Exemple #1
def pack_framework_dir():
    """Pack the testing WS into temp file, return its name.

    :returns: Tarball file name.
    :rtype: str
    :raises Exception: When failed to pack testing framework.

        directory = environ["TMPDIR"]
    except KeyError:
        directory = None

    if directory is not None:
        tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tgz",
        tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tgz", prefix="csit-testing-")
    file_name = tmpfile.name

        "tar", "--sparse", "--exclude-vcs", "--exclude=output*.xml",
        "--exclude=./tmp", "-zcf", file_name, "."
        msg="Could not pack testing framework")

    return file_name
Exemple #2
    def disconnect_by_key(cls, key):
        """Disconnect a connected client instance, noop it not connected.

        Also remove the local sockets by deleting the temporary directory.
        Put disconnected client instances to the reuse list.
        The added attributes are not cleaned up,
        as their values will get overwritten on next connect.

        This method is useful for disconnect_all type of work.

        :param key: Tuple identifying the node (and socket).
        :type key: tuple of str
        client_instance = cls.conn_cache.get(key, None)
        if client_instance is None:
        logger.debug(f"Disconnecting by key: {key}")
            u"ssh", u"-S", client_instance.csit_control_socket, u"-O", u"exit",
        # Temp dir has autoclean, but deleting explicitly
        # as an error can happen.
        except FileNotFoundError:
            # There is a race condition with ssh removing its ssh.sock file.
            # Single retry should be enough to ensure the complete removal.
        # Finally, put disconnected clients to reuse list.
        # Invalidate cache last. Repeated errors are better than silent leaks.
        del cls.conn_cache[key]
Exemple #3
    def initialize_vpp_instance(self):
        """Create VPP instance with bindings to API calls, store as class field.

        No-op if the instance had been stored already.

        The instance is initialized for unix domain socket access,
        it has initialized all the bindings, but it is not connected
        (to a local socket) yet.

        This method downloads .api.json files from self._node
        into a temporary directory, deletes them finally.
        if self.vpp_instance:
        cls = self.__class__  # Shorthand for setting class fields.
        package_path = None
        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=u"/tmp")
            # Pack, copy and unpack Python part of VPP installation from _node.
            # TODO: Use rsync or recursive version of ssh.scp_node instead?
            node = self._node
            exec_cmd_no_error(node, [u"rm", u"-rf", u"/tmp/papi.txz"])
            # Papi python version depends on OS (and time).
            # Python 2.7 or 3.4, site-packages or dist-packages.
            installed_papi_glob = u"/usr/lib/python3*/*-packages/vpp_papi"
            # We need to wrap this command in bash, in order to expand globs,
            # and as ssh does join, the inner command has to be quoted.
            inner_cmd = u" ".join([
                u"tar", u"cJf", u"/tmp/papi.txz", u"--exclude=*.pyc",
                installed_papi_glob, u"/usr/share/vpp/api"
            exec_cmd_no_error(node, [u"bash", u"-c", u"'" + inner_cmd + u"'"])
            scp_node(node, tmp_dir + u"/papi.txz", u"/tmp/papi.txz", get=True)
            run([u"tar", u"xf", tmp_dir + u"/papi.txz", u"-C", tmp_dir])
            api_json_directory = tmp_dir + u"/usr/share/vpp/api"
            # Perform initial checks before .api.json files are gone,
            # by creating the checker instance.
            cls.crc_checker = VppApiCrcChecker(api_json_directory)
            # When present locally, we finally can find the installation path.
            package_path = glob.glob(tmp_dir + installed_papi_glob)[0]
            # Package path has to be one level above the vpp_papi directory.
            package_path = package_path.rsplit(u"/", 1)[0]
            # TODO: Pylint says import-outside-toplevel and import-error.
            # It is right, we should refactor the code and move initialization
            # of package outside.
            from vpp_papi.vpp_papi import VPPApiClient as vpp_class
            vpp_class.apidir = api_json_directory
            # We need to create instance before removing from sys.path.
            cls.vpp_instance = vpp_class(
                use_socket=True, server_address=u"TBD", async_thread=False,
                read_timeout=14, logger=FilteredLogger(logger, u"INFO"))
            # Cannot use loglevel parameter, robot.api.logger lacks support.
            # TODO: Stop overriding read_timeout when VPP-1722 is fixed.
            if sys.path[-1] == package_path:
Exemple #4
    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        """Disconnect the vpp instance, tear down the SHH tunnel.

        Also remove the local sockets by deleting the temporary directory.
        Arguments related to possible exception are entirely ignored.
            u"ssh", u"-S", self._ssh_control_socket, u"-O", u"exit", u""
        ], check=False)
Exemple #5
    def ensure_api_dirs(self):
        """Copy files from DUT to local temporary directory.

        If the directory is still there, do not copy again.
        If copying, also initialize CRC checker (this also performs
        static checks), and remember PAPI package path.
        Do not add that to PATH yet.
        cls = self.__class__
        if cls.api_package_path:
        cls.api_root_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=u"/tmp")
        root_path = cls.api_root_dir.name
        # Pack, copy and unpack Python part of VPP installation from _node.
        # TODO: Use rsync or recursive version of ssh.scp_node instead?
        node = self._node
        exec_cmd_no_error(node, [u"rm", u"-rf", u"/tmp/papi.txz"])
        # Papi python version depends on OS (and time).
        # Python 2.7 or 3.4, site-packages or dist-packages.
        installed_papi_glob = u"/usr/lib/python3*/*-packages/vpp_papi"
        # We need to wrap this command in bash, in order to expand globs,
        # and as ssh does join, the inner command has to be quoted.
        inner_cmd = u" ".join([
            u"tar", u"cJf", u"/tmp/papi.txz", u"--exclude=*.pyc",
            installed_papi_glob, u"/usr/share/vpp/api"
        exec_cmd_no_error(node, [u"bash", u"-c", u"'" + inner_cmd + u"'"])
        scp_node(node, root_path + u"/papi.txz", u"/tmp/papi.txz", get=True)
        run([u"tar", u"xf", root_path + u"/papi.txz", u"-C", root_path])
        cls.api_json_path = root_path + u"/usr/share/vpp/api"
        # Perform initial checks before .api.json files are gone,
        # by creating the checker instance.
        cls.crc_checker = VppApiCrcChecker(cls.api_json_path)
        # When present locally, we finally can find the installation path.
        cls.api_package_path = glob.glob(root_path + installed_papi_glob)[0]
        # Package path has to be one level above the vpp_papi directory.
        cls.api_package_path = cls.api_package_path.rsplit(u"/", 1)[0]
Exemple #6
    def __enter__(self):
        """Create a tunnel, connect VPP instance.

        Only at this point a local socket names are created
        in a temporary directory, because VIRL runs 3 pybots at once,
        so harcoding local filenames does not work.

        :returns: self
        :rtype: PapiSocketExecutor
        time_enter = time.time()
        # Parsing takes longer than connecting, prepare instance before tunnel.
        vpp_instance = self.vpp_instance
        node = self._node
        self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=u"/tmp")
        self._local_vpp_socket = self._temp_dir + u"/vpp-api.sock"
        self._ssh_control_socket = self._temp_dir + u"/ssh.sock"
        ssh_socket = self._ssh_control_socket
        # Cleanup possibilities.
        ret_code, _ = run([u"ls", ssh_socket], check=False)
        if ret_code != 2:
            # This branch never seems to be hit in CI,
            # but may be useful when testing manually.
            run([u"ssh", u"-S", ssh_socket, u"-O", u"exit", u""],
            # TODO: Is any sleep necessary? How to prove if not?
            run([u"sleep", u"0.1"])
            run([u"rm", u"-vrf", ssh_socket])
        # Even if ssh can perhaps reuse this file,
        # we need to remove it for readiness detection to work correctly.
        run([u"rm", u"-rvf", self._local_vpp_socket])
        # We use sleep command. The ssh command will exit in 30 second,
        # unless a local socket connection is established,
        # in which case the ssh command will exit only when
        # the ssh connection is closed again (via control socket).
        # The log level is to suppress "Warning: Permanently added" messages.
        ssh_cmd = [
            u"ssh", u"-S", ssh_socket, u"-M", u"-o", u"LogLevel=ERROR", u"-o",
            u"UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", u"-o",
            u"StrictHostKeyChecking=no", u"-o", u"ExitOnForwardFailure=yes",
            u"-L", self._local_vpp_socket + u":" + self._remote_vpp_socket,
            str(node[u"port"]), node[u"username"] + u"@" + node[u"host"],
            u"sleep", u"30"
        priv_key = node.get(u"priv_key")
        if priv_key:
            # This is tricky. We need a file to pass the value to ssh command.
            # And we need ssh command, because paramiko does not support sockets
            # (neither ssh_socket, nor _remote_vpp_socket).
            key_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            # Make sure the content is written, but do not close yet.
            ssh_cmd[1:1] = [u"-i", key_file.name]
        password = node.get(u"password")
        if password:
            # Prepend sshpass command to set password.
            ssh_cmd[:0] = [u"sshpass", u"-p", password]
        time_stop = time.time() + 10.0
        # subprocess.Popen seems to be the best way to run commands
        # on background. Other ways (shell=True with "&" and ssh with -f)
        # seem to be too dependent on shell behavior.
        # In particular, -f does NOT return values for run().
        # Check socket presence on local side.
        while time.time() < time_stop:
            # It can take a moment for ssh to create the socket file.
            ret_code, _ = run([u"ls", u"-l", self._local_vpp_socket],
            if not ret_code:
            raise RuntimeError(u"Local side socket has not appeared.")
        if priv_key:
            # Socket up means the key has been read. Delete file by closing it.
        # Everything is ready, set the local socket address and connect.
        vpp_instance.transport.server_address = self._local_vpp_socket
        # It seems we can get read error even if every preceding check passed.
        # Single retry seems to help.
        for _ in range(2):
            except (IOError, struct.error) as err:
                logger.warn(f"Got initial connect error {err!r}")
            raise RuntimeError(u"Failed to connect to VPP over a socket.")
            f"Establishing socket connection took {time.time()-time_enter}s")
        return self