def precompute(self):
        minX = minY = 1000000
        maxX = maxY = 0
        for objID in client.db.keys():
            if objID < OID_FREESTART:
            obj = client.get(objID, noUpdate = 1)
            if not (hasattr(obj, "type") and hasattr(obj, "x") and hasattr(obj, "y")):
            if obj.type in (T_SYSTEM,T_WORMHOLE):
                ownerID = OID_NONE
                if hasattr(obj, 'planets'):
                    for planetID in obj.planets:
                        planet = client.get(planetID, noUpdate = 1)
                        owner = getattr(planet, 'owner', OID_NONE)
                        if int(owner) != 0:
                            ownerID = owner
                color = res.getPlayerColor(ownerID)
                minX = min(minX, obj.x)
                minY = min(minY, obj.y)
                maxX = max(maxX, obj.x)
                maxY = max(maxY, obj.y)
                self._map.append((obj.oid, obj.x, obj.y, color))

        self._minX = minX
        self._minY = minY
        zoomFactor = 0.05 #percent
        self._shiftX = int(self._width * zoomFactor)
        self._shiftY = int(self._height * zoomFactor)
        self._scaleX = float(self._width - 2 * self._shiftX) / float(maxX - minX)
        self._scaleY = float(self._height - 2 * self._shiftX) / float(maxY - minY)
        self._repaintMap = True
Exemple #2
    def precompute(self):
        galaxy_id = client.getPlayer().galaxy
        galaxy = client.get(galaxy_id, noUpdate=1)
        minX, maxX = galaxy.x - galaxy.radius, galaxy.x + galaxy.radius
        minY, maxY = galaxy.y - galaxy.radius, galaxy.y + galaxy.radius
        for objID in client.db.keys():
            if objID < Const.OID_FREESTART:
            obj = client.get(objID, noUpdate=1)
            if not (hasattr(obj, "type")):
            if obj.type in (Const.T_SYSTEM, Const.T_WORMHOLE):
                ownerID = Const.OID_NONE
                if hasattr(obj, 'planets'):
                    for planetID in obj.planets:
                        planet = client.get(planetID, noUpdate=1)
                        owner = getattr(planet, 'owner', Const.OID_NONE)
                        if int(owner) != 0:
                            ownerID = owner
                color = res.getPlayerColor(ownerID)
                self._map.append((obj.oid, obj.x, obj.y, color))

        self._minX = minX
        self._minY = minY
        zoomFactor = 0.05  #percent
        self._shiftX = int(self._width * zoomFactor)
        self._shiftY = int(self._height * zoomFactor)
        if ((maxX - minX) == 0):
            self._scaleX = 1
            self._scaleX = float(self._width - 2 * self._shiftX) / float(maxX -
        if ((maxY - minY) == 0):
            self._scaleY = 1
            self._scaleY = float(self._height -
                                 2 * self._shiftX) / float(maxY - minY)

        self._repaintMap = True
 def precompute(self):
     system = client.get(self.systemID, noUpdate=1)
     self.unknown_mines = 0
     self.my_mines = 0
     if hasattr(system, 'hasmines'):
         if getattr(system, 'minefield', []):
             if len(system.minefield) > 0:
                 self.my_mines = 1
             if system.hasmines == 2:
                 self.unknown_mines = 1
         elif system.hasmines > 0:
             self.unknown_mines = 1
     self._starImg = None
     if hasattr(system, 'starClass'):
         self._starImg = res.getBigStarImg(system.starClass[1])
     self._planetImgs = []
     if hasattr(system, 'planets'):
         for planetID in system.planets:
             planet = client.get(planetID, noUpdate=1)
             if not planet:
             # image
             plType = getattr(planet, 'plType', 'X')
             img = res.getPlanetImg(plType, planet.oid + system.oid)
             #if plType != 'G':
             #    ratio = planet.plDiameter / 19000.0
             #    ratio = planet.plDiameter / 180000.0
             #img2 = pygame.transform.scale(img, (int(ratio * img.get_width()), int(ratio * img.get_height())))
             name = getattr(planet, 'name',
                            res.getUnknownName()).split(' ')[-1]
             #rel = Const.REL_UNDEF
             if hasattr(planet, 'owner'):
                 ownerID = planet.owner
                 ownerID = Const.OID_NONE
                 (planetID, img, name, res.getPlayerColor(ownerID)))
Exemple #4
    def precompute(self):
        galaxy_id = client.getPlayer().galaxy
        galaxy = client.get(galaxy_id, noUpdate = 1)
        minX, maxX = galaxy.x - galaxy.radius, galaxy.x + galaxy.radius
        minY, maxY = galaxy.y - galaxy.radius, galaxy.y + galaxy.radius
        for objID in client.db.keys():
            if objID < Const.OID_FREESTART:
            obj = client.get(objID, noUpdate = 1)
            if not (hasattr(obj, "type")):
            if obj.type in (Const.T_SYSTEM,Const.T_WORMHOLE):
                ownerID = Const.OID_NONE
                if hasattr(obj, 'planets'):
                    for planetID in obj.planets:
                        planet = client.get(planetID, noUpdate = 1)
                        owner = getattr(planet, 'owner', Const.OID_NONE)
                        if int(owner) != 0:
                            ownerID = owner
                color = res.getPlayerColor(ownerID)
                self._map.append((obj.oid, obj.x, obj.y, color))

        self._minX = minX
        self._minY = minY
        zoomFactor = 0.05 #percent
        self._shiftX = int(self._width * zoomFactor)
        self._shiftY = int(self._height * zoomFactor)
        if ((maxX - minX) == 0) :
            self._scaleX = 1
        else :
            self._scaleX = float(self._width - 2 * self._shiftX) / float(maxX - minX)
        if ((maxY - minY) == 0) :
            self._scaleY = 1
        else :
            self._scaleY = float(self._height - 2 * self._shiftX) / float(maxY - minY)

        self._repaintMap = True
Exemple #5
 def precompute(self):
     system = client.get(self.systemID, noUpdate=1)
     self.unknown_mines = 0
     self.my_mines = 0
     if hasattr(system, "hasmines"):
         if hasattr(system, "minefield"):
             if len(system.minefield) > 0:
                 self.my_mines = 1
             if system.hasmines == 2:
                 self.unknown_mines = 1
         elif system.hasmines > 0:
             self.unknown_mines = 1
     self._starImg = None
     if hasattr(system, "starClass"):
         self._starImg = res.getBigStarImg(system.starClass[1])
     self._planetImgs = []
     if hasattr(system, "planets"):
         for planetID in system.planets:
             planet = client.get(planetID, noUpdate=1)
             if not planet:
                 # image
             plType = getattr(planet, "plType", "X")
             img = res.getPlanetImg(plType, planet.oid + system.oid)
             # if plType != 'G':
             # 	ratio = planet.plDiameter / 19000.0
             # else:
             # 	ratio = planet.plDiameter / 180000.0
             # img2 = pygame.transform.scale(img, (int(ratio * img.get_width()), int(ratio * img.get_height())))
             name = getattr(planet, "name", res.getUnknownName()).split(" ")[-1]
             # rel = REL_UNDEF
             if hasattr(planet, "owner"):
                 ownerID = planet.owner
                 ownerID = OID_NONE
             self._planetImgs.append((planetID, img, name, res.getPlayerColor(ownerID)))
    def precompute(self):
        minX = minY = 1000000
        maxX = maxY = 0
        for objID in client.db.keys():
            if objID < OID_FREESTART:
            obj = client.get(objID, noUpdate=1)
            if not (hasattr(obj, "type") and hasattr(obj, "x")
                    and hasattr(obj, "y")):
            if obj.type in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
                ownerID = OID_NONE
                if hasattr(obj, 'planets'):
                    for planetID in obj.planets:
                        planet = client.get(planetID, noUpdate=1)
                        owner = getattr(planet, 'owner', OID_NONE)
                        if int(owner) != 0:
                            ownerID = owner
                color = res.getPlayerColor(ownerID)
                minX = min(minX, obj.x)
                minY = min(minY, obj.y)
                maxX = max(maxX, obj.x)
                maxY = max(maxY, obj.y)
                self._map.append((obj.oid, obj.x, obj.y, color))

        self._minX = minX
        self._minY = minY
        zoomFactor = 0.05  #percent
        self._shiftX = int(self._width * zoomFactor)
        self._shiftY = int(self._height * zoomFactor)
        self._scaleX = float(self._width - 2 * self._shiftX) / float(maxX -
        self._scaleY = float(self._height - 2 * self._shiftX) / float(maxY -
        self._repaintMap = True