class MovieWindow(xbmcgui.Window): class widget(object): label = None button = None wlist = None mlist = None path = None def __init__(self): self.scalex = self.getWidth() / float(100) self.scaley = self.getHeight() / float(100) labelp = place() labelp.xpos = int(35 * self.scalex) labelp.ypos = int(5 * self.scaley) labelp.xsize = int(60 * self.scalex) labelp.ysize = int(5 * self.scaley) buttonp = place() buttonp.xpos = int(5 * self.scalex) buttonp.ypos = int(5 * self.scaley) buttonp.xsize = int(25 * self.scalex) buttonp.ysize = int(5 * self.scaley) listp = place() listp.xpos = int(5 * self.scalex) listp.ypos = int(20 * self.scaley) listp.xsize = int(90 * self.scalex) listp.ysize = int(60 * self.scaley) # Source widgets basey = 0 self.src = self.widget() self.src.label = xbmcgui.ControlLabel( labelp.xpos, basey + labelp.ypos, labelp.xsize, labelp.ysize, getLS(16), "font14", "0xFFBBBBFF" ) self.addControl(self.src.label) self.src.button = xbmcgui.ControlButton( buttonp.xpos, basey + buttonp.ypos, buttonp.xsize, buttonp.ysize, getLS(10) ) self.addControl(self.src.button) self.src.wlist = xbmcgui.ControlList( listp.xpos, basey + listp.ypos, listp.xsize, listp.ysize, buttonFocusTexture="MenuItemFO.png", selectedColor="0xFFBBBBFF", ) self.addControl(self.src.wlist) self.src.wlist.addItem(INIT_LIST_ITEM) # Destination widgets basey = int(5 * self.scaley) self.dst = self.widget() self.dst.label = xbmcgui.ControlLabel( labelp.xpos, basey + labelp.ypos, labelp.xsize, labelp.ysize, getLS(16), "font14", "0xFFBBBBFF" ) self.addControl(self.dst.label) self.dst.button = xbmcgui.ControlButton( buttonp.xpos, basey + buttonp.ypos, buttonp.xsize, buttonp.ysize, getLS(11) ) self.addControl(self.dst.button) # self.dst.wlist = xbmcgui.ControlList( basex + listp.xpos, listp.ypos, # listp.xsize, listp.ysize, buttonFocusTexture="MenuItemFO.png", # selectedColor='0xFFBBBBFF') # self.addControl(self.dst.wlist) # self.dst.wlist.addItem( INIT_LIST_ITEM ) # Ok and Cancel okp = place() okp.xpos = int(85 * self.scalex) okp.ypos = int(85 * self.scaley) okp.xsize = int(10 * self.scalex) okp.ysize = int(10 * self.scaley) self.okButton = xbmcgui.ControlButton(okp.xpos, okp.ypos, okp.xsize, okp.ysize, getLS(12)) self.addControl(self.okButton) cancelp = place() cancelp.xpos = int(70 * self.scalex) cancelp.ypos = int(85 * self.scaley) cancelp.xsize = int(10 * self.scalex) cancelp.ysize = int(10 * self.scaley) self.cancelButton = xbmcgui.ControlButton(cancelp.xpos, cancelp.ypos, cancelp.xsize, cancelp.ysize, getLS(13)) self.addControl(self.cancelButton) # Options buttion optionp = place() optionp.xpos = int(5 * self.scalex) optionp.ypos = int(85 * self.scaley) optionp.xsize = int(15 * self.scalex) optionp.ysize = int(10 * self.scaley) self.optionButton = xbmcgui.ControlButton( optionp.xpos, optionp.ypos, optionp.xsize, optionp.ysize, getLS(14) + "..." ) self.addControl(self.optionButton) # Set widgets order navigation self.src.button.controlUp(self.okButton) self.src.button.controlDown(self.dst.button) self.dst.button.controlUp(self.src.button) self.dst.button.controlDown(self.src.wlist) self.src.wlist.controlUp(self.dst.button) self.src.wlist.controlDown(self.okButton) self.src.wlist.controlLeft(self.okButton) self.src.wlist.controlRight(self.okButton) self.okButton.controlUp(self.src.wlist) self.okButton.controlDown(self.src.button) self.okButton.controlLeft(self.cancelButton) self.cancelButton.controlUp(self.src.wlist) self.cancelButton.controlDown(self.src.button) self.cancelButton.controlRight(self.okButton) self.cancelButton.controlLeft(self.optionButton) self.optionButton.controlUp(self.src.wlist) self.optionButton.controlDown(self.src.button) self.optionButton.controlRight(self.cancelButton) # Set focus self.setFocus(self.src.button) # Set default options self.options = OptionClass.getDefOptions() self.optionsWindow = OptionClass(options=self.options) # DB mng self.db = dbMng() def doModal(self): # Open DB self.db.open_conn() return super(MovieWindow, self).doModal() def onAction(self, action): if action == ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU: # Close DB self.db.close_conn() self.close() def onControl(self, control): if control == self.src.button: self.on_widget_button(self.src) self.update_list(self.src) if control == self.dst.button: self.on_widget_button(self.dst) if control == self.src.wlist or control == self.dst.wlist: # Get selected item item = control.getSelectedItem() # Updated item state item.isSelected()) if control == self.okButton: self.on_ok_button() if control == self.cancelButton: self.on_cancel_button() if control == self.optionButton: self.optionsWindow.doModal() self.options = self.optionsWindow.getOptions() if self.src.mlist: self.update_list(self.src) def on_cancel_button(self): # Close DB self.db.close_conn() self.close() def on_widget_button(self, widget): dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # Get path lists paths = self.get_path_list() # Get selected option option_idx =, paths) if option_idx < 0: return # Check path availability if not os.path.exists(paths[option_idx]): dialog.ok(getLS(20), getLS(21), getLS(22)) return # Save option widget.path = paths[option_idx] # Set source lable properly widget.label.setLabel(paths[option_idx]) # Update list # self.update_list( widget ) # self.setFocus( widget.wlist ) def on_ok_button(self): # Check values dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() if self.src.path is None: dialog.ok(getLS(30), getLS(31)) return if self.dst.path is None: dialog.ok(getLS(32), getLS(33)) return if self.src.path == self.dst.path: dialog.ok(getLS(34), getLS(35)) return sel_items = [] for i in range(self.src.wlist.size()): if self.src.wlist.getListItem(i).isSelected(): sel_items.append(i) if len(sel_items) > 0: if not dialog.yesno(getLS(36), "%d " % len(sel_items) + getLS(37), getLS(38)): return else: dialog.ok(getLS(39), getLS(40)) return # Move Movies progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progress.create(getLS(36)) for i in sel_items: progress.update( sel_items.index(i) * 100 / len(sel_items), "", getLS(41) + " %s" % self.src.mlist[i].encode("utf-8") ) self.move_movie(self.src.mlist[i], self.src.path, self.dst.path) if progress.iscanceled(): break progress.close() # Update lists self.update_list(self.src) # self.update_list( self.dst ) def update_list(self, widget): if widget.path: # Reset list widget.wlist.reset() # Popullate file list widget.mlist = self.get_movie_list(widget.path.meta) widget.wlist.addItems(widget.mlist) def get_path_list(self): # Create empty list res = [] # Create query query = 'SELECT idPath, strPath \ FROM path \ WHERE strContent = "movies"' # Create a cursor c = self.db.create_cursor() # Launch query c.execute(query) # Build result for idp, strp in c: res.append(metaStr(strp, idp)) # Close cursor c.close() # Return result return res def get_movie_list(self, id_path): # Create empty list res = [] # Create query query = "SELECT f.idFile, m.c00 \ FROM movie m, files f \ WHERE m.idFile = f.idFile AND f.idPath = ?" if self.options["watched"]: query += " AND f.playcount > 0 " query += "ORDER BY m.c00" # Create values value = (id_path,) # Create a cursor c = self.db.create_cursor() # Launch query c.execute(query, value) # Build result for idf, mov in c: res.append(metaStr(mov, idf)) # Close cursor c.close() # Return result return res def move_movie(self, movie, old_path, new_path): ## Update file with new id # Create query query = "UPDATE files \ SET idPath=? \ WHERE idFile=?" # Create values value = new_path.meta, movie.meta # Create a cursor c = self.db.create_cursor() # Launch query c.execute(query, value) ### Move file ## Get filename # Create query query = "SELECT f.strFilename \ FROM files f \ WHERE f.idFile = ?" # Create values value = (movie.meta,) # Launch query c.execute(query, value) # Build result mfile = unicode(c.fetchone()[0]) # mfile = unicode( c.fetchone()[0] ) ## Deal with stacked files if mfile.startswith("stack://"): logging.dbg("Dealing with stacked files") # Update db file with new values query = "UPDATE files \ SET strFilename=? WHERE idFile=?" # Create values strfn = mfile.replace(old_path, new_path) value = strfn, movie.meta # Launch query c.execute(query, value) # Get fanart cache filename and move it srcfn = xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/Fanart/" + xbmc.getCacheThumbName(mfile) dstfn = xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/Fanart/" + xbmc.getCacheThumbName(strfn) try: shutil.move(srcfn, dstfn) logging.dbg("move %s %s" % (srcfn, dstfn)) except IOError, e: logging.err("Error moving %s %s: %s" % (srcfn, dstfn, e)) pass # Create file list with removed whites spaces arround names mfiles = map(lambda x: x.strip(), mfile[8:].split(",")) else:
class TVshowWindow(xbmcgui.Window): class widget( object ): label = None button = None w1list = None w2list = None tslist = None eplist = None path = None show = None def __init__(self): self.scalex = self.getWidth() / float( 100 ) self.scaley = self.getHeight() / float( 100 ) labelp = place() labelp.xpos = int( 35*self.scalex ) labelp.ypos = int( 5*self.scaley ) labelp.xsize = int( 60*self.scalex ) labelp.ysize = int( 5*self.scaley ) buttonp = place() buttonp.xpos = int( 5*self.scalex ) buttonp.ypos = int( 5*self.scaley ) buttonp.xsize = int( 25*self.scalex ) buttonp.ysize = int( 5*self.scaley ) listp = place() listp.xpos = int( 5*self.scalex ) listp.ypos = int( 20*self.scaley ) listp.xsize = int( 40*self.scalex ) listp.ysize = int( 60*self.scaley ) # Source widgets basey = 0 basex = 0 self.src = self.widget() self.src.label = xbmcgui.ControlLabel( basex + labelp.xpos, basey + labelp.ypos, labelp.xsize, labelp.ysize, getLS(16), 'font14', '0xFFBBBBFF') self.addControl( self.src.label ) self.src.button = xbmcgui.ControlButton( basex + buttonp.xpos, basey + buttonp.ypos, buttonp.xsize, buttonp.ysize, getLS(10) ) self.addControl(self.src.button) self.src.w1list = xbmcgui.ControlList( basex + listp.xpos, basey + listp.ypos, listp.xsize, listp.ysize, buttonFocusTexture="MenuItemFO.png", selectedColor='0xFFBBBBFF') self.addControl(self.src.w1list) self.src.w1list.addItem( INIT_LIST_ITEM ) basex = int( 50*self.scalex ) self.src.w2list = xbmcgui.ControlList( basex + listp.xpos, basey + listp.ypos, listp.xsize, listp.ysize, buttonFocusTexture="MenuItemFO.png", selectedColor='0xFFBBBBFF') self.addControl(self.src.w2list) self.src.w2list.addItem( INIT_LIST_ITEM ) # Destination widgets basey = int( 5*self.scaley ) self.dst = self.widget() self.dst.label = xbmcgui.ControlLabel( labelp.xpos, basey + labelp.ypos, labelp.xsize, labelp.ysize, getLS(16), 'font14', '0xFFBBBBFF') self.addControl( self.dst.label ) self.dst.button = xbmcgui.ControlButton( buttonp.xpos, basey + buttonp.ypos, buttonp.xsize, buttonp.ysize, getLS(11) ) self.addControl(self.dst.button) # Ok and Cancel okp = place() okp.xpos = int( 85*self.scalex ) okp.ypos = int( 85*self.scaley ) okp.xsize = int( 10*self.scalex ) okp.ysize = int( 10*self.scaley ) self.okButton = xbmcgui.ControlButton( okp.xpos, okp.ypos, okp.xsize, okp.ysize, getLS(12) ) self.addControl(self.okButton) cancelp = place() cancelp.xpos = int( 70*self.scalex ) cancelp.ypos = int( 85*self.scaley ) cancelp.xsize = int( 10*self.scalex ) cancelp.ysize = int( 10*self.scaley ) self.cancelButton = xbmcgui.ControlButton( cancelp.xpos, cancelp.ypos, cancelp.xsize, cancelp.ysize, getLS(13) ) self.addControl(self.cancelButton) # Options buttion optionp = place() optionp.xpos = int( 5*self.scalex ) optionp.ypos = int( 85*self.scaley ) optionp.xsize = int( 15*self.scalex ) optionp.ysize = int( 10*self.scaley ) self.optionButton = xbmcgui.ControlButton( optionp.xpos, optionp.ypos, optionp.xsize, optionp.ysize, getLS(14)+"..." ) self.addControl(self.optionButton) # Set widgets order navigation self.src.button.controlUp( self.okButton ) self.src.button.controlDown( self.dst.button ) self.dst.button.controlUp( self.src.button ) self.dst.button.controlDown( self.src.w1list ) self.src.w1list.controlUp( self.dst.button ) self.src.w1list.controlDown( self.okButton ) self.src.w1list.controlLeft( self.okButton ) self.src.w1list.controlRight( self.src.w2list ) self.src.w2list.controlUp( self.dst.button ) self.src.w2list.controlDown( self.okButton ) self.src.w2list.controlLeft( self.src.w1list ) self.src.w2list.controlRight( self.okButton ) self.okButton.controlUp( self.src.w1list ) self.okButton.controlDown( self.src.button ) self.okButton.controlLeft( self.cancelButton ) self.cancelButton.controlUp( self.src.w1list ) self.cancelButton.controlDown( self.src.button ) self.cancelButton.controlRight( self.okButton ) self.cancelButton.controlLeft( self.optionButton ) self.optionButton.controlUp( self.src.w1list ) self.optionButton.controlDown( self.src.button ) self.optionButton.controlRight( self.cancelButton ) # Set focus self.setFocus( self.src.button ) # Set default options self.options = OptionClass.getDefOptions() self.optionsWindow = OptionClass( options=self.options ) # DB mng self.db = dbMng() def doModal( self ): # Open DB self.db.open_conn() return super( TVshowWindow, self ).doModal() def onAction(self, action): if action == ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU: # Close DB self.db.close_conn() self.close() def onControl(self, control): if control == self.src.button: self.on_widget_button( self.src ) self.update_tvshow_list( self.src ) if control == self.dst.button: self.on_widget_button( self.dst ) if control == self.src.w1list: if self.src.path: = self.src.tslist[control.getSelectedPosition()] self.update_episode_list( self.src ) # Set focus on ep. list self.setFocus( self.src.w2list ) if control == self.src.w2list: # Get selected item item = control.getSelectedItem() # Updated item state not item.isSelected() ) if control == self.okButton: self.on_ok_button() if control == self.cancelButton: self.on_cancel_button() if control == self.optionButton: self.optionsWindow.doModal() self.options = self.optionsWindow.getOptions() if self.src.eplist: self.update_episode_list( self.src ) def on_cancel_button( self ): # Close DB self.db.close_conn() self.close() def on_widget_button( self, widget ): dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # Get path lists paths = self.get_path_list( ) # Get selected option option_idx = getLS(23), paths ) if option_idx < 0: return # Check path availability if not os.path.exists( paths[option_idx] ): dialog.ok( getLS(20), getLS(21), getLS(22) ) return # Save option widget.path = paths[option_idx] # Set source lable properly widget.label.setLabel( paths[option_idx] ) def on_ok_button( self ): # Check values dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() if self.src.path is None: dialog.ok( getLS(30), getLS(31) ) return if self.dst.path is None: dialog.ok( getLS(32), getLS(33) ) return if self.src.path == self.dst.path: dialog.ok( getLS(34), getLS(35) ) return sel_items = [] for i in range( self.src.w2list.size() ): if self.src.w2list.getListItem( i ).isSelected(): sel_items.append( i ) if len( sel_items ) > 0: if not dialog.yesno( getLS(60), "%d " % len( sel_items ) + getLS(61) , getLS(38) ): return else: dialog.ok( getLS(62), getLS(63) ) return # Move TV shows progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progress.create( getLS(60) ) for i in sel_items: progress.update( sel_items.index( i ) * 100 / len( sel_items ), "", getLS(41)+" %s" % self.src.eplist[i].encode('utf-8') ) self.move_episode( self.src.eplist[i], self.src.path, self.dst.path ) if progress.iscanceled(): break progress.close() # Update lists self.update_episode_list( self.src ) def update_tvshow_list( self, widget ): if widget.path: # Reset list widget.w1list.reset() # Popullate file list widget.tslist = self.get_tvshow_list( widget.path ) widget.w1list.addItems( widget.tslist ) def update_episode_list( self, widget ): if # Reset list widget.w2list.reset() # Popullate file list widget.eplist = self.get_episode_list( ) widget.w2list.addItems( widget.eplist ) def get_path_list( self ): # Create empty list res = [] # Create query query = "SELECT idPath, strPath \ FROM path \ WHERE strContent = \"tvshows\"" # Create a cursor c = self.db.create_cursor() # Launch query c.execute( query ) # Build result for idp, strp in c: res.append( metaStr( strp, idp ) ) # Close cursor c.close() # Return result return res def get_tvshow_list( self, path ): # Create empty list res = [] # Create query query = "SELECT ts.idShow, ts.c00 \ FROM tvshowlinkpath tslp, tvshow ts \ WHERE tslp.idShow = ts.idShow AND idPath IN \ ( SELECT idPath \ FROM path \ WHERE strPath LIKE ? ) \ ORDER BY ts.c00" # Create values value = path+"%", # Create a cursor c = self.db.create_cursor() # Launch query c.execute( query, value ) # Build result for ids, tvs in c: res.append( metaStr( tvs, ids ) ) # Close cursor c.close() # Return result return res def get_episode_list( self, show ): # Create empty list res = [] # Create query query = "SELECT e.c12, e.c13, e.c00, e.idFile \ FROM tvshowlinkepisode tsle, episode e, files f \ WHERE tsle.idEpisode = e.idEpisode AND e.idFile = f.idFile \ AND tsle.idShow = ?" if self.options["watched"]: query += " AND f.playcount > 0 " # Create values value = show.meta, # Create a cursor c = self.db.create_cursor() # Launch query c.execute( query, value ) # Build result for s, e, name, eid in c: res.append( metaStr( "%02dx%02d - %s" % ( int(s), int(e), name ), eid ) ) # Close cursor c.close() # Return result return sorted( res ) def move_episode( self, episode, old_path, new_path ): logging.dbg( "moving episode '%s' from '%s' to '%s'" % ( episode, old_path, new_path ) ) # Create a cursor c = self.db.create_cursor() ## Get filename, path, show and episode id and season number # Create query query = "SELECT e.idEpisode, f.strFilename, p.strPath, p.idPath, \ tsle.idShow, e.c12 \ FROM episode e, files f, path p, tvshowlinkepisode tsle \ WHERE e.idFile = f.idFile AND f.idPath = p.idPath \ AND tsle.idEpisode = e.idEpisode AND f.idFile = ?" # Create values value = episode.meta, # Launch query c.execute( query, value ) # Build result res = c.fetchone() eid = res[0] efile = unicode( res[1] ) epath = unicode( res[2] ) eidpath = res[3] eidshow = res[4] season = int( res[5] ) logging.dbg( "filename: '%s'" % ( epath+efile ) ) # Compute new path new_epath = epath.replace( old_path, new_path ) ## Check if new path exists on DB # Create query query = "SELECT p.idPath \ FROM path p \ WHERE p.strPath = ?" # Create values value = new_epath, # Launch query c.execute( query, value ) # Build result res = c.fetchone() if res: new_eidpath = res[0] else: logging.dbg( "Path does not exist on db" ) ## Insert new path on DB # Create query query = "INSERT INTO path \ ( strPath, strContent, strScraper) \ VALUES ( ?, '', '')" # Create values value = new_epath, # Launch query c.execute( query, value ) # Get new id new_eidpath = c.lastrowid logging.dbg( "New path id: %d" %( new_eidpath ) ) # Try to Create new path on system try: os.makedirs( new_epath ) logging.dbg( "Creating directory '%s'" % ( new_epath ) ) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: logging.err( "Error Creating directory '%s': %s" % ( new_epath, e.strerror ) ) return ## Get new show id and path # Create query query = "SELECT p.strPath, tslp.idShow \ FROM tvshowlinkpath tslp, path p \ WHERE tslp.idPath = p.idPath" # Launch query c.execute( query ) # check result for new_tspath, new_idshow in c: if unicode( new_tspath ) in new_epath: break else: # Create a new TV show on DB logging.dbg( "Cannot find a proper TV show for this path '%s'.\ Creating a new one." % ( new_epath) ) new_tspath, new_idshow = self.create_new_tvshow( eidshow, old_path, new_path, c ) if new_idshow is None: return ## Update file with new path id # Create query query = "UPDATE files \ SET idPath = ? \ WHERE idFile = ?" # Create values value = new_eidpath, episode.meta # Launch query c.execute( query, value ) ## Update episode link with new show id # Create query query = "UPDATE tvshowlinkepisode \ SET idShow = ? \ WHERE idEpisode = ?" # Create values value = new_idshow, eid # Launch query c.execute( query, value ) ## Copy season fanart cache # dst = "season" + unicode( new_tspath ) + xbmc.getLocalizedString( 20358 ) dst = dst % season src = dst.replace( new_path, old_path ) logging.dbg( "src season fanart: %s" % src ) logging.dbg( "dst season fanart: %s" % dst ) # Get cache file names thsrc = xbmc.getCacheThumbName( src ) thdst = xbmc.getCacheThumbName( dst ) # Get thumbnail fname srcfn = xbmc.translatePath( 'special://thumbnails/Video' ) + "/" + thsrc[0] + "/" + thsrc dstfn = xbmc.translatePath( 'special://thumbnails/Video' ) + "/" + thdst[0] + "/" + thdst # Copy files try: shutil.copy( srcfn, dstfn ) logging.dbg( "copy %s %s" % ( srcfn, dstfn ) ) except IOError, e: logging.err( "Error copying '%s' to '%s': %s" % ( srcfn, dstfn, e ) ) pass