Exemple #1
    def invokeFunction(self, function):
        # Infer the drawable size from GL calls
        if function.name == "glViewport":
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(x + width, y + height);'
        if function.name == "glViewportArray":
            # We are concerned about drawables so only care for the first viewport
            print '    if (first == 0 && count > 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedf":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedfv":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name in ('glBlitFramebuffer', 'glBlitFramebufferEXT'):
            # Some applications do all their rendering in a framebuffer, and
            # then just blit to the drawable without ever calling glViewport.
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(std::max(dstX0, dstX1), std::max(dstY0, dstY1));'

        if function.name == "glEnd":
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->insideBeginEnd = false;'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'memcpy':
            print '    if (!dest || !src || !n) return;'

        # Skip glEnable/Disable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) as we don't
        # faithfully set the CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB flags on context creation.
        if function.name in ('glEnable', 'glDisable'):
            print '    if (cap == GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) return;'

        # Destroy the buffer mapping
        if self.unmap_function_regex.match(function.name):
            print r'        GLvoid *ptr = NULL;'
            if function.name == 'glUnmapBuffer':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointerv(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferARB':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervARB(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferOES':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervOES(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapNamedBuffer':
                print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointerv(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapNamedBufferEXT':
                print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapObjectBufferATI':
                # TODO
                assert False
            print r'        if (ptr) {'
            print r'            retrace::delRegionByPointer(ptr);'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "failed to get mapped pointer\n";'
            print r'        }'

        # Implicit destruction of buffer mappings
        # TODO: handle BufferData variants
        # TODO: don't rely on GL_ARB_direct_state_access
        if function.name in ('glDeleteBuffers', 'glDeleteBuffersARB'):
            print r'    if (currentContext->features().ARB_direct_state_access) {'
            print r'        for (GLsizei i = 0; i < n; ++i) {'
            print r'            GLvoid *ptr = nullptr;'
            print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointerv(buffers[i], GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            print r'            if (ptr) {'
            print r'                retrace::delRegionByPointer(ptr);'
            print r'            }'
            print r'        }'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name.startswith('glCopyImageSubData'):
            print r'    if (srcTarget == GL_RENDERBUFFER || dstTarget == GL_RENDERBUFFER) {'
            print r'        retrace::warning(call) << " renderbuffer targets unsupported (https://github.com/apitrace/apitrace/issues/404)\n";'
            print r'    }'

        is_draw_arrays = self.draw_arrays_function_regex.match(
            function.name) is not None
        is_draw_elements = self.draw_elements_function_regex.match(
            function.name) is not None
        is_misc_draw = self.misc_draw_function_regex.match(
            function.name) is not None

        profileDraw = (is_draw_arrays or is_draw_elements or is_misc_draw
                       or function.name == 'glBegin'
                       or function.name.startswith('glDispatchCompute'))

        # Keep track of current program/pipeline
        if function.name in ('glUseProgram', 'glUseProgramObjectARB'):
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->currentUserProgram = call.arg(0).toUInt();'
            print r'        currentContext->currentProgram = %s;' % function.args[
            print r'    }'
        if function.name in ('glBindProgramPipeline',
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->currentPipeline = %s;' % function.args[
            print r'    }'

        # Only profile if not inside a list as the queries get inserted into list
        if function.name == 'glNewList':
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->insideList = true;'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'glEndList':
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->insideList = false;'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'glBegin' or \
           is_draw_arrays or \
           is_draw_elements or \
            print r'    if (retrace::debug) {'
            print r'        _validateActiveProgram(call);'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name != 'glEnd':
            print r'    if (currentContext && !currentContext->insideList && !currentContext->insideBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {'
            if profileDraw:
                print r'        glretrace::beginProfile(call, true);'
                print r'        glretrace::beginProfile(call, false);'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name in ('glCreateShaderProgramv',
            # When dumping state, break down glCreateShaderProgram* so that the
            # shader source can be recovered.
            print r'    if (retrace::dumpingState) {'
            print r'        GLuint _shader = glCreateShader(type);'
            print r'        if (_shader) {'
            if not function.name.startswith('glCreateShaderProgramv'):
                print r'            GLsizei count = 1;'
                print r'            const GLchar **strings = &string;'
            print r'            glShaderSource(_shader, count, strings, NULL);'
            print r'            glCompileShader(_shader);'
            print r'            const GLuint _program = glCreateProgram();'
            print r'            if (_program) {'
            print r'                GLint compiled = GL_FALSE;'
            print r'                glGetShaderiv(_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled);'
            if function.name == 'glCreateShaderProgramvEXT':
                print r'                glProgramParameteriEXT(_program, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);'
                print r'                glProgramParameteri(_program, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);'
            print r'                if (compiled) {'
            print r'                    glAttachShader(_program, _shader);'
            print r'                    glLinkProgram(_program);'
            print r'                    if (false) glDetachShader(_program, _shader);'
            print r'                }'
            print r'                // TODO: append shader info log to program info log'
            print r'            }'
            print r'            glDeleteShader(_shader);'
            print r'            _result = _program;'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            _result = 0;'
            print r'        }'
            print r'    } else {'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)
            print r'    }'
        elif function.name in ('glDetachShader', 'glDetachObjectARB'):
            print r'    if (!retrace::dumpingState) {'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)
            print r'    }'
        elif function.name == 'glClientWaitSync':
            print r'    _result = glretrace::clientWaitSync(call, sync, flags, timeout);'
            print r'    (void)_result;'
        elif function.name == 'glGetSynciv':
            print r'    if (pname == GL_SYNC_STATUS &&'
            print r'        bufSize >= 1 &&'
            print r'        values != NULL &&'
            print r'        call.arg(4)[0].toSInt() == GL_SIGNALED) {'
            print r'        // Fence was signalled, so ensure it happened here'
            print r'        glretrace::blockOnFence(call, sync, GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT);'
            print r'        (void)length;'
            print r'    }'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)

        # Ensure this context flushes before switching to another thread to
        # prevent deadlock.
        # TODO: Defer flushing until another thread actually invokes
        # ClientWaitSync.
        if function.name.startswith("glFenceSync"):
            print '    if (currentContext) {'
            print '        currentContext->needsFlush = true;'
            print '    }'
        if function.name in ("glFlush", "glFinish"):
            print '    if (currentContext) {'
            print '        currentContext->needsFlush = false;'
            print '    }'

        if function.name == "glBegin":
            print '    if (currentContext) {'
            print '        currentContext->insideBeginEnd = true;'
            print '    }'

        print r'    if (currentContext && !currentContext->insideList && !currentContext->insideBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {'
        if profileDraw:
            print r'        glretrace::endProfile(call, true);'
            print r'        glretrace::endProfile(call, false);'
        print r'    }'

        # Error checking
        if function.name.startswith('gl'):
            # glGetError is not allowed inside glBegin/glEnd
            print '    if (retrace::debug && currentContext && !currentContext->insideBeginEnd) {'
            print '        glretrace::checkGlError(call);'
            if function.name in ('glProgramStringARB', 'glLoadProgramNV'):
                print r'        GLint error_position = -1;'
                print r'        glGetIntegerv(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB, &error_position);'
                print r'        if (error_position != -1) {'
                print r'            const char *error_string = (const char *)glGetString(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB);'
                print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "error in position " << error_position << ": " << error_string << "\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShader':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "compilation failed\n";'
                print r'        }'
                print r'        GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'        if (info_log_length > 1) {'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glLinkProgram', 'glCreateShaderProgramv',
                                 'glProgramBinary', 'glProgramBinaryOES'):
                if function.name.startswith('glCreateShaderProgram'):
                    print r'        GLuint program = _result;'
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "link failed\n";'
                print r'        }'
                print r'        GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'        if (info_log_length > 1) {'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetProgramInfoLog(program, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShaderARB':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "compilation failed\n";'
                print r'        }'
                print r'        GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'        if (info_log_length > 1) {'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(shaderObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glLinkProgramARB':
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "link failed\n";'
                print r'        }'
                print r'        GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'        if (info_log_length > 1) {'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(programObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if self.map_function_regex.match(function.name):
                print r'        if (!_result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to map buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if self.unmap_function_regex.match(
                    function.name) and function.type is not stdapi.Void:
                print r'        if (!_result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to unmap buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glGetAttribLocation',
                print r'    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (_result != _origResult) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "vertex attrib location mismatch " << _origResult << " -> " << _result << "\n";'
                print r'    }'
            if function.name in ('glCheckFramebufferStatus',
                print r'    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (_origResult == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE &&'
                print r'        _result != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "incomplete framebuffer (" << glstate::enumToString(_result) << ")\n";'
                print r'    }'
            print '    }'

        # Query the buffer length for whole buffer mappings
        if self.map_function_regex.match(function.name):
            if 'length' in function.argNames():
                assert 'BufferRange' in function.name
                assert 'BufferRange' not in function.name
                print r'    GLint length = 0;'
                if function.name in ('glMapBuffer', 'glMapBufferOES'):
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapBufferARB':
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameterivARB(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapNamedBuffer':
                    print r'    glGetNamedBufferParameteriv(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapNamedBufferEXT':
                    print r'    glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapObjectBufferATI':
                    print r'    glGetObjectBufferivATI(buffer, GL_OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI, &length);'
                    assert False
Exemple #2
    def invokeFunction(self, function):
        # Infer the drawable size from GL calls
        if function.name == "glViewport":
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(x + width, y + height);'
        if function.name == "glViewportArray":
            # We are concerned about drawables so only care for the first viewport
            print '    if (first == 0 && count > 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedf":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedfv":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name in ('glBlitFramebuffer', 'glBlitFramebufferEXT'):
            # Some applications do all their rendering in a framebuffer, and
            # then just blit to the drawable without ever calling glViewport.
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(std::max(dstX0, dstX1), std::max(dstY0, dstY1));'

        if function.name == "glEnd":
            print '    glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd = false;'

        if function.name.startswith('gl') and not function.name.startswith('glX'):
            print r'    if (retrace::debug && !glretrace::currentContext) {'
            print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "no current context\n";'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'memcpy':
            print '    if (!dest || !src || !n) return;'

        # Skip glEnable/Disable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) as we don't
        # faithfully set the CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB flags on context creation.
        if function.name in ('glEnable', 'glDisable'):
            print '    if (cap == GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) return;'

        # Destroy the buffer mapping
        if function.name in self.unmap_function_names:
            print r'        GLvoid *ptr = NULL;'
            if function.name == 'glUnmapBuffer':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointerv(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferARB':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervARB(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferOES':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervOES(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapNamedBufferEXT':
                print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapObjectBufferATI':
                # TODO
                assert False
            print r'        if (ptr) {'
            print r'            retrace::delRegionByPointer(ptr);'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "no current context\n";'
            print r'        }'

        if function.name in ('glBindProgramPipeline', 'glBindProgramPipelineEXT'):
            # Note if glBindProgramPipeline has ever been called
            print r'    if (pipeline) {'
            print r'        _pipelineHasBeenBound = true;'
            print r'    }'

        profileDraw = (
            function.name in self.draw_array_function_names or
            function.name in self.draw_elements_function_names or
            function.name in self.draw_indirect_function_names or
            function.name in self.misc_draw_function_names or
            function.name == 'glBegin'

        if function.name in ('glUseProgram', 'glUseProgramObjectARB'):
            print r'    if (glretrace::currentContext) {'
            print r'        glretrace::currentContext->activeProgram = call.arg(0).toUInt();'
            print r'    }'

        # Only profile if not inside a list as the queries get inserted into list
        if function.name == 'glNewList':
            print r'    glretrace::insideList = true;'

        if function.name == 'glEndList':
            print r'    glretrace::insideList = false;'

        if function.name != 'glEnd':
            print r'    if (!glretrace::insideList && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {'
            if profileDraw:
                print r'        glretrace::beginProfile(call, true);'
                print r'        glretrace::beginProfile(call, false);'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'glCreateShaderProgramv':
            # When dumping state, break down glCreateShaderProgramv so that the
            # shader source can be recovered.
            print r'    if (retrace::dumpingState) {'
            print r'        GLuint _shader = glCreateShader(type);'
            print r'        if (_shader) {'
            print r'            glShaderSource(_shader, count, strings, NULL);'
            print r'            glCompileShader(_shader);'
            print r'            const GLuint _program = glCreateProgram();'
            print r'            if (_program) {'
            print r'                GLint compiled = GL_FALSE;'
            print r'                glGetShaderiv(_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled);'
            print r'                glProgramParameteri(_program, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);'
            print r'                if (compiled) {'
            print r'                    glAttachShader(_program, _shader);'
            print r'                    glLinkProgram(_program);'
            print r'                    //glDetachShader(_program, _shader);'
            print r'                }'
            print r'                //append-shader-info-log-to-program-info-log'
            print r'            }'
            print r'            //glDeleteShader(_shader);'
            print r'            _result = _program;'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            _result = 0;'
            print r'        }'
            print r'    } else {'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)
            print r'    }'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)

        if function.name == "glBegin":
            print '    glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd = true;'

        print r'    if (!glretrace::insideList && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {'
        if profileDraw:
            print r'        glretrace::endProfile(call, true);'
            print r'        glretrace::endProfile(call, false);'
        print r'    }'

        # Error checking
        if function.name.startswith('gl'):
            # glGetError is not allowed inside glBegin/glEnd
            print '    if (retrace::debug && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd) {'
            print '        glretrace::checkGlError(call);'
            if function.name in ('glProgramStringARB', 'glProgramStringNV'):
                print r'        GLint error_position = -1;'
                print r'        glGetIntegerv(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB, &error_position);'
                print r'        if (error_position != -1) {'
                print r'            const char *error_string = (const char *)glGetString(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB);'
                print r'            retrace::warning(call) << error_string << "\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShader':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glLinkProgram', 'glCreateShaderProgramv', 'glCreateShaderProgramEXT'):
                if function.name != 'glLinkProgram':
                    print r'        GLuint program = _result;'
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetProgramInfoLog(program, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShaderARB':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(shaderObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glLinkProgramARB':
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(programObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in self.map_function_names:
                print r'        if (!_result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to map buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in self.unmap_function_names and function.type is not stdapi.Void:
                print r'        if (!_result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to unmap buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glGetAttribLocation', 'glGetAttribLocationARB'):
                print r'    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (_result != _origResult) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "vertex attrib location mismatch " << _origResult << " -> " << _result << "\n";'
                print r'    }'
            if function.name in ('glCheckFramebufferStatus', 'glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT', 'glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT'):
                print r'    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (_origResult == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE &&'
                print r'        _result != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "incomplete framebuffer (" << glstate::enumToString(_result) << ")\n";'
                print r'    }'
            print '    }'

        # Query the buffer length for whole buffer mappings
        if function.name in self.map_function_names:
            if 'length' in function.argNames():
                assert 'BufferRange' in function.name
                assert 'BufferRange' not in function.name
                print r'    GLint length = 0;'
                if function.name in ('glMapBuffer', 'glMapBufferOES'):
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapBufferARB':
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameterivARB(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapNamedBufferEXT':
                    print r'    glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapObjectBufferATI':
                    print r'    glGetObjectBufferivATI(buffer, GL_OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI, &length);'
                    assert False
Exemple #3
    def invokeFunction(self, function):
        # Infer the drawable size from GL calls
        if function.name == "glViewport":
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(x + width, y + height);'
        if function.name == "glViewportArray":
            # We are concerned about drawables so only care for the first viewport
            print '    if (first == 0 && count > 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedf":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedfv":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name in ('glBlitFramebuffer', 'glBlitFramebufferEXT'):
            # Some applications do all their rendering in a framebuffer, and
            # then just blit to the drawable without ever calling glViewport.
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(std::max(dstX0, dstX1), std::max(dstY0, dstY1));'

        if function.name == "glEnd":
            print '    glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd = false;'

        if function.name.startswith('gl') and not function.name.startswith('glX'):
            print r'    if (!glretrace::context && !glretrace::benchmark && !retrace::profiling) {'
            print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "no current context\n";'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'memcpy':
            print '    if (!dest || !src || !n) return;'

        # Destroy the buffer mapping
        if function.name in self.unmap_function_names:
            print r'        GLvoid *ptr = NULL;'
            if function.name == 'glUnmapBuffer':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointerv(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferARB':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervARB(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferOES':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervOES(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapNamedBufferEXT':
                print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapObjectBufferATI':
                # TODO
                assert False
            print r'        if (ptr) {'
            print r'            retrace::delRegionByPointer(ptr);'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "no current context\n";'
            print r'        }'
        Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)

        # Error checking
        if function.name == "glBegin":
            print '    glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd = true;'
        elif function.name.startswith('gl'):
            # glGetError is not allowed inside glBegin/glEnd
            print '    if (!glretrace::benchmark && !retrace::profiling && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd) {'
            print '        glretrace::checkGlError(call);'
            if function.name in ('glProgramStringARB', 'glProgramStringNV'):
                print r'        GLint error_position = -1;'
                print r'        glGetIntegerv(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB, &error_position);'
                print r'        if (error_position != -1) {'
                print r'            const char *error_string = (const char *)glGetString(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB);'
                print r'            retrace::warning(call) << error_string << "\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShader':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glLinkProgram':
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetProgramInfoLog(program, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShaderARB':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(shaderObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glLinkProgramARB':
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(programObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in self.map_function_names:
                print r'        if (!__result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to map buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in self.unmap_function_names and function.type is not stdapi.Void:
                print r'        if (!__result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to unmap buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glGetAttribLocation', 'glGetAttribLocationARB'):
                print r'    GLint __orig_result = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (__result != __orig_result) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "vertex attrib location mismatch " << __orig_result << " -> " << __result << "\n";'
                print r'    }'
            if function.name in ('glCheckFramebufferStatus', 'glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT', 'glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT'):
                print r'    GLint __orig_result = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (__orig_result == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE &&'
                print r'        __result != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "incomplete framebuffer (" << glstate::enumToString(__result) << ")\n";'
                print r'    }'
            print '    }'

        # Query the buffer length for whole buffer mappings
        if function.name in self.map_function_names:
            if 'length' in function.argNames():
                assert 'BufferRange' in function.name
                assert 'BufferRange' not in function.name
                print r'    GLint length = 0;'
                if function.name in ('glMapBuffer', 'glMapBufferOES'):
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapBufferARB':
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameterivARB(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapNamedBufferEXT':
                    print r'    glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapObjectBufferATI':
                    print r'    glGetObjectBufferivATI(buffer, GL_OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI, &length);'
                    assert False
Exemple #4
    def invokeFunction(self, function):
        # Infer the drawable size from GL calls
        if function.name == "glViewport":
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(x + width, y + height);'
        if function.name == "glViewportArrayv":
            # We are concerned about drawables so only care for the first viewport
            print '    if (first == 0 && count > 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedf":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedfv":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name in ('glBlitFramebuffer', 'glBlitFramebufferEXT'):
            # Some applications do all their rendering in a framebuffer, and
            # then just blit to the drawable without ever calling glViewport.
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(std::max(dstX0, dstX1), std::max(dstY0, dstY1));'

        if function.name == "glEnd":
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->insideBeginEnd = false;'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'memcpy':
            print '    if (!dest || !src || !n) return;'

        # Skip glEnable/Disable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) as we don't
        # faithfully set the CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB flags on context creation.
        if function.name in ('glEnable', 'glDisable'):
            print '    if (cap == GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) return;'

        # Destroy the buffer mapping
        if self.unmap_function_regex.match(function.name):
            print r'        GLvoid *ptr = NULL;'
            if function.name == 'glUnmapBuffer':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointerv(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferARB':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervARB(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferOES':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervOES(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapNamedBuffer':
                print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointerv(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapNamedBufferEXT':
                print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapObjectBufferATI':
                # TODO
                assert False
            print r'        if (ptr) {'
            print r'            retrace::delRegionByPointer(ptr);'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "failed to get mapped pointer\n";'
            print r'        }'

        # Implicit destruction of buffer mappings
        # TODO: handle BufferData variants
        # TODO: don't rely on GL_ARB_direct_state_access
        if function.name in ('glDeleteBuffers', 'glDeleteBuffersARB'):
            print r'    if (currentContext->features().ARB_direct_state_access) {'
            print r'        for (GLsizei i = 0; i < n; ++i) {'
            print r'            GLvoid *ptr = nullptr;'
            print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointerv(buffers[i], GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            print r'            if (ptr) {'
            print r'                retrace::delRegionByPointer(ptr);'
            print r'            }'
            print r'        }'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name.startswith('glCopyImageSubData'):
            print r'    if (srcTarget == GL_RENDERBUFFER || dstTarget == GL_RENDERBUFFER) {'
            print r'        retrace::warning(call) << " renderbuffer targets unsupported (https://github.com/apitrace/apitrace/issues/404)\n";'
            print r'    }'

        is_draw_arrays = self.draw_arrays_function_regex.match(function.name) is not None
        is_draw_elements = self.draw_elements_function_regex.match(function.name) is not None
        is_misc_draw = self.misc_draw_function_regex.match(function.name) is not None

        profileDraw = (
            is_draw_arrays or
            is_draw_elements or
            is_misc_draw or
            function.name == 'glBegin' or

        # Keep track of current program/pipeline
        if function.name in ('glUseProgram', 'glUseProgramObjectARB'):
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->currentUserProgram = call.arg(0).toUInt();'
            print r'        currentContext->currentProgram = %s;' % function.args[0].name
            print r'    }'
        if function.name in ('glBindProgramPipeline', 'glBindProgramPipelineEXT'):
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->currentPipeline = %s;' % function.args[0].name
            print r'    }'

        # Only profile if not inside a list as the queries get inserted into list
        if function.name == 'glNewList':
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->insideList = true;'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'glEndList':
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->insideList = false;'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'glBegin' or \
           is_draw_arrays or \
           is_draw_elements or \
            print r'    if (retrace::debug) {'
            print r'        _validateActiveProgram(call);'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name != 'glEnd':
            print r'    if (currentContext && !currentContext->insideList && !currentContext->insideBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {'
            if profileDraw:
                print r'        glretrace::beginProfile(call, true);'
                print r'        glretrace::beginProfile(call, false);'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name in ('glCreateShaderProgramv', 'glCreateShaderProgramEXT', 'glCreateShaderProgramvEXT'):
            # When dumping state, break down glCreateShaderProgram* so that the
            # shader source can be recovered.
            print r'    if (retrace::dumpingState) {'
            print r'        GLuint _shader = glCreateShader(type);'
            print r'        if (_shader) {'
            if not function.name.startswith('glCreateShaderProgramv'):
                print r'            GLsizei count = 1;'
                print r'            const GLchar **strings = &string;'
            print r'            glShaderSource(_shader, count, strings, NULL);'
            print r'            glCompileShader(_shader);'
            print r'            const GLuint _program = glCreateProgram();'
            print r'            if (_program) {'
            print r'                GLint compiled = GL_FALSE;'
            print r'                glGetShaderiv(_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled);'
            if function.name == 'glCreateShaderProgramvEXT':
                print r'                glProgramParameteriEXT(_program, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);'
                print r'                glProgramParameteri(_program, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);'
            print r'                if (compiled) {'
            print r'                    glAttachShader(_program, _shader);'
            print r'                    glLinkProgram(_program);'
            print r'                    if (false) glDetachShader(_program, _shader);'
            print r'                }'
            print r'                // TODO: append shader info log to program info log'
            print r'            }'
            print r'            glDeleteShader(_shader);'
            print r'            _result = _program;'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            _result = 0;'
            print r'        }'
            print r'    } else {'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)
            print r'    }'
        elif function.name in ('glDetachShader', 'glDetachObjectARB'):
            print r'    if (!retrace::dumpingState) {'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)
            print r'    }'
        elif function.name == 'glClientWaitSync':
            print r'    _result = glretrace::clientWaitSync(call, sync, flags, timeout);'
            print r'    (void)_result;'
        elif function.name == 'glGetSynciv':
            print r'    if (pname == GL_SYNC_STATUS &&'
            print r'        bufSize >= 1 &&'
            print r'        values != NULL &&'
            print r'        call.arg(4)[0].toSInt() == GL_SIGNALED) {'
            print r'        // Fence was signalled, so ensure it happened here'
            print r'        glretrace::blockOnFence(call, sync, GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT);'
            print r'        (void)length;'
            print r'    }'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)

        # Ensure this context flushes before switching to another thread to
        # prevent deadlock.
        # TODO: Defer flushing until another thread actually invokes
        # ClientWaitSync.
        if function.name.startswith("glFenceSync"):
            print '    if (currentContext) {'
            print '        currentContext->needsFlush = true;'
            print '    }'
        if function.name in ("glFlush", "glFinish"):
            print '    if (currentContext) {'
            print '        currentContext->needsFlush = false;'
            print '    }'

        if function.name == "glBegin":
            print '    if (currentContext) {'
            print '        currentContext->insideBeginEnd = true;'
            print '    }'

        print r'    if (currentContext && !currentContext->insideList && !currentContext->insideBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {'
        if profileDraw:
            print r'        glretrace::endProfile(call, true);'
            print r'        glretrace::endProfile(call, false);'
        print r'    }'

        # Error checking
        if function.name.startswith('gl'):
            # glGetError is not allowed inside glBegin/glEnd
            print '    if (retrace::debug && currentContext && !currentContext->insideBeginEnd) {'
            print '        glretrace::checkGlError(call);'
            if function.name in ('glProgramStringARB', 'glLoadProgramNV'):
                print r'        GLint error_position = -1;'
                print r'        glGetIntegerv(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB, &error_position);'
                print r'        if (error_position != -1) {'
                print r'            const char *error_string = (const char *)glGetString(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB);'
                print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "error in position " << error_position << ": " << error_string << "\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShader':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "compilation failed\n";'
                print r'        }'
                print r'        GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'        if (info_log_length > 1) {'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glLinkProgram', 'glCreateShaderProgramv', 'glCreateShaderProgramEXT', 'glCreateShaderProgramvEXT', 'glProgramBinary', 'glProgramBinaryOES'):
                if function.name.startswith('glCreateShaderProgram'):
                    print r'        GLuint program = _result;'
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "link failed\n";'
                print r'        }'
                print r'        GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'        if (info_log_length > 1) {'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetProgramInfoLog(program, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShaderARB':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "compilation failed\n";'
                print r'        }'
                print r'        GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'        if (info_log_length > 1) {'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(shaderObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glLinkProgramARB':
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "link failed\n";'
                print r'        }'
                print r'        GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'        if (info_log_length > 1) {'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(programObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if self.map_function_regex.match(function.name):
                print r'        if (!_result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to map buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if self.unmap_function_regex.match(function.name) and function.type is not stdapi.Void:
                print r'        if (!_result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to unmap buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glGetAttribLocation', 'glGetAttribLocationARB'):
                print r'    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (_result != _origResult) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "vertex attrib location mismatch " << _origResult << " -> " << _result << "\n";'
                print r'    }'
            if function.name in ('glCheckFramebufferStatus', 'glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT', 'glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus', 'glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT'):
                print r'    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (_origResult == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE &&'
                print r'        _result != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "incomplete framebuffer (" << glstate::enumToString(_result) << ")\n";'
                print r'    }'
            print '    }'

        # Query the buffer length for whole buffer mappings
        if self.map_function_regex.match(function.name):
            if 'length' in function.argNames():
                assert 'BufferRange' in function.name
                assert 'BufferRange' not in function.name
                print r'    GLint length = 0;'
                if function.name in ('glMapBuffer', 'glMapBufferOES'):
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapBufferARB':
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameterivARB(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapNamedBuffer':
                    print r'    glGetNamedBufferParameteriv(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapNamedBufferEXT':
                    print r'    glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapObjectBufferATI':
                    print r'    glGetObjectBufferivATI(buffer, GL_OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI, &length);'
                    assert False
Exemple #5
    def invokeFunction(self, function):
        # Infer the drawable size from GL calls
        if function.name == "glViewport":
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(x + width, y + height);'
        if function.name == "glViewportArray":
            # We are concerned about drawables so only care for the first viewport
            print '    if (first == 0 && count > 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedf":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedfv":
            print '    if (index == 0) {'
            print '        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];'
            print '        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);'
            print '    }'
        if function.name in ('glBlitFramebuffer', 'glBlitFramebufferEXT'):
            # Some applications do all their rendering in a framebuffer, and
            # then just blit to the drawable without ever calling glViewport.
            print '    glretrace::updateDrawable(std::max(dstX0, dstX1), std::max(dstY0, dstY1));'

        if function.name == "glEnd":
            print '    glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd = false;'

        if function.name.startswith('gl') and not function.name.startswith('glX'):
            print r'    if (retrace::debug && !glretrace::getCurrentContext()) {'
            print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "no current context\n";'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'memcpy':
            print '    if (!dest || !src || !n) return;'

        # Skip glEnable/Disable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) as we don't
        # faithfully set the CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB flags on context creation.
        if function.name in ('glEnable', 'glDisable'):
            print '    if (cap == GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) return;'

        # Destroy the buffer mapping
        if function.name in self.unmap_function_names:
            print r'        GLvoid *ptr = NULL;'
            if function.name == 'glUnmapBuffer':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointerv(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferARB':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervARB(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapBufferOES':
                print r'            glGetBufferPointervOES(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapNamedBufferEXT':
                print r'            glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);'
            elif function.name == 'glUnmapObjectBufferATI':
                # TODO
                assert False
            print r'        if (ptr) {'
            print r'            retrace::delRegionByPointer(ptr);'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "no current context\n";'
            print r'        }'

        if function.name in ('glBindProgramPipeline', 'glBindProgramPipelineEXT'):
            # Note if glBindProgramPipeline has ever been called
            print r'    if (pipeline) {'
            print r'        _pipelineHasBeenBound = true;'
            print r'    }'

        profileDraw = (
            function.name in self.draw_array_function_names or
            function.name in self.draw_elements_function_names or
            function.name in self.draw_indirect_function_names or
            function.name in self.misc_draw_function_names or
            function.name == 'glBegin'

        if function.name in ('glUseProgram', 'glUseProgramObjectARB'):
            print r'    glretrace::Context *currentContext = glretrace::getCurrentContext();'
            print r'    if (currentContext) {'
            print r'        currentContext->activeProgram = call.arg(0).toUInt();'
            print r'    }'

        # Only profile if not inside a list as the queries get inserted into list
        if function.name == 'glNewList':
            print r'    glretrace::insideList = true;'

        if function.name == 'glEndList':
            print r'    glretrace::insideList = false;'

        if function.name != 'glEnd':
            print r'    if (!glretrace::insideList && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {'
            if profileDraw:
                print r'        glretrace::beginProfile(call, true);'
                print r'        glretrace::beginProfile(call, false);'
            print r'    }'

        if function.name == 'glCreateShaderProgramv':
            # When dumping state, break down glCreateShaderProgramv so that the
            # shader source can be recovered.
            print r'    if (retrace::dumpingState) {'
            print r'        GLuint _shader = glCreateShader(type);'
            print r'        if (_shader) {'
            print r'            glShaderSource(_shader, count, strings, NULL);'
            print r'            glCompileShader(_shader);'
            print r'            const GLuint _program = glCreateProgram();'
            print r'            if (_program) {'
            print r'                GLint compiled = GL_FALSE;'
            print r'                glGetShaderiv(_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled);'
            print r'                glProgramParameteri(_program, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);'
            print r'                if (compiled) {'
            print r'                    glAttachShader(_program, _shader);'
            print r'                    glLinkProgram(_program);'
            print r'                    //glDetachShader(_program, _shader);'
            print r'                }'
            print r'                //append-shader-info-log-to-program-info-log'
            print r'            }'
            print r'            //glDeleteShader(_shader);'
            print r'            _result = _program;'
            print r'        } else {'
            print r'            _result = 0;'
            print r'        }'
            print r'    } else {'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)
            print r'    }'
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)

        if function.name == "glBegin":
            print '    glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd = true;'

        print r'    if (!glretrace::insideList && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {'
        if profileDraw:
            print r'        glretrace::endProfile(call, true);'
            print r'        glretrace::endProfile(call, false);'
        print r'    }'

        # Error checking
        if function.name.startswith('gl'):
            # glGetError is not allowed inside glBegin/glEnd
            print '    if (retrace::debug && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && glretrace::getCurrentContext()) {'
            print '        glretrace::checkGlError(call);'
            if function.name in ('glProgramStringARB', 'glProgramStringNV'):
                print r'        GLint error_position = -1;'
                print r'        glGetIntegerv(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB, &error_position);'
                print r'        if (error_position != -1) {'
                print r'            const char *error_string = (const char *)glGetString(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB);'
                print r'            retrace::warning(call) << error_string << "\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShader':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glLinkProgram', 'glCreateShaderProgramv', 'glCreateShaderProgramEXT'):
                if function.name != 'glLinkProgram':
                    print r'        GLuint program = _result;'
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetProgramInfoLog(program, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glCompileShaderARB':
                print r'        GLint compile_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &compile_status);'
                print r'        if (!compile_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(shaderObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name == 'glLinkProgramARB':
                print r'        GLint link_status = 0;'
                print r'        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &link_status);'
                print r'        if (!link_status) {'
                print r'             GLint info_log_length = 0;'
                print r'             glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);'
                print r'             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];'
                print r'             glGetInfoLogARB(programObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r'             delete [] infoLog;'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in self.map_function_names:
                print r'        if (!_result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to map buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in self.unmap_function_names and function.type is not stdapi.Void:
                print r'        if (!_result) {'
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to unmap buffer\n";'
                print r'        }'
            if function.name in ('glGetAttribLocation', 'glGetAttribLocationARB'):
                print r'    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (_result != _origResult) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "vertex attrib location mismatch " << _origResult << " -> " << _result << "\n";'
                print r'    }'
            if function.name in ('glCheckFramebufferStatus', 'glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT', 'glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT'):
                print r'    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();'
                print r'    if (_origResult == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE &&'
                print r'        _result != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {'
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "incomplete framebuffer (" << glstate::enumToString(_result) << ")\n";'
                print r'    }'
            print '    }'

        # Query the buffer length for whole buffer mappings
        if function.name in self.map_function_names:
            if 'length' in function.argNames():
                assert 'BufferRange' in function.name
                assert 'BufferRange' not in function.name
                print r'    GLint length = 0;'
                if function.name in ('glMapBuffer', 'glMapBufferOES'):
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapBufferARB':
                    print r'    glGetBufferParameterivARB(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapNamedBufferEXT':
                    print r'    glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);'
                elif function.name == 'glMapObjectBufferATI':
                    print r'    glGetObjectBufferivATI(buffer, GL_OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI, &length);'
                    assert False
Exemple #6
    def invokeFunction(self, function):
        # Infer the drawable size from GL calls
        if function.name == "glViewport":
            print "    glretrace::updateDrawable(x + width, y + height);"
        if function.name == "glViewportArray":
            # We are concerned about drawables so only care for the first viewport
            print "    if (first == 0 && count > 0) {"
            print "        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];"
            print "        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);"
            print "    }"
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedf":
            print "    if (index == 0) {"
            print "        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);"
            print "    }"
        if function.name == "glViewportIndexedfv":
            print "    if (index == 0) {"
            print "        GLfloat x = v[0], y = v[1], w = v[2], h = v[3];"
            print "        glretrace::updateDrawable(x + w, y + h);"
            print "    }"
        if function.name in ("glBlitFramebuffer", "glBlitFramebufferEXT"):
            # Some applications do all their rendering in a framebuffer, and
            # then just blit to the drawable without ever calling glViewport.
            print "    glretrace::updateDrawable(std::max(dstX0, dstX1), std::max(dstY0, dstY1));"

        if function.name == "glEnd":
            print "    glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd = false;"

        if function.name.startswith("gl") and not function.name.startswith("glX"):
            print r"    if (retrace::debug && !glretrace::getCurrentContext()) {"
            print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "no current context\n";'
            print r"    }"

        if function.name == "memcpy":
            print "    if (!dest || !src || !n) return;"

        # Skip glEnable/Disable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) as we don't
        # faithfully set the CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB flags on context creation.
        if function.name in ("glEnable", "glDisable"):
            print "    if (cap == GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB) return;"

        # Destroy the buffer mapping
        if self.unmap_function_regex.match(function.name):
            print r"        GLvoid *ptr = NULL;"
            if function.name == "glUnmapBuffer":
                print r"            glGetBufferPointerv(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);"
            elif function.name == "glUnmapBufferARB":
                print r"            glGetBufferPointervARB(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB, &ptr);"
            elif function.name == "glUnmapBufferOES":
                print r"            glGetBufferPointervOES(target, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES, &ptr);"
            elif function.name == "glUnmapNamedBuffer":
                print r"            glGetNamedBufferPointerv(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);"
            elif function.name == "glUnmapNamedBuffer":
                print r"            glGetNamedBufferPointerv(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);"
            elif function.name == "glUnmapNamedBufferEXT":
                print r"            glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, &ptr);"
            elif function.name == "glUnmapObjectBufferATI":
                # TODO
                assert False
            print r"        if (ptr) {"
            print r"            retrace::delRegionByPointer(ptr);"
            print r"        } else {"
            print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "failed to get mapped pointer\n";'
            print r"        }"

        if function.name in ("glBindProgramPipeline", "glBindProgramPipelineEXT"):
            # Note if glBindProgramPipeline has ever been called
            print r"    if (pipeline) {"
            print r"        _pipelineHasBeenBound = true;"
            print r"    }"

        is_draw_arrays = self.draw_arrays_function_regex.match(function.name) is not None
        is_draw_elements = self.draw_elements_function_regex.match(function.name) is not None
        is_misc_draw = self.misc_draw_function_regex.match(function.name) is not None

        profileDraw = is_draw_arrays or is_draw_elements or is_misc_draw or function.name == "glBegin"

        # Keep track of active program for call lists
        if function.name in ("glUseProgram", "glUseProgramObjectARB"):
            print r"    glretrace::Context *currentContext = glretrace::getCurrentContext();"
            print r"    if (currentContext) {"
            print r"        currentContext->activeProgram = call.arg(0).toUInt();"
            print r"    }"

        # Only profile if not inside a list as the queries get inserted into list
        if function.name == "glNewList":
            print r"    glretrace::insideList = true;"

        if function.name == "glEndList":
            print r"    glretrace::insideList = false;"

        if (
            function.name == "glBegin"
            or is_draw_arrays
            or is_draw_elements
            or function.name.startswith("glBeginTransformFeedback")
            print r"    if (retrace::debug && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && glretrace::getCurrentContext()) {"
            print r"        _validateActiveProgram(call);"
            print r"    }"

        if function.name != "glEnd":
            print r"    if (!glretrace::insideList && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {"
            if profileDraw:
                print r"        glretrace::beginProfile(call, true);"
                print r"        glretrace::beginProfile(call, false);"
            print r"    }"

        if function.name in ("glCreateShaderProgramv", "glCreateShaderProgramEXT", "glCreateShaderProgramvEXT"):
            # When dumping state, break down glCreateShaderProgram* so that the
            # shader source can be recovered.
            print r"    if (retrace::dumpingState) {"
            print r"        GLuint _shader = glCreateShader(type);"
            print r"        if (_shader) {"
            if not function.name.startswith("glCreateShaderProgramv"):
                print r"            GLsizei count = 1;"
                print r"            const GLchar **strings = &string;"
            print r"            glShaderSource(_shader, count, strings, NULL);"
            print r"            glCompileShader(_shader);"
            print r"            const GLuint _program = glCreateProgram();"
            print r"            if (_program) {"
            print r"                GLint compiled = GL_FALSE;"
            print r"                glGetShaderiv(_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled);"
            if function.name == "glCreateShaderProgramvEXT":
                print r"                glProgramParameteriEXT(_program, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);"
                print r"                glProgramParameteri(_program, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);"
            print r"                if (compiled) {"
            print r"                    glAttachShader(_program, _shader);"
            print r"                    glLinkProgram(_program);"
            print r"                    if (false) glDetachShader(_program, _shader);"
            print r"                }"
            print r"                // TODO: append shader info log to program info log"
            print r"            }"
            print r"            glDeleteShader(_shader);"
            print r"            _result = _program;"
            print r"        } else {"
            print r"            _result = 0;"
            print r"        }"
            print r"    } else {"
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)
            print r"    }"
        elif function.name in ("glDetachShader", "glDetachObjectARB"):
            print r"    if (!retrace::dumpingState) {"
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)
            print r"    }"
        elif function.name == "glClientWaitSync":
            print r"    _result = glretrace::clientWaitSync(call, sync, flags, timeout);"
            print r"    (void)_result;"
        elif function.name == "glGetSynciv":
            print r"    if (pname == GL_SYNC_STATUS &&"
            print r"        bufSize >= 1 &&"
            print r"        values != NULL &&"
            print r"        call.arg(4)[0].toSInt() == GL_SIGNALED) {"
            print r"        // Fence was signalled, so ensure it happened here"
            print r"        glretrace::blockOnFence(call, sync, GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT);"
            print r"        (void)length;"
            print r"    }"
            Retracer.invokeFunction(self, function)

        if function.name == "glBegin":
            print "    glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd = true;"

        print r"    if (!glretrace::insideList && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && retrace::profiling) {"
        if profileDraw:
            print r"        glretrace::endProfile(call, true);"
            print r"        glretrace::endProfile(call, false);"
        print r"    }"

        # Error checking
        if function.name.startswith("gl"):
            # glGetError is not allowed inside glBegin/glEnd
            print "    if (retrace::debug && !glretrace::insideGlBeginEnd && glretrace::getCurrentContext()) {"
            print "        glretrace::checkGlError(call);"
            if function.name in ("glProgramStringARB", "glLoadProgramNV"):
                print r"        GLint error_position = -1;"
                print r"        glGetIntegerv(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB, &error_position);"
                print r"        if (error_position != -1) {"
                print r"            const char *error_string = (const char *)glGetString(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB);"
                print r'            retrace::warning(call) << "error in position " << error_position << ": " << error_string << "\n";'
                print r"        }"
            if function.name == "glCompileShader":
                print r"        GLint compile_status = 0;"
                print r"        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compile_status);"
                print r"        if (!compile_status) {"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "compilation failed\n";'
                print r"        }"
                print r"        GLint info_log_length = 0;"
                print r"        glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);"
                print r"        if (info_log_length > 1) {"
                print r"             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];"
                print r"             glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r"             delete [] infoLog;"
                print r"        }"
            if function.name in (
                if function.name.startswith("glCreateShaderProgram"):
                    print r"        GLuint program = _result;"
                print r"        GLint link_status = 0;"
                print r"        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status);"
                print r"        if (!link_status) {"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "link failed\n";'
                print r"        }"
                print r"        GLint info_log_length = 0;"
                print r"        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_length);"
                print r"        if (info_log_length > 1) {"
                print r"             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];"
                print r"             glGetProgramInfoLog(program, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r"             delete [] infoLog;"
                print r"        }"
            if function.name == "glCompileShaderARB":
                print r"        GLint compile_status = 0;"
                print r"        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &compile_status);"
                print r"        if (!compile_status) {"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "compilation failed\n";'
                print r"        }"
                print r"        GLint info_log_length = 0;"
                print r"        glGetObjectParameterivARB(shaderObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);"
                print r"        if (info_log_length > 1) {"
                print r"             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];"
                print r"             glGetInfoLogARB(shaderObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r"             delete [] infoLog;"
                print r"        }"
            if function.name == "glLinkProgramARB":
                print r"        GLint link_status = 0;"
                print r"        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &link_status);"
                print r"        if (!link_status) {"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "link failed\n";'
                print r"        }"
                print r"        GLint info_log_length = 0;"
                print r"        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObj, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &info_log_length);"
                print r"        if (info_log_length > 1) {"
                print r"             GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[info_log_length];"
                print r"             glGetInfoLogARB(programObj, info_log_length, NULL, infoLog);"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << infoLog << "\n";'
                print r"             delete [] infoLog;"
                print r"        }"
            if self.map_function_regex.match(function.name):
                print r"        if (!_result) {"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to map buffer\n";'
                print r"        }"
            if self.unmap_function_regex.match(function.name) and function.type is not stdapi.Void:
                print r"        if (!_result) {"
                print r'             retrace::warning(call) << "failed to unmap buffer\n";'
                print r"        }"
            if function.name in ("glGetAttribLocation", "glGetAttribLocationARB"):
                print r"    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();"
                print r"    if (_result != _origResult) {"
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "vertex attrib location mismatch " << _origResult << " -> " << _result << "\n";'
                print r"    }"
            if function.name in (
                print r"    GLint _origResult = call.ret->toSInt();"
                print r"    if (_origResult == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE &&"
                print r"        _result != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {"
                print r'        retrace::warning(call) << "incomplete framebuffer (" << glstate::enumToString(_result) << ")\n";'
                print r"    }"
            print "    }"

        # Query the buffer length for whole buffer mappings
        if self.map_function_regex.match(function.name):
            if "length" in function.argNames():
                assert "BufferRange" in function.name
                assert "BufferRange" not in function.name
                print r"    GLint length = 0;"
                if function.name in ("glMapBuffer", "glMapBufferOES"):
                    print r"    glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);"
                elif function.name == "glMapBufferARB":
                    print r"    glGetBufferParameterivARB(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB, &length);"
                elif function.name == "glMapNamedBuffer":
                    print r"    glGetNamedBufferParameteriv(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);"
                elif function.name == "glMapNamedBufferEXT":
                    print r"    glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);"
                elif function.name == "glMapObjectBufferATI":
                    print r"    glGetObjectBufferivATI(buffer, GL_OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI, &length);"
                    assert False