def test_meta(self) -> None: # This is a valid package containing other packages... but no task will be found tasks = Meta.get_celery_tasks("restapi.utilities") assert isinstance(tasks, list) assert len(tasks) == 0 tasks = Meta.get_celery_tasks("this-should-not-exist") assert isinstance(tasks, list) assert len(tasks) == 0 mcls = Meta.get_classes_from_module( "this-should-not-exist") # type: ignore assert isinstance(mcls, dict) assert len(mcls) == 0 assert not Meta.get_module_from_string("this-should-not-exist") try: Meta.get_module_from_string( "this-should-not-exist", exit_on_fail=True, )"ModuleNotFoundError not raised") # pragma: no cover except ModuleNotFoundError: pass # This method is not very robust... but... let's test the current implementation # It basicaly return the first args if it is an instance of some classes assert not Meta.get_self_reference_from_args() selfref = Meta.get_self_reference_from_args("test") assert selfref == "test" models = Meta.import_models("this-should", "not-exist", mandatory=False) assert isinstance(models, dict) assert len(models) == 0 try: Meta.import_models("this-should", "not-exist", mandatory=True)"SystemExit not raised") # pragma: no cover except SystemExit: pass # Check exit_on_fail default value models = Meta.import_models("this-should", "not-exist") assert isinstance(models, dict) assert len(models) == 0 assert Meta.get_instance("invalid.path", "InvalidClass") is None assert Meta.get_instance("customization", "InvalidClass") is None assert Meta.get_instance("customization", "Customizer") is not None
def connect(self, **kwargs): variables = self.variables.copy() variables.update(kwargs) broker = variables.get("broker") if broker is None: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Unable to start Celery, missing broker service") if broker == "RABBIT": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="rabbitmq") self.celery_app.conf.broker_use_ssl = Env.to_bool( service_vars.get("ssl_enabled")) self.celery_app.conf.broker_url = self.get_rabbit_url( service_vars, protocol="amqp") elif broker == "REDIS": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="redis") self.celery_app.conf.broker_use_ssl = False self.celery_app.conf.broker_url = self.get_redis_url( service_vars, protocol="redis") else: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit( "Unable to start Celery: unknown broker service: {}", broker) "Configured {} as broker {}", broker, obfuscate_url(self.celery_app.conf.broker_url), ) # From the guide: "Default: Taken from broker_url." # But it is not true, connection fails if not explicitly set self.celery_app.conf.broker_read_url = self.celery_app.conf.broker_url self.celery_app.conf.broker_write_url = self.celery_app.conf.broker_url backend = variables.get("backend", broker) if backend == "RABBIT": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="rabbitmq") log.warning( "RABBIT backend is quite limited and not fully supported. " "Consider to enable Redis or MongoDB as a backend database") self.celery_app.conf.result_backend = self.get_rabbit_url( service_vars, protocol="rpc") elif backend == "REDIS": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="redis") self.celery_app.conf.result_backend = self.get_redis_url( service_vars, protocol="redis") # set('redis_backend_use_ssl', kwargs.get('redis_backend_use_ssl')) elif backend == "MONGODB": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="mongo") self.celery_app.conf.result_backend = self.get_mongodb_url( service_vars, protocol="mongodb") else: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit( "Unable to start Celery: unknown backend service: {}", backend) "Configured {} as backend {}", backend, obfuscate_url(self.celery_app.conf.result_backend), ) # Should be enabled? # Default: Disabled by default (transient messages). # If set to True, result messages will be persistent. # This means the messages won’t be lost after a broker restart. # self.celery_app.conf.result_persistent = True # Skip initial warnings, avoiding pickle format (deprecated) self.celery_app.conf.accept_content = ["json"] self.celery_app.conf.task_serializer = "json" self.celery_app.conf.result_serializer = "json" # Already enabled by default to use UTC # self.celery_app.conf.enable_utc # self.celery_app.conf.timezone # Not needed, because tasks are dynamcally injected # self.celery_app.conf.imports # self.celery_app.conf.includes # Max priority default value for all queues # Required to be able to set priority parameter on task calls self.celery_app.conf.task_queue_max_priority = 10 # Default priority for taks (if not specified) self.celery_app.conf.task_default_priority = 5 # If you want to apply a more strict priority to items # probably prefetching should also be disabled: # Late ack means the task messages will be acknowledged after the task # has been executed, not just before (the default behavior). # self.celery_app.conf.task_acks_late = True # How many messages to prefetch at a time multiplied by the number # of concurrent processes. The default is 4 (four messages for each process). # The default setting is usually a good choice, however – if you have very # long running tasks waiting in the queue and you have to start the workers, # note that the first worker to start will receive four times the number # of messages initially. Thus the tasks may not be fairly distributed to # the workers. To disable prefetching, set worker_prefetch_multiplier to 1. # Changing that setting to 0 will allow the worker to keep consuming as many # messages as it wants. self.celery_app.conf.worker_prefetch_multiplier = 1 if Env.get_bool("CELERYBEAT_ENABLED"): CeleryExt.CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULER = backend if backend == "MONGODB": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="mongo") url = self.get_mongodb_url(service_vars, protocol="mongodb") SCHEDULER_DB = "celery" self.celery_app.conf[ "CELERY_MONGODB_SCHEDULER_DB"] = SCHEDULER_DB self.celery_app.conf[ "CELERY_MONGODB_SCHEDULER_COLLECTION"] = "schedules" self.celery_app.conf["CELERY_MONGODB_SCHEDULER_URL"] = url import mongoengine m = mongoengine.connect(SCHEDULER_DB, host=url)"Celery-beat connected to MongoDB: {}", m) elif backend == "REDIS": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="redis") url = self.get_redis_url(service_vars, protocol="redis") self.celery_app.conf["REDBEAT_REDIS_URL"] = url self.celery_app.conf["REDBEAT_KEY_PREFIX"] = REDBEAT_KEY_PREFIX"Celery-beat connected to Redis: {}", obfuscate_url(url)) else: # pragma: no cover log.warning( "Cannot configure celery beat scheduler with backend: {}", backend) # self.disconnected = False conf = self.celery_app.conf # Replace the previous App with new settings self.celery_app = Celery("RAPyDo", broker=conf["broker_url"], backend=conf["result_backend"]) self.celery_app.conf = conf for funct in Meta.get_celery_tasks(f"{CUSTOM_PACKAGE}.tasks"): # Weird errors due to celery-stubs? # "Callable[[], Any]" has no attribute "register" # The code is correct... let's ignore it self.celery_app.tasks.register(funct) # type: ignore return self
def connect(self, **kwargs: str) -> "CeleryExt": variables = self.variables.copy() variables.update(kwargs) broker = variables.get("broker_service") if HOST_TYPE == DOCS: # pragma: no cover broker = "RABBIT" if broker is None: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Unable to start Celery, missing broker service") if broker == "RABBIT": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="rabbitmq") if Env.to_bool(service_vars.get("ssl_enabled")): # The setting can be a dict with the following keys: # ssl_cert_reqs (required): one of the SSLContext.verify_mode values: # ssl.CERT_NONE # ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL # ssl.CERT_REQUIRED # ssl_ca_certs (optional): path to the CA certificate # ssl_certfile (optional): path to the client certificate # ssl_keyfile (optional): path to the client key server_hostname = RabbitExt.get_hostname( service_vars.get("host", "")) force_self_signed = Env.get_bool("SSL_FORCE_SELF_SIGNED") ca_certs = (SSL_CERTIFICATE if server_hostname == "localhost" or force_self_signed else certifi.where()) self.celery_app.conf.broker_use_ssl = { # 'keyfile': '/var/ssl/private/worker-key.pem', # 'certfile': '/var/ssl/amqp-server-cert.pem', # 'ca_certs': '/var/ssl/myca.pem', # 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED # 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL "cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, "server_hostname": server_hostname, "ca_certs": ca_certs, } self.celery_app.conf.broker_url = self.get_rabbit_url( service_vars, protocol="pyamqp") elif broker == "REDIS": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="redis") self.celery_app.conf.broker_use_ssl = False self.celery_app.conf.broker_url = self.get_redis_url( service_vars, protocol="redis", db=RedisExt.CELERY_BROKER_DB) else: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit( "Unable to start Celery: unknown broker service: {}", broker) "Configured {} as broker {}", broker, obfuscate_url(self.celery_app.conf.broker_url), ) # From the guide: "Default: Taken from broker_url." # But it is not true, connection fails if not explicitly set self.celery_app.conf.broker_read_url = self.celery_app.conf.broker_url self.celery_app.conf.broker_write_url = self.celery_app.conf.broker_url backend = variables.get("backend_service", broker) if backend == "RABBIT": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="rabbitmq") log.warning( "RABBIT backend is quite limited and not fully supported. " "Consider to enable Redis as a backend database") self.celery_app.conf.result_backend = self.get_rabbit_url( service_vars, protocol="rpc") elif backend == "REDIS": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="redis") self.celery_app.conf.result_backend = self.get_redis_url( service_vars, protocol="redis", db=RedisExt.CELERY_BACKEND_DB) # set('redis_backend_use_ssl', kwargs.get('redis_backend_use_ssl')) else: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit( "Unable to start Celery: unknown backend service: {}", backend) "Configured {} as backend {}", backend, obfuscate_url(self.celery_app.conf.result_backend), ) # Should be enabled? # Default: Disabled by default (transient messages). # If set to True, result messages will be persistent. # This means the messages won’t be lost after a broker restart. # self.celery_app.conf.result_persistent = True # Decides if publishing task messages will be retried in the case of # connection loss or other connection errors self.celery_app.conf.task_publish_retry = True # Already enabled by default to use UTC # self.celery_app.conf.enable_utc # self.celery_app.conf.timezone # Not needed, because tasks are dynamcally injected # self.celery_app.conf.imports # self.celery_app.conf.includes # Note about priority: multi-queues is better than prioritized tasks # # Max priority default value for all queues # Required to be able to set priority parameter on task calls self.celery_app.conf.task_queue_max_priority = 10 # Default priority for taks (if not specified) self.celery_app.conf.task_default_priority = 5 # If you want to apply a more strict priority to items # probably prefetching should also be disabled: # Late ack means the task messages will be acknowledged after the task # has been executed, not just before (the default behavior). # self.celery_app.conf.task_acks_late = True # How many messages to prefetch at a time multiplied by the number # of concurrent processes. The default is 4 (four messages for each process). # The default setting is usually a good choice, however – if you have very # long running tasks waiting in the queue and you have to start the workers, # note that the first worker to start will receive four times the number # of messages initially. Thus the tasks may not be fairly distributed to # the workers. To disable prefetching, set worker_prefetch_multiplier to 1. # Changing that setting to 0 will allow the worker to keep consuming as many # messages as it wants. self.celery_app.conf.worker_prefetch_multiplier = 1 # Introduced in Celery 5.1: on connection loss cancels all currently executed # tasks with late acknowledgement enabled. # These tasks cannot be acknowledged as the connection is gone, # and the tasks are automatically redelivered back to the queue. # In Celery 5.1 it is set to False by default. # The setting will be set to True by default in Celery 6.0. self.celery_app.conf.worker_cancel_long_running_tasks_on_connection_loss = True if not PRODUCTION: # Skip initial warnings by avoiding pickle format (deprecated) # Only set in DEV mode since in PROD mode the auth serializer is used self.celery_app.conf.accept_content = ["json"] self.celery_app.conf.task_serializer = "json" self.celery_app.conf.result_serializer = "json" if Env.get_bool("CELERYBEAT_ENABLED"): CeleryExt.CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULER = backend if backend == "REDIS": service_vars = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="redis") url = self.get_redis_url(service_vars, protocol="redis", db=RedisExt.CELERY_BEAT_DB) self.celery_app.conf["REDBEAT_REDIS_URL"] = url self.celery_app.conf["REDBEAT_KEY_PREFIX"] = REDBEAT_KEY_PREFIX"Celery-beat connected to Redis: {}", obfuscate_url(url)) else: # pragma: no cover log.warning( "Cannot configure celery beat scheduler with backend: {}", backend) # self.disconnected = False conf = self.celery_app.conf # Replace the previous App with new settings self.celery_app = Celery("RAPyDo", broker=conf.broker_url, backend=conf.result_backend) self.celery_app.conf = conf if PRODUCTION: # self.celery_app.conf.update( security_key=SSL_SECRET, security_certificate=SSL_CERTIFICATE, security_cert_store=SSL_CERTIFICATE, security_digest="sha256", task_serializer="auth", result_serializer="auth", event_serializer="auth", accept_content=["auth"], ) self.celery_app.setup_security() for funct in Meta.get_celery_tasks(f"{CUSTOM_PACKAGE}.tasks"): # Weird errors due to celery-stubs? # "Callable[[], Any]" has no attribute "register" # The code is correct... let's ignore it self.celery_app.tasks.register(funct) # type: ignore return self