def apply_horizontal_lines( self, intensity=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["horizontal_lines"]["intensity"], blur=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["horizontal_lines"]["blur"], inplace=True): if isinstance(intensity, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'intensity' must be a float.") if isinstance(blur, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'blur' must be a float.") if isinstance(inplace, bool) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'inplace' must be a boolean.") w, h = self.modified_img.size intensity = utils.clamp(intensity, CONFIGS.MINS["horizontal_lines"]["intensity"], CONFIGS.MAXS["horizontal_lines"]["intensity"]) height_divided = h / CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["horizontal_lines"][ "height_divider"] n_lines = utils.pctg_to_value(intensity, height_divided) n_lines = utils.translate_ranges(n_lines, 0, height_divided, height_divided, 0) blur = utils.clamp(blur, 0, 1) blur = utils.pctg_to_value(blur, CONFIGS.MAXS["horizontal_lines"]["blur"]) resulted_img = self.modified_img if resulted_img.mode != "RGBA": resulted_img = resulted_img.convert("RGBA") resulted_arr = np.array(resulted_img).astype(float) lines_arr = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) lines_rows = lines_arr.shape[0] lines_cols = lines_arr.shape[1] pixels_between = int(h / n_lines) for row in range(lines_rows): if row % pixels_between == 0: lines_arr[row, :] = 1 lines_img = Image.fromarray(lines_arr * 255).convert("RGBA") lines_img = lines_img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(blur)) lines_arr = np.array(lines_img).astype(float) resulted_arr = blend_modes.soft_light( resulted_arr, lines_arr, CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["horizontal_lines"]["bright"]) resulted_img = Image.fromarray(resulted_arr.astype(np.uint8)) if inplace == False: return resulted_img else: self.modified_img = resulted_img
def apply_film_grain(self, intensity=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["film_grain"]["intensity"], blur=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["film_grain"]["blur"], inplace=True): if isinstance(intensity, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'intensity' must be a float.") if isinstance(blur, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'blur' must be a float.") if isinstance(inplace, bool) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'inplace' must be a boolean.") w, h = self.modified_img.size intensity = utils.clamp(intensity, 0, 1) intensity = utils.translate_ranges( intensity, 0, 1, CONFIGS.MINS["film_grain"]["intensity"], 1) blur = utils.clamp(blur, 0, 1) blur = utils.pctg_to_value(blur, CONFIGS.MAXS["film_grain"]["blur"]) middle_gray ="RGB", self.modified_img.size, (119, 119, 119)).convert("RGBA") noise_arr = np.random.normal( 0, CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["film_grain"]["gaussian_std"], w * h) noise_arr = np.uint8(noise_arr.reshape(h, w)) noise_img = Image.fromarray(noise_arr).convert("RGBA") noise_img = Image.blend(middle_gray, noise_img, intensity) noise_img = noise_img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(blur)) resulted_img = self.modified_img if resulted_img.mode != "RGBA": resulted_img = resulted_img.convert("RGBA") noise_arr = np.array(noise_img).astype(float) resulted_arr = np.array(resulted_img).astype(float) resulted_arr = blend_modes.overlay(resulted_arr, noise_arr, intensity / 2) resulted_img = Image.fromarray(resulted_arr.astype(np.uint8)) if inplace == False: return resulted_img else: self.modified_img = resulted_img
def apply_wave_warp(self, intensity=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["wave_warp"]["intensity"], row=None, inplace=True): if isinstance(intensity, (float, int)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'intensity' must be a float.") if isinstance(row, int) == False and row != None: raise TypeError("Parameter 'row' must be an integer.") if isinstance(inplace, bool) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'inplace' must be a boolean.") w, h = self.modified_img.size if row != None: if row < 0 or row >= h: raise ValueError( "Parameter 'row' must be lesser than image's height.") else: row = random.randint(0, h) intensity = utils.clamp(intensity, CONFIGS.MINS["wave_warp"]["intensity"], CONFIGS.MAXS["wave_warp"]["intensity"]) height_divided = h / CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["wave_warp"]["height_divider"] max_number_of_warps = utils.pctg_to_value(intensity, height_divided) max_number_of_warps = utils.translate_ranges(max_number_of_warps, 0, height_divided, height_divided, 0) img_arr = np.asarray(self.modified_img) img_arr.flags.writeable = True size = int(h / max_number_of_warps) if row - size * 2 >= 0: img_arr[row - size:row, :] = img_arr[row - size * 2:row - size, :] resulted_img = Image.fromarray(img_arr) if inplace == False: return resulted_img else: self.modified_img = resulted_img
def apply_color_glitch( self, intensity=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["color_glitch"]["intensity"], crop=True, inplace=True): if isinstance(intensity, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'intensity' must be a float.") if isinstance(crop, bool) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'crop' must be a boolean.") if isinstance(inplace, bool) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'inplace' must be a boolean.") h = self.modified_img.size[1] intensity = utils.clamp(intensity, 0, 1) intensity = utils.translate_ranges( intensity, 0, 1, CONFIGS.MINS["color_glitch"]["intensity"], CONFIGS.MAXS["color_glitch"]["intensity"]) offset = int( utils.pctg_to_value( intensity, h / CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["color_glitch"]["height_divider"])) offset = utils.clamp(offset, CONFIGS.MINS["color_glitch"]["offset"], CONFIGS.MAXS["color_glitch"]["offset"]) red_img = self.__get_single_channel_rgb_img("r").convert("RGBA") red_img = ImageChops.offset(red_img, offset, -offset) green_img = self.__get_single_channel_rgb_img("g").convert("RGBA") blue_img = self.__get_single_channel_rgb_img("b").convert("RGBA") blue_img = ImageChops.offset(blue_img, -offset, offset) resulted_img = ImageChops.add(green_img, red_img, 1) resulted_img = ImageChops.add(resulted_img, blue_img, 1) if crop == True: resulted_img = ImageOps.crop(resulted_img, offset) if inplace == False: return resulted_img else: self.modified_img = resulted_img
def apply_play_text(self, intensity=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["play_text"]["intensity"], datetime=None, hour=None, inplace=True): if isinstance(intensity, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'intensity' must be a float.") if isinstance(datetime, dt.datetime) == False and datetime != None: raise TypeError( "Parameter 'datetime' must be a datetime.datetime object.") if isinstance(hour, int) == False and hour != None: raise TypeError("Parameter 'hour' must be an integer.") if isinstance(inplace, bool) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'inplace' must be a boolean.") if hour != None and (hour < 0 or hour > 23): raise ValueError( "Parameter 'hour' must be an integer between 0 and 23.") if datetime == None: datetime = utils.get_random_datetime(1980, 1990, hour) elif datetime != None and hour != None: raise ValueError( "Parameter 'hour' can only be passed if parameter 'datetime' is None." ) intensity = utils.clamp(intensity, 0, 1) intensity = utils.translate_ranges( intensity, 0, 1, CONFIGS.MINS["play_text"]["intensity"], CONFIGS.MAXS["play_text"]["intensity"]) w, h = self.modified_img.size x_offset = w * CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["play_text"]["offset_multiplier"] y_offset = h * CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["play_text"]["offset_multiplier"] width_divided = w / CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["play_text"]["width_divider"] font_size = int(utils.pctg_to_value(intensity, width_divided)) resulted_img = copy.deepcopy(self.modified_img) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(resulted_img) vhs_font_path = str(CONFIGS.PATHS["fonts"] / Path("VCR_OSD_MONO_1.001.ttf")) play_icon_path = str(CONFIGS.PATHS["fonts"] / Path("play_icon.ttf")) vhs_font = ImageFont.truetype(vhs_font_path, font_size) play_icon = ImageFont.truetype(play_icon_path, font_size) draw.text((x_offset, y_offset), "PLAY", (255, 255, 255), font=vhs_font) draw.text((x_offset + 2.2 * font_size, y_offset), ">", (255, 255, 255), font=play_icon) draw.text((w - x_offset - 3 * font_size, h - y_offset - font_size), "SP", (255, 255, 255), font=vhs_font) draw.text((w - x_offset - 3 * font_size, y_offset), "--:--", (255, 255, 255), font=vhs_font) month = datetime.strftime("%h").upper() day = datetime.strftime("%0d") period = datetime.strftime("%p") hour = datetime.strftime("%0I") minute = datetime.strftime("%0M") datetime_str = "{}:{} {}\n{}. {} {}".format(hour, minute, period, month, day, datetime.year) draw.text((x_offset, h - y_offset - 2 * font_size), datetime_str, (255, 255, 255), font=vhs_font) if inplace == False: return resulted_img else: self.modified_img = resulted_img
def generate_noise_lines( size=CONFIGS.SIZE, intensity=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["noise_lines"]["intensity"], blur=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["noise_lines"]["blur"], bright=CONFIGS.DEFAULTS["noise_lines"]["bright"]): if isinstance(size, tuple) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'size' must be a tuple.") if isinstance(intensity, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'intensity' must be a float.") if isinstance(blur, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'blur' must be a float.") if isinstance(bright, (int, float)) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'bright' must be a float.") intensity = utils.clamp(intensity, CONFIGS.MINS["noise_lines"]["intensity"], 1) blur = utils.clamp(blur, 0, 1) bright = utils.clamp(bright, 0, 1) p_threshold = utils.translate_ranges( intensity, 1, 0, CONFIGS.MINS["noise_lines"]["p_threshold"], 1) iterations = int( utils.pctg_to_value(intensity, CONFIGS.MAXS["noise_lines"]["iter"])) blur = utils.pctg_to_value(blur, CONFIGS.MAXS["noise_lines"]["blur"]) bright = utils.pctg_to_value(bright, CONFIGS.MAXS["noise_lines"]["bright"]) size = (size[1], size[0]) if isinstance(size, tuple) == False: raise TypeError("Parameter 'size' must be a tuple.") noise_arr = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8) n_rows = noise_arr.shape[0] n_cols = noise_arr.shape[1] for i in range(iterations): for row in range(n_rows): p = random.uniform(0, 1) #probability of row become a noise line if row < n_rows / 10 or n_rows - row < n_rows / 10: #increases probability for top and bottom rows p += p * 0.1 elif row < n_rows / 30 or n_rows - row < n_rows / 30: p += p * 0.1 if p > p_threshold: #row becomes a noise line hsize = np.random.choice(np.arange(1, 3), p=[0.95, 0.05]) #line horizontal size vstart = random.randint(0, n_cols - 1) #line vertical start pixel vend = random.randint( 0, int(n_cols / np.random.choice( np.array([5, 10, 15, 20]), p=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])) ) #line vertical end pixel based on array size. Smaller lines have more chance to occur noise_arr[row:row + hsize, vstart % n_cols:(vstart + vend) % n_cols] = 1 np.random.shuffle( noise_arr[row, vstart:vstart + vend + int(n_cols / 15)]) #creates noise for each line noise_lines_img = Image.fromarray(noise_arr * 255, "L") noise_lines_img = noise_lines_img.filter( ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(blur)) #applying gaussian blur bright_enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(noise_lines_img) noise_lines_img = bright_enhancer.enhance( bright) #enhancing brightness return noise_lines_img