def test_compress_territory():
    example_territory = Territory(12,
                                  representations=[MapistoShape(test_path, 0)],
                                  bounding_box=BoundingBox(0, 0, 100, 100),
    compressed = compress_territory(example_territory)
    assert isinstance(compressed, Territory)
    # 0 is raw precision
    assert compressed.representations[0].precision_in_km == 0
    for i, rep in enumerate(compressed.representations):
        assert isinstance(rep, MapistoShape)
        if i > 0:
            previous = compressed.representations[i - 1]
            # Assumes precision_levels is sorted asc
            # representations are sorted by precision asc
            assert rep.precision_in_km > previous.precision_in_km
            # Precision asc means size desc (as more precise = bigger definition)
            assert previous.precision_in_km == 0 or len(rep.d_path) <= len(
    compressed.representations = [compressed.representations[0]]
    assert compressed.equals(example_territory)
 def get_within_bbox_at_time(cursor, bbox, date, precision_level):
     assert isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox)
     assert isinstance(date, datetime)
         SELECT territories.territory_id, state_id, min_x, min_y, max_x-min_x, max_y-min_y, validity_start, validity_end, color, name, d_path
             territories INNER JOIN territories_shapes 
             ON territories.territory_id=territories_shapes.territory_id
             territories.validity_start <= %s AND territories.validity_end > %s
             AND precision_in_km=%s
             AND NOT(
                 %s < territories.min_x
                 OR territories.max_x < %s
                 OR %s < territories.min_y
                 OR territories.max_y < %s
     ''', (date, date, precision_level, bbox.max_x, bbox.x, bbox.max_y,
     return [
                   [MapistoShape(d_path, precision_level)], state_id,
                   BoundingBox(x, y, width, height), validity_start,
                   validity_end, color, name)
         for (territory_id, state_id, x, y, width, height, validity_start,
              validity_end, color, name, d_path) in cursor.fetchall()
def test_get_bbox_only_1_retrieved():
    with get_db_with_state_and_territories_cursor(france_1912_2018, algeria,
                                                  corsica) as cursor:
        bbox = BoundingBox(-20, 17, 16, 4)  # algeria goes till y=16
        date = year_to_date(1918)
        res = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_at_time(cursor, bbox, date, 0)
        assert any(t.equals(corsica) for t in res)
        assert not any(t.equals(algeria) for t in res)
Exemple #4
def extract_map_request():
    precision = float(request.args.get('precision_in_km'))
    bbmin_x = int(float(request.args.get('min_x')))
    bbmax_x = int(float(request.args.get('max_x')))
    bbmin_y = int(float(request.args.get('min_y')))
    bbmax_y = int(float(request.args.get('max_y')))
    bbox = BoundingBox(bbmin_x, bbmin_y, bbmax_x - bbmin_x, bbmax_y - bbmin_y)
    return (precision, bbox)
def test_get_bbox_at_date_limit():
    with get_db_with_state_and_territories_cursor(france_1912_2018, algeria,
                                                  corsica) as cursor:
        bbox = BoundingBox(-20, -2, 16, 14)
        date = year_to_date(1919)
        res = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_at_time(cursor, bbox, date, 0)
        assert not any(t.equals(corsica) or t.equals(algeria) for t in res)
        date = year_to_date(1918)
        res = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_at_time(cursor, bbox, date, 0)
        assert any(t.equals(corsica) for t in res)
        assert any(t.equals(algeria) for t in res)
def test_get_bbox_in_period_nominal():
    with get_db_with_state_and_territories_cursor(france_1912_2018, algeria,
                                                  corsica) as cursor:
        bbox = BoundingBox(-20, -2, 16, 14)
        res = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_in_period(cursor, bbox,
                                                      year_to_date(1920), 0)
        assert isinstance(res, list)
        assert len(res) >= 2
        assert any(t.equals(corsica) for t in res)
        assert any(t.equals(algeria) for t in res)
def test_get_bbox_at_nominal():
    with get_db_with_state_and_territories_cursor(france_1912_2018, algeria,
                                                  corsica) as cursor:
        bbox = BoundingBox(-20, -2, 16, 14)
        print('alegeria bbox : ', algeria.bounding_box)
        print('corsica bbox : ', corsica.bounding_box)
        date = year_to_date(1918)
        res = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_at_time(cursor, bbox, date, 0)
        assert isinstance(res, list)
        assert len(res) >= 2
        assert any(t.equals(corsica) for t in res)
        assert any(t.equals(algeria) for t in res)
 def get_by_state(cursor, state_id):
     assert isinstance(state_id, int)
         SELECT territory_id, min_x, min_y, max_x-min_x, max_y-min_y, validity_start, validity_end, color, name
         FROM territories
         WHERE state_id=%s
     ''', (state_id, ))
     res = []
     for row in cursor.fetchall():
         (territory_id, x, y, width, height, validity_start, validity_end,
          color, name) = row
             Territory(territory_id, [], state_id,
                       BoundingBox(x, y, width, height), validity_start,
                       validity_end, color, name))
     return res
Exemple #9
 def get_land(cursor, land_id):
     assert isinstance(land_id, int)
             SELECT min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, d_path, precision_in_km
     FROM lands NATURAL JOIN lands_shapes 
     ''', (land_id, ))
     rows = cursor.fetchall()
     if not len(rows):
         raise NotFound(f"Cannot find land no {land_id}")
     (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, _, _) = rows[0]
     res = Land(land_id, [],
                BoundingBox(minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny))
     for row in rows:
         (_, _, _, _, d_path, precision) = row
         res.representations.append(MapistoShape(d_path, precision))
     return res
Exemple #10
 def get_bbox(cursor, id, date):
     assert isinstance(id, int)
     assert isinstance(date, datetime)
         SELECT MIN(min_x), MIN(min_y), MAX(max_x) , MAX(max_y) 
         FROM territories
             state_id=%s AND
             validity_start <= %s AND
             validity_end > %s
     ''', (id, date, date))
     row = cursor.fetchone()
     if row[0] is None:
         raise NotFound(
             f'No map for state {id} at {date.isoformat()} : no territories found at date or non existent state'
     min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = row
     return BoundingBox(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
def test_compress_land():
    example_land = Land(12, [MapistoShape(test_path, 0)],
                        BoundingBox(0, 0, 100, 100))
    compressed = compress_land(example_land)
    assert isinstance(compressed, Land)
    assert isinstance(compressed.representations, list)
    assert len(compressed.representations) > 0
    # 0 is raw precision
    assert compressed.representations[0].precision_in_km == 0
    for i, rep in enumerate(compressed.representations):
        assert isinstance(rep, MapistoShape)
        if i > 0:
            previous = compressed.representations[i - 1]
            # Assumes precision_levels is sorted asc
            # representations are sorted by precision asc
            assert rep.precision_in_km > previous.precision_in_km
            # Precision asc means size desc (as more precise = bigger definition)
            assert previous.precision_in_km == 0 or len(rep.d_path) <= len(
 def get(cursor, id):
         SELECT territories.territory_id, state_id, min_x, min_y, max_x-min_x, max_y-min_y, validity_start, validity_end, color, name, d_path, precision_in_km
             territories INNER JOIN territories_shapes 
             ON territories.territory_id=territories_shapes.territory_id
         WHERE territories.territory_id=%s
         ORDER BY precision_in_km
     ''', (id, ))
     rows = cursor.fetchall()
     if not len(rows):
         raise NotFound(f'Territory not found : {id}')
     (territory_id, state_id, x, y, width, height, validity_start,
      validity_end, color, name, _, _) = rows[0]
     bounding_box = BoundingBox(x, y, width, height)
     representations = [MapistoShape(row[10], row[11]) for row in rows]
     return Territory(territory_id, representations, state_id, bounding_box,
                      validity_start, validity_end, color, name)
Exemple #13
from .Land_CRUD import LandCRUD
from .db import get_cursor
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
import pytest
from resources.MapistoShape import MapistoShape
from resources.BoundingBox import BoundingBox
from resources.Land import Land
import copy

test_path = "M 0.1 0 L 10.12 10 L 0 15.7 L -2 7 L -3 6 L -5 0 Z"
example_land = Land(None, [MapistoShape(test_path, 0)], BoundingBox(-5,0,15,16))

def test_get_land_not_found():
    with get_cursor() as curs:
        with pytest.raises(NotFound):
            LandCRUD.get_land(curs, -12)

def test_add_land():
    with get_cursor() as curs:
        old_count = LandCRUD.count(curs)
        land_id = LandCRUD.add_land(curs, example_land)
        print("ADDED ID : ", land_id)
    with get_cursor() as curs:
        retrieved = LandCRUD.get_land(curs, land_id)
        assert isinstance(retrieved, Land)
        retrieved.land_id=None # example land is retrieved but with none
        assert retrieved.equals(example_land)
        assert LandCRUD.count(curs) == old_count+1

def test_count_land():
Exemple #14
def test_get_map():
    bbox = BoundingBox(0, 0, 1116, 11114)
    res = MapTag.get(bbox, year_to_date(1918), max(conf.PRECISION_LEVELS))
def test_get_lands_wrong_precision():
    with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
        LandTag.get_lands(BoundingBox(0,0,4,4), max(conf.PRECISION_LEVELS)+1)
def test_get_lands():
    res = LandTag.get_lands(BoundingBox(0,0,4,4), max(conf.PRECISION_LEVELS))
    assert isinstance(res, list)
Exemple #17
def get_bounding_box(path):

    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = Polygon(parse_path(path).to_polygons()[0]).bounds
    # As the coordinates of the polygon will be rounded, the bounding box is stretched to the next integer-coordinates bounding box
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = floor(minx), floor(miny), ceil(maxx), ceil(maxy)
    return BoundingBox(minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny)