def register(self, login, password, aquarium_url, name): """ Registers a new session, creating a new managed folder. :param login: aquarium login :type login: str :param password: aquarium password :type password: str :param aquarium_url: aquarium url :type aquarium_url: str :param name: name to give to the new session :type name: str :return: None :rtype: NOne """ try: self._session_manager.register_session(login, password, aquarium_url, name) except InvalidSchema: raise InvalidSchema( "Missing schema for {}. Did you forget the \"http://\"?". format(aquarium_url)) logger.cli("registering session: {}".format(name)) self.set_session(name) self._save()
def get_adapter(self, url): """Returns the appropriate connnection adapter for the given URL.""" for (prefix, adapter) in self.adapters.items(): if url.lower().startswith(prefix): return adapter # Nothing matches :-/ raise InvalidSchema("No connection adapters were found for '%s'" % url)
def register(self, login, password, aquarium_url, session_name): """Registers a new session.""" try: self.session_manager.register_session(login, password, aquarium_url, session_name) except InvalidSchema: raise InvalidSchema( "Missing schema for {}. Did you forget the \"http://\"?". format(aquarium_url)) logger.cli("registering session: {}".format(session_name)) return self
def create_patients(self, patients): """ :param patients: the list of input patients :type patients: list :return: the list of patient identifiers """ if not all(patient.is_valid for patient in patients): validation_errors = [ dict(patient.validation_errors) for patient in patients ] raise InvalidSchema( "Patients are invalid: {}".format(validation_errors), request=patients) response ="projects/{project_id}/patients".format( project_id=self.project_id), payload=[dict(patient) for patient in patients]) return response
def create_phenotypes(self, phenotypes, person_id): """ :param phenotypes: :param person_id: :return: """ if not all(phenotype.is_valid for phenotype in phenotypes): validation_errors = [ dict(patient.validation_errors) for patient in phenotypes ] raise InvalidSchema( "Phenotypes are invalid: {}".format(validation_errors), request=phenotypes) response = "persons/{person_id}/phenotypes".format(person_id=person_id), payload=[dict(phenotype) for phenotype in phenotypes]) phenotype_ids = [x["person_phenotype_id"] for x in response] return phenotype_ids
def create_snvs(self, snvs, patient_id): """ :param snvs: :param patient_id: :return: """ if not all(snv.is_valid for snv in snvs): validation_errors = [ dict(patient.validation_errors) for patient in snvs ] raise InvalidSchema( "Variants are invalid: {}".format(validation_errors), request=snvs) response = "patients/{patient_id}/snvs".format(patient_id=patient_id), payload=[dict(variant) for variant in snvs]) variant_ids = [x["patient_snv_id"] for x in response] return variant_ids
def run(self):"Started", thread=current_thread()) while True: with Timer(key="doWork"): try: with Timer(key="q.get"): uri = self.queue.get() if uri is None: break try: #check if this is a valid URL, if we have an exception, done o = urlparse(uri) if o.scheme.startswith('http'): res = None if self.checkUpdateRobots(uri): res = self.getStatus(uri) else:"ROBOTS DENIED", uri=uri, thread=current_thread()) self.handle_request(uri, res, None) else: raise InvalidSchema( "No connection adapters were found for " + uri) except Exception as e: ErrorHandler.handleError(log, exception=e, msg="doWork", exc_info=True, url=uri, thread=current_thread()) self.handle_request(uri, None, e) except Exception as e: ErrorHandler.handleError(log, exception=e, msg="uncaught in doWork", exc_info=True, thread=current_thread())"STOPPED", thread=current_thread())
def create_persons(self, persons, patient_id): """ :param persons: :type persons: list :param patient_id: :return: """ if not all(person.is_valid for person in persons): validation_errors = [ dict(patient.validation_errors) for patient in persons ] raise InvalidSchema( "Persons are invalid: {}".format(validation_errors), request=persons) response = "patients/{patient_id}/persons".format(patient_id=patient_id), payload=[dict(person) for person in persons]) person_ids = [x["person_id"] for x in response] return person_ids
def __init__(self, url="", parser="html.parser", refresh=True, save_path=None, stop_words=None, split_string=None): """__init__ Parameters ----------- bool : refresh Specifies if page should be read from source. Defaults to True str : save_path Specifies folder to save the text file of scraped page list : stop_words A list of words to not include in the output of words() list : split_string A list of strings with which to split the words on the page """ self.url = url#.strip() self.split_string = self.word_splitters(split_string) self.stop_words = self.stop_words(stop_words) self.refresh = refresh self.parser = parser if save_path: self.save_path = save_path else: self.save_path = self.get_save_path() try: req_text = requests.get(self.url, timeout=(10.0, 10.0)).text except MissingSchema: raise MissingSchema("url should be in the form <http://domain.extension>") except InvalidSchema: raise InvalidSchema("Your url, {}, has an invalid schema".format(self.url)) if self.refresh: self.soup = BeautifulSoup(req_text, self.parser) self.save_page(self.soup, self.get_save_path()) else: try: with open(self.get_save_path(), 'r+') as rh: self.soup = BeautifulSoup(, self.parser) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("File may have been moved. Try again with 'refresh=True'") self.raw_links = self.soup.find_all('a', href=True)
def request(self, method, url, params=None, data=None, headers=None, cookies=None, files=None, auth=None, timeout=None, allow_redirects=True, proxies=None, hooks=None, stream=None, verify=None, cert=None, **kwargs): """Constructs a :class:`Request <Request>`, prepares it and sends it. Returns :class:`Response <Response>` object. :param method: method for the new :class:`Request` object. :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object. :param params: (optional) Dictionary or bytes to be sent in the query string for the :class:`Request`. :param data: (optional) Dictionary or bytes to send in the body of the :class:`Request`. :param headers: (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the :class:`Request`. :param cookies: (optional) Dict or CookieJar object to send with the :class:`Request`. :param files: (optional) Dictionary of 'filename': file-like-objects for multipart encoding upload. :param auth: (optional) Auth tuple or callable to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. :param timeout: (optional) Float describing the timeout of the request. :param allow_redirects: (optional) Boolean. Set to True by default. :param proxies: (optional) Dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy. :param stream: (optional) whether to immediately download the response content. Defaults to ``False``. :param verify: (optional) if ``True``, the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided. :param cert: (optional) if String, path to ssl client cert file (.pem). If Tuple, ('cert', 'key') pair. """ #=============================================================================================================== # add by mz error_type = kwargs.get("error_type") if error_type: from requests.exceptions import InvalidURL, URLRequired, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError, SSLError, ReadTimeout from requests.exceptions import InvalidSchema, MissingSchema, ChunkedEncodingError, ContentDecodingError from requests.exceptions import RequestException, HTTPError, ProxyError, Timeout, RetryError, StreamConsumedError get_error = { "InvalidURL": InvalidURL(), "URLRequired": URLRequired(), "ConnectTimeout": ConnectTimeout(), "ConnectionError": ConnectionError(), "SSLError": SSLError(), "ReadTimeout": ReadTimeout(), "InvalidSchema": InvalidSchema(), "MissingSchema": MissingSchema(), "ChunkedEncodingError": ChunkedEncodingError(), "ContentDecodingError": ContentDecodingError(), "StreamConsumedError": StreamConsumedError(), "TooManyRedirects": TooManyRedirects(), "RequestException": RequestException(), "HTTPError": HTTPError(), "ProxyError": ProxyError(), "Timeout": Timeout(), "RetryError": RetryError } error_ = get_error[error_type] raise error_ #=============================================================================================================== method = builtin_str(method) # Create the Request. req = Request( method=method.upper(), url=url, headers=headers, files=files, data=data or {}, params=params or {}, auth=auth, cookies=cookies, hooks=hooks, ) prep = self.prepare_request(req) proxies = proxies or {} # Gather clues from the surrounding environment. if self.trust_env: # Set environment's proxies. env_proxies = get_environ_proxies(url) or {} for (k, v) in env_proxies.items(): proxies.setdefault(k, v) # Look for configuration. if not verify and verify is not False: verify = os.environ.get('REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE') # Curl compatibility. if not verify and verify is not False: verify = os.environ.get('CURL_CA_BUNDLE') # Merge all the kwargs. proxies = merge_setting(proxies, self.proxies) stream = merge_setting(stream, verify = merge_setting(verify, self.verify) cert = merge_setting(cert, self.cert) # Send the request. send_kwargs = { 'stream': stream, 'timeout': timeout, 'verify': verify, 'cert': cert, 'proxies': proxies, 'allow_redirects': allow_redirects, } resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) return resp
def _prepare_api_url(self, url, p): scheme, auth, host, port, path, query, fragment = parse_url(url) if scheme is None or scheme == "http": return f"http://{host}:{p}" else: raise InvalidSchema("Invalid scheme %r: Do not supply" % scheme)
def request(self, method, url, params=None, data=None, headers=None, cookies=None, files=None, auth=None, timeout=None, allow_redirects=True, proxies=None, hooks=None, stream=None, verify=None, cert=None, json=None, **kwargs): """Constructs a :class:`Request <Request>`, prepares it and sends it. Returns :class:`Response <Response>` object. :param method: method for the new :class:`Request` object. :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object. :param params: (optional) Dictionary or bytes to be sent in the query string for the :class:`Request`. :param data: (optional) Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the :class:`Request`. :param json: (optional) json to send in the body of the :class:`Request`. :param headers: (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the :class:`Request`. :param cookies: (optional) Dict or CookieJar object to send with the :class:`Request`. :param files: (optional) Dictionary of ``'filename': file-like-objects`` for multipart encoding upload. :param auth: (optional) Auth tuple or callable to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. :param timeout: (optional) How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a :ref:`(connect timeout, read timeout) <timeouts>` tuple. :type timeout: float or tuple :param allow_redirects: (optional) Set to True by default. :type allow_redirects: bool :param proxies: (optional) Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and hostname to the URL of the proxy. :param stream: (optional) whether to immediately download the response content. Defaults to ``False``. :param verify: (optional) whether the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided. Defaults to ``True``. :param cert: (optional) if String, path to ssl client cert file (.pem). If Tuple, ('cert', 'key') pair. :rtype: requests.Response """ #=============================================================================================================== # add by mz error_type = kwargs.get("error_type") if error_type: from requests.exceptions import InvalidURL, URLRequired, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError, SSLError, ReadTimeout from requests.exceptions import InvalidSchema, MissingSchema, ChunkedEncodingError, ContentDecodingError from requests.exceptions import RequestException, HTTPError, ProxyError, Timeout, RetryError, StreamConsumedError from requests.exceptions import TooManyRedirects get_error = { "InvalidURL": InvalidURL(), "URLRequired": URLRequired(), "ConnectTimeout": ConnectTimeout(), "ConnectionError": ConnectionError(), "SSLError": SSLError(), "ReadTimeout": ReadTimeout(), "InvalidSchema": InvalidSchema(), "MissingSchema": MissingSchema(), "ChunkedEncodingError": ChunkedEncodingError(), "ContentDecodingError": ContentDecodingError(), "StreamConsumedError": StreamConsumedError(), "TooManyRedirects": TooManyRedirects(), "RequestException": RequestException(), "HTTPError": HTTPError(), "ProxyError": ProxyError(), "Timeout": Timeout(), "RetryError": RetryError } error_ = get_error[error_type] raise error_ #=============================================================================================================== # Create the Request req = Request( method=method.upper(), url=url, headers=headers, files=files, data=data or {}, json=json, params=params or {}, auth=auth, cookies=cookies, hooks=hooks, ) prep = self.prepare_request(req) proxies = proxies or {} settings = self.merge_environment_settings(prep.url, proxies, stream, verify, cert) # Send the request. send_kwargs = { 'timeout': timeout, 'allow_redirects': allow_redirects, } send_kwargs.update(settings) resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) return resp
def test_monitor_sends_exception_data_and_hb_on_expected_exceptions( self, mock_get_data) -> None: errors_exceptions_dict = { ReqConnectionError('test'): SystemIsDownException( self.test_monitor.system_config.system_name), ReadTimeout('test'): SystemIsDownException( self.test_monitor.system_config.system_name), IncompleteRead('test'): DataReadingException( self.test_monitor.monitor_name, self.test_monitor.system_config.system_name), ChunkedEncodingError('test'): DataReadingException( self.test_monitor.monitor_name, self.test_monitor.system_config.system_name), ProtocolError('test'): DataReadingException( self.test_monitor.monitor_name, self.test_monitor.system_config.system_name), InvalidURL('test'): InvalidUrlException( self.test_monitor.system_config.node_exporter_url), InvalidSchema('test'): InvalidUrlException( self.test_monitor.system_config.node_exporter_url), MissingSchema('test'): InvalidUrlException( self.test_monitor.system_config.node_exporter_url), MetricNotFoundException('test_metric', 'test_endpoint'): MetricNotFoundException('test_metric', 'test_endpoint') } try: self.test_monitor._initialise_rabbitmq() for error, data_ret_exception in errors_exceptions_dict.items(): mock_get_data.side_effect = error expected_output_data = { 'error': { 'meta_data': { 'monitor_name': self.test_monitor.monitor_name, 'system_name': self.test_monitor.system_config.system_name, 'system_id': self.test_monitor.system_config.system_id, 'system_parent_id': self.test_monitor.system_config.parent_id, 'time': datetime(2012, 1, 1).timestamp() }, 'message': data_ret_exception.message, 'code': data_ret_exception.code, } } expected_output_hb = { 'component_name': self.test_monitor.monitor_name, 'is_alive': True, 'timestamp': datetime(2012, 1, 1).timestamp() } # Delete the queue before to avoid messages in the queue on # error. self.test_monitor.rabbitmq.queue_delete(self.test_queue_name) res = self.test_monitor.rabbitmq.queue_declare( queue=self.test_queue_name, durable=True, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False, passive=False ) self.assertEqual(0, res.method.message_count) self.test_monitor.rabbitmq.queue_bind( queue=self.test_queue_name, exchange=RAW_DATA_EXCHANGE, routing_key='system') self.test_monitor.rabbitmq.queue_bind( queue=self.test_queue_name, exchange=HEALTH_CHECK_EXCHANGE, routing_key='heartbeat.worker') self.test_monitor._monitor() # By re-declaring the queue again we can get the number of # messages in the queue. res = self.test_monitor.rabbitmq.queue_declare( queue=self.test_queue_name, durable=True, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False, passive=True ) # There must be 2 messages in the queue, the heartbeat and the # processed data self.assertEqual(2, res.method.message_count) # Check that the message received is actually the processed data _, _, body = self.test_monitor.rabbitmq.basic_get( self.test_queue_name) self.assertEqual(expected_output_data, json.loads(body)) # Check that the message received is actually the HB _, _, body = self.test_monitor.rabbitmq.basic_get( self.test_queue_name) self.assertEqual(expected_output_hb, json.loads(body)) except Exception as e:"Test failed: {}".format(e))
def SOCKSProxyManager(*args, **kwargs): raise InvalidSchema("Missing dependencies for SOCKS support.")