Exemple #1
def addUser(username: str, autoGenerateKeys: bool = True, keys: list = []):
    Create an user with the corresponding username to the users list and return the corresponding user id which can be used as index

    username: name of the user
    autoGenerateKeys: generate elGammal keys for the user
    keys: base64 of tuple (public key, private key) if keys are not generated for the user

    from ressources.interactions import getIntKey

    if autoGenerateKeys:
        # generate keys
        algModule = __import__("core.asymmetric." + c.BC_SIGNING_ALG,
        publicKey, privateKey = algModule.key_gen(c.BC_KEY_SIZE)
        # decode base64 tuple of key
        publicKey = getIntKey(keys[0], [2, 3][c.BC_SIGNING_ALG == "elGamal"])
        privateKey = getIntKey(keys[1], [2, 3][c.BC_SIGNING_ALG == "elGamal"])

    userID = len(c.BC_USERS)

    c.BC_USERS.append([userID, username, publicKey, privateKey])

    return userID
Exemple #2
def verifying(M: bytes, sign: int, pK: tuple = None):
    Verify given signature of message M with corresponding public key's.

    assert isinstance(M, (bytes, bytearray))

    from ..hashbased import hashFunctions as hashF

    if not pK:
        pK = it.extractKeyFromFile("public_key")

    size = it.getKeySize(pK)

    hm = hashF.sponge(M, size)
    # base64 to int
    hm = bm.bytes_to_int(bm.mult_to_bytes(hm))

    # If the signature is in base64
    if not isinstance(sign, int):
        sign = it.getIntKey(sign)

    n, e = pK
    # raises the signature to the power of e (modulo n)
    # (as when encrypting a message)
    if sign > n:
        print("Signature > modulus")

    test = ut.square_and_multiply(sign, e, n)

    if test == (hm % n):
        return True

    return False
Exemple #3
def verifying(M: bytes, sign: tuple, publicKey: tuple = None):
    Verify given signature of message M with corresponding public key's.
    assert isinstance(M, (bytes, bytearray))

    from ..hashbased import hashFunctions as hashF

    if not publicKey:
        publicKey = it.extractKeyFromFile("public_key")

    p, g, h = publicKey
    size = it.getKeySize(publicKey)

    hm = hashF.sponge(M, size)

    hm = bm.bytes_to_int(bm.mult_to_bytes(hm))

    if not isinstance(sign, tuple):
        b64data = sign
        sign = it.getIntKey(b64data[1:], b64data[0])

    s1, s2 = sign

    if (0 < s1 < p) and (0 < s2 < p - 1):

        test1 = (ut.square_and_multiply(h, s1, p) *
                 ut.square_and_multiply(s1, s2, p)) % p
        test2 = ut.square_and_multiply(g, hm, p)

        if test1 == test2:
            return True
        return False

    raise ValueError
Exemple #4
def x509(subjectPublicKey, name: str = "X509", out: bool = True):

    import base64

    # Get key size's
    n = it.getKeySize(it.getIntKey(subjectPublicKey, 3))
    CA_public_key, CA_private_key = elG.key_gen(n, primeFount=True)

    import os

    # An X. 509 Serial Number is an integer whose value can be represented in 20 bytes
    serialN = it.getB64Keys(os.urandom(20))

    from datetime import date

    today = date.today()
    nextY = today.replace(year=today.year + 1)

    # The certificate is signed by the private key of the certification authority.
    # The one who manufactured and issued this certificate.

    signature = it.getB64Keys(elG.signing(subjectPublicKey, CA_private_key))

    CA = f"""
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: {serialN}
        Signature Algorithm: El-Gamal
        Issuer Name:
            Country: FR
            Organization: Bark Trust Services
            Common Name = BARK CA 101
            Not Before: {today.strftime("%b-%d-%Y")}
            Not After: {nextY.strftime("%b-%d-%Y")}
        Subject: CN = Katsumi User
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: El-Gamal
                Public-Key: ({str(n)} bit)
    Signature Algorithm: El-Gamal
    Key Usages
        Purposes: Digital Signature

    if out:
        from ressources import config

        # Write into file
        it.writeVartoFile(CA, name, config.DIRECTORY_PROCESSING, ".ca")

    return it.getB64Keys(CA_public_key)