class FieldValuesParametizer(PaginatorParametizer): aware = BoolParam(False) limit = IntParam(10) tree = StrParam(MODELTREE_DEFAULT_ALIAS, choices=trees) processor = StrParam('default', choices=pipeline.query_processors) query = StrParam() random = IntParam()
class FieldParametizer(Parametizer): "Supported params and their defaults for Field endpoints." sort = StrParam() order = StrParam('asc') unpublished = BoolParam(False) brief = BoolParam(False) query = StrParam() limit = IntParam() # Not implemented offset = IntParam() page = IntParam()
class FieldParametizer(Parametizer): "Supported params and their defaults for Field endpoints." tree = StrParam(MODELTREE_DEFAULT_ALIAS, choices=trees) sort = StrParam() order = StrParam('asc') unpublished = BoolParam(False) brief = BoolParam(False) query = StrParam() limit = IntParam() # Not implemented offset = IntParam() page = IntParam()
class FieldDistParametizer(Parametizer): tree = StrParam(MODELTREE_DEFAULT_ALIAS, choices=trees) aware = BoolParam(False) nulls = BoolParam(False) sort = StrParam() cluster = BoolParam(True) n = IntParam()
class FieldDimsParametizer(Parametizer): aware = BoolParam(False) cluster = BoolParam(True) n = IntParam() nulls = BoolParam(False) processor = StrParam('default', choices=pipeline.query_processors) sort = StrParam() tree = StrParam(MODELTREE_DEFAULT_ALIAS, choices=trees)
class ConceptParametizer(Parametizer): "Supported params and their defaults for Concept endpoints." tree = StrParam(MODELTREE_DEFAULT_ALIAS, choices=trees) sort = StrParam() order = StrParam('asc') unpublished = BoolParam(False) brief = BoolParam(False) query = StrParam() limit = IntParam()
class ConceptParametizer(Parametizer): "Supported params and their defaults for Concept endpoints." sort = StrParam() order = StrParam('asc') unpublished = BoolParam(False) embed = BoolParam(False) brief = BoolParam(False) query = StrParam() limit = IntParam()
class PaginatorParametizer(Parametizer): page = IntParam(1) limit = IntParam(20)
class QueryResultsParametizer(QueryParametizer): limit = IntParam(50)
class FieldValuesParametizer(PaginatorParametizer): limit = IntParam(10) aware = BoolParam(False) query = StrParam() random = IntParam()
class ExporterParametizer(Parametizer): limit = IntParam(50) tree = StrParam(MODELTREE_DEFAULT_ALIAS, choices=trees)
class ExporterParametizer(Parametizer): limit = IntParam(50) processor = StrParam('default', choices=pipeline.query_processors) reader = StrParam('cached', choices=BaseExporter.readers) tree = StrParam(MODELTREE_DEFAULT_ALIAS, choices=trees)