def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = { 'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA, 'Referer': '' } html =, headers=headers).content if html: sources = helpers.scrape_sources(html) if sources: headers.update({'Referer': web_url}) return helpers.pick_source(sources) + helpers.append_headers( headers) raise ResolverError("Unable to locate video")
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.FF_USER_AGENT, 'Referer': 'https://{0}/player?v={1}'.format(host, media_id), 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'} html =, headers=headers).content sources = re.findall(r'video_source\s*name="(?P<label>[^"]+)[^>]+>(?P<url>[^<]+)', html) if sources: source = helpers.pick_source(helpers.sort_sources_list(sources)) source = 'https:' + source if source.startswith('//') else source headers.pop('X-Requested-With') headers.update({'Origin': 'https://{}'.format(host)}) return source.replace('&', '&') + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('Stream not found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA, 'Referer': web_url} html =, headers=headers).content r ='JuicyCodes\.Run\("([^)]+)"\)', html) if r: jc ='"+"', '') jc = base64.b64decode(jc.encode('ascii')) jc = jsunpack.unpack(jc.decode('ascii')) sources = helpers.scrape_sources(jc) return helpers.pick_source(sources) + helpers.append_headers( headers) raise ResolverError('Video cannot be located.')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): headers = { 'User-Agent': common.EDGE_USER_AGENT } query = urlparse.parse_qs(media_id) try: oid, video_id = query['oid'][0], query['id'][0] except: oid, video_id = re.findall('(.*)_(.*)', media_id)[0] sources = self.__get_sources(oid, video_id) sources.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[0]), reverse=True) source = helpers.pick_source(sources) return source + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('No video found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} html =, headers=headers).content if html: _srcs ='sources\s*:\s*\[(.+?)\]', html) if _srcs: srcs = helpers.scrape_sources(, patterns=['''["'](?P<url>http[^"']+)''']) if srcs: headers.update({'Referer': web_url}) return helpers.pick_source(srcs) + helpers.append_headers( headers) raise ResolverError('Unable to locate link')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = { 'Origin': '', 'Referer': '' + media_id, 'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA } html =, headers=headers).content try: r ='\s+?(eval\(function\(p,a,c,k,e,d\).+)\s+?', html) r = jsunpack.unpack( r ='vsrc?="([^"]+)', r.replace('\\', '')) return "https:" + except: raise ResolverError("Video not found")
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.FF_USER_AGENT} html =, headers=headers).content sources = helpers.get_dom(html, 'video_sources') if sources: sources = re.findall( 'name\s*=\s*[\'|"]([^\'"]+).+?streamable.+?>([^<]+)', sources[0]) if sources[-1][0].lower() == 'lq': sources = sources[::-1] source = helpers.pick_source(sources) if source.startswith('//'): source = 'http:' + source return source raise ResolverError('Stream not found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): url = self.get_url(host, media_id) cmn.debug('Icdrama: ' + url) if 'vidembed' in url or 'vb.icdrama' in url: headers = self.headers headers['Referer'] = '' response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) unwrapped_url = '' streams = self._extract_streams(response) cmn.debug("Icdrama: Extracted links... " + str(streams)) unwrapped_url = '' if xbmcaddon.Addon().getSetting('auto_select_source') == 'true': unwrapped_url = sourceutil.pick_source(streams) else: unwrapped_url = helpers.pick_source(streams, False) if ('' in unwrapped_url or '' in unwrapped_url or '' in unwrapped_url or '' in unwrapped_url): # for current Videobug source # Kodi can play directly, skip further resolve return unwrapped_url return resolveurl.resolve(unwrapped_url) else: try: html =, headers=self.headers).content iframe = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib').find(id='iframeplayer') if iframe: iframe_url = urljoin(self.get_url(host, ''), iframe['src']) return resolveurl.resolve(iframe_url) else: cmn.popup(loc.getLocalizedString(33305)) return '' except Exception as e: if 'No link selected' in str(e): return '' raise ResolverError('Icdrama resolver: ' + str(e) + ' : ' + self.get_url(host, media_id))
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): if '|' in media_id: media_id, referer = media_id.split('|') r = urllib_parse.urlparse(referer) referer = '{0}://{1}/'.format(r.scheme, r.netloc) else: referer = False web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) if not referer: referer = 'https://{0}/'.format(host) headers = {'User-Agent': common.FF_USER_AGENT, 'Referer': referer} html =, headers=headers).content params ='video:\s*([^;]+)', html) if params: params = server = re.findall(r'server:\s*"([^"]+)', params)[0][::-1] server = base64.b64decode(server.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii') ids ='cdn_id:\s*"([^"]+)', params) if ids: id1, id2 ='_') sources = json.loads(re.findall(r'cdn_files:\s*([^}]+})', params)[0]) sources = [(key[4:], 'https://{0}/videos/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(server, id1, id2, sources[key].replace('.', '.mp4?extra='))) for key in list(sources.keys())] else: vid = re.findall(r'id:\s*"([^"]+)', params)[0] ekeys = json.loads(re.findall(r'quality":\s*([^}]+})', params)[0]) data = { 'token': re.findall(r'access_token:\s*"([^"]+)', params)[0], 'videos': vid, 'ckey': re.findall(r'c_key:\s*"([^"]+)', params)[0], 'credentials': re.findall(r'credentials:\s*"([^"]+)', params)[0] } vurl = 'https://{0}/method/video.get/{1}?{2}'.format(server, vid, urllib_parse.urlencode(data)) headers.update({'Origin': referer[:-1]}) vhtml =, headers=headers).content sources = json.loads(vhtml).get('response').get('items')[0].get('files') sources = [(key[4:], sources[key] + '&videos={0}&extra_key={1}&videos={0}'.format(vid, ekeys[key[4:]])) for key in list(sources.keys())] source = helpers.pick_source(sorted(sources, reverse=True)) if 'extra_key' in source: source = source.replace('https://', 'https://{0}/'.format(server)) return source + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('No playable video found.')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA, 'Referer': web_url} html =, headers=headers).content r = re.findall(r'JuicyCodes.Run\(([^\)]+)', html, re.IGNORECASE) if r: Juice = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" e = re.sub(r'\"\s*\+\s*\"', '', r[-1]) e = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9+\\/=]', '', e) t = "" n = r = i = s = o = u = a = f = 0 while f < len(e): try: s = Juice.index(e[f]) f += 1 o = Juice.index(e[f]) f += 1 u = Juice.index(e[f]) f += 1 a = Juice.index(e[f]) f += 1 n = s << 2 | o >> 4 r = (15 & o) << 4 | u >> 2 i = (3 & u) << 6 | a t += chr(n) if 64 != u: t += chr(r) if 64 != a: t += chr(i) except: continue pass try: t = jsunpack.unpack(t) t = unicode(t, 'utf-8') except: t = None sources = helpers.scrape_sources(t) headers.update({'Range': 'bytes=0-'}) return helpers.pick_source(sources) + helpers.append_headers( headers) raise ResolverError('Video cannot be located.')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): html = "" + media_id + "&__async=true&__source=waBrowse").content if not'This video is not available on mobile', html): r = re.compile("watchNow\('(.+?)'").findall(html) if (len(r) > 0): return r[0] url = '' + media_id + '/details' html = file_id = re.compile('fullPreviewHashPath="(.+?)"').findall(html) if len(file_id) == 0: raise ResolverError('File Not Found or removed') return file_id[0]
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} html =, headers=headers).content params = "".join([x.replace("' + '", "") for x in self.between(html, "params += '", "';")]) vkey = params.split('=')[-1] m = hashlib.md5() m.update((vkey + 'PT6l13umqV8K827').encode('utf-8')) params += '&pkey={0}'.format(m.hexdigest()) params = urllib_parse.unquote(params) url = 'https://www.{0}/player_config/?{1}'.format(host, params) sources_html =, headers=headers).content if sources_html: sources = helpers.scrape_sources(sources_html, patterns=[r"""video_file>\<\!\[CDATA\[(?P<url>[^\]]+)"""]) if sources: return helpers.pick_source(sources) + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('File not found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA, 'Referer': web_url} html =, headers=headers).content r ="script'>(eval.*?)</script", html, re.DOTALL) if r: html = jsunpack.unpack( sources = helpers.scrape_sources( html, patterns=[r'''file:\s*"(?P<url>[^"]+)'''], generic_patterns=False) if sources: return helpers.pick_source(sources) + helpers.append_headers( headers) raise ResolverError('Video cannot be located.')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} html =, headers=headers).content match = r'''vvplay[^']+'([^']+).+\n\s*function\s*makePlay.+?return[^?]+([^"]+)''', html) if match: token = url = '' + headers.update({'Referer': web_url}) html =, headers=headers).content return self.dood_decode(html) + token + str(int( time.time() * 1000)) + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('Video Link Not Found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): if not media_id.isdigit(): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} html =, headers=headers).content video_ids = re.findall(r"""<iframe.+?src=["'].*?\?v=(\d+)["'&]""", html, re.I) if video_ids: video_id = video_ids[-1] return helpers.get_media_url( '' % video_id).replace( ' ', '%20') raise ResolverError('File not found') else: return helpers.get_media_url(self.get_url(host, media_id)).replace( ' ', '%20')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA, 'Referer': web_url} html =, headers=headers).content r ="[>;]var\s*hxstring\s*=\s*'([^']+)", html) if r: b = "\x6b\x36\x73\x79\x7a\x6a\x61\x6a\x34\x6a\x7a\x61\x37\x32\x66\x31\x31\x33\x33\x30\x68\x6c\x76\x6e\x66\x6c\x6e\x62\x33\x68\x37\x79\x74\x68\x7a\x7a\x71\x66\x39\x6d\x37\x30\x6c\x79\x39\x7a\x7a\x76\x63\x33" html = base64.b64decode('ascii')) html = self.hx_decrypt(b, html.decode('latin-1')) sources = helpers.scrape_sources(html) if sources: return helpers.pick_source(sources) + helpers.append_headers( headers) raise ResolverError('Video cannot be located.')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) html = headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA, 'Referer': web_url} tries = 0 while tries < MAX_TRIES: data = helpers.get_hidden(html, index=0) data.update(captcha_lib.do_captcha(html)) html =, headers=headers, form_data=data).content match ='href="([^"]+)[^>]*>Click here to download<', html, re.DOTALL | re.I) if match: return + helpers.append_headers(headers) tries += 1 raise ResolverError('Unable to resolve link. Filelink not found.')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.CHROME_USER_AGENT} html =, headers=headers).content if '<b>File not found, sorry!</b>' not in html: html += helpers.get_packed_data(html) sources = helpers.scrape_sources(html) if sources: headers.update({'Referer': web_url}) vurl = helpers.pick_source(sources) vurl = re.sub('get[0-9a-zA-Z]{4,5}-', 'getlink-', vurl) return helpers.get_redirect_url(vurl, headers) + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('Video not found or removed')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = { 'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA, 'Referer': 'https://www.{0}/'.format(host) } html =, headers=headers).content sources = [] qvars ='qualityItems_[^\[]+([^;]+)', html) if qvars: sources = json.loads( sources = [(src.get('text'), src.get('url')) for src in sources if src.get('url')] if not sources: fvars ='flashvars_\d+\s*=\s*(.+?);\s', html) if fvars: sources = json.loads('mediaDefinitions') sources = [(src.get('quality'), src.get('videoUrl')) for src in sources if type(src.get('quality')) is not list and src.get('videoUrl')] if not sources: sections = re.findall(r'(var\sra[a-z0-9]+=.+?);flash', html) for section in sections: pvars = re.findall(r'var\s(ra[a-z0-9]+)=([^;]+)', section) link = re.findall(r'var\smedia_\d+=([^;]+)', section)[0] link = re.sub(r"/\*.+?\*/", '', link) for key, value in pvars: link = re.sub(key, value, link) link = link.replace('"', '').split('+') link = [i.strip() for i in link] link = ''.join(link) if 'urlset' not in link: r = re.findall(r'(\d+p)', link, re.I) if r: sources.append((r[0], link)) if sources: headers.update({'Origin': 'https://www.{0}'.format(host)}) return helpers.pick_source(helpers.sort_sources_list( sources)) + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('File not found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.FF_USER_AGENT} r =, headers=headers) cookie = '' for item in r.get_headers(as_dict=True)['Set-Cookie'].split('GMT,'): cookie += item.split('path')[0] headers.update({'Cookie': cookie + 'sugamun=1; invn=1; pfm=1'}) html =, headers=headers).content html += helpers.get_packed_data(html) source ='''file:\s*["'](?P<url>http[^"']+)["']''', html) headers.pop('Cookie') if source: return + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('Video not found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} html =, headers=headers).content r ='v-bind:stream="([^"]+)', html) if r: data = json.loads('"', '"')) murl = self.decode(data.get('host')) + data.get('hash') + '/index.m3u8' html =, headers=headers).content sources = re.findall(r'RESOLUTION=\d+x(?P<label>[\d]+).*\n(?!#)(?P<url>[^\n]+)', html, re.IGNORECASE) if sources: stream_url = urllib_parse.urljoin(murl, helpers.pick_source(helpers.sort_sources_list(sources))) headers.update({'Referer': web_url, 'Origin': 'https://{0}'.format(host)}) return stream_url + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('File not found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): if '|' in media_id: media_id, referer = media_id.split('|') else: referer = None web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) referer = web_url if referer is None else referer headers = {'User-Agent': common.FF_USER_AGENT, 'Referer': referer} response =, headers=headers).content srcs = helpers.scrape_sources( response, patterns=[r'''file:\s*"(?P<url>[^"]+)''']) if srcs: headers.update({'Referer': web_url}) return helpers.pick_source(sorted( srcs, reverse=True)) + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('No playable video found.')
def _filter_m3u8(_json): for media in _json['MediaFiles']: if media['RoleName'] == 'main': if len(media['Formats']) == 1: return media['Formats'][0]['Url'] else: for result in media['Formats']: if '.m3u8' in result['Url']: return result['Url'] raise ResolverError('Failed to resolve video content')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = { 'Origin': 'https://{}'.format(host), 'Referer': 'https://{}/'.format(host), 'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA } html =, headers=headers).content if '(p,a,c,k,e,d)' in html: html = helpers.get_packed_data(html) r ='vsr[^=]+=\s*"([^"]+)', html) if r: headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} return "https:" + + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError("Video not found")
def __check_auth(self, media_id): common.logger.log('Checking Auth: %s' % (media_id)) url = '' % (media_id) try: js_result = json.loads(, headers=self.headers).content) except ValueError: raise ResolverError('Unusable Authorization Response') except urllib2.HTTPError as e: if e.code == 401: js_result = json.loads(str( else: raise common.logger.log('Auth Result: %s' % (js_result)) if js_result.get('status'): return js_result.get('response', {}) else: return {}
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} html =, headers=headers).content alt_url ='<link\s*href="([^"]+)', html) if alt_url: headers.update({'Referer': web_url}) html =, headers=headers).content url = re.findall(r"video_url:\s*'([^']+)", html) if url: url = url[0] if url.startswith('function/'): lcode = re.findall(r"license_code:\s*'([^']+)", html)[0] url = helpers.fun_decode(url, lcode) return url + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('File not found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} html =, headers=headers).content match ='''<video-player.+?scws_id[^\d]+(\d+)''', html, re.DOTALL) if match: scws_id = headers.update({'Referer': ''}) html ='' + scws_id, headers=headers).content a = json.loads(html).get('client_ip') url = '{0}?{1}'.format( scws_id, self.get_token(a)) return url + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('Video Link Not Found')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = { 'Referer': web_url, 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36' } player_headers = { 'Cookie': 'PHPSESSID=1', 'Referer': web_url, 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36' } player_headers.update(headers) html =, headers=headers).content try: html = html.encode('utf-8') except: pass match = re.findall('data-quality="(.*?)" href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a>', html, re.DOTALL) if match: mylinks = sorted(match, key=lambda x: x[2]) html =[-1][1], headers=headers).content from HTMLParser import HTMLParser match ='''['"]file['"]:\s*['"](.+?)['"]''', HTMLParser().unescape(html)) if match: mylink ="\\", "") return self.__check_vid(mylink) + helpers.append_headers( player_headers) html = jsunpack.unpack("eval(.*?)\{\}\)\)", html, re.DOTALL).group(1)) match ='src="(.*?\.mp4)"', html) if match: return self.__check_vid( + helpers.append_headers(player_headers) raise ResolverError('Video Link Not Found')
def authorize_resolver(self): url = '' js_data = json.loads(, headers=self.headers).content) if js_data.get('message') == 'Success': js_data = js_data.get('data') heading = i18n('uptobox_auth_header') line1 = i18n('auth_required') line2 = i18n('upto_link').format(js_data.get('base_url')) line3 = i18n('upto_pair').format(js_data.get('pin')) with common.kodi.CountdownDialog(heading, line1, line2, line3, True, js_data.get('expired_in'), 10) as cd: js_result = cd.start(self.__check_auth, [js_data.get('check_url')]) # cancelled if js_result is None: return return self.__get_token(js_result) raise ResolverError('Error during authorisation.')
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.FF_USER_AGENT, 'Referer': web_url} response =, headers=headers) html = response.content sources = [] for r in re.finditer(r'''href=["']?(?P<url>[^"']+)["']?>DOWNLOAD\s*<span>(?P<label>[^<]+)''', html, re.DOTALL): match = r.groupdict() stream_url = match['url'].replace('&', '&') label = match.get('label', '0') sources.append([label, stream_url]) if len(sources) > 1: sources.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.sub(r"\D", "", x[0])), reverse=True) return helpers.pick_source(sources) + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError('File not found')