Exemple #1
 def _jsonfix( self, show, jsonpath ):
     video_files = []
     nfo_files = []
     ext_dict = {}
         items = os.listdir( self.FOLDERPATH )
     except OSError:
         err_str = 'directory %s not found' % self.FOLDERPATH
         lw.log( [err_str, 'script stopped'] )
         sys.exit( err_str )
     jsondata = readFile( jsonpath )
     lw.log( ['-----JSON data-----', jsondata[1]] )
     episodes = _json.loads( jsondata[1] )
     for item in items:
         fileroot, ext = os.path.splitext( item )
         processfilepath = os.path.join( self.FOLDERPATH, item )
         last_mod = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime( os.path.getmtime( processfilepath ) ) )
         if ext in settings.video_exts :
             for key in episodes:
                 episode = episodes[key]
                 lw.log( ['comparing file last mod of %s with json record date of %s' % (last_mod, episode['record-date'])] )
                 if last_mod == episode['record-date']:
                     newfilename = '%s.S%sE%s.%s%s' % (show, episode['season'], episode['episode'], episode['title'], ext)
                     newfilepath = os.path.join( self.FOLDERPATH, newfilename )
                     exists, loglines = checkPath( newfilepath, create=False )
                     lw.log( loglines )
                     if not exists:
                         success, loglines = renameFile( processfilepath, newfilepath )
                         lw.log( loglines )
                         if success:
                             self._update_db( newfilepath )
                         lw.log( ['%s already has the correct file name' % processfilepath] )
Exemple #2
 def _specialseason( self, show, nfotemplate, ep_info ):
     newfileroot = '%s.S00E%s.%s' % (show, ep_info['episode'].zfill( 2 ), ep_info['title'])
     newfilename = newfileroot + '.' + self.FILEPATH.split( '.' )[-1]
     newfilepath = os.path.join( self.FOLDERPATH, newfilename )
     newnfoname = newfileroot + '.nfo'
     self._write_nfofile( nfotemplate, ep_info, newnfoname )
     success, loglines = renameFile( self.FILEPATH, newfilepath )
     lw.log( loglines )
     self._update_db( newfilepath )
Exemple #3
 def _transform_files( self, files, destconfig ):
     transforms_list = destconfig.get( 'transforms' )
     tfiles = []
     if not transforms_list:
         lw.log( ['no transformations listed for destination ' + destconfig.get( 'name',  '')], 'info' )
         return files
     transforms = _parse_items( transforms_list ).get( self.ARGS.source )
     if not transforms:
         lw.log( ['no transformations needed for %s when sending to %s' % (self.ARGS.source, destconfig.get( 'name',  ''))], 'info' )
         return files
     for transform in _parse_items( transforms, itemdelim=';', subitemdelim=None ):
         if tfiles:
             usefiles = tfiles
             tfiles = []
             usefiles = files
         lw.log( ['transforming files using %s transform' % transform], 'info' )
         for file in usefiles:
             destfile = os.path.join( self.DATAROOT, 'downloads', file )
             file_exists = True
             i = 1
             while file_exists:
                 filepieces = os.path.splitext( file )
                 orgfilename = '%s-org%s%s' % (filepieces[0], str( i ), filepieces[1])
                 orgfile = os.path.join( self.DATAROOT, 'downloads', orgfilename )
                 file_exists = os.path.isfile( orgfile )
                 i = i + 1
             success, loglines = renameFile( destfile, orgfile )
             lw.log( loglines )
             if not success:
                 lw.log( ['error renaming %s to %s' % (destfile, orgfile)], 'info' )
                 return False
                 tfile, loglines = transform_modules[transform].Transform().Run( orgfile, destfile, destconfig.get( '%s_%s_config' % (self.ARGS.source, transform), {} ), config.Get( 'debug' ) )
             except KeyError as e:
                 lw.log( ['no transform module named %s found' % transform], 'info' )
                 return False
             lw.log( loglines, 'info' )
             if tfile:
                 tpath = pathlib.PurePath( tfile )
                 tfiles.append( tpath.name )
                 lw.log( ['error transforming file ' + file], 'info' )
     return tfiles
Exemple #4
 def _nfofix( self, show, nfotemplate ):
     video_files = []
     other_files = []
         items = os.listdir( self.FOLDERPATH )
     except OSError:
         err_str = 'directory %s not found' % self.FOLDERPATH
         lw.log( [err_str, 'script stopped'] )
         sys.exit( err_str )
     for item in items:
         fileroot, ext = os.path.splitext( item )
         if ext in settings.thumb_exts:
             for rename_end in settings.rename_ends:
                 if fileroot.endswith( rename_end ):
                     old_thumb = os.path.join( self.FOLDERPATH, item )
                     item = fileroot[:-len( rename_end )] + settings.thumb_end + ext
                     new_thumb = os.path.join( self.FOLDERPATH, item )
                     success, loglines = renameFile( old_thumb, new_thumb )
                     lw.log( loglines )                        
         if item in settings.protected_files:
         elif ext in settings.video_exts :
             video_files.append( item )
             other_files.append( item )
     lw.log( ['checking files to see if they need to be deleted'] )
     lw.log( ['other files:', other_files, 'video files:', video_files] )
     for one_file in other_files:
         match = False
         other_fileroot, throwaway = os.path.splitext( one_file )
         for one_video in video_files:
             video_root, throwaway = os.path.splitext( one_video )
             if (other_fileroot == video_root) or (other_fileroot == video_root + settings.thumb_end):
                 match = True
         if not match:
             success, loglines = deleteFile( os.path.join( self.FOLDERPATH, one_file ) )
             lw.log( loglines )
     ep_info = {}
     ep_info['airdate'] = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime( os.path.getmtime( self.FILEPATH ) ) )
         ep_info['season'] = self.EVENT_DETAILS["Event"]["Season"]
         ep_info['episode'] = self.EVENT_DETAILS["Event"]["Episode"]
     except KeyError:
         ep_info['season'] = '0'
         ep_info['episode'] = self._special_epnumber( show, video_files )
         ep_info['title'] = self.EVENT_DETAILS["Event"]["SubTitle"]
     except KeyError:
         ep_info['title'] = ep_info['airdate']
     if ep_info['title'] == None:
         ep_info['title'] = ep_info['airdate']            
         ep_info['description'] = self.EVENT_DETAILS["Event"]["Description"]
     except KeyError:
         ep_info['description'] = ''
     if ep_info['description'] == None:
         ep_info['description'] = ''
     lw.log( [ep_info] )       
     if ep_info['season'] == '0':
         self._specialseason( show, nfotemplate, ep_info )
         self._write_nfofile( nfotemplate, ep_info, os.path.splitext( self.FILEPATH )[0] + '.nfo' )