) -> KindN[_FutureKind, _UpdatedType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]:
    Bind an async function returning ``Future`` over a container.

    .. code:: python

      >>> import anyio
      >>> from returns.methods import bind_async_future
      >>> from returns.future import Future
      >>> from returns.io import IO

      >>> async def example(argument: int) -> Future[int]:
      ...     return Future.from_value(argument + 1)

      >>> assert anyio.run(
      ...     bind_async_future(Future.from_value(1), example).awaitable,
      ... ) == IO(2)

    Note, that this function works
    for all containers with ``.bind_async_future`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.specific.future.FutureLikeN`
    for more info.

    return container.bind_async_future(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_bind_async_future`,
#: use it to infer real return type.
bind_async_future = kinded(internal_bind_async_future)
Exemple #2
    If you wish to use the user-facing ``apply``
    that infers the return type correctly,
    use :func:`~bind` function instead.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods.apply import internal_apply, apply
      >>> from returns.maybe import Some, Nothing

      >>> def example(argument: int) -> int:
      ...     return argument + 1

      >>> applied = apply(Some(1), Some(example))
      >>> assert applied == internal_apply(Some(1), Some(example)) == Some(2)

      >>> applied = apply(Nothing, Some(example))
      >>> assert applied == internal_apply(Nothing, Some(example)) == Nothing

    Note, that this function works for all containers with ``.apply`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.Applicative.ApplicativeN`
    for more info.

    new_instance, rebound = debound(container)
    return rebound(new_instance.apply(other))

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_apply`, use it to infer real return type.
apply = kinded(internal_apply)
Exemple #3
    function: Callable[[Result[_FirstType, _SecondType]],
                       Kind3[_IOResultLikeKind, _NewFirstType, _SecondType,
                             _ThirdType], ],
) -> Kind3[_IOResultLikeKind, _NewFirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]:
    Composes inner ``Result`` with ``IOResultLike`` returning function.

    Can be useful when you need an access to both states of the result.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.io import IOResult, IOSuccess, IOFailure
      >>> from returns.methods import compose_result
      >>> from returns.result import Result

      >>> def count(container: Result[int, int]) -> IOResult[int, int]:
      ...     return IOResult.from_result(
      ...         container.map(lambda x: x + 1).alt(abs),
      ...     )

      >>> assert compose_result(IOSuccess(1), count) == IOSuccess(2)
      >>> assert compose_result(IOFailure(-1), count) == IOFailure(1)

    return container.compose_result(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_compose_result`,
# use it to infer real return type.
compose_result = kinded(internal_compose_result)
Exemple #4
        >>> from returns.future import FutureResult
        >>> from returns.context import ReaderFutureResult
        >>> from returns.io import IOSuccess, IOFailure
        >>> from returns.pointfree import bind_future_result

        >>> def function(x: int) -> FutureResult[str, int]:
        ...    return FutureResult.from_value(str(x + 1))

        >>> bound = bind_future_result(function)(
        ...     ReaderFutureResult.from_value(1),
        ... )
        >>> assert anyio.run(bound, ReaderFutureResult.empty) == IOSuccess('2')

        >>> bound = bind_future_result(function)(
        ...     ReaderFutureResult.from_failure(1),
        ... )
        >>> assert anyio.run(bound, ReaderFutureResult.empty) == IOFailure(1)

    Note, that this function works
    for all containers with ``.bind_future_result`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.specific.future.FutureResultLikeN`
    for more info.

    return container.bind_future_result(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_bind_future_result`,
#: use it to infer real return type.
bind_future_result = kinded(internal_bind_future_result)
Exemple #5
) -> KindN[_FutureKind, _UpdatedType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]:
    Bind a sync function over a container.

    .. code:: python

      >>> import anyio
      >>> from returns.methods import bind_future
      >>> from returns.future import Future
      >>> from returns.io import IO

      >>> def example(argument: int) -> Future[int]:
      ...     return Future.from_value(argument + 1)

      >>> assert anyio.run(
      ...     bind_future(Future.from_value(1), example).awaitable,
      ... ) == IO(2)

    Note, that this function works
    for all containers with ``.bind_future`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.specific.future.FutureLikeN`
    for more info.

    return container.bind_future(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_bind_future`,
#: use it to infer real return type.
bind_future = kinded(internal_bind_future)
Exemple #6
    like in :func:`returns.pointfree.bind.bind`.
    It returns ``KindN[]`` instance, not a real type.

    If you wish to use the user-facing ``bind_io``
    that infers the return type correctly,
    use :func:`~bind_io` function instead.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods.bind_io import bind_io
      >>> from returns.io import IO

      >>> def example(argument: int) -> IO[int]:
      ...     return IO(argument + 1)

      >>> assert bind_io(IO(1), example) == IO(2)

    Note, that this function works
    for all containers with ``.bind_io`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.specific.io.IOBasedN`
    for more info.

    new_instance, rebound = debound(container)
    return rebound(new_instance.bind_io(function))

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_bind_io`,
#: use it to infer real return type.
bind_io = kinded(internal_bind_io)
Exemple #7
      ...     return RequiresContext(lambda deps: arg * deps)

      >>> assert modify_env2(multiply(3), int)('4') == 12

    Note, that this function works with only ``Kind2`` containers
    with ``.modify_env`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.specific.reader.ReaderBased2`
    for more info.

    return container.modify_env(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_modify_env2`,
#: use it to infer real return type.
modify_env2 = kinded(internal_modify_env2)

def internal_modify_env3(
    container: Kind3[_Reader3Kind, _FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType],
    function: Callable[[_UpdatedType], _ThirdType],
) -> Kind3[_Reader3Kind, _FirstType, _SecondType, _UpdatedType]:
    Modifies the third type argument of a ``ReaderBased3``.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods import modify_env
      >>> from returns.context import RequiresContextResultE
      >>> from returns.result import Success, safe
Exemple #8
    to be used inside a kinded context:
    like in :func:`returns.pointfree.bind.bind`.
    It returns ``KindN[]`` instance, not a real type.

    If you wish to use the user-facing ``rescue``
    that infers the return type correctly,
    use :func:`~rescue` function instead.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods.rescue import rescue
      >>> from returns.result import Result, Success, Failure

      >>> def example(argument: int) -> Result[str, int]:
      ...     return Failure(argument + 1)

      >>> assert rescue(Failure(1), example) == Failure(2)
      >>> assert rescue(Success('a'), example) == Success('a')

    Note, that this function works for all containers with ``.rescue`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.rescuable.RescuableN`
    for more info.

    new_instance, rebound = debound(container)
    return rebound(new_instance.rescue(function))

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_rescue`, use it to infer real return type.
rescue = kinded(internal_rescue)
Exemple #9
      ...     return Reader(lambda deps: argument + deps)

      >>> assert bind_context2(Reader.from_value(2), example)(3) == 5

    Note, that this function works with only ``Kind2`` containers
    with ``.bind_context`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.specific.reader.ReaderBased2`
    for more info.

    return container.bind_context(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_bind_context2`,
#: use it to infer real return type.
bind_context2 = kinded(internal_bind_context2)

def internal_bind_context3(
    container: Kind3[_Reader3Kind, _FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType],
    function: Callable[
        'RequiresContext[_UpdatedType, _ThirdType]',
) -> Kind3[_Reader3Kind, _UpdatedType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]:
    Bind a ``RequiresContext`` returning function over a container.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods import bind_context3
Exemple #10
    success_value: _ValueType,
    error_value: _ErrorType,
) -> Kind2[_ResultKind, _ValueType, _ErrorType]:
    Help us to reduce the boilerplate when choosing paths with ``ResultLikeN``.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods import cond
      >>> from returns.result import Failure, Result, Success

      >>> def is_numeric(string: str) -> Result[str, str]:
      ...     return cond(
      ...         Result,
      ...         string.isnumeric(),
      ...         'It is a number',
      ...         'It is not a number',
      ...     )

      >>> assert is_numeric('42') == Success('It is a number')
      >>> assert is_numeric('non numeric') == Failure('It is not a number')

    if is_success:
        return container_type.from_value(success_value)
    return container_type.from_failure(error_value)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_cond`, use it to infer real return type.
cond = kinded(internal_cond)
Exemple #11

def internal_iterable_kind(
    sequence: Iterable[
        KindN[_ContainerKind, _FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType],
    strategy: Type[
        BaseIterableStrategyN[_FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType],
) -> KindN[_ContainerKind, Sequence[_FirstType], _SecondType, _ThirdType]:
    Evaluate container actions from iterable, collecting results.

    This function should not be used directly.
    Use ``.from_iterable`` container methods instead.

    It is a helper function for :class:`returns.interfaces.iterable.Iterable`.

    See ``returns.iterables`` module for a list of supported strategies.

    Note: ``cls`` is not typed because of how ``mypy`` resolves the types.
    For some reason, there are a lot of problems with it.
    And since this is an internal function, we don't really care.
    return strategy(sequence, cls.from_value(()))()

#: Kinded version of the same `iterable_kind`
iterable_kind = kinded(internal_iterable_kind)
Exemple #12
_AltableKind = TypeVar('_AltableKind', bound=AltableN)

def internal_alt(
    container: KindN[_AltableKind, _FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType],
    function: Callable[[_SecondType], _UpdatedType],
) -> KindN[_AltableKind, _FirstType, _UpdatedType, _ThirdType]:
    Maps a function over a container.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods.alt import alt
      >>> from returns.result import Failure, Success

      >>> def example(argument: int) -> int:
      ...     return argument + 1

      >>> assert alt(Success(1), example) == Success(1)
      >>> assert alt(Failure(1), example) == Failure(2)

    Note, that this function works for all containers with ``.alt`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.altable.AltableN` for more info.

    return container.alt(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_alt`, use it to infer real return type.
alt = kinded(internal_alt)
Exemple #13
    It returns ``KindN[]`` instance, not a real type.

    If you wish to use the user-facing ``map``
    that infers the return type correctly,
    use :func:`~map_` function instead.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods.map import internal_map, map_
      >>> from returns.maybe import Some, Nothing

      >>> def example(argument: int) -> int:
      ...     return argument + 1

      >>> bound = map_(Some(1), example)
      >>> assert bound == internal_map(Some(1), example) == Some(2)

      >>> bound = map_(Nothing, example)
      >>> assert bound == internal_map(Nothing, example) == Nothing

    Note, that this function works for all containers with ``.map`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.mappable.MappableN` for more info.

    new_instance, rebound = debound(container)
    return rebound(new_instance.map(function))

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_map`, use it to infer real return type.
map_ = kinded(internal_map)
Exemple #14
) -> KindN[_FutureKind, _UpdatedType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]:
    Bind an async function over a container.

    .. code:: python

      >>> import anyio
      >>> from returns.methods import bind_async
      >>> from returns.future import Future
      >>> from returns.io import IO

      >>> async def example(argument: int) -> Future[int]:
      ...     return Future.from_value(argument + 1)

      >>> assert anyio.run(
      ...     bind_async(Future.from_value(1), example).awaitable,
      ... ) == IO(2)

    Note, that this function works
    for all containers with ``.bind_async`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.specific.future.FutureLikeN`
    for more info.

    return container.bind_async(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_bind_async`,
#: use it to infer real return type.
bind_async = kinded(internal_bind_async)
Exemple #15

def internal_bind(
    container: KindN[_BindableKind, _FirstType, _SecondType, _ThirdType],
    function: Callable[[_FirstType], KindN[_BindableKind, _UpdatedType,
                                           _SecondType, _ThirdType], ],
) -> KindN[_BindableKind, _UpdatedType, _SecondType, _ThirdType]:
    Bind a function over a container.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods import bind
      >>> from returns.maybe import Maybe, Some, Nothing

      >>> def example(argument: int) -> Maybe[int]:
      ...     return Some(argument + 1)

      >>> assert bind(Some(1), example) == Some(2)
      >>> assert bind(Nothing, example) == Nothing

    Note, that this function works for all containers with ``.bind`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.bindable.BindableN` for more info.

    return container.bind(function)

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_bind`, use it to infer real return type.
bind = kinded(internal_bind)
Exemple #16
    If you wish to use the user-facing ``bind_result``
    that infers the return type correctly,
    use :func:`~bind_result` function instead.

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods.bind_result import bind_result
      >>> from returns.result import Result, Success
      >>> from returns.io import IOSuccess, IOFailure

      >>> def example(argument: int) -> Result[int, str]:
      ...     return Success(argument + 1)

      >>> assert bind_result(IOSuccess(1), example) == IOSuccess(2)
      >>> assert bind_result(IOFailure('a'), example) == IOFailure('a')

    Note, that this function works
    for all containers with ``.bind_result`` method.
    See :class:`returns.primitives.interfaces.specific.result.ResultBasedN`
    for more info.

    new_instance, rebound = debound(container)
    return rebound(new_instance.bind_result(function))

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_bind_result`,
#: use it to infer real return type.
bind_result = kinded(internal_bind_result)
Exemple #17
      >>> swapped: IOResult[str, int] = swap(container)
      >>> assert swapped == IOFailure(1)

      >>> container: IOResult[int, str] = IOFailure('error')
      >>> assert swap(container) == IOSuccess('error')

    And here's how you can handle errors easily:

    .. code:: python

      >>> from returns.methods import swap
      >>> from returns.io import IOResult, IOSuccess
      >>> from returns.result import Result, Success

      >>> def function(error: str) -> Result[str, int]:
      ...     return Success('Very bad error: ' + error)

      >>> container: IOResult[int, str] = IOFailure('boom')
      >>> # You cannot `.rescue_result`, but you can `.bind_result` instead!
      >>> assert swap(
      ...     swap(container).bind_result(function),
      ... ) == IOFailure('Very bad error: boom')

    This method supports all ``ResultLikeN`` containers.
    return container.swap()

#: Kinded version of :func:`~internal_swap`, use it to infer real return type.
swap = kinded(internal_swap)