Exemple #1
    def test_init_with_p4_host(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool.__init__ with p4_host"""
        self.repository.extra_data['p4_host'] = 'test-host'

        tool = PerforceTool(self.repository)
        self.assertIsInstance(tool.client.p4host, six.text_type)
        self.assertEqual(tool.client.p4host, 'test-host')
    def test_init_with_p4_client(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool.__init__ with p4_client"""
        self.repository.extra_data['p4_client'] = 'test-client'

        tool = PerforceTool(self.repository)
        self.assertIsInstance(tool.client.client_name, str)
        self.assertEqual(tool.client.client_name, 'test-client')
Exemple #3
    def test_connect_sets_optional_client_args(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool.connect sets optional client args"""
            'use_ticket_auth': True,
            'p4_client': 'test-client',
            'p4_host': 'test-host',

        tool = PerforceTool(self.repository)
        p4 = DummyP4()
        client = tool.client
        client.p4 = p4

        self.spy_on(client.check_refresh_ticket, call_original=False)

        # Note that P4 will use the native string type on each major version
        # of Python. We want to sanity-check that here.
        with client.connect():
            self.assertIsInstance(p4.client, str)
            self.assertEqual(p4.client, 'test-client')

            self.assertIsInstance(p4.host, str)
            self.assertEqual(p4.host, 'test-host')

            self.assertIsInstance(p4.ticket_file, str)
                p4.ticket_file.endswith(os.path.join('data', 'p4',
    def test_run_worker_with_unverified_cert_new(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool.run_worker with new unverified certificate"""
        self.repository.path = 'p4.example.com:1666'

        tool = PerforceTool(self.repository)
        p4 = DummyP4()
        client = tool.client
        client.p4 = p4

        fingerprint = \

        err_msg = (
            "The authenticity of '' can't be established,\\n"
            "this may be your first attempt to connect to this P4PORT.\\n"
            "The fingerprint for the key sent to your client is\\n"
            "To allow connection use the 'p4 trust' command.\\n"
            % fingerprint

        expected_msg = (
            'The SSL certificate for this repository (hostname '
            '"p4.example.com:1666", fingerprint "%s") was not verified and '
            'might not be safe. This certificate needs to be verified before '
            'the repository can be accessed.'
            % fingerprint

        with self.assertRaisesMessage(UnverifiedCertificateError,
            with client.run_worker():
                raise P4Exception(err_msg)
    def test_run_worker_with_unverified_cert_changed_error(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool.run_worker with unverified certificate and
        cert changed error
        self.repository.path = 'p4.example.com:1666'

        tool = PerforceTool(self.repository)
        p4 = DummyP4()
        client = tool.client
        client.p4 = p4

        fingerprint = \

        err_msg = (
            "******* WARNING P4PORT IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! *******\\n"
            "It is possible that someone is intercepting your connection\\n"
            "to the Perforce P4PORT ''\\n"
            "If this is not a scheduled key change, then you should contact\\n"
            "your Perforce administrator.\\n"
            "The fingerprint for the mismatched key sent to your client is\\n"
            "To allow connection use the 'p4 trust' command.\n" % fingerprint)

        expected_msg = (
            'The SSL certificate for this repository (hostname '
            '"p4.example.com:1666", fingerprint "%s") was not verified and '
            'might not be safe. This certificate needs to be verified before '
            'the repository can be accessed.' % fingerprint)

        with self.assertRaisesMessage(UnverifiedCertificateError,
            with client.run_worker():
                raise P4Exception(err_msg)
    def test_fields(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool authentication form fields"""
        form = PerforceTool.create_auth_form()

        self.assertEqual(list(form.fields), ['username', 'password'])
        self.assertEqual(form['username'].help_text, '')
        self.assertEqual(form['username'].label, 'Username')
        self.assertEqual(form['password'].help_text, '')
        self.assertEqual(form['password'].label, 'Password')
    def test_load(self):
        """Tetting PerforceTool authentication form load"""
        repository = self.create_repository(tool_name='Perforce',

        form = PerforceTool.create_auth_form(repository=repository)

        self.assertEqual(form['username'].value(), 'test-user')
        self.assertEqual(form['password'].value(), 'test-pass')
    def test_save(self):
        """Tetting PerforceTool authentication form save"""
        repository = self.create_repository(tool_name='Perforce')

        form = PerforceTool.create_auth_form(repository=repository,
                                                 'username': '******',
                                                 'password': '******',

        self.assertEqual(repository.username, 'test-user')
        self.assertEqual(repository.password, 'test-pass')
    def test_load(self):
        """Tetting PerforceTool repository form load"""
        repository = self.create_repository(
                'use_ticket_auth': True,

        form = PerforceTool.create_repository_form(repository=repository)

        self.assertEqual(form['path'].value(), 'example.com:123/cvsroot/test')
    def test_save(self):
        """Tetting PerforceTool repository form save"""
        repository = self.create_repository(tool_name='Perforce')

        form = PerforceTool.create_repository_form(
                'path': 'ssl:perforce.example.com:1666',
                'mirror_path': 'mirror.example.com:1666',
                'use_ticket_auth': True,

        self.assertEqual(repository.path, 'ssl:perforce.example.com:1666')
        self.assertEqual(repository.mirror_path, 'mirror.example.com:1666')
Exemple #11
    def test_fields(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool repository form fields"""
        form = PerforceTool.create_repository_form()

                         ['path', 'mirror_path', 'use_ticket_auth'])
                         'The Perforce port identifier (P4PORT) for the '
                         'repository. If your server is set up to use SSL '
                         '(2012.1+), prefix the port with "ssl:". If your '
                         'server connection is secured with stunnel (2011.x '
                         'or older), prefix the port with "stunnel:".')
        self.assertEqual(form['path'].label, 'Path')
        self.assertEqual(form['mirror_path'].help_text, '')
        self.assertEqual(form['mirror_path'].label, 'Mirror Path')
        self.assertEqual(form['use_ticket_auth'].help_text, '')
                         'Use ticket-based authentication')
Exemple #12
    def test_connect_sets_required_client_args(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool.connect sets required client args"""
        self.repository.username = '******'
        self.repository.password = '******'
        self.repository.encoding = 'utf8'
        self.repository.extra_data['use_ticket_auth'] = False

        tool = PerforceTool(self.repository)
        p4 = DummyP4()
        client = tool.client
        client.p4 = p4

        # Note that P4 will use the native string type on each major version
        # of Python. We want to sanity-check that here.
        with client.connect():
            self.assertEqual(p4.exception_level, 1)

            self.assertIsInstance(p4.user, str)
            self.assertEqual(p4.user, 'test-user')

            self.assertIsInstance(p4.password, str)
            self.assertEqual(p4.password, 'test-pass')

            self.assertIsInstance(p4.charset, str)
            self.assertEqual(p4.charset, 'utf8')

            self.assertIsInstance(p4.port, str)
            self.assertEqual(p4.port, 'public.perforce.com:1666')

            # Perforce will set a default for the host and client. They'll
            # be the same. We don't care what they are, just that they're
            # equal and of the right string type, and not "none".
            self.assertIsInstance(p4.host, str)
            self.assertIsInstance(p4.client, str)
            self.assertEqual(p4.host.split('.')[0], p4.client)
            self.assertNotEqual(p4.client.lower(), 'none')

            # Perforce will set the ticket file to be in the user's home
            # directory. We don't care about the exact contents, and will
            # just look at the filename.
            self.assertIsInstance(p4.ticket_file, str)
    def parse_change_desc(changedesc, changenum):
        changeset = PerforceTool.parse_change_desc(changedesc, changenum)

        if not changeset:
            return None

        # VMware's perforce changeset template is just the basic perforce one
        # with a bunch of extra fields at the end of the description.  We
        # leave the summary and file list as-is, and process the description
        # field to populate a couple more members of the ChangeSet object and
        # remove a lot of stuff that reviewers don't care about.
        sections = ['QA Notes:',
                    'Testing Done:',
                    'Documentation Notes:',
                    'Bug Number:',
                    'Reviewed by:',
                    'Approved by:',
                    'Breaks vmcore compatibility:',
                    'Breaks vmkernel compatibility:',
                    'Breaks vmkdrivers compatibility:',
                    'Merge to:']

        lines = changeset.description.split('\n')

        # First we go through and find the line numbers that start each section.
        # We then sort these line numbers so we can slice out each individual
        # section of text.
        locations = {}
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            for section in sections:
                if line.startswith(section):
                    locations[i] = section
        section_indices = sorted(locations.keys())

        # Pull the branch name out of the file list
        branches = []
        for file in changeset.files:
                branch = file.split('/')[4]
                if branch not in branches:
            except IndexError:
        branch = ', '.join(branches)

            # The interesting part of the description field contains everything up
            # to the first marked section.
            changeset.description = '\n'.join(lines[:section_indices[0]])
        except IndexError:
            # If none of the sections exist, just return the changeset as-is
            return changeset

        # Now pull out each individual section.  This gives us a dictionary
        # mapping section name to a string.  We special-case "Merge to:" in
        # here, since it can appear multiple times.
        sections = {}
        branches = [branch]
        for start, end in zip(section_indices, section_indices[:1]):
            name = locations[start]
            if name == 'Merge to:':
                # Include merge information in the branch field
                m = re.match(r'Merge to: (?P<branch>[\w\-]+): (?P<type>[A-Z]+)',
                if m:
                    if m.group('type') == 'YES':
                    elif m.group('type') == 'MANUAL':
                        branches.append(m.group('branch') + ' (manual)')

                sections[name] = '\n'.join(lines[start:end])[len(name):].strip()

        changeset.branch = ' \u2192 '.join(branches)

        changeset.testing_done = sections.get('Testing Done:')

            changeset.bugs_closed = re.split(r"[, ]+", sections['Bug Number:'])
        except KeyError:

        return changeset
Exemple #14
    def parse_change_desc(changedesc, changenum):
        changeset = PerforceTool.parse_change_desc(changedesc, changenum)

        if not changeset:
            return None

        # VMware's perforce changeset template is just the basic perforce one
        # with a bunch of extra fields at the end of the description.  We
        # leave the summary and file list as-is, and process the description
        # field to populate a couple more members of the ChangeSet object and
        # remove a lot of stuff that reviewers don't care about.
        sections = ['QA Notes:',
                    'Testing Done:',
                    'Documentation Notes:',
                    'Bug Number:',
                    'Reviewed by:',
                    'Approved by:',
                    'Breaks vmcore compatibility:',
                    'Breaks vmkernel compatibility:',
                    'Breaks vmkdrivers compatibility:',
                    'Merge to:']

        lines = changeset.description.split('\n')

        # First we go through and find the line numbers that start each
        # section. We then sort these line numbers so we can slice out
        # each individual section of text.
        locations = {}
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            for section in sections:
                if line.startswith(section):
                    locations[i] = section
        section_indices = sorted(locations.keys())

        # Pull the branch name out of the file list
        branches = []
        for file in changeset.files:
                branch = file.split('/')[4]
                if branch not in branches:
            except IndexError:
        branch = ', '.join(branches)

            # The interesting part of the description field contains everything
            # up to the first marked section.
            changeset.description = '\n'.join(lines[:section_indices[0]])
        except IndexError:
            # If none of the sections exist, just return the changeset as-is
            return changeset

        # Now pull out each individual section.  This gives us a dictionary
        # mapping section name to a string.  We special-case "Merge to:" in
        # here, since it can appear multiple times.
        sections = {}
        branches = [branch]
        for start, end in zip(section_indices, section_indices[:1]):
            name = locations[start]
            if name == 'Merge to:':
                # Include merge information in the branch field
                m = re.match(
                    r'Merge to: (?P<branch>[\w\-]+): (?P<type>[A-Z]+)',
                if m:
                    if m.group('type') == 'YES':
                    elif m.group('type') == 'MANUAL':
                        branches.append(m.group('branch') + ' (manual)')

                sections[name] = \

        changeset.branch = ' \u2192 '.join(branches)

        changeset.testing_done = sections.get('Testing Done:')

            changeset.bugs_closed = re.split(r"[, ]+", sections['Bug Number:'])
        except KeyError:

        return changeset
Exemple #15
    def test_init_with_p4_host_none(self):
        """Testing PerforceTool.__init__ with p4_host=None"""
        self.repository.extra_data['p4_host'] = None

        tool = PerforceTool(self.repository)