def change_group(id, type_tv_radio, **kwargs): if not id or len(str(id)) == 0: return False id = str(id) type_tv_radio = str(type_tv_radio) select_list = [] if type_tv_radio == 'radio': groups = load_file('radio_groups.json', ext=False, isJSON=True) typestr = 'Radio' else: groups = load_file('tv_groups.json', ext=False, isJSON=True) typestr = 'TV' select_list.append(typestr) for group in groups: select_list.append(group) selected =, select_list) if type_tv_radio == 'radio': prefs = load_radio_prefs(profile_id=1) else: prefs = load_prefs(profile_id=1) try: prefs[id]['group'] = select_list[selected] except: pass if type_tv_radio == 'radio': save_radio_prefs(profile_id=1, prefs=prefs) else: save_prefs(profile_id=1, prefs=prefs) method = 'GUI.ActivateWindow' json_rpc( method, { "window": "videos", "parameters": [ 'plugin://' + str(ADDON_ID) + '/?_=group_picker_menu&type_tv_radio=' + type_tv_radio ] })
def check_devices(): device_id = load_file('device_id', isJSON=False) if not device_id: LOGPATH = xbmcvfs.translatePath('special://logpath') LOGFILE = os.path.join(LOGPATH, 'kodi.old.log') with, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: text = regex = r"HEADER_IN:\sX-DRM-Device-ID:\s([a-zA-Z0-9]*)" matches = re.finditer(regex, text, re.MULTILINE) for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches, start=1): device_id = break if not device_id: LOGFILE = os.path.join(LOGPATH, 'kodi.log') with, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: text = regex = r"HEADER_IN:\sX-DRM-Device-ID:\s([a-zA-Z0-9]*)" matches = re.finditer(regex, text, re.MULTILINE) for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches, start=1): device_id = break if device_id: from resources.lib.api import api_list_devices, api_replace_device, api_new_device devices = api_list_devices() select_list = [] device_ar = {} count = 0 if devices: found = False for device in devices: if str(device['deviceId']) == device_id: found = True break device_ar[count] = device['deviceId'] count += 1 select_list.append(device['customerDefinedName']) if found == False: if len(devices) == 5: selected = 'Selecteer Device om te vervangen:', select_list) if check_key(device_ar, selected): api_replace_device(device_ar[selected], device_id) else: api_new_device(device_id) else: gui.ok( message= 'Geen device ID gevonden. Het afspelen zal zo mislukken, hierna wordt automatisch een device ID gegenereerd. Je krijgt hier geen bericht van. Herstart direct het afspelen.', heading='Geen device ID gevonden')
def change_channel(id, type_tv_radio, **kwargs): if not id or len(str(id)) == 0: return False id = str(id) type_tv_radio = str(type_tv_radio) if type_tv_radio == 'radio': prefs = load_radio_prefs(profile_id=1) mod_pref = prefs[id] if int(mod_pref['radio']) == 0: mod_pref['radio'] = 1 else: mod_pref['radio'] = 0 prefs[id] = mod_pref save_radio_prefs(profile_id=1, prefs=prefs) method = 'GUI.ActivateWindow' json_rpc( method, { "window": "videos", "parameters": [ 'plugin://' + str(ADDON_ID) + '/?_=channel_picker_menu&type_tv_radio=radio&save_all=0' ] }) else: profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) prefs = load_prefs(profile_id=1) all_channels = load_channels(type='all') type_tv_radio = str(type_tv_radio) select_list = [] num = 0 for x in range(1, 6): if len(profile_settings['addon' + str(x)]) > 0: video_addon = profile_settings['addon' + str(x)] type_channels = load_channels( type=video_addon.replace('', '')) VIDEO_ADDON_PROFILE = ADDON_PROFILE.replace( ADDON_ID, video_addon) addon_prefs = load_file(VIDEO_ADDON_PROFILE + 'prefs.json', ext=True, isJSON=True) row2 = all_channels[id] type_id = str(row2[video_addon + '_id']) if len(type_id) > 0: row = type_channels[type_id] disabled = False if addon_prefs: try: if check_key(addon_prefs, str(row['id'])) and int( addon_prefs[str( row['id'])][type_tv_radio]) == 0: disabled = True except: pass if disabled == False: select_list.append( profile_settings['addon' + str(x)].replace( '', '')) num += 1 select_list.append(_.DISABLED) selected =, select_list) mod_pref = prefs[id] if selected and selected >= 0: mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_auto'] = 0 if selected == num: mod_pref[type_tv_radio] = 0 mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_addonid'] = '' mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_channelid'] = '' mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_channelassetid'] = '' if type_tv_radio == 'live': mod_pref['channelname'] = '' mod_pref['channelicon'] = '' else: mod_pref[type_tv_radio] = 1 mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_addonid'] = '' + select_list[selected] mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_channelid'] = '' mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_channelassetid'] = '' if type_tv_radio == 'live': mod_pref['channelname'] = '' mod_pref['channelicon'] = '' type_channels = load_channels(type=select_list[selected]) row2 = all_channels[id] type_id = str(row2[mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_addonid'] + '_id']) if len(type_id) > 0: row = type_channels[type_id] mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_channelid'] = row['id'] mod_pref[type_tv_radio + '_channelassetid'] = row['assetid'] if type_tv_radio == 'live': mod_pref['channelname'] = row['name'] mod_pref['channelicon'] = row['icon'] prefs[id] = mod_pref save_prefs(profile_id=1, prefs=prefs) method = 'GUI.ActivateWindow' json_rpc( method, { "window": "videos", "parameters": [ 'plugin://' + str(ADDON_ID) + '/?_=channel_picker_menu&type_tv_radio=' + type_tv_radio + '&save_all=0' ] })
def change_replay_channel(id, **kwargs): if not id or len(unicode(id)) == 0: return False profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) prefs = load_prefs(profile_id=1) all_channels = load_channels(type='all') id = unicode(id) select_list = [] num = 0 for x in range(1, 6): if len(profile_settings['addon' + unicode(x)]) > 0: type = profile_settings['addon' + unicode(x)] type_channels = load_channels( type=type.replace('', '')) VIDEO_ADDON_PROFILE = ADDON_PROFILE.replace(ADDON_ID, type) addon_prefs = load_file(VIDEO_ADDON_PROFILE + 'prefs.json', ext=True, isJSON=True) addon_profile = load_file(VIDEO_ADDON_PROFILE + 'profile.json', ext=True, isJSON=True) ziggov3 = 0 try: if int(addon_profile['v3']) == 1: ziggov3 = 1 except: pass row2 = all_channels[id] if ziggov3 == 1: try: type_id = unicode(row2[type + '_idv3']) except: type_id = '' else: type_id = unicode(row2[type + '_id']) if len(type_id) > 0: row = type_channels[type_id] disabled = False if addon_prefs: try: if check_key(addon_prefs, unicode(row['id'])) and int( addon_prefs[unicode( row['id'])]['replay']) == 0: disabled = True except: pass if disabled == False: select_list.append( profile_settings['addon' + unicode(x)].replace( '', '')) num += 1 select_list.append(_.DISABLED) selected =, select_list) mod_pref = prefs[id] if selected >= 0: mod_pref['replay_auto'] = 0 if selected == num: mod_pref['replay'] = 0 mod_pref['replay_addonid'] = '' mod_pref['replay_channelid'] = '' mod_pref['replay_channelassetid'] = '' else: mod_pref['replay'] = 1 mod_pref[ 'replay_addonid'] = '' + select_list[selected] mod_pref['replay_channelid'] = '' mod_pref['replay_channelassetid'] = '' type_channels = load_channels(type=select_list[selected]) row2 = all_channels[id] if ziggov3 == 1: try: type_id = unicode(row2[mod_pref['replay_addonid'] + '_idv3']) except: type_id = '' else: type_id = unicode(row2[mod_pref['replay_addonid'] + '_id']) if len(type_id) > 0: row = type_channels[type_id] mod_pref['replay_channelid'] = row['id'] mod_pref['replay_channelassetid'] = row['assetid'] prefs[id] = mod_pref save_prefs(profile_id=1, prefs=prefs) xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"GUI.ActivateWindow","params":{"window":"videos","parameters":["plugin://' + unicode(ADDON_ID) + '/?_=replay_channel_picker_menu&num=6&save_all=0"]}}')