def make_connection(self): """ initate a connection if needed or reuse a socket""" addr = (, self.port) s = None # if we defined a pool use it if self.connections is not None: s = self.connections.get(addr) if not s: # pool is empty or we don't use a pool if self.uri.scheme == "https": s = sock.connect(addr, self.timeout, True, self.key_file, self.cert_file) else: s = sock.connect(addr, self.timeout) return s
def on_request(self, req): proxy_auth = _get_proxy_auth() if req.uri.scheme == "https": proxy = os.environ.get('https_proxy') if proxy: if proxy_auth: proxy_auth = 'Proxy-authorization: %s' % proxy_auth proxy_connect = 'CONNECT %s HTTP/1.0\r\n' % (req.uri.netloc) user_agent = "User-Agent: restkit/%s\r\n" % __version__ proxy_pieces = '%s%s%s\r\n' % (proxy_connect, proxy_auth, user_agent) proxy_uri = urlparse.urlparse(proxy) proxy_host, proxy_port = self._host_port(proxy_uri) # Connect to the proxy server, # very simple recv and error checking p_sock = sock.connect((proxy_host, int(proxy_port)) ) sock.send(p_sock, proxy_pieces) # wait header p = Parser.parse_response() headers = [] buf = "" buf = sock.recv(p_sock, util.CHUNK_SIZE) i = self.parser.filter_headers(headers, buf) if i == -1 and buf: while True: data = sock.recv(p_sock, util.CHUNK_SIZE) if not data: break buf += data i = self.parser.filter_headers(headers, buf) if i != -1: break if p.status_int != 200: raise ProxyError('Error status=%s' % p.status) sock._ssl_wrap_socket(p_sock, None, None) # update socket req.socket = p_sock = proxy_host else: proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy') if proxy: proxy_uri = urlparse.urlparse(proxy) proxy_host, proxy_port = self._host_port(proxy_uri) if proxy_auth: headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = proxy_auth.strip() req.headers.append(('Proxy-Authorization', proxy_auth.strip())) = proxy_host req.port = proxy_port