Exemple #1
def _extract_cookies(request, response, cookies):
    """Add cookies to the response.

    Cookies in requests are extracted from the headers in the original_response
    httplib.HTTPMessage which we don't create so we have to do this step
    # This will add cookies set manually via the Set-Cookie or Set-Cookie2
    # header but this only allows 1 cookie to be set.
    http_message = compat._FakeHTTPMessage(response.headers)

    # This allows you to pass either a CookieJar or a dictionary to request_uri
    # or directly to create_response. To allow more than one cookie to be set.
    if cookies:
        merge_cookies(response.cookies, cookies)
def _extract_cookies(request, response, cookies):
    """Add cookies to the response.

    Cookies in requests are extracted from the headers in the original_response
    httplib.HTTPMessage which we don't create so we have to do this step
    # This will add cookies set manually via the Set-Cookie or Set-Cookie2
    # header but this only allows 1 cookie to be set.
    http_message = compat._FakeHTTPMessage(response.headers)

    # This allows you to pass either a CookieJar or a dictionary to request_uri
    # or directly to create_response. To allow more than one cookie to be set.
    if cookies:
        merge_cookies(response.cookies, cookies)