Exemple #1
    def _check_can_test_ssh(self):
        """Check whether SSH-based tests can be run.

        This will check if the user's SSH keys are authorized by the local
        machine for authentication, and whether any system-wide tools are

        If SSH-based tests cannot be run, the current test will be flagged
        as skipped.
        # These tests are global across all unit tests using this class.
        if SCMTestCase._can_test_ssh is None:
            SCMTestCase.ssh_client = SSHClient()
            key = self.ssh_client.get_user_key()
            SCMTestCase._can_test_ssh = (
                key is not None and self.ssh_client.is_key_authorized(key))

        if not SCMTestCase._can_test_ssh:
            raise SkipTest(
                "Cannot perform SSH access tests. The local user's SSH "
                "public key must be in the %s file and SSH must be enabled." %

        # These tests are local to all unit tests using the same executable.
        system_exes = self.ssh_required_system_exes

        if system_exes:
            user_key = SCMTestCase.ssh_client.get_user_key()

            exes_to_check = (set(system_exes) -

            for system_exe in exes_to_check:
                # For safety, we'll do one connection per check, to avoid
                # one check impacting another.
                client = SSHClient()
                client.connect('localhost', pkey=user_key)

                    stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('which %s' %

                    # It's important to read all stdout/stderr data before
                    # waiting for status.
                    code = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()

                    status = (code == 0)
                except Exception as e:
                        'Unexpected error running `which %s` on '
                        'localhost for SSH test: %s', system_exe, e)
                    status = False

                SCMTestCase._ssh_system_exe_status[system_exe] = status

            missing_exes = ', '.join(
                '"%s"' % _system_exe for _system_exe in system_exes
                if not SCMTestCase._ssh_system_exe_status[_system_exe])

            if missing_exes:
                raise SkipTest(
                    'Cannot perform SSH access tests. %s must be '
                    'available in the system path when executing '
                    'commands locally over SSH. You may need to install the '
                    'tool or make sure that the correct directory is in '
                    '~/.zshenv, ~/.profile, or another suitable file used '
                    'in non-interactive sessions.' % missing_exes)