Exemple #1
def test_merge_term() -> None:
    next_foo = Query.by(
    query = Query.by(
        MergeTerm(Query.mk_term("bla"), [MergeQuery("foo123", next_foo)],
    assert_round_trip(term_parser, query)
Exemple #2
def test_combine() -> None:
    query1 = Query.by(P("test") == True).traverse_out().combine(Query.by("foo")).combine(Query.by("bla"))
    assert str(query1) == 'test == true -default-> (is("foo") and is("bla"))'
    query2 = (
        Query.by(P("test") == True)
    assert str(query2) == 'test == true -default-> is("foo") -default-> is("bla") -default->'
    query3 = (
        Query.by(P("test") == True)
    assert str(query3) == 'test == true -default-> is("boo") -default-> ((is("bar") and is("foo")) and is("bla"))'
    query4 = Query.by("a").with_limit(10).combine(Query.by("b").with_limit(2))
    assert query4.current_part.limit == Limit(0, 2)  # minimum is taken
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        # can not combine 2 aggregations
        parse_query("aggregate(sum(1)): is(a)").combine(parse_query("aggregate(sum(1)): is(a)"))
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        # can not combine 2 with statements
        parse_query("is(foo) with(empty, -default->)").combine(parse_query("is(bla) with(empty, -default->)"))
Exemple #3
def test_merge_query_creation() -> None:
    inbound = Navigation(1, Navigation.Max, direction=Direction.inbound)
    for_foo = Query(
         Part(AllTerm(), navigation=inbound)])
    merge_foo = [MergeQuery("ancestors.foo", for_foo)]

    # merge_foo is created automatically
    assert Part(AllTerm()).merge_queries_for(["ancestors.foo.reported.bla"
                                              ]) == merge_foo
    # merge_foo is already included and not added
    assert Part(MergeTerm(AllTerm(), merge_foo)).merge_queries_for(
        ["ancestors.foo.reported.bla"]) == merge_foo
    # neither ancestors/descendants
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
    # no path is given
    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    # rewrite for ancestors/descendants also work with additional properties
    assert (str(
            "ancestors.kind.reported.prop", "test", "a"
        ])) == 'is("test") {ancestors.kind: all <-default[1:]- is("kind")}')
    assert (
                "ancestors.cloud", NavigateUntilRoot,
                    ["ancestors.kind.reported.prop", "test", "a"])) ==
        'is("test") {ancestors.kind: all <-default[1:]- is("kind"), ancestors.cloud: all <-default[1:]- is("cloud")}'
Exemple #4
def test_sort_order_for_synthetic_prop(foo_model: Model,
                                       graph_db: GraphDB) -> None:
    def check_sort_in_query(q: Query, expected_sort: str) -> None:
        query_str, _ = to_query(graph_db, QueryModel(q, foo_model))
        assert f"SORT {expected_sort}" in query_str, f"Expected {expected_sort} in {query_str}"

        Query.by("foo").add_sort("reported.age"), "m0.reported.ctime desc")
        Query.by("foo").add_sort("some.age"), "m0.some.age asc")
        Query.by("foo").add_sort("reported.ctime"), "m0.reported.ctime asc")
        "m0.metadata.expired asc")
async def test_jq_command(cli: CLI) -> None:
    ctx = CLIContext(env={"section": "reported"}, query=Query.by("test"))
    # .test -> .reported.test
    assert JqCommand.rewrite_props(".a,.b", ctx) == ".reported.a,.reported.b"
    # absolute paths are rewritten correctly
    assert JqCommand.rewrite_props("./reported", ctx) == ".reported"
    # object construction is supported
    assert JqCommand.rewrite_props("{a:.a, b:.b}",
                                   ctx) == "{a:.reported.a, b:.reported.b}"
    # no replacement after pipe
    assert JqCommand.rewrite_props(
        "map(.color) | {a:.a, b:.b}",
        ctx) == "map(.reported.color) | {a:.a, b:.b}"

    result = await cli.execute_cli_command('json {"a":{"b":1}} | jq ".a.b"',
    assert len(result[0]) == 1
    assert result[0][0] == 1

    # allow absolute paths as json path
    result = await cli.execute_cli_command(
        'json {"id":"123", "reported":{"b":1}} | jq "./reported"', stream.list)
    assert result == [[{"b": 1}]]

    # jq .kind is rewritten as .reported.kind
    result = await cli.execute_cli_command("search is(foo) limit 2 | jq .kind",
    assert result[0] == ["foo", "foo"]
Exemple #6
def test_query() -> None:
    query = (Query.by(
        P("cpu") > 4, (P("mem") < 23) | (P("mem") < 59)).merge_with(
            "cloud", Navigation(1, Navigation.Max,
                P("some.int.value") < 1,
                P("some.other") == 23).traverse_out().filter(
                    P("active") == 12,
                        "ip", "")).filter_with(
                                "==", 0), Navigation())).group_by([
                                ], [AggregateFunction("sum", "cpu")]).add_sort(
                                    Sort("test", "asc")).with_limit(10))
    assert str(query) == (
        'aggregate(foo: sum(cpu)):((is("ec2") and cpu > 4) and (mem < 23 or mem < 59)) '
        '{cloud: all <-default[1:]- is("cloud")} -default-> '
        "(some.int.value < 1 and some.other == 23) -default-> "
        '(active == 12 and in_subnet(ip, "")) '
        "with(empty, -default->) sort test asc limit 10")
    assert_round_trip(query_parser, query)
async def load_graph(db: GraphDB,
                     model: Model,
                     base_id: str = "sub_root") -> MultiDiGraph:
    blas = Query.by("foo",
                    P("identifier") == base_id).traverse_out(
                        0, Navigation.Max)
    return await db.search_graph(QueryModel(blas.on_section("reported"),
async def test_query_not(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                         foo_model: Model) -> None:
    # select everything that is not foo --> should be blas
    blas = Query.by(Query.mk_term("foo").not_term())
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(
            QueryModel(blas.on_section("reported"), foo_model)) as gen:
        result = [from_js(x["reported"], Bla) async for x in gen]
        assert len(result) == 102
Exemple #9
def test_simplify() -> None:
    # some_criteria | all => all
    assert str((IsTerm(["test"]) | AllTerm())) == "all"
    # some_criteria & all => some_criteria
    assert str((IsTerm(["test"]) & AllTerm())) == 'is("test")'
    # also works in nested setup
    q = Query.by(AllTerm() & ((P("test") == True) & (IsTerm(["test"]) | AllTerm())))
    assert (str(q)) == "test == true"
def test_ip_range() -> None:
    bind_vars: Json = {}
    model = QueryModel(
        Query.by(IsTerm(["foo"])).on_section("reported"), Model.empty())
    result = in_subnet(
        "crs", bind_vars,
        FunctionTerm("in_subnet", "foo.bla", [""]), model)
    assert result == "BIT_AND(IPV4_TO_NUMBER(crs.foo.bla), 4294967040) == @0"
    assert bind_vars["0"] == 3232235776
Exemple #11
def test_sort_order() -> None:
    assert sort_parser.parse("sort foo") == [Sort("foo", "asc")]
    assert sort_parser.parse("sort foo asc") == [Sort("foo", "asc")]
    parsed = sort_parser.parse("sort foo asc, bla desc, bar")
    assert parsed == [
        Sort("foo", "asc"),
        Sort("bla", "desc"),
        Sort("bar", "asc")
def test_has_key() -> None:
    bind_vars: Json = {}
    model = QueryModel(Query.by("foo"), Model.empty())
    result = has_key("crs", bind_vars,
                     FunctionTerm("has_key", "foo.bla", [["a", "b", "c"]]),
    assert result == "@fn0 ALL IN ATTRIBUTES(crs.foo.bla, true)"
    assert bind_vars["fn0"] == ["a", "b", "c"]
    bind_vars2: Json = {}
    result = has_key("crs", bind_vars2,
                     FunctionTerm("has_key", "foo.bla", ["a"]), model)
    assert result == "HAS(crs.foo.bla, @fn0)"
    assert bind_vars2["fn0"] == "a"
Exemple #13
def test_simple_query() -> None:
    a = (Query.by("ec2",
                  P("cpu") > 4,
                  (P("mem") < 23) | (P("mem") < 59)).traverse_out().filter(
                      P("some.int.value") < 1,
                      P("some.other") == 23).traverse_out().filter(
                          P("active") == 12,
                          P.function("in_subnet").on("ip", "")))

    assert (str(a) ==
            '((is("ec2") and cpu > 4) and (mem < 23 or mem < 59)) -default-> '
            "(some.int.value < 1 and some.other == 23) -default-> "
            '(active == 12 and in_subnet(ip, ""))')
async def test_query_graph(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                           foo_model: Model) -> None:
    graph = await load_graph(filled_graph_db, foo_model)
    assert len(graph.edges) == 110
    assert len(graph.nodes.values()) == 111

    # filter data and tag result, and then traverse to the end of the graph in both directions
    around_me = Query.by(
        P("identifier") == "9").tag("red").traverse_inout(start=0)
    graph = await filled_graph_db.search_graph(
        QueryModel(around_me.on_section("reported"), foo_model))
    assert len({x for x in graph.nodes}) == 12
    assert GraphAccess.root_id(graph) == "sub_root"
    assert list(graph.successors("sub_root"))[0] == "9"
    assert set(graph.successors("9")) == {f"9_{x}" for x in range(0, 10)}
    for from_node, to_node, data in graph.edges.data(True):
        assert from_node == "9" or to_node == "9"
        assert data == {"edge_type": "default"}

    for node_id, node in graph.nodes.data(True):
        if node_id == "9":
            assert node["metadata"]["query_tag"] == "red"
            assert "tag" not in node["metadata"]

    async def assert_result(query: str, nodes: int, edges: int) -> None:
        q = parse_query(query)
        graph = await filled_graph_db.search_graph(QueryModel(q, foo_model))
        assert len(graph.nodes) == nodes
        assert len(graph.edges) == edges

    await assert_result(
        "is(foo) and reported.identifier==9 <-delete[0:]default->", 11, 20)
    await assert_result(
        "is(foo) and reported.identifier==9 <-default[0:]delete->", 4, 3)
    await assert_result("is(foo) and reported.identifier==9 <-default[0:]->",
                        14, 13)
    await assert_result("is(foo) and reported.identifier==9 <-delete[0:]->",
                        11, 10)
    await assert_result("is(foo) and reported.identifier==9 -default[0:]->",
                        11, 10)
    await assert_result("is(foo) and reported.identifier==9 <-delete[0:]-", 11,
    await assert_result("is(foo) and reported.identifier==9 <-default[0:]-", 4,
    await assert_result("is(foo) and reported.identifier==9 -delete[0:]->", 1,
async def test_query_list(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                          foo_model: Model) -> None:
    blas = Query.by("foo",
                    P("identifier") == "9").traverse_out().filter(
                        P("f") == 23)
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(
            QueryModel(blas.on_section("reported"), foo_model)) as gen:
        result = [from_js(x["reported"], Bla) async for x in gen]
        assert len(result) == 10

    foos_or_blas = parse_query("is([foo, bla])")
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(
            QueryModel(foos_or_blas.on_section("reported"), foo_model)) as gen:
        result = [x async for x in gen]
        assert len(result) == 111  # 113 minus 1 graph_root, minus one cloud
Exemple #16
def test_query() -> None:
    query = (Query.by(
        P("cpu") > 4, (P("mem") < 23) | (P("mem") < 59),
            "merge_with_ancestors": "cloud"
            P("some.int.value") < 1,
            P("some.other") == 23).traverse_out().filter(
                P("active") == 12,
                P.function("in_subnet").on("ip", "")).filter_with(
                        "==", 0), Navigation())).group_by(
                            [AggregateFunction("sum", "cpu")]).add_sort(
                                "test", "asc").with_limit(10))
    assert (
        str(query) == 'aggregate(foo: sum(cpu))(merge_with_ancestors="cloud"):'
        + '((is("ec2") and cpu > 4) and (mem < 23 or mem < 59)) -default-> ' +
        "(some.int.value < 1 and some.other == 23) -default-> " +
        '(active == 12 and in_subnet(ip, "")) ' +
        "with(empty, -default->) sort test asc limit 10")
    assert_round_trip(query_parser, query)
Exemple #17
    async def create_query(
        self, commands: List[ExecutableCommand], ctx: CLIContext
    ) -> Tuple[Query, Dict[str, Any], List[ExecutableCommand]]:
        Takes a list of query part commands and combine them to a single executable query command.
        This process can also introduce new commands that should run after the query is finished.
        Therefore, a list of executable commands is returned.
        :param commands: the incoming executable commands, which actions are all instances of SearchCLIPart.
        :param ctx: the context to execute within.
        :return: the resulting list of commands to execute.

        # Pass parsed options to execute query
        # Multiple query commands are possible - so the dict is combined with every parsed query.
        parsed_options: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        async def parse_query(query_arg: str) -> Query:
            nonlocal parsed_options
            parsed, query_part = ExecuteSearchCommand.parse_known(query_arg)
            parsed_options = {**parsed_options, **parsed}
            # section expansion is disabled here: it will happen on the final query after all parts have been combined
            return await self.dependencies.template_expander.parse_query(
                "".join(query_part), None, omit_section_expansion=True, **ctx.env

        query: Query = Query.by(AllTerm())
        additional_commands: List[ExecutableCommand] = []
        # We need to remember the first head/tail, since tail will reverse the sort order
        first_head_tail_in_a_row: Optional[CLICommand] = None
        head_tail_keep_order = True
        for command in commands:
            part = command.command
            arg = command.arg if command.arg else ""
            if isinstance(part, SearchPart):
                query = query.combine(await parse_query(arg))
            elif isinstance(part, PredecessorsPart):
                origin, edge = PredecessorsPart.parse_args(arg, ctx)
                query = query.traverse_in(origin, 1, edge)
            elif isinstance(part, SuccessorsPart):
                origin, edge = PredecessorsPart.parse_args(arg, ctx)
                query = query.traverse_out(origin, 1, edge)
            elif isinstance(part, AncestorsPart):
                origin, edge = PredecessorsPart.parse_args(arg, ctx)
                query = query.traverse_in(origin, Navigation.Max, edge)
            elif isinstance(part, DescendantsPart):
                origin, edge = PredecessorsPart.parse_args(arg, ctx)
                query = query.traverse_out(origin, Navigation.Max, edge)
            elif isinstance(part, AggregatePart):
                group_vars, group_function_vars = aggregate_parameter_parser.parse(arg)
                query = replace(query, aggregate=Aggregate(group_vars, group_function_vars))
            elif isinstance(part, CountCommand):
                # count command followed by a query: make it an aggregation
                # since the output of aggregation is not exactly the same as count
                # we also add the aggregate_to_count command after the query
                assert query.aggregate is None, "Can not combine aggregate and count!"
                group_by = [AggregateVariable(AggregateVariableName(arg), "name")] if arg else []
                aggregate = Aggregate(group_by, [AggregateFunction("sum", 1, [], "count")])
                # If the query should be explained, we want the output as is
                if "explain" not in parsed_options:
                    additional_commands.append(self.command("aggregate_to_count", None, ctx))
                query = replace(query, aggregate=aggregate)
                query = query.add_sort(f"{PathRoot}count")
            elif isinstance(part, HeadCommand):
                size = HeadCommand.parse_size(arg)
                limit = query.parts[0].limit or Limit(0, size)
                if first_head_tail_in_a_row and head_tail_keep_order:
                    query = query.with_limit(Limit(limit.offset, min(limit.length, size)))
                elif first_head_tail_in_a_row and not head_tail_keep_order:
                    length = min(limit.length, size)
                    query = query.with_limit(Limit(limit.offset + limit.length - length, length))
                    query = query.with_limit(size)
            elif isinstance(part, TailCommand):
                size = HeadCommand.parse_size(arg)
                limit = query.parts[0].limit or Limit(0, size)
                if first_head_tail_in_a_row and head_tail_keep_order:
                    query = query.with_limit(Limit(limit.offset + max(0, limit.length - size), min(limit.length, size)))
                elif first_head_tail_in_a_row and not head_tail_keep_order:
                    query = query.with_limit(Limit(limit.offset, min(limit.length, size)))
                    head_tail_keep_order = False
                    query = query.with_limit(size)
                    p = query.current_part
                    # the limit might have created a new part - make sure there is a sort order
                    p = p if p.sort else replace(p, sort=DefaultSort)
                    # reverse the sort order -> limit -> reverse the result
                    query.parts[0] = replace(p, sort=[s.reversed() for s in p.sort], reverse_result=True)
                raise AttributeError(f"Do not understand: {part} of type: {class_fqn(part)}")

            # Remember the first head tail in a row of head tails
            if isinstance(part, (HeadCommand, TailCommand)):
                if not first_head_tail_in_a_row:
                    first_head_tail_in_a_row = part
                first_head_tail_in_a_row = None
                head_tail_keep_order = True

            # Define default sort order, if not already defined
            # A sort order is required to always return the result in a deterministic way to the user.
            # Deterministic order is required for head/tail to work
            parts = [pt if pt.sort else replace(pt, sort=DefaultSort) for pt in query.parts]
            query = replace(query, parts=parts)

        # If the last part is a navigation, we need to add sort which will ingest a new part.
        with_sort = query.set_sort(DefaultSort) if query.current_part.navigation else query
        # When all parts are combined, interpret the result on defined section.
        final_query = with_sort.on_section(ctx.env.get("section", PathRoot))
        options = ExecuteSearchCommand.argument_string(parsed_options)
        query_string = str(final_query)
        execute_search = self.command("execute_search", options + query_string, ctx)
        return final_query, parsed_options, [execute_search, *additional_commands]
Exemple #18
def test_marshal_query() -> None:
    q = Query.by("ec2", P("foo") > 23, P("test") >= "bummer", P("das") < "set")
    again = parse_query(str(q))
    assert str(q) == str(again)
Exemple #19
def test_limit() -> None:
    assert limit_parser.parse("limit 23") == Limit(0, 23)
    assert limit_parser.parse("limit 3, 23") == Limit(3, 23)
    assert_round_trip(query_parser, Query.by("test").with_limit(23))
Exemple #20
def simple_reference() -> None:
    # only kind

    # equality
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P("simple") == "hallo"))
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P("simple") != "hallo"))

    # regex
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & P("simple").matches("^some.regex[a-d]+$"))
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & P("simple").not_matches("^some.regex[a-d]+$"))

    # comparator
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P("num") > 23))
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P("num") >= 23))
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P("num") == 23))
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P("num") <= 23))
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P("num") < 23))

    # in set
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & P("num").is_in([1, 2, 5]))
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & P("num").is_not_in([1, 2, 5]))

    # array: all above operators are available
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P.array("some.array").for_all() > 12.23))
        P.of_kind("ec2") & (P.array("some.array").for_any().is_in([1, 2, 3])))
    Query.by(P.of_kind("ec2") & (P.array("some.array").for_none() == 5))

    # call a function
    Query.by(P.function("in_subnet").on("ip", ""))

    # refine with multiple predicates (all predicates have to match)
        P.of_kind("ec2") & P("a").ge(1),
        P("b") == 2,