Exemple #1
def GetTargetStepFromDAS(TargetStep, DAS):
    mcm = McM(dev=False)
    input_request = mcm.get("requests", query="produce=" + DAS)
    member_of_chain = input_request[0]['member_of_chain']
    mychain = ''
    for chain in member_of_chain:
        if TargetStep in chain:
            mychain = chain
    chained_request = mcm.get('chained_requests', mychain)

    req = ''

    for member in chained_request['chain']:
        if TargetStep in member:
            req = member

    return req
def clone_and_edit_jhchoi(request_prepid_to_clone, fragment, dataset_name,
                          notes, total_events, generators):

    mcm = McM(dev=False)

    modifications = {
        'fragment': fragment,
        'dataset_name': dataset_name,
        'notes': notes,
        'total_events': total_events,
        "generators": generators

    #request_prepid_to_clone = "SUS-RunIIWinter15wmLHE-00040"

    request = mcm.get('requests', request_prepid_to_clone)

    for key in modifications:
        request[key] = modifications[key]

    clone_answer = mcm.clone_request(request)

    if clone_answer.get('results'):
        print "@@"
        new_prepid = clone_answer['prepid']
        print('Clone PrepID: %s' % (clone_answer['prepid']))
        new_request = mcm.get('requests', new_prepid)
        print new_request['dataset_name']
        mcm.approve('requests', new_prepid, None)
        print "---"
        f = open('success.txt', 'a')
        f.write(new_prepid + "\n")
        print('Something went wrong while cloning a request. %s' %
        f = open('fail.txt', 'a')
        f.write(dataset_name + "\n")
  def createrequest(self, clonequeue):
    self.needsupdate = True
    return clonequeue.add(self, self.pwg, self.newcampaign)

    if jobtype(): return "run locally to submit to McM"
    mcm = McM()
    clone_req = mcm.get('requests', self.originalprepid)
    clone_req['member_of_campaign'] = self.campaign
    answer = mcm.clone(self.originalprepid, clone_req)
    if not (answer and answer.get("results")):
      raise RuntimeError("Failed to create the request on McM\n{}\n{}".format(self, answer))
    if self.prepid != answer["prepid"]:
      raise RuntimeError("Wrong prepid?? {} {}".format(self.prepid, answer["prepid"]))
    return "cloned request "+self.originalprepid+" as "+self.prepid+" on McM"
#    print(root_requests_from_ticket(ticket))
    prepid = []
    for rr in root_requests_from_ticket(ticket):
        if 'GS' in rr or 'wmLHE' in rr or 'pLHE' in rr:

prepid = list(set(prepid)) #to avoid requests appearing x times if x chains have the same request 
for x in range(0,len(prepid)):

for num in range(0,len(prepid)):
    query_str = 'prepid='+prepid[num]
    res = mcm.get('requests', query=query_str)
    if len(res) == 0 :
        print "***********************************************************************************"
        print "Something's wrong - can not get the request parameters"
        print "***********************************************************************************"

    my_path =  '/tmp/'+os.environ['USER']+'/gridpacks/'
    print ""
    print "***********************************************************************************"

    for r in res:
        pi = r['prepid']
        dn = r['dataset_name']
        te = r['time_event']
        totalevents = r['total_events']
        cmssw = r['cmssw_release']
Exemple #5
    modifiedPrepid = prepidToClone
    modifiedPrepid['interested_pwg'] = ['EGM']
    modifiedPrepid['member_of_campaign'] = campaign
    modifiedPrepid['ppd_tags'] = tag

    print 'Will clone to ', campaign, 'with tag', tag
    cloned_prepid = mcm.clone_request(modifiedPrepid)
    return mcm.get('requests', cloned_prepid['prepid'], method='get')

for UL16PrepidName in UL16PrepidsToClone:
    print '\n---> Cloning', UL16PrepidName
    if not ('EGM-RunIISummer19UL16GEN'
            or 'EGM-RunIISummer19UL16wmLHEGEN' in UL16PrepidName):
        print 'This does not look like a UL16 prepid, skipping :', UL16PrepidName

    # Get prepid from McM, check it exists
    UL16PrepidFromMcM = mcm.get('requests', UL16PrepidName, method='get')
    if len(UL16PrepidFromMcM) == 0:
        print 'This prepid does not exist in McM :', UL16PrepidFromMcM
        print 'EXITING'

    # Will clone to the 2016 UL campaign
    UL16APVPrepid = cloneToUL16PreVFP(prepidToClone=UL16PrepidFromMcM)
    if not UL16APVPrepid:
        print 'Dataset already existed in 2016 UL PreVFP campaign'
        print 'Cloned prepid to: %s' % UL16APVPrepid['prepid']
dry_run = False

# McM instance
mcm = McM(dev=True)#, cookie='/afs/cern.ch/work/s/snorberg/miniAODv3/cookie.txt')#/afs/cern.ch/user/j/jrumsevi/private/dev_cookie.txt')
# Set list of PWGs here. If no list is set, all PWGs from McM will be used
pwgs = ['SMP']
if not pwgs:
    # Get list of PWGs
    pwgs = mcm._McM__get('restapi/users/get_pwg')['results']

print('Got PWGs: %s' % (pwgs))
# Create a dict of dicts of dicts of integers
collector = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)))

for pwg in pwgs:
    chained_requests = mcm.get('chained_requests', query='member_of_campaign=%s&pwg=%s' % (org_chained_campaign, pwg))
    # print('PWG:%s\tChained requests:%s' % (pwg, len(chained_requests)))
    for chained_request in chained_requests:
        root_id = chained_request['chain'][0]
        campaign = root_id.split('-')[1]
        collector[pwg][campaign][root_id] += 1

# Collector now contains all root requests of chains that are member of org_chained_campaign campaign
# It's structured like this: PWG -> campaign name of root request -> request prepid -> count
# print('This is the list of %s requests that are deemed chainable:\n%s' % (pwgs, json.dumps(dict(collector), indent=4)))
all_tickets = []

chained_campaign = mcm.get('chained_campaigns', dest_chained_campaign, method='get')
for pwg in pwgs:
    # Create a ticket for the correct chain
    chained_campaign_prepid = chained_campaign['prepid']
Exemple #7
def Run(idx_row):

    output_msg = ''
    KEY = '1bAdzoB9bg6nbyxCOBsTAWSSJy6FHNfmkrIDqY-Nmdi0'
    sheet = '2016'

    title_list = GetTitleFromSpreadsheet(KEY,
    info_list = GetInfoFromSpreadsheet(idx_row,

    this_dic = {}

    for i in range(0, len(title_list)):
        title = title_list[i]
        #print title
        value = info_list[i]
        #print value
        this_dic[title] = value

    FullFragment = MakeFullFragment(this_dic["gridpackPATH"],

    print this_dic['dataset_name']
    new_request = {
        'pwg': 'HIG',
        'member_of_campaign': this_dic['member_of_campaign'],
        'dataset_name': this_dic['dataset_name'],
        'generators': this_dic['generators'].split(','),
        "fragment": FullFragment,
        'generator_parameters': generator_parameters,
        'total_events': int(this_dic['total_events']),
        'mcdb_id': 0,
        'size_event': [600],
        'time_event': [60.]

    if this_dic["PrepID"] != '':
        #print "ALREADY"
        mcm = McM(dev=False)
        this_request = mcm.get("requests", this_dic["PrepID"])

        for key in new_request:

            this_request[key] = new_request[key]
        update = mcm.update('requests', this_request)

        return str(update)
    # push it to McM
    #mcm = McM(dev=False,cookie="dev-cookie.txt")
    #mcm = McM(dev=False,cookie='prod-cookie.txt')
    mcm = McM(dev=False)
    put_answer = mcm.put('requests', new_request)

    if put_answer.get('results'):
        prepid = put_answer['prepid']

        print('New PrepID: %s' % (prepid))
        output_msg = str(prepid)
        print('Something went wrong while creating a request. %s' %
        output_msg = "fail" + str(idx_row) + "-->" + this_dic['dataset_name']
    #print output_msg
    return output_msg
Exemple #8
import sys
from rest import McM


mcm = McM(dev=False)

# Example to edit a request parameter(-s) and save it back in McM
# request_prepid_to_update = 'HIG-Summer12-01257' # Doesn't exist

#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='priority=110000&status=submitted&prepid=*Autumn18DR*')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='status=submitted&prepid=*MTDTDR*GS*')
requests = mcm.get('requests',
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T2')

#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=Autumn18P1POGDR')

i = 0

for request in requests:

    chained_request_id = request['member_of_chain'][0]
    chained_requests = mcm.get('chained_requests',
                               query='prepid=%s' % (chained_request_id))

    if (len(chained_requests[0]['chain']) < 3):

    if ('PU0' in chained_requests[0]['prepid']):
Exemple #9
from rest import McM
from json import dumps

mcm = McM(dev=False)

# Example to get  ALL requesst which are member of a given campaign and are submitted
# It uses a generic search for specified columns: query='status=submitted'
# Queries can be combined: query='status=submitted&member_of_campaign=Summer12'
#campaign_requests = mcm.get('requests', query='dataset_name=NMSSMCascade_mH-*_mSUSY-*_TuneCUEP8M1_13TeV-madgraph-pythia8')
#for request in campaign_requests:
#    print(request['prepid'])

# Example to retrieve single request dictionary
# More methods are here:
# https://cms-pdmv.cern.ch/mcm/restapi/requests/
single_request_prepid = 'HIG-RunIISummer15wmLHEGS-02135'
single_request = mcm.get('requests', single_request_prepid, method='get')
#print('Single request "%s":\n%s' % (single_request_prepid, single_request['generators']))#dumps(single_request, indent=4)))
for key in single_request:
    print key
## Example how to get multiple requests using range
#requests_query = """
#    B2G-Fall13-00001
#    B2G-Fall13-00005 -> B2G-Fall13-00015
#range_of_requests = mcm.get_range_of_requests(requests_query)
#print('Found %s requests' % (len(range_of_requests)))
#for request in range_of_requests:
#    print(request['prepid'])
    #    print(root_requests_from_ticket(ticket))
    prepid = []
    for rr in root_requests_from_ticket(ticket):
        if 'GS' in rr or 'wmLHE' in rr or 'pLHE' in rr:

prepid = list(
)  #to avoid requests appearing x times if x chains have the same request

for x in range(0, len(prepid)):

for num in range(0, len(prepid)):
    query_str = 'prepid=' + prepid[num]
    res = mcm.get('requests', query=query_str)
    if len(res) == 0:
        print "***********************************************************************************"
        print "Something's wrong - can not get the request parameters"
        print "***********************************************************************************"

    my_path = '/tmp/' + os.environ['USER'] + '/gridpacks/'
    print ""
    print "***********************************************************************************"

    for r in res:
        pi = r['prepid']
        dn = r['dataset_name']
        te = r['time_event']
        totalevents = r['total_events']
        cmssw = r['cmssw_release']
mcm = McM(dev=False)

# Script clones a request to other campaign.
# Fefine list of modifications
# If member_of_campaign is different, it will clone to other campaign

# Get a request object which we want to clone
#chained_requests = mcm.get('chained_requests', 'B2G-chain_RunIISummer15wmLHEGS_flowRunIISummer16DR80PremixPUMoriond17_flowRunIISummer16MiniAODv3_flowRunIISummer16NanoAODv3-00208')

dest_chained_campaign = 'chain_RunIISummer15wmLHEGS_flowRunIISummer16DR80PremixPUMoriond17_flowRunIISummer16MiniAODv3_flowRunIISummer16NanoAODv3'
#dest_chained_campaign = 'chain_RunIIWinter15pLHE_flowLHE2Summer15GS_flowRunIISummer16DR80PremixPUMoriond17_flowRunIISummer16MiniAODv3_flowRunIISummer16NanoAODv3'
#dest_chained_campaign = 'chain_RunIISummer15GS_flowRunIISummer16DR80PremixPUMoriond17_flowRunIISummer16MiniAODv3_flowRunIISummer16NanoAODv3'
#dest_chained_campaign = 'chain_RunIIWinter15wmLHE_flowLHE2Summer15GS_flowRunIISummer16DR80PremixPUMoriond17_flowRunIISummer16MiniAODv3_flowRunIISummer16NanoAODv3'

chained_requests = mcm.get('chained_requests',
                           query='member_of_campaign=%s&pwg=HIG' %

# Make predefined modifications

for chained_request in chained_requests:

    if (len(chained_request['chain']) < 4):


    root_id = chained_request['chain'][0]
    dr_id = chained_request['chain'][1]
    miniAOD_id = chained_request['chain'][2]
    nanoAOD_id = chained_request['chain'][3]
Exemple #12

#write the prepids of the new cloned requests to a txt file
f = open('new_requests.txt', 'w')

for model in models:

    if 'mother_request' in models[model].keys():
        if models[model]['mother_request'] != '':

            print('Cloning and modifying {0}'.format(

            # Get a request object which we want to clone
            request = mcm.get('requests', models[model]['mother_request'])

            #if not request.get('results') :
            #    print '   Request', models[model]['mother_request'], 'not found'
            #    continue

            #print request['generator_parameters'][0]['match_efficiency']

            model_mother = ctau_mother = mLSP_mother = massLSP_mother = ''
            datasetname = request['dataset_name'].split('_')
            for datastring in datasetname:
                if 'SMS-T' in datastring:
                    model_mother = datastring.replace('SMS-', '')
                elif 'ctau' in datastring:
                    ctau_mother = datastring
                elif 'mLSP' in datastring:
import sys
from rest import McM
from json import dumps
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

mcm = McM(dev=False)

dest_output = sys.argv[1]

requests = mcm.get('requests', query='produce=%s' % (dest_output))

for request in requests:

    print request['prepid']

    chained_requests = request['member_of_chain']

    chained_request =  mcm.get('chained_requests', chained_requests[0])

    root_id = chained_request['chain'][0]
    root_id_req = mcm.get('requests', root_id)

    prepid = root_id_req['prepid']

    print prepid

    file_to_download = 'https://cms-pdmv.cern.ch/mcm/public/restapi/requests/get_test/'+str(prepid)

script = ("wget "+ str(file_to_download))
script += ("; mv "+ str(prepid) +" script.sh")
Exemple #14
import sys

from rest import McM


mcm = McM(dev=False)

# Example to edit a request parameter(-s) and save it back in McM
# request_prepid_to_update = 'HIG-Summer12-01257' # Doesn't exist

#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='priority=110000&status=submitted&prepid=*Autumn18DR*')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='status=submitted&tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T2sub2')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='status=submitted&member_of_campaign=*MiniAODv3&prepid=HIG*')
requests = mcm.get('requests',
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='status=submitted&tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T4')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T2')

#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=Autumn18P1POGDR')

i = 0

for request in requests:

    i += 1
    print i

    request_prepid_to_update = request['prepid']
    request_prepid_to_update_req = mcm.get('requests',
Exemple #15
mcm = McM(dev=False)

output_file = open('TWIKI/{campaign}.txt'.format(campaign=args.campaign), 'w')

#print table header
#output_file.write('---+++ Current EGM samples for {campaign} campaign\n'.format(campaign = args.campaign))
output_file.write('---+++ {campaign}\n'.format(campaign=args.campaign))
    '|  *Sample Name*  |  *status*  |  *Monitoring*  |  *Total Events* |  *pileup*  |  *GT*  |  *CMSSW release*  | *data tier*  |  *chain*  |\n'

#find request in campaign and print each entry
foundRequests = mcm.get('requests',
if foundRequests != None:
    for foundRequest in foundRequests:
        for chain in range(0, len(foundRequest['member_of_chain'])):
                '|  {dataset_name}  |  {status}  |  {monitoring}  |  {tot_events} M  |  {pu_scheme}  |  {GT}  |  {cmssw_release}  | {datatier} |  {chain}  |\n'
                    tot_events=float(foundRequest['total_events']) / 1000000.,
    das_cmd = "/cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/common/dasgoclient"

    # if mcm is specified, retrieve dataset name from prepID:
    if mcm:
        if "/" in str(args.inputdataset): 
            print "not a McM prepID format, please check"
        # load McM
        from rest import McM
        mcm = McM()
        # retrieve request with given prepid
        temp = sys.stdout
        f = open('/dev/null', 'w')
        sys.stdout = f
        request = mcm.get('requests', str(args.inputdataset))
        sys.stdout = temp
        if debug: print 'request prepid',request['prepid']
        # search dataset name as returned by mcm
        dataset_used = str(request['output_dataset'][0])
        primary_dataset_name = dataset_used.split('/')[1]
        # search dataset name as name + campaign + datatier
        primary_dataset_name = args.inputdataset.split('/')[1]
        command=das_cmd+" --limit=0 --query=\"dataset dataset=/"+primary_dataset_name+"/*"+args.campaign+"*/"+args.datatier+"\""
        dataset_used = commands.getstatusoutput(command)[1].split("\n")
        if debug: print 'command',command,'\n'
        dataset_used = [x.strip() for x in dataset_used][0]
    if skipexisting and os.path.isfile("xsec_"+primary_dataset_name+".log"): 
        print "xsec_"+primary_dataset_name+".log existing and NO skipexisting asked, skipping"
import sys
from rest import McM

mcm = McM(dev=False)

# Example to edit a request parameter(-s) and save it back in McM
# request_prepid_to_update = 'HIG-Summer12-01257' # Doesn't exist

for i in range(0, 20):

    request_prepid_to_update = 'EGM-RunIIFall18GS-000' + str(i)
    field_to_update = 'tags'

    # get a the dictionnary of a request
    request = mcm.get('requests', request_prepid_to_update)

    if 'prepid' not in request:
        # In case the request doesn't exist, there is nothing to update
        print('Request "%s" doesn\'t exist' % (request_prepid_to_update))
        print('Request\'s "%s" field "%s" BEFORE update: %s' %
              (request_prepid_to_update, field_to_update,
        # Modify what we want
        # time_event is a list for each sequence step
        request[field_to_update] = ["Fall18P1POGGS"]

        # Push it back to McM
        update_response = mcm.update('requests', request)
        print('Update response: %s' % (update_response))
Exemple #18
# NEED this to be sourced before
# export PYTHONPATH=/afs/cern.ch/cms/PPD/PdmV/tools/wmcontrol:${PYTHONPATH}
# export PATH=/afs/cern.ch/cms/PPD/PdmV/tools/wmcontrol:${PATH}
# source /afs/cern.ch/cms/PPD/PdmV/tools/wmclient/current/etc/wmclient.sh

import os
import sys
from rest import McM

mcm = McM(dev=True)

requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=M17p1A')
print('Found %s requests' % (len(requests)))

for request in requests:
    if len(request['reqmgr_name']) > 0:
        # We change priority only if request has a registered workflow
        # Remove echo command to acutally execute it
        # Change priority to 90000
        result = os.system("echo 'wmpriority.py %s %s'" %
                           (request['reqmgr_name'][-1]['name'], 90000))
        if result != 0:
            print('Change of priority failed for: %s. Exit code: %s' %
                  (request['prepid'], result))
        print('Workflow is not registered for %s' % (request['prepid']))
    if len(member_of_chains) <= 0:
        print('%s is member of none or one chain. Skipping' %

    #print('Will leave %s' % (member_of_chains[-1]))
    # Leave the last (with biggest number) chain
    #member_of_chains = member_of_chains[:-1]

    print('Will delete:')
    for chain_prepid in member_of_chains:
        print('    %s' % (chain_prepid))

    for chain_prepid in member_of_chains:
        print('Deleting %s' % (chain_prepid))
        chain = mcm.get('chained_requests', chain_prepid)
        chain['action_parameters']['flag'] = False
        mcm.update('chained_requests', chain)
        requests_in_chain = mcm.get('requests',
                                    query='member_of_chain=%s' %

        requests_inverted = []

        for request_in_chain in requests_in_chain:


        requests_inverted = list(reversed(requests_inverted))

        for request_in_chain in requests_inverted:
    'task_EXO-RunIISummer15wmLHEGS-06075', 'task_HIG-RunIIFall17wmLHEGS-01609',
    'task_EXO-RunIISummer15wmLHEGS-06052', 'task_EXO-RunIIFall17wmLHEGS-00201',
    'task_EXO-RunIIFall17GS-00231', 'task_EXO-RunIISummer15GS-11264',

    ' Prepid       Dataset name       Completed events   Total events      Link to MCM'

for i in List:

    name = i.replace('task_', '')

    #split the strings
    request = mcm.get('requests', query='prepid=' + str(name))

    chained_requests = request[0]['member_of_chain']

    for j in range(0, len(chained_requests)):
        chained_request = mcm.get('chained_requests', chained_requests[j])

        if (len(chained_request['chain']) > 2):
            root_id = chained_request['chain'][2]
            root_id_req = mcm.get('requests', root_id)

                str(root_id_req['prepid']) + ' ' +
                str(root_id_req['dataset_name']) + ' ' +
                str(root_id_req['completed_events']) + ' ' +
                str(root_id_req['total_events']) +
#mcm = McM(dev=True,cookie='/afs/cern.ch/user/p/pgunnell/private/prod-cookie.txt')
mcm = McM(dev=False)

# Script clones a request to other campaign.
# Fefine list of modifications
# If member_of_campaign is different, it will clone to other campaign

# Get a request object which we want to clone
#chained_requests = mcm.get('chained_requests', 'B2G-chain_RunIISummer15wmLHEGS_flowRunIISummer16DR80PremixPUMoriond17_flowRunIISummer16MiniAODv3_flowRunIISummer16NanoAODv3-00208')

dest_chained_campaign = 'RunIISummer16MiniAODv3'

#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='member_of_campaign=%s&status=new&tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T1' % (dest_chained_campaign))
requests = mcm.get(
    query='member_of_campaign=%s&status=new&tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T4' %
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='prepid=B2G*&member_of_campaign=%s&approval=submit&status=approved&tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T3' % (dest_chained_campaign))

print len(requests)

i = 0

for request in requests:

    #answer = mcm._McM__get('restapi/requests/approve/%s' % (request['prepid']))


    i += 1
Exemple #22
from json import dumps

#mcm = McM(dev=True,cookie='/afs/cern.ch/user/p/pgunnell/private/prod-cookie.txt')
mcm = McM(dev=False)

# Script clones a request to other campaign.
# Fefine list of modifications
# If member_of_campaign is different, it will clone to other campaign

# Get a request object which we want to clone
#chained_requests = mcm.get('chained_requests', 'B2G-chain_RunIISummer15wmLHEGS_flowRunIISummer16DR80PremixPUMoriond17_flowRunIISummer16MiniAODv3_flowRunIISummer16NanoAODv3-00208')

dest_chained_campaign = 'RunIIFall17DRPremix'

requests = mcm.get('requests',
                   query='member_of_campaign=%s&status=approved' %

# Make predefined modifications

#print('Number of requests '+str(len(requests)))

print 'Dataset name                                   PrepID root request                                         Link to PrepID root request'

for request in requests:

    chained_request = request['member_of_chain']
    chained_request = mcm.get('chained_requests', chained_request[0])

    root_id = chained_request['chain'][0]
    root_id_req = mcm.get('requests', root_id)
Exemple #23
import sys
from rest import McM
from json import dumps

mcm = McM(dev=True)

# Script clones a request to other campaign.
# Fefine list of modifications
# If member_of_campaign is different, it will clone to other campaign
modifications = {'extension': 1,
                 'total_events': 101,
                 'member_of_campaign': 'Summer12'}

request_prepid_to_clone = "SUS-RunIIWinter15wmLHE-00040"

# Get a request object which we want to clone
request = mcm.get('requests', request_prepid_to_clone)

# Make predefined modifications
for key in modifications:
    request[key] = modifications[key]

clone_answer = mcm.clone_request(request)
if clone_answer.get('results'):
    print('Clone PrepID: %s' % (clone_answer['prepid']))
    print('Something went wrong while cloning a request. %s' % (dumps(clone_answer)))
Exemple #24
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01245", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01246",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01247", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01248",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01249", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01250",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01251", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01252",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01253", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01254",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01255", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01256",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01257", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01258",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01259", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01260",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01261", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01262",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01263", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01264",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01266", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01267",
    "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01268", "EXO-RunIIFall17GS-01269"

for input_prepid in input_prepids:
    request = mcm.get('requests', input_prepid)

    # Make predefined modifications
    for key in modifications:
        request[key] = modifications[key]

    frag17 = request["fragment"]
    if "PSweights" in frag17:
    frag18 = frag17.replace("from Configuration.Generator.MCTunes2017.PythiaCP5Settings_cfi import *\n",
          "from Configuration.Generator.MCTunes2017.PythiaCP5Settings_cfi import *\nfrom Configuration.Generator.PSweightsPythia.PythiaPSweightsSettings_cfi import *\n")\
          "pythia8CP5SettingsBlock,\n        pythia8PSweightsSettingsBlock,\n")\
          "\'pythia8CP5Settings\',\n                                    \'pythia8PSweightsSettings\',\n")
    request["fragment"] = frag18
import sys
from rest import McM


mcm = McM(dev=False)

# Example to edit a request parameter(-s) and save it back in McM
# request_prepid_to_update = 'HIG-Summer12-01257' # Doesn't exist

#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='priority=110000&status=submitted&prepid=*Autumn18DR*')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=Autumn18POGP1DR&&priority=110000&status=submitted&prepid=MUO*')
requests = mcm.get(
    'requests', query='prepid=*Autumn18DR*&&priority=85000&status=submitted')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=Autumn18P1POGDR')

tot_events = 0

for request in requests:

    chained_requests = request['member_of_chain']

    chained_request = mcm.get('chained_requests', chained_requests[0])

    tot_events += request['total_events']

    root_id = chained_request['chain'][0]
    root_id_req = mcm.get('requests', root_id)

    chained_rootid = root_id_req['member_of_chain']
Exemple #26
from rest import McM
from json import dumps

mcm = McM(dev=False,

# Script clones a request to other campaign.
# Fefine list of modifications
# If member_of_campaign is different, it will clone to other campaign

list_of_nonflowing = "list_of_forceflow"

# Get a request object which we want to clone
chained_requests = mcm.get('lists', list_of_nonflowing, method='get')

chained_requests = list(reversed(chained_requests['value']))

print chained_requests
# Make predefined modifications
print len(chained_requests)

for i in range(0, len(chained_requests)):

    if (chained_requests[i].find('MiniAODv3') != -1):

        print chained_requests[i]

        chained_request = mcm.get('chained_requests', chained_requests[i])
ochain = 'chain_RunIIFall17GS_flowRunIIFall17DRPremixPU2017_flowRunIIFall17MiniAODv2_flowRunIIFall17NanoAOD'
dchain = 'chain_RunIIFall17GS_flowRunIIFall17DRPremixPU2017_flowRunIIFall17MiniAODv2_flowRunIIFall17NanoAODv4'

ticketfilename = dchain + '.json'

collector = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)))
#for cc in ccs:
print 50 * "-"

listprep = ['TOP']

for pwg in listprep:
    #if pwg != "TOP": continue
    ## get all chains from that pwg in that chained campaign
    #crs = mcm.getA('chained_requests', query='member_of_campaign=%s&pwg=%s'%(cc['prepid'],pwg))
    crs = mcm.get('chained_requests',
                  query='member_of_campaign=%s&pwg=%s' % (ochain, pwg))
    print "\t", pwg, ":\t", len(crs)
    for cr in crs:
        #print "\t\t",cr['prepid'], cr['chain']
        root_id = cr['chain'][0]
        #print "\t\t",root_id
        #chainchecks = mcm.getA('chained_requests',query='contains=%s'%(root_id))
        #print chainchecks
        campaign = root_id.split('-')[1]
        collector[pwg][campaign][root_id] += 1

print "This is the list of %s requests that are deemed chainable: " % (
#pprint.pprint( dict(collector) )
#print collector
all_ticket = []
Exemple #28
#pwgs = ['MUO','BTV','JME','TAU','EGM','TSG','SMP','HCA','B2G']
pwgs = ['SUS']
#pwgs = ['SUS','TOP','HIG']
#pwgs = ['BPH']

if not pwgs:
    # Get list of PWGs
    pwgs = mcm._McM__get('restapi/users/get_pwg')['results']

print('Got PWGs: %s' % (pwgs))
# Create a dict of dicts of dicts of integers
collector = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)))

for pwg in pwgs:
    chained_requests = mcm.get('chained_requests',
                               query='member_of_campaign=%s&pwg=%s' %
                               (org_chained_campaign, pwg))

    print('PWG:%s\tChained requests:%s' % (pwg, len(chained_requests)))

    for chained_request in chained_requests:

        root_id = chained_request['chain'][0]
        campaign = root_id.split('-')[1]

        existing_chains = mcm.get('chained_requests',
                                  query='contains=%s&pwg=%s' % (root_id, pwg))

        chain_present = False

        for existing_chain in existing_chains:
Exemple #29
if not devMode:
    answer = None
    while answer not in ["y", "n"]:
        answer = raw_input("Not in dev mode, ok to continue [Y/N]? ").lower()
    if not answer == 'y':

os.system('source /afs/cern.ch/cms/PPD/PdmV/tools/McM/getCookie.sh')
    'cern-get-sso-cookie -u https://cms-pdmv.cern.ch/mcm/ -o ~/private/prod-cookie.txt --krb --reprocess'
mcm = McM(dev=devMode)

for req_prepid in prepidToSearch:
    request = mcm.get('requests',
    if len(request) == 1:
        request = request[0]
        if request['approval'] == 'none' or (
                request['approval'] == 'validation'
                and request['status'] == 'validation'):
            print ''
            print 'I will trigger validation of {0}'.format(request['prepid'])
            print '-- request : ', request['dataset_name']
            print '-- link    : https://cms-pdmv.cern.ch/mcm/requests?prepid={0}'.format(
            mcm.approve('requests', request['prepid'])
            print ''
            print ''
Exemple #30
#export X509_USER_PROXY=$(voms-proxy-info --path)
#export PYTHONPATH=/afs/cern.ch/cms/PPD/PdmV/tools/wmcontrol:${PYTHONPATH}
#export PATH=/afs/cern.ch/cms/PPD/PdmV/tools/wmcontrol:${PATH}
# source /afs/cern.ch/cms/PPD/PdmV/tools/wmclient/current/etc/wmclient.sh

import os
import sys
from rest import McM

mcm = McM(dev=False)

#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T2sub1&priority=90000')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T2sub2&priority=90000')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='priority=85000&status=submitted&prepid=*Autumn18DR*')
requests = mcm.get('requests',
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='prepid=EXO-RunIIFall17GS-009*&dataset_name=Mustar*')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='status=submitted&tags=Summer16MiniAODv3T3')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='status=submitted&prepid=HIG-PhaseIIMTDTDRAutumn18wmLHEGS-0000*')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='status=submitted&dataset_name=VBF_BulkGravToWW_narrow_M-*')
#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='status=submitted&prepid=SMP-*LowPU*GS*')

#requests = mcm.get('requests', query='prepid=BPH-RunIIFall18GS-0006*')
print('Found %s requests' % (len(requests)))

for request in requests:
    if len(request['reqmgr_name']) > 0:
        # We change priority only if request has a registered workflow
        # Remove echo command to acutally execute it -> already removed
        # Change priority to 200000
        result = os.system("wmpriority.py %s %s" %
Exemple #31
list0 = list('SUS-RunIIFall17GS-000' + str(i) for i in range(xxx, yyy + 1))
for req in list0:

#write the prepids of the new cloned requests to a txt file
f = open('new_requests.txt', 'w')

# If member_of_campaign is different, it will clone to other campaign
campaign_modifications = {'member_of_campaign': 'RunIIFall18GS'}

for request_prepid_to_clone in requests_to_clone:

    print('Cloning and modifying {0}'.format(request_prepid_to_clone))

    # Get a request object which we want to clone
    request = mcm.get('requests', request_prepid_to_clone)

    # Make predefined modifications
    for key in campaign_modifications:
        request[key] = campaign_modifications[key]

    #clone request and print error if it fails
    clone_answer = mcm.clone_request(request)
    if clone_answer.get('results'):
        print('Something went wrong while cloning a request. %s' %

    #write new prepid to file
    f.write(clone_answer['prepid'] + '\n')
print "This is the list of %s requests that are deemed chainable: " % (
all_tickets = []
campaign_name = "RunIISummer16MiniAODv3"

# Get requests that are member of given campaign
requests_for_that_repeat = []

for pwg in listprep:
    page = 0
    requests = [{}]
    while len(requests) > 0:
        if (campaigntochain == 'wmLHEGS'):
            requests = mcm.get(
                % (campaign_name, pwg),
            page += 1

        elif (campaigntochain == 'GS'):
            requests = mcm.get(
                % (campaign_name, pwg),
            page += 1

        elif (campaigntochain == 'pLHE'):
            requests = mcm.get(