.n1, self.n2.resolve_url(".."))
        self.assertEqual(self.n1, self.n3.resolve_url("../.."))
        self.assertEqual(self.n1, self.n4.resolve_url("../../.."))
        self.assertEqual(self.n2, self.n4.resolve_url("../../../n2"))
        self.assertEqual(self.n2, self.n1.resolve_url("n2"))
        self.assertEqual(self.n3, self.n1.resolve_url("n2/n3"))

    def test_smart(self):
        """ Testing smart cases of resolve_url """
        self.assertEqual(self.n1.resolve_url("n3"), self.n3bis)
        self.assertEqual(self.n2.resolve_url("n3"), self.n3)
        self.assertEqual(self.n3.resolve_url("n3"), self.n3)
        self.assertEqual(self.n2.resolve_url("n1/n3"), self.n3bis)
        self.assertEqual(self.n3.resolve_url("n1/n3"), self.n3bis)
        self.assertEqual(self.n4.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)
        self.assertEqual(self.n3.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)
        self.assertEqual(self.n2.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)
        self.assertEqual(self.n1.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)
        for n in self.all:
            self.assertEqual(n.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)

    def test_relative(self):
        for A in self.all:
            for B in self.all:
                if A == B:
                url = A.get_relative_url(B)
                self.assertEqual(A.resolve_url_dumb(url), B)

    def test_not_existent(self):
        """ Testing that we warn if not existent """
        self.assertRaises(NotExistent, self.n1.resolve_url, "x")

    def test_not_found(self):
        self.assertRaises(NotExistent, self.n1.resolve_url, "..")

    def test_well_formed(self):
        """ Testing that we can recognize invalid urls """
        self.assertRaises(InvalidURL, self.n1.resolve_url, "")
        self.assertRaises(InvalidURL, self.n2.resolve_url, "//")
Exemple #3
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # n1 -- n2 -- n3 -- n4
        #    \_ n3bis
        self.n1 = Node("n1")
        self.n3bis = self.n1.data("n3", None)
        self.n2 = self.n1.data("n2", None)
        self.n3 = self.n2.data("n3", None)
        self.n4 = self.n3.data("n4", None)
        self.all = [self.n1, self.n2, self.n3, self.n4, self.n3bis]

    def test_normal(self):
        """ Testing normal cases of resolve_url """
        self.assertEqual(self.n1, self.n2.resolve_url(".."))
        self.assertEqual(self.n1, self.n3.resolve_url("../.."))
        self.assertEqual(self.n1, self.n4.resolve_url("../../.."))
        self.assertEqual(self.n2, self.n4.resolve_url("../../../n2"))
        self.assertEqual(self.n2, self.n1.resolve_url("n2"))
        self.assertEqual(self.n3, self.n1.resolve_url("n2/n3"))

    def test_smart(self):
        """ Testing smart cases of resolve_url """
        self.assertEqual(self.n1.resolve_url("n3"), self.n3bis)
        self.assertEqual(self.n2.resolve_url("n3"), self.n3)
        self.assertEqual(self.n3.resolve_url("n3"), self.n3)
        self.assertEqual(self.n2.resolve_url("n1/n3"), self.n3bis)
        self.assertEqual(self.n3.resolve_url("n1/n3"), self.n3bis)
        self.assertEqual(self.n4.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)
        self.assertEqual(self.n3.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)
        self.assertEqual(self.n2.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)
        self.assertEqual(self.n1.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)
        for n in self.all:
            self.assertEqual(n.resolve_url("n4"), self.n4)

    def test_relative(self):
        for A in self.all:
            for B in self.all:
                if A == B:
                url = A.get_relative_url(B)
                self.assertEqual(A.resolve_url_dumb(url), B)

    def test_not_existent(self):
        """ Testing that we warn if not existent """
        self.assertRaises(NotExistent, self.n1.resolve_url, "x")

    def test_not_found(self):
        self.assertRaises(NotExistent, self.n1.resolve_url, "..")

    def test_well_formed(self):
        """ Testing that we can recognize invalid urls """
        self.assertRaises(InvalidURL, self.n1.resolve_url, "")
        self.assertRaises(InvalidURL, self.n2.resolve_url, "//")
Exemple #4
    def testImage(self):
        C = numpy.random.rand(50, 50)
        information = pinv(C)
        T = numpy.random.rand(50, 50, 3)

        report = Node("rangefinder")
        report.data("Tx", T[:, :, 0])
        report.data("Ty", T[:, :, 1])
        report.data("Tz", T[:, :, 2])
        cov = report.data("covariance", C)
        report.data("information", information)

        pylab = get_pylab_instance()
        with cov.data_file("plot", MIME_PNG) as f:

        report.table("results", cols=["One", "Two"], data=[[1, 2], [3, 4]])

        f = report.figure(caption="Covariance and information matrix", cols=3)
        f.sub("covariance", "should default to plot")
        f.sub("covariance/plot", "Same as <-")

        f = report.figure("Tensors", cols=3)
        f.sub("Tx", display="posneg")
        f.sub("Ty", display="posneg")
        f.sub("Tz", display="posneg")

Exemple #5
    def testImage(self):
        C = numpy.random.rand(50, 50)
        information = pinv(C)
        T = numpy.random.rand(50, 50, 3)

        report = Node('rangefinder')
        report.data('Tx', T[:, :, 0])
        report.data('Ty', T[:, :, 1])
        report.data('Tz', T[:, :, 2])
        cov = report.data('covariance', C)
        report.data('information', information)

        pylab = get_pylab_instance()
        with cov.data_file('plot', 'image/png') as f:

                         cols=['One', 'Two'],
                         data=[[1, 2], [3, 4]])

        f = report.figure(caption='Covariance and information matrix', cols=3)
        f.sub('covariance', 'should default to plot')
        f.sub('covariance/plot', 'Same as <-')

        f = report.figure('Tensors', cols=3)
        f.sub('Tx', display='posneg')
        f.sub('Ty', display='posneg')
        f.sub('Tz', display='posneg')

def create_report_figure_tensors(T, report_id, same_scale=False, caption=None):
    report = Node(report_id)
    f = report.figure('tensors', caption=caption)

    if same_scale:
        max_value = abs(T).max()
        max_value = None

    components = [(0, 'Tx', '$T_x$'),
                  (1, 'Ty', '$T_y$'),
                  (2, 'Ttheta', '$T_{\\theta}$')]
    for component, slice, caption in components:
        report.data(slice, T[component, :, :].squeeze())
        f.sub(slice, display='posneg', max_value=max_value)
    return report
Exemple #7
def create_report_affine(state, report_id):
    y_dot_mean = state.result.y_dot_stats.mean
    y_dot_cov = state.result.y_dot_stats.covariance
    y_dot_inf = state.result.y_dot_stats.information
    y_dot_min = state.result.y_dot_stats.minimum
    y_dot_max = state.result.y_dot_stats.maximum

    y_mean = state.result.y_stats.mean
    y_cov = state.result.y_stats.covariance
    y_inf = state.result.y_stats.information
    y_min = state.result.y_stats.minimum
    y_max = state.result.y_stats.maximum

    u_mean = state.result.u_stats.mean
    u_inf = state.result.u_stats.information
    u_cov = state.result.u_stats.covariance

    N = state.result.N.get_value()

    report_y_dot = create_report_var(
        name="y_dot", mean=y_dot_mean, cov=y_dot_cov, inf=y_dot_inf, minimum=y_dot_min, maximum=y_dot_max

    report_y = create_report_var(name="y", mean=y_mean, cov=y_cov, inf=y_inf, minimum=y_min, maximum=y_max)

    report_u = create_report_var(name="u", mean=u_mean, cov=u_cov, inf=u_inf)

    T = state.result.T.get_value()
    report_T = create_report_figure_tensors(T, report_id="T", caption="Learned T")

    Nreport = Node("n-report")

    with Nreport.data("N", N).data_file("N", "image/png") as filename:
        for i in range(N.shape[1]):
            v = N[:, i].squeeze()


    f = Nreport.figure("nfig")

    bT = state.result.bT.get_value()
    report_bT = create_report_figure_tensors(bT, report_id="bT", caption="Learned bT")

    bTn = state.result.bTn.get_value()
    report_bTn = create_report_figure_tensors(bTn, report_id="bTn", caption="Learned bTn")

    node = Node(id=report_id, children=[report_y, report_y_dot, report_u, report_T, Nreport, report_bT, report_bTn])
    return node
def create_report_covariance(state, report_id):
    covariance = state.result.cov_sensels
    report = Node(report_id)
    report.data('covariance', covariance)
    report.data('correlation', cov2corr(covariance))
    report.data('information', pinv(covariance, rcond=1e-2))
    f = report.figure('matrices')
    f.sub('covariance', caption='Covariance matrix', display='posneg')
    f.sub('correlation', caption='Correlation matrix', display='posneg')
    f.sub('information', caption='Information matrix', display='posneg')
    return report
def main():
    def find_in_path(path, pattern):
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): #@UnusedVariable
            for f in files: 
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern):
                    yield os.path.join(root, f)
    dir = 'Bicocca_2009-02-25a/out/camera_bgds_predict/gray_GI_DI/' 
    files = list(find_in_path(dir, '*.??.pickle*'))
    if not files:
        raise Exception('No files found.')

    for f in files:
        print 'Loading {0}'.format(f)
        data = my_pickle_load(f)
        basename = os.path.splitext(f)[0]
        out_html = basename + '/report.html'
        #out_pickle = basename + '/report.pickle'

        if not os.path.exists(basename):
        logdir = data['logdir']
        time = data['time']
        y = data['y']
        y_dot = data['y_dot']
        y_dot_pred = data['y_dot_pred']
        y_dot_s = data['y_dot_s']
        y_dot_pred_s = data['y_dot_pred_s']
        report = Node('{logdir}-{time:.2f}'.format(logdir=logdir, time=time))
        prod = -numpy.minimum(0, y_dot_s * y_dot_pred_s)
        report.data('y', y)
        report.data('y_dot', y_dot)
        report.data('y_dot_pred', y_dot_pred)
        report.data('y_dot_s', y_dot_s)
        report.data('y_dot_pred_s', y_dot_pred_s)
        report.data('prod', prod)
        f = report.figure('display') 
        f.sub('y', display='rgb')
        f.sub('y_dot', display='posneg')
        f.sub('y_dot_pred', display='posneg')
        f.sub('y_dot_s', display='posneg')
        f.sub('y_dot_pred_s', display='posneg')
        f.sub('prod', display='scale')
        zones = [
                 ('ZoneA', range(95, 181), range(55, 140)),
                 ('ZoneB', range(80, 111), range(480, 510)),
                 ('ZoneC', range(50, 181), range(330, 460))
        for zone in zones:
            name, y, x = zone
            zr = report.node(name)
            zf = zr.figure()
            for var in ['y', 'y_dot', 'y_dot_pred', 'y_dot_s', 'y_dot_pred_s',
                zd = data[var][y, :][:, x]
                zr.data(var, zd)
                if var == 'y':
                    disp = {'display': 'rgb'}
                elif var == 'prod':
                    disp = {'display': 'scale'}
                    disp = {'display': 'posneg'}

                zf.sub(var, **disp)
            outdir = basename + '/' + name 
            id = "%s:%.2f:%s" % (logdir, time, name)
            print id
            if not os.path.exists(outdir):

            create_latex_frag(os.path.join(outdir, 'conf.tex'), outdir, zr, id, True)
            create_latex_frag(os.path.join(outdir, 'report.tex'), outdir, zr, id, False)
        print 'Writing on %s' % out_html
        node_to_html_document(report, out_html)
def analyze_olfaction_covariance(covariance, receptors):
    ''' Covariance: n x n covariance matrix.
        Positions:  list of n  positions '''
    positions = [pose.get_2d_position() for pose, sens in receptors] #@UnusedVariable
    positions = array(positions).transpose().squeeze()
    require_shape(square_shape(), covariance)
    n = covariance.shape[0]
    require_shape((2, n), positions)
    distances = create_distance_matrix(positions)
    correlation = cov2corr(covariance)
    flat_distances = distances.reshape(n * n) 
    flat_correlation = correlation.reshape(n * n)
    # let's fit a polynomial
    deg = 4
    poly = polyfit(flat_distances, flat_correlation, deg=deg)  
    knots = linspace(min(flat_distances), max(flat_distances), 2000)
    poly_int = polyval(poly, knots)
    poly_fder = polyder(poly)
    fder = polyval(poly_fder, distances)
    Ttheta = create_olfaction_Ttheta(positions, fder)
    Tx, Ty = create_olfaction_Txy(positions, fder, distances)
    report = Node('olfaction-theory')
    report.data('flat_distances', flat_distances)
    report.data('flat_correlation', flat_correlation)
    with report.data_file('dist_vs_corr', 'image/png') as filename:
        pylab.plot(flat_distances, flat_correlation, '.')
        pylab.plot(knots, poly_int, 'r-')
        pylab.title('Correlation vs distance')
        pylab.legend(['data', 'interpolation deg = %s' % deg]) 
    with report.data('fder', fder).data_file('fder', 'image/png') as filename:
        pylab.plot(knots, polyval(poly_fder, knots), 'r-')
        pylab.title('f der')
    report.data('distances', distances)
    report.data('correlation', correlation)
    report.data('covariance', covariance)
    report.data('f', polyval(poly, distances))   
    f = report.figure(id='cor-vs-distnace', caption='Estimated kernels',
                       shape=(3, 3))
    f.sub('f', display='scale')
    f.sub('distances', display='scale')
    f.sub('correlation', display='posneg')
    f.sub('covariance', display='posneg')
    T = numpy.zeros(shape=(3, Tx.shape[0], Tx.shape[1]))
    T[0, :, :] = Tx
    T[1, :, :] = Ty
    T[2, :, :] = Ttheta
    T_report = create_report_figure_tensors(T, report_id='tensors',
        caption="Predicted learned tensors")

    return report