def test_listing_available_packs(self): pack_parameters = [{ 'name': 'Buy Me Pack', 'cost': 100, 'description': 'For testing', 'slot1': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot2': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot3': [0, 1, 0, 0], 'slot4': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'slot5': [0, 0, 0, 1], }, { 'name': 'Other Pack', 'cost': 1000, 'description': 'For testing', 'slot1': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot2': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot3': [0, 1, 0, 0], 'slot4': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'slot5': [0, 0, 0, 1], }] with MockConfigContext( self, packs=pack_parameters ) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() result = self.RUNNER.invoke(packs, ['list']) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) print(result.output) self.assertTrue('AVAILABLE PACKS' in result.output) self.assertTrue('Buy Me Pack' in result.output) self.assertTrue('Other Pack' in result.output)
def test_buying_without_gold_not_working(self): pack_parameters = [{ 'name': 'Buy Me Pack', 'cost': 100, 'description': 'For testing', 'slot1': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot2': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot3': [0, 1, 0, 0], 'slot4': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'slot5': [0, 0, 0, 1], }] with MockConfigContext( self, packs=pack_parameters ) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() # If the user does not have gold, the buying process should not work, instead the permission denied # template is to be used. self.assertEqual(, 0) self.RUNNER.invoke(login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) result = self.RUNNER.invoke(packs, ['buy', 'Buy Me Pack']) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1) self.assertTrue('YOU CANNOT BUY THAT' in result.output)
def test_recycle_reward(self): reward_parameters = [ { 'name': 'Gold Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'common', 'effect': 'gold(100)', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }, ] with MockConfigContext( self, rewards=reward_parameters ) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() facade.user_add_dust(user_context.username, 100) facade.user_buy_reward(user_context.username, 'Gold Reward') self.RUNNER.invoke(login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) result = self.RUNNER.invoke(rewards, ['recycle', 'Gold Reward']) user_context.update() self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertIn('REWARD RECYCLED', result.output) self.assertEqual(user_context.user.dust, 100)
def test_mock_config_context_manager(self): with MockConfigContext(self, mock_users=["Jonas", "Joana"]) as mock_context: self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.FOLDER_PATH)) config_file_path = os.path.join(self.FOLDER_PATH, '') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(config_file_path)) self.assertTrue(len(mock_context.users), 2)
def test_creation_of_file_working(self): with MockConfigContext(self) as mock_context: credentials: UserCredentials = UserCredentials.instance() credentials.load() self.assertEqual(mock_context.credentials, credentials) self.assertTrue(credentials.is_default()) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(credentials.get_path()))
def test_user_password_incorrect(self): with MockConfigContext( self) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: result = self.RUNNER.invoke( login, [user_context.username, "Wrong password"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1) self.assertTrue('AUTHENTICATION FAILURE' in result.output) self.assertTrue('PASSWORD' in result.output)
def test_opening_multiple_packs_at_once(self): pack_parameters = [{ 'name': 'Buy Me Pack', 'cost': 100, 'description': 'For testing', 'slot1': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot2': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot3': [0, 1, 0, 0], 'slot4': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'slot5': [0, 0, 0, 1], }] # Since the pack is configured in a way, that it will return at least one reward of each rarity, rewards with # these rarities HAVE TO EXIST reward_parameters = [{ 'name': 'Common Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'common', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }, { 'name': 'Uncommon Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'uncommon', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }, { 'name': 'Rare Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'rare', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }, { 'name': 'Legendary Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'legendary', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }] with MockConfigContext(self, packs=pack_parameters, rewards=reward_parameters) as mock_context, \ StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() facade.user_add_gold(user_context.username, 200) facade.user_buy_pack(user_context.username, 'Buy Me Pack') facade.user_buy_pack(user_context.username, 'Buy Me Pack') self.RUNNER.invoke(login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) result = self.RUNNER.invoke(packs, ['open', '--all', 'Buy Me Pack']) user_context.update() self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertEqual(len(user_context.user.packs), 0) self.assertEqual(len(user_context.user.rewards), 10) self.assertTrue('PACK OPENING' in result.output)
def test_empty_inventory_working(self): with MockConfigContext( self) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: self.RUNNER.invoke(login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) result = self.RUNNER.invoke(inventory) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertIn('YOUR INVENTORY', result.output)
def test_user_credentials_saved_correctly(self): with MockConfigContext( self) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: credentials: UserCredentials = UserCredentials.instance() result = self.RUNNER.invoke( login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertTrue('USER AUTHENTICATED' in result.output) self.assertEqual(user_context.username, credentials['username'])
def test_saving_new_credentials(self): with MockConfigContext(self) as mock_context: credentials: UserCredentials = UserCredentials.instance()'Jonas', 'secret') credentials.load() self.assertTrue(credentials.exists()) self.assertEqual(credentials['username'], 'Jonas') self.assertEqual(credentials['password'], 'secret') self.assertFalse(credentials.is_default())
def test_create_user(self): with MockConfigContext(self) as mock_context: username = '******' password = '******' facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() self.assertFalse(facade.exists_user(username)) result = self.RUNNER.invoke(users, ['create', username, password]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertIn('USER CREATED', result.output) self.assertTrue(facade.exists_user(username))
def test_using_single_reward(self): with MockConfigContext( self) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() facade.user_add_dust(user_context.username, 100) facade.user_buy_reward(user_context.username, 'Standard Reward') user_context.update() self.assertEqual(len(user_context.user.rewards), 1) self.RUNNER.invoke(login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) result = self.RUNNER.invoke(rewards, ['use', 'Standard Reward']) print(result.output) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertIn('REWARD USED', result.output)
def test_buying_rewards_works(self): with MockConfigContext( self) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() credentials: UserCredentials = UserCredentials.instance() self.assertEqual(len(user_context.user.rewards), 0) facade.user_add_dust(user_context.username, 100) self.RUNNER.invoke(login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) result = self.RUNNER.invoke(rewards, ['buy', 'Standard Reward']) user_context.update() self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertIn('REWARD PURCHASE COMPLETED', result.output) self.assertEqual(user_context.user.dust, 0) self.assertEqual(len(user_context.user.rewards), 1)
def test_buy_pack_working(self): pack_parameters = [{ 'name': 'Buy Me Pack', 'cost': 100, 'description': 'For testing', 'slot1': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot2': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot3': [0, 1, 0, 0], 'slot4': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'slot5': [0, 0, 0, 1], }] with MockConfigContext( self, packs=pack_parameters ) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() credentials: UserCredentials = UserCredentials.instance() self.assertEqual(len(user_context.user.packs), 0) self.assertEqual(, 0) # After adding the necessary gold to the user, the buying operation should succeed, which means a success # exit code and the corresponding template being used facade.user_add_gold(user_context.username, 100) # First we need to login the user and then we double check if the new credentials are actually saved into # the credentials object self.RUNNER.invoke(login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) self.assertEqual(credentials['username'], user_context.username) result = self.RUNNER.invoke(packs, ['buy', 'Buy Me Pack']) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertTrue('PACK PURCHASE COMPLETED' in result.output) # If the pack purchase has worked, the user now has one pack more and no gold anymore user_context.update() self.assertEqual(len(user_context.user.packs), 1) self.assertEqual(, 0)
def test_listing_rewards(self): reward_parameters = [{ 'name': 'Common Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'common', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }, { 'name': 'Uncommon Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'uncommon', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }, { 'name': 'Rare Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'rare', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }, { 'name': 'Legendary Reward', 'description': 'for testing', 'rarity': 'legendary', 'cost': 100, 'recycle': 100 }] with MockConfigContext( self, rewards=reward_parameters ) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() result = self.RUNNER.invoke(rewards, ['list']) print(result.output) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertIn('AVAILABLE REWARDS', result.output) self.assertIn('Common Reward', result.output)
def test_login_required_decorator_working(self): pack_parameters = [{ 'name': 'Buy Me Pack', 'cost': 100, 'description': 'For testing', 'slot1': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot2': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'slot3': [0, 1, 0, 0], 'slot4': [0, 0, 1, 0], 'slot5': [0, 0, 0, 1], }] with MockConfigContext( self, packs=pack_parameters ) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() # Here we are invoking the buy command, without logging in a user first. The buy command is decorated with # the "login_required" decorator, which should make this command fail, even though the input is correct result = self.RUNNER.invoke(packs, ['buy', 'Buy Me Pack']) print(mock_context.credentials['username']) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1) self.assertTrue('AUTHENTICATION FAILURE' in result.output)
def test_populated_inventory_working(self): with MockConfigContext( self) as mock_context, StandardUserContext() as user_context: self.RUNNER.invoke(login, [user_context.username, user_context.password]) facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() facade.user_add_gold(user_context.username, 2000) facade.user_add_dust(user_context.username, 2000) facade.user_buy_pack(user_context.username, 'Standard Pack') facade.user_buy_pack(user_context.username, 'Standard Pack') facade.user_buy_reward(user_context.username, 'Standard Reward') result = self.RUNNER.invoke(inventory) print(result.output) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) self.assertIn('YOUR INVENTORY', result.output) self.assertIn('Standard Pack', result.output)
def test_user_and_config_manager_together(self): with StandardUserContext() as user_context, MockConfigContext( self) as mock_context: facade: Rewardify = Rewardify.instance() self.assertTrue(facade.exists_user(user_context.username))
def test_user_not_exists(self): with MockConfigContext(self) as mock_context: result = self.RUNNER.invoke(login, ['Jonas', 'secret']) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1) self.assertTrue('AUTHENTICATION FAILURE' in result.output)
def test_generally_working(self): with MockConfigContext(self) as mock_context: result = self.RUNNER.invoke(login, ['Jonas', 'secret']) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1)